Chapter 7 Fancy, Seeing You Again?

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        It is has been a month since Marinette's  release from the hospital.  She has not seen Adrien ever since then.  She thinks it strange he avoids her all of a sudden.  She thought they were friends.  She is hurt that he does not speak to her anymore, or even just drop for a visit.  She admits to herself she misses him.  

        Adrien misses Marinette.  He never thought it could be this hard to let her go.  He loves her, but it pains him to be with her.  He knows she only sees him as  a friend.  He wants more than friendship.  He does not know how to tell her he loves her.  He figures it will do no good anyway.

       Marinette goes to the park where she sits on a bench to sketch a bit.  She tends to do this more when she is sad, bored, or unsure what else to do.  She sighs as she draws a picture of the Effiel Tower which is lite up in time for Valentine's  Day.  She thinks it cruel that it should be so pretty when she is so down.  

       Adrien arrives  at the park.  He sits down a bench behind Marinette.  He does not notice her. He just deep in thought.  He jots down some ideas for his newest story.  This time he writes about a  man who fell in love with a genie.  The man was a typical guy with all sorts of things, yet still felt all alone in the world.  He does not even seem to notice that the characters in his stories appear to be similar  to his own life and the problems in it.  He just works on it.  As he does, Marinette stands up.  

      Marinette walks to the fountain and sits down.  She looks at it.  She smiles a fake smile.  She thinks, perhaps, I was to hard on him.  I should have been nicer.   She begins to sketch the fountain in all its wonder with water as it flows out  of it.  She adds a few extras to it such as the  trees in the background and the outline of the old school building. 

      Adrien gets up and walks over to the fountain next.  He sits down next to the girl who remains in his thoughts.  He does even notice her.  He just sits there.

       Marinette sees someone approach the fountain.  She takes a closer look and sees it is him.  She adds Adrien to the sketch as he sits with his head down in his lap.  She can tell he looks sad.  She can not help, but wonder did I do this to him?   Was it my fault?  She finishes the sketch and as she is about to walk away hears a familiar voice say,  "Wow, Marinette!  That is an amazing resemblance to me." 

    "Adrien?"  Marinette says.

   "Yes, it is me.  Fancy, Seeing You Again, Marinette."  Adrien says.  He reaches up and gently touches her face with his hands.  He does not say another word.

     "Adrien, I miss you.  I miss your sudden appearance in my doorway. "  Marinette says.

     "Shh, do not speak, least you ruin the moment."  Adrien says softly.

     Marinette stares at him in wonder.  She thinks, moment, what moment?  Adrien, I do not get it.

     Adrien leans in and kisses her on the cheek.  He sees her blush a little and her moan. He whispers, "Marinette, what have you done to me?"  He releases her.  He looks at her sadly.

     "I-I am sorry, I  know you do not want this.  I  uh, I will go!" Adrien says.  Then runs away!

     "Adrien, Adrien? "  Marinette says, her eyes full of tears.  She looks for him, but he it seems he vanishes into the background.  

     Marinette goes home with her head down.  She enters her home and sits down at the table. She sobs as she puts her down on it.  She thinks,  parting is such sweet sorrow!  -quote from William Shakespeare's  play,  Romeo and Juliet

Adrien goes home.  He sighs as he enters the building.  He looks around him in dismay.  He thinks, should I have really left like that so soon?  I mean, I feel like a total jerk!  I kissed her and just left her.  

  Marinette does not notice her phone buzz.  She just ignores it.  She stays as she is at the table. She feels down. 

     Adrien sends Marinette a text message.  

  Adrien's  text to Marinette...

   Marinette, I am sorry.  I should not have run off on you like that Mari!

   Adrien's  text to Marinette...

    I know this only makes it all more crazy for you.

   Adrien's  text to Marinette...

   Look, I want you to know that I meant what I said before, you may not love me, but  I want you to know that i do not blame you for doing what you did.

    Adrien's  text to Marinette...   

     The movie night was one of the best nights in my life.  I got to sit next to the most beautiful girl  ever, to hold her hand and for a moment was able to forget that I am a nobody.  Thanks, for this!  

   Marinette gets up and picks up her phone, she sees all the text from Adrien.  She blushes when she reads the last one. She thinks, Adrien you not a nobody.  She feels her heart beat faster as she recalls how it felt to have him hold her hand both during the time he mentions and again at the hospital.  She recalls the sudden kiss on the cheek.  She feels like she may not be the same again.

   Marinette's  text to Adrien...

    Adrien, it is okay, really.  

 Marinette's  text to Adrien...

  You are not a nobody.  Please, believe me!

  Marinette's  text to Adrien...

    I remember it all now.  The movie was a romance, it was The Princess Bride.  I sense everything is different now.  I am not sure what it means, I just know I miss you, and I want you to hold my hand again. 

   Adrien's  text to Marinette...

    Mari, do not speak this way.  It hurts me more,as I feel like my love for you is all in vain!  

    to be continued in Chapter  8  A Thief, A Damsel, and A Hero?



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