Chapter Fifty-Four: Struck Again...

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"Okay, I'll come get ye' in-between classes. Deal?" Brian bargained. I sighed with a nod as we walked forward. Moo muttered something about getting a door before air conditioning hit me in the face.

"Oh yeah, and the guys might be a bit pissed at me since I didn't let them in ta' see ye'." I looked to my right, where his voice came from, and raised a questioning brow.

"Why didn't ye'?" I asked. I felt him shrug his shoulders.

"I didn't want them ta' cause ye' stress while ye' were healin'. Ye' scared us when yer heart rate went up when they fought the first time."

"Ye' thought YOU were scared? I thought they were gonna beat each other ta' a pulp!" I told him, facing forwards again. The two laughed before we heard Brian's name called. I was pulled behind two people, assumingly the two I had been walking with.

"Brian! What's up man?" Marcel called. The sounds of more people emerging into the hallway from a classroom sounded.

"Ey guys. Ye' still mad?" He asked hesitantly in front of me.

"Nah we understand. By the way, how is she?" Evan asked.

"Well, just don't get too close and don't bombard 'er."

"What're ye' talkin' 'bout?" Nogla asked. I felt Brian move from in front of me and back to beside me. He held my hand. Moo left my range of knowing. Gasps sounded from in front of us. I frowned and squeezed Brian's hand.

"Sh-Shona, you okay?" CartoonZ stuttered. I nodded and kept my head down.

"I-I'm sorry 'b-'bout the fight between y-ye' and the g-guys..."

"Shona, we're not-"

"Back up, Evan."

"Okay, there's a fucking extent to being protective, Brian." Wildcat explained from further away than Evan's voice which seemed just in front of me.

"Not when yer all hot heads that can't keep the peace when I'm not around!" I squeezed his hand and he sighed.

"I'm sorry. I just don't want 'er hurt anymore."

"We get it, man," Delirious announced, coming closer to the right of us. "And hey, we won't be letting anyone near her today either." There was a chorus of agreements in front of us.

"Oh, and the other three are waiting inside if you wanna see them," Mini told us. He didn't sound as mad as the others did.

"Let's just head in." I nodded, agreeing with Brian. We walked forward before turning and being met with gasps and feminine cries of terror.

"Oh. My. God. Who did that?" Ge asked. An 'Ow' came from her a moment later, silence following.

"Kiddo..." Joe's voice hung in the air and dragged out as if he wanted to say more but didn't have the energy.

"What the fuck happened to Shona?" The teacher asked. He sounded horrified.

"She doesn't wanna talk about it," Moo answered for us. I nodded a thank you in the direction his voice came from.

"Well, the class is almost over, but she can sit down if she wants."

"It beats being the only ones standing," I chuckled out. Brian directed me back to our seats.

"Hey girly?" Luce called from just above me. "I'm sorry. Kid. It's Kid, isn't it?" I slowly nodded.

"Thought so."

"Get to the fucking point. If you're here to harass her, go the fuck away." Wildcat cursed towards her.

"I just wanted to come say... I'm sorry this happened. People are terrible and seeing you like this makes us feel like jerks." I looked up to the sound of her sad voice.

"Forgive us and be friends?" She requested. I hung my head down again.

"F'ergiveness is hard ta' come by; friendship is even harder. I'll try ta' f'ergive and f'erget." A squeal came from above me, making me cringe. Her squeal seemed to get lower in volume as I looked to my left, confused.

"Are ye' sure that was the right choice?" Brian asked from the direction I was facing. I shrugged.

"No. Not sure of anythin'. But everyone deserves a second chance, right?"

"Well if those bitches try to double cross you we're gonna beat their asses," Evan claimed. I chuckled.

"Actually, ye' better not. They'd probably like that," I corrected him, wiggling my eyebrows. All the guys erupted into laughter, all but Joe and Ivan.

"Hanby?" The principle's voice called from the front of the room.

"Yes sir?" Brian and I answered in unison.

"Can you two please come with me?" I started to stand before someone set their hand on my arm.

"Wait, we don't want t'em goin' anywhere wit' out us," Joe's voice called to the principle.

"I understand. Two of you can come with them if you wish."

"Mack, ye' go," Joe ordered.

"Mini, you go too," CartoonZ told him.

"Alright, let's go," Brian said. I nodded towards his voice and stood up. I felt along the desks to help me to the front of the room where Brian met me. He came to my right and grabbed my hand, leading me out. We walked down the hall a little ways before coming to a halt.

"So, I would like to know how this happened."

"Sir, she doesn't really like thinking about it," Mini answered.

"I understand, but it might help getting some classes moved around and she will be away from them." He did have a point. Silence passed for a little while.

"We were in the park. The guys were goofing off and rough housing around. Someone came up behind me and took me into the city. I..." I shook my head. "He hid us in an alleyway before Dick cut down along my arm. Then, him and his friend that took me, hit me with a metal pipe and left me there to bleed," I finished, holding out my wrapped right arm.

"Where all did he hit you?" I pointed to my left, broken arm, my sides, and my stomach. I let my arm fall back to its side.

"Did you get the name of the boy that helped Dick?"

"It was that damn Paun. He was the one that gave her arms and eye bruises before, too." Mini answered for me. His voice was filled with just as much anger as when he plays Mario Kart, but this sounded more... serious.

"We'll keep a close eye on those two, and anyone else who might be a concern." I nod and 'thank you's came from the boys as footsteps started away from us.

"C'mon. Let's go on back." Brian said before someone put their arm around my shoulders. I heard Mini and Brian talking ahead, so I could tell I was with Mack.

"I'm sorry all this happened, kid," Mack apologized. No. I shake my head.

"Don't be. It's all my fault. If I would've just stood up for myself or just not even been born, none of this-"

"Damn it, Shona. Stop it. Ye' always do t'is. It's not yer fault. It's never been. Don't ye' dare say it is. Ye've never done anyt'in' ta' anyone else. Ye've always helped people and we love ye' f'er it. It's t'at dick head t'at hurt ye'. It's his fault. He's t'eh one t'at's responsible f'er all t'is." I sighed. If only Mack knew... I just nodded, keeping my head low in shame. The fuck up has struck again.

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