Chapter 2 Wearing and Bearing the Crown

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"Milady! Is everything alright?" Marybeth, Rosaline's handmaid found her in her room, weeping against the window. Rosaline turned to her in distress.

"Oh, Marybeth! I tire of men discarding my opinions and cutting me off from state affairs, overruling me with their—presumptuousness! It is suffocating enough trying to deal with a council full of misogynists, it is harder having to do so alone!" She broke down and sank to her knees. Marybeth rushed to her side to comfort her.

"I'm so sorry for your troubles, milady, but—wouldn't getting engaged tomorrow ease that burden?" Marybeth asked tentatively. Before Rosaline could respond, there was a knock at the door and someone entered.

"Your Highness," Rowaine greeted Rosaline stiffly. His eyes fell on Marybeth.

"Leave us." Marybeth withdrew although she glanced at her mistress with anxiety. Rowaine shut the door after her, turning to Rosaline.

"You will do well to remember your place, Princess," he addressed in a hard voice. "This isn't a weak woman's fight. Trying to empty your bread baskets will not fill the coffers."

"Not doing so will fill your pockets," Rosaline returned bitterly. Rowaine's nostrils flared.

"I have been tolerant for a long time, Princess. After we are engaged tomorrow, I will expect better. As your future husband and king—"

"What makes you think I would marry you?" Rosaline stood up, glaring at Rowaine.

"Without me, this kingdom would fall apart," Rowaine replied menacingly. "Without my guidance, we'd have caved to war a long time ago. Trading with Schonwen will secure them are our allies and not enemies our outnumbered army is not fit to fight against."

"Without you, my kingdom wouldn't be starving!" Rosaline vociferated. "Marrying you is the last thing I'd do, it would be signing my people's death warrants!" Rowaine lost his patience and strode to her in two steps, gripping her arm like iron.

"Have you forgotten who's kept your kingdom financially afloat?" He thundered at her. "No one is fit to run this kingdom but me! You think you can do it alone?" He grabbed her chin roughly, tilting her head back. "By tomorrow, you will be my fiancee or face the consequences."

"I'd rather die than be shackled to you!" Rosaline gasped, pulling away from him. Rowaine exhaled heavily, his eyes piercing her.

"If that's how you feel—very well. I'll see if you do not change your mind by tomorrow. Know this, Princess. No one in the royal council will let you take the throne without a husband, birthright be damned. And no one will have you as a wife as long as I'm alive." He marched out with that, his words ringing painfully in Rosaline's ears. She staggered back in despair. She needed help, desperately. Whether by a prophecy or a miracle she didn't know—at this point, only either could save her and her people.


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