Chapter 5 Is it Him or Me?

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      The next day,  Luka  sees Marinette in the park.  He sits down next to her as she sketches.  He smiles at her.  He thinks, does she really care for someone new?   Who?   It is not like she has that many people in her life anyways.  

        "Hey, Marinette!"  Adrien calls out to her, but then stops when he sees Luka.

        "Hey, Adrien!"  Marinette says.

        " Explain, why he is here with you?"  Adrien responds.

         "First, I owe you nothing.  Second, he is not with me.  I came here on my own, so just chill Agreste!"  Marinette says her voice full of anger.  She can not believe what she hears.

       " Does this mean it was a joke and you do want to be with me?"  Luka ask.  His voice rather hopeful.

        "Ugh, to be honest I only came her to sketch a few designs.  I see now that was a mistake.  So, bye guys!"  Marinette says, as she walks away with her sketchbook under her armpit.

         Marinette goes home, closes and locks the door.  She thinks, well, that was rather awkward!  She shakes her head at the silliness of the situation.  She picks up where she left off as if she no care in the world that two guys appear to be in competition over her. 

          Meanwhile, Luka glares at Adrien.  Adrien glares at him.  

   "It is your fault she left in a hurry. It was to get away from you!"  Adrien says.

    "How do you it was not to get away from you Agreste?"  Luka says.

     "She was so hurt when you broke up with her and now she is over you!  So just leave us alone!" Adrien says.

       "Us, haha!  You speak like you are and her are together!  I bet you did not even ask her out.  What a pity."  Luka says.

        "Oh, yeah!  Well, you are the one to talk when you the one who dumped her!"  Adrien says.

        "Well, so, I needed a break from her.  She is so clingy.  Besides, I  do not see how it is your business anyway."   Luka remarks.

        "I do not want to see her get hurt again because of you."  Adrien remarks.

      "Well, I do not want her to think she has a chance with you when she is better off with me."  Luka responds.

        "Oh, yeah!  I  can not believe you think she would crawl back to you.  She is smarter than you take her for you know. "  Adrien says. He stomps off before Luka can come up with anymore obnoxious remarks about Marinette.

         Adrien goes to Marinette's and rings the doorbell.  He does not notice when Luka follows him there.  He just heads inside when Marinette opens the door for him.

          "Oh, you are here too.  Well, come in!"  Marinette says.

          "Hmmpfh, why do you not sound so happy to see me?"   Luka says.

        "Seriously, you are gonna ask me this?   Luka why do not you just take a hike back to whatever mountain you came from anyway!"  Marinette says.

          Adrien giggles.  He thinks it rather funny how Marinette just burnt Luka with such a remark.

       "Oh, and what is so funny Adrien?"  Marinette says.

      "You are so adorable when you are angry!"  Adrien says.

        "Wh-what?"  Marinette's  face turns bright red.

         "Marinette, it is either him or me? "  Luka says.

         "Ha, in that case, I say it is him!"  Marinette says, "Oh, and do not let the door hit you on the way out Luka!"

           Luka looks at them and scowls.  He does say another word.  He just walks away with an unhappy look on his face.  He can not believe what he just heard come from Marinette's  lips.  Why if he did not know any better, she actually has some feelings for this blonde, book author boy.  He heads home, shrugs his shoulders and says to himself,  "Well it is here lose anyway."

       After Luka left, Adrien turns to Marinette with a huge grin on his face.  He stays that way for awhile.  He stares into her eyes and she stares back into his.

        "Marinette, did you really mean it?"  Adrien ask, his voice gets softer as he speaks.

       "I do not know what you are talking about blondie."  Marinette says.

        "Blondie, is it?  Well, two can play at this game!  Bluenette, you are so obviously turned on by me,"  Adrien  says.

       "Well, are you such a flirt, blondie?  Such a shame too, since I kinda thought you were different than other guys." Marinette says.  She smirks as he looks at her in surprise.

       "I am different.  I mean, I can be if you want me too,"  Adrien manages to mutter.

       "It is okay, blondie!  I knew you only meant to see to it that Luka left, and well he is gone now."  Marinette says.

        "Yeah, so?"  Adrien says.

         "So, I  thought you and me could maybe watch a movie."  Marinette says.  She suddenly feels  silly about the whole thing when she feels herself blush again.

          "What?  You mean you want to watch a movie with me?   Like just the two of us, as in a date?"  Adrien ask.

        "Oh, you could hardly call it a  date, Adrien.  It is more like two good friends just chillixian that is all."  Marinette says.

    "Well, in that case I suppose it is off limits to hold your hand, bluenette, I mean, Mari!"  Adrien says.

        "Actually, that would fine just as long as you do not try anything funny."  Marinette says.

       "I  intend to be the proper gentlemen then." Adrien says.

      Marinette laughs as she puts the movie in the dvd player, turns on the tv, and hits the play button on the remote control.

        Adrien just glances at her.  He can hardly pay attention much to the movie.  He really does not care too.  He hears Marinette gasp, as the villain attacks the hero on screen and the man falls over unconscious.  He squeezes her hand.  He is happy when she does not let go. He smiles as she leans her head against his shoulder.  He thinks, this is best chillixian I have had in a long time.

      When the movie finishes, Marinette moves her head off his shoulder, and gets up to put the movie back in the case.  She trips and falls as she attempts to turn off the tv.  She screams as she crashes backwards into the coffee table.  

      Adrien looks at her in dismay.  He sees a big bump on her forehead, with blood as it drips out of it.  He thinks, so  much for a good time.  "Marinette, speak to me!" Adrien says as she collapses from the blood lose.  He picks up the phone on the wall and calls for help.  He lets them know what took place.  He sighs as he watches the paramedics wrap her wound up in a bandage and take her away. 

     to be continued in Chapter 6  Concussion &   Confusion?


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