Chapter 8 A Thief, a Damsel and a Hero?

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       Marinette does not notice when someone breaks into her house. She is to upset to pay attention.  She thinks, why did Adrien call himself a nobody?  What does he mean about love? She sighs.  She sits still as she feels her eyes fill with tears again. She puts her phone in her pocket and falls asleep with her head on the table.

       The intruder ignores the person asleep in the home.  He enters the bedroom where he grabs up some jewelry and stuffs it into a bag.  When he finishes this, he takes the wallet on the dresser, the small set of headphones, the CD player, a few CD's  and a couple of books.  He enters the living room next where he snatches up the DVD player and a few DVD's.  He places all the goods inside his truck. He reenters the place steals the tv, the two chairs, and the rugs.  He is about to exit again when Marinette wakes up to the sound of  foot prints behind her.

      Marinette looks up.  She sees the man in all black clothes, a ski mask, a funny hat, and a huge bag.  Her eyes widen in shock as she releases someone she does not know is here in her apartment.  She screams, "Ah, someone stop him!"   No one seems to hear her though.

    The man is not to happy to have been caught.  He decides this girl must go.  He attacks her with a baseball bat and knocks her unconscious.  He gets out some rope, ties her hands behind her, then her feet.  He puts a gag over he mouth and another one over her eyes.  This way when she comes too she will be unable to scream or see him.  He smiles.  He panics.  What is he to do with her now?  He can not just leave her here.  He  pulls out the third bag and stuffs her inside it.  He ties it tight with another rope.  He carries both bags to his truck and adds the one with the loot to it first.  Then, he places the one with the girl on the floor board.  He drives off in a hurry.  

    No sooner had the thief left, then Adrien begins to worry about Marinette.  He feels guilt over what he has done.  He tries to text her again, but gets no answer.  He panics.  He senses something must be wrong.  Why even if she is mad at him she will still answer his text messages, right? 

    Adrien goes to her place to check up on her. He sees the front door is ajar.  He knows this is not right.  He recalls how Marinette is not the type of woman to just leave a door like this.  He uses his cell phone to report a robbery.  He figures someone must have broken in and taken things from her.  He thinks, Wow, she must be really scared.  He decides to wait to police arrive to decide what to do next.

      The police arrive within thirty minutes. They enter the apartment and inspect it in no time.  They notice a few items are gone.  It is obvious someone left in a hurry with these few things.  They also, notice the occupant of the place phone is on the table.  The battery appears to be a bit low.  They do not see the person who lives her anywhere.  Whoever they are must not have been home when the theft took place is the conclusion they come too.

     "No one is home, so I suppose this makes our job easier for us."  One of the police officers says to Adrien.

     "Wait, what?  How can she not be here?  There must be some mistake!  She was here earlier, I am sure of it.  I mean she even sent me these texts see."  Adrien says as he shows the officer the messages Marinette sent him a few hours ago.

       "Oh, dear, than it appears we have more our hands here than a simply robbery then."  The police officer, Dave says.

       "What do you mean?"  Adrien ask with fear in his voice.

      "There is no sign of her being home right now, but you say she sent you those texts earlier.  Not only this, but her phone is still laying on the kitchen table right now."  Officer Dave says.

       " It appears that this friend of yours was indeed taken!  As in she was kidnapped, I am sorry to say."  Officer Dave says.

      "No, Mari! " Adrien says in sheer agony.

    " We will do all we can to recover all the things that were taken, but our main concern is to find her, this Mari!"  Officer Steve says.

       "What do I do now?  I mean, I came her to apologize to her. " Adrien says with tears in his eyes once again.

        "I suggest you go home and wait to see what happens."  Officer's  Steve and Dave says.

       "What?  You expect me to just sit back and do nothing, while that crook gets away with who knows what?  I can not loose her!  I love her!"  Adrien says.

        "I am sorry, really I am."  Officer Steve says.

        The police leave next to go search for the criminal, and for the missing woman.

          Adrien thinks, I have to save her!  I have too!  I can not let her die.  I love her!  He heads home changes his clothes and heads back out again.  He has no idea where to search.  He just knows he must try to find her.

        Nino sees him look around the Effiel Tower.  "Hey, man!  What brings you out here at this hour?"  Nino ask.

    "I could ask you the same thing.  Oh, and I am looking for Marinette!  Someone has kidnapped her!"  Adrien says.

     "Whoa, that is awful, have you notified the authorities?"  Nino ask.

     "Actually, I already did.  I called them because her home appears to be broken into and they come.  They took a look around and saw she was missing along with some stuff the creep took from her." Adrien says.

      "Oh, that stinks!  Well, I have to go, Alya wants me to come over for dinner!  Hope you find her!"  Nino says.  He leaves to go to Alya's  for a meal.

      After Nino leaves, Adrien turns to go when he hears  a moan.  It sounds muffled, but is sure it is her.  He breaks the door down on the elevator and sees her there.  She is tied up and all covered in feathers.  He sneezes twice. Achoo!  Achoo!  

    "Sorry, Mari, I am allergic to feathers."  Adrien says.

    Marinette  groans as she feels sick.  Adrien unties her hands, and feet.  He removes the gag too.  "Adrien, I  uh, feel sick."  Marinette says.

    "Come on let's get you out of here!" Adrien says.  

     Marinette does not speak again.  She passes out from the cold air.  Adrien holds her in his arms.  He carries her to his place.  He sets her down on the sofa, sets the alarm and calls the police to let them know he has found Marinette.

      The police answer right away,  "Who did you say this is again?"

     "This is Adrien!  Adrien Agreste, I found her!  I found Marinette Dupain-Cheng.  She was in the elevator tied up at the bottom of the Effiel Tower.  I  rescued her and brought her to my house." Adrien says into the phone.

       The police, "Hmm, we see. This is great news, then Adrien Agreste!  Oh, and make sure to keep a close eye on her.  We are still in search for the criminal and stolen goods."

      Adrien Agreste  responds , "Sure officer, will do!"

     The police, "Bye!"  The officer hangs up.

    When Adrien hears a click sound in his ear he clicks on the end call button to hang up.

       "Adrien, where are we?"  Marinette ask.

      "It is okay, you are safe with me at my place." Adrien says.

      "I am sorry."  Marinette says.  She feels her eyes water a bit.

     "Sorry, for what?  I am the jerk who ran off on you.  I never should have left you alone after I gave you that quick peck on the cheek."  Adrien says.

     "Sorry, for being so much trouble,"  Marinette mutters.

     "Haha, very funny!  You are never trouble. You are fine as you are Mari."  Adrien says as he feels himself blush.

         "Thanks for the rescue."  Marinette says.

        "Your welcome!" Adrien says.

       "Adrien, you are so sweet."  Marinette says.  Soon she drifts off to sleep.

       Adrien smiles.  He gets a blanket out from his linen closet and gently drapes it around her.  He thinks, she is even lovely in her sleep.  He leans in and kisses her forehead. He is careful not to wake her.  He lays down next to her and wraps an arm around her.  Soon enough he too falls asleep right beside her.

   to be continued in Chapter  9  Make up your Mind Woman!

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