Chapter 6 Concussion & Confusion?

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          Marinette comes too in the hospital. She feels some strange thing, or rather a bandage on her head.  She looks around herself in confusion.  She wonders, wait, what took place to bring me here?   The last I remember is that Adrien came to see me along with Luka.  Luka left, but Adrien stayed.  We watched a movie, but what happened after this?  Why is my memory so fuzzy?

        Adrien looks at her with concern in his eyes.  He has tears in the corner of his eyes too.  He reaches over and holds her hand in his own.  He does not say a word.   He just squeezes her hand.  

      "Adrien, how did I get here?"  Marinette ask.

    "Mari, you fell and hit your head hard on the coffee table,"  Adrien responds.

     "Adrien, I see tears in your eyes.  Were you really that upset about the whole thing?"  Marinette ask.

     "Yes, I mean, you are my friend, so how could  I not worry about you?"  Adrien replies.

    "I will be okay, really.  Ouch, my head, it hurts!"  Marinette says.

    "Oh, I shall page the nurse and let her know, right away!"  Adrien says.  He stands up and pushes in the intercom button.

      The nurse on the other end responds right away..."Yes, this is nurse Alix  Kubel, how may I help you?"

     Adrien remarks, "My friend, Marinette here seems to be in pain.  She says her head hurts!"

      The nurse remarks,  "Oh, I see!  Well, according to the doctor, Doctor Lemarick,  Miss Marinette Dupain-Cheng suffers from a concussion!"

       "What?"  Adrien says as he frowns.

      The nurse says, "You heard me, she has a concussion plain as day!"

      Adrien sits back down as the nurse tells him the doctor shall be in shortly.  Then, as he waits he holds Marinette's hand again.

      The doctor and nurse come in the room a few moments later.

    "Well, how is  our patient doing?" Doctor Lemarick says.

     "My head hurts, and I do not recall much."  Marinette says.

     Adrien  continues to squeeze her hand.  He looks as if he may lose it any moment.  He is rather upset.

      "I am sorry, but this is common with patients in your condition.  I must say  you are fortunate you were brought in when you were thanks to your uh, friend here."  Nurse Higgins says

   " Why do I have such trouble with my memory though?"  Marinette ask the doctor and nurse.

    " Well,  you did hit your head rather hard is the report we were given by the paramedics when they brought you in last night.  Besides, this you could have been upset about something prior to the accident."  Doctor Lemarick says.  He also, gives Marinette some pain medicine through the iv tube.

     "The medicine he just gave you should help with the pain Miss, but I must say I am not sure how it will be before your memory returns completely, Miss Marinette,"  Nurse Higgins tells her.

     The doctor and nurse leave the room.  As they exit to go check on other patients, Nurse Higgins smiles and says,  "Well, the young gentlemen seems to be smitten with the young lady.  It is a pity as she does not appear to know how she feels about him."

       After the nurse and doctor left the room, Adrien sighs a little.  Marinette just looks at him.  

     "Adrien, you do not need to fuse over me so much.  I will be okay."  Marinette says.

    "I know, but when you fell like that it made me feel like my heart would come out of my chest."  Adrien remarks.

    "Really, Adrien!  You can not be serious."  Marinette says.

   "I am serious, Mari!  More than you think."  Adrien says.

   "Oh, I see. Look, Adrien, I appreciate your concern, but I uh, need time to process everything."  Marinette says.

     "You mean you do not like me.  I get it you only used me to scare Luka  away."  Adrien says.

     "Adrien, I never meant to hurt you."  Marinette says.  She blushes a little as she speaks.

     "I should have known.  No one will ever love me.  Why should they? "  Adrien remarks.

      "L-Love?  Who said anything about love?  Adrien?  Adrien?"  Marinette says.

     "Look, I will go.  In fact, I will not trouble you anymore."  Adrien says, as he lets go of her hand.  He stands up, puts his hand in his pocket and walks away.  He goes home sadly.  

       "Adrien, wait!  Adrien!"  Marinette says, but he does not listen.  She sighs as he leaves.

      Adrien's  POV:  I thought.  Oh, nevermind what I thought.  I should no that Marinette is to good for me.  I  can tell  she is to special to want to be with the likes of me.  She may no longer care for Luka, but she still does not want me in her life.  Not really.   I was just the means to scare away her ex boyfriend once and for all.

  Marinette's  POV:  I watch Adrien leave with sorrow in his eyes and voice.  Did I really wound him this much?  I do not understand.  I thought he was okay with our friendship.  How could he think that I only used him?   I  want him in my life.  I  mean it.  The movie night  was great I mean other than the fact, I do not recall which movie it was that I watched, or how long Adrien stayed or much after this.   Ugh, why did I have to be so clumsy?   Now, Adrien thinks I hate him.   I do not though.  Not really.

   Adrien's  POV:  I should have never agreed to the movie night with her.  Her hair seems to only shine more under the dim lite lights when only the lamps are on in the house and she so lovely, I could not take my eyes off her.   When she got the movie out and put in the case she was alright, it was only when she went to sit back down with it in her hand that she collapsed after she fell over and hit the stupid, coffee table.  She does not want more to do with me than friendship, I know because she even said it was only two friends hanging out, or chillixian.  She refused to call it a date.  I  wish now I would have been brave enough to tell her that I love her.  I shall never tell her.  What is the use?  She does not  see me that way.

   to be continued in Chapter  7   Fancy, Seeing You Again?





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