Chapter 3 Runaway Royal

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"I need some air." Rosaline didn't know what she was going to do; she simply wanted to get out. The burden of being the last of her bloodline weighed heavily on her shoulders and she wanted respite if only for a few hours. She decided to leave the castle.

"But it's dangerous, milady! Going out in the woods all by yourself, no guard nor escort?" Marybeth fretted for her mistress's safety while helping her into her cloak.

"Mother has roamed those woods for years, I shall be as safe as she was." Rosaline insisted. "I cannot breathe in here a moment longer, Marybeth. Please." Marybeth sighed.

"Do be careful, milady." She hugged her mistress, their friendship a deeper bond than her servitude. Rosaline assured her she would be and snuck out of the castle through the servant's quarters so as to not be seen. Terance, the stable boy had saddled her horse Jewel and had her ready and waiting by the back gate.

"Thank you, Terance," Rosaline told him, taking the reigns from him. "Breathe not a word of this to anyone."

"You can trust me, milady," the lad saluted her. Rosaline nodded and rode out, galloping to her freedom. But someone had seen her go, someone who had been watching her since she left her room.

"It appears you have yet to learn your place, Princess."


Rosaline rode through Arcacia woods, the favorite nestled haven the royal family had sought refuge in for centuries. Once she was surrounded by nothing but silence, she slowed down to a trot, inhaling the breath of the foliage.

"Isn't that invigorating, Jewel?" She asked her companion who neighed in agreement. She closed her eyes and got down, letting her worrisome thoughts dissipate. She had just begun to unwind when a rustling sound made her look up. Was it a woodland animal? It sounded quite large...

The rustling grew louder and suddenly Rosaline felt fearful. It felt as though something was closing in on her—

"Well, well. Look who's far from home." A man dressed utterly in black with a cape and bycocket hat stepped through the trees. Rosaline gasped. Within seconds, four more men appeared, all dressed the same. They sneered at her.

"All alone, and unprotected. What a prize for us."

"Who are you, what do you want?!" Rosaline gasped, backing away from them in fright. She wished she could run but the men had boxed her in and she couldn't leave Jewel behind.

"Some call us mercenaries. Others assassins. But we are simply men who get the job done." The vileness in the men's eyes filled Rosaline with dread.

"How much would the kingdom pay for their princess?" The first man taunted her.

"How much for a dead princess?" Another man jeered. He pulled out a crossbow and aimed it straight at Rosaline. She cried out.

"No, please!" The first man stepped forward, catching her by the throat, nearly strangling her.

"Perhaps we should have our fun with you first before taking your life," he suggested darkly. Gasping for air and trying to break free, tears fell from Rosaline's eyes. Was this how it ended for her? Defilement and death at the hands of mercenaries?

Suddenly, an arrow shot through the trees, right into the heart of the man strangling her. He released her and fell to the ground, dead. Rosaline looked shocked but felt relieved. Perhaps there was a guardian angel sent to save her after all.


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