Chapter 6 Camelot

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"Now get me a branch from the tree in which Merlin is stuck in." Rumplestiltskin said to us. "Wouldn't that tear off something, like a finger or toe if he is ever returned to his natural form?" Jefferson asks and he shakes his head. "It doesn't matter, dearie. All I need is a small branch. King Arthur shall surly let you into his palace. After all you are a good person, he only lets in the finest." He said, and I only shrugged. "Okay, let's go." I say and Jefferson throws his hat on the ground and it lifts up into the air. The sun going down as we jumped into the hat.
"Well we are here!" I say enthusiastically. "Yes, no wonder they call it a broken kingdom." Jefferson says. Wait, this looks like it is in the Enchanted Forest! We could have probably just walked here!" I yell throwing my hands up know the air. "Calm down, an hat travel is much more fun." He says with a smirk. Suddenly I feel a sore spot in my stomach. I probably ate to little. When going on adventures, I don't eat much. Also considering the apple, breakfast doesn't seem that inviting anymore. "Ow!" I mutter to myself. "What is it? Did your dagger slip out, or did you trip and fall?" Jefferson asked, and I just shook my head. "It's nothing, just not enough breakfast, I guess." I said and he picked me up and kissed me hard on the lips. "Don't ever hide ANYTHING from me, I don't care what it is. All you need to know I that I love you." He said after releasing me onto the ground. "Never." I say, and I hope I can keep it.
----------Meeting King Arthur------
"My wife and I am glad to have you here, in my well-" King Arthur started, but stopped when he got to the part about the kingdom. "Thank you, your highness. For allowing us into your kingdom. May we look around?" Jefferson said and he waved out his hand in front of him. Jefferson and I walked hand in hand. We soon found our point of object. Merlin, well the tree version of him. He was a big, great willow tree. With glowing, even gleaming green leaves. "Wow! It is beautiful I said, as I felt another little punch in my stomach. Jefferson looked at me when I looked down at my stomach, but I smile and he did the same. I guess we both played it off. Jefferson pulled out a spool of thread and plucked off a leaf of the tree. He quickly sewed the leaf, onto the hat. "A momentum, for all of our great adventures." He said and we just stared at the beauty of the moon. I felt very tired and Jefferson carried me out of the garden, into a guest chamber. Even though us both very tired, we stayed up all night. Looking into each others beautiful eyes.
--------The Next Morning-------
"Come on! We have to get the branch and leave!" Jefferson said while shaking me awake. "Wait! Why?" I ask and he only shakes his head. I quickly dress in my usual outfit and Jefferson grabs my hand and we run out to the garden. He tears off a branch and I do the same. "One in case!" I say and he quickly throws the hat on the ground it lifts up higher and higher. Then Jefferson grabs me without me knowing, and jumps in. I scream, not knowing that Jefferson had grabbed me.
----Back in the Enchanted Forest----
"Now tell me!" He yells as soon as we land back home. "What do you mean?" I yell back with a confused look on my face. "Tell me the truth! You were hiding something in Camelot, Guinevere had noticed." He said. "So you've been spending time with Guinevere, have you? Jefferson I thought we had a truthful marriage!" I yell and tears stream down my face. "We can't have a bloody truthful marriage if you don't tell me what's going on!" He says and sits down and puts his hands up to his face. I sit down beside him. "I am sorry, I didn't realize I was keeping something from you." I say while taking his hands off of his face and then continuing to hop in his lap. "Just tell me!" He sad and I look down at my stomach. "I feel little pinches and sore spots in my stomach. I thought maybe it was just not eating enough, but I'm wrong." I say and he nods, "Lets get you to a doctor." He says and I shake my head no. "Lets get this to Rumplestiltskin then a doctor." I say and he nods once again.
--------At the Dark Castle--------
"Thank you dearies, and may I say for your misses, you are looking quite vibrant for someone in your condition." He says and I just give him a confused look. "What do you mean?" Jefferson says. "Why dear hatter, don't you see it?" The dark one says in a teasing voice. "I'm pregnant?" I say. "Why yes, dearie. Why yes indeed." He says and Jefferson looks at me. I look down while holding my stomach. "Thank you." I said and I grabbed Jefferson and I pulled him out of the castle.
------------At home-------------
Jefferson was still in shock. I tried yelling and slapping his face. Then I pulled him in for a long deep kiss but he stopped me. "No." He said and he climbed the stairs of the cottage and left me downstairs. "Jefferson! What the hell? You are ignoring me, all because I didn't know I was pregnant!?" I yell, while my face turning red. "Shut the hell up!" He yelled. "You knew something was wrong, but yet you refused to say a damn thing!" He yelled now climbing the stairs. "I didn't want to worry you, even if we are married, I doesn't mean that I can't take care of myself!" I yell and he walks slowly very close to me. "Through sickness and through health, do those words mean a single thing to you?" He says and I start crying. Not tears of sadness, but of anger. "Our child is not sickness! How could you say that?" I say, while turning and heading out the door. "Wait, Alice. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that, I am glad your pregnant. I just wish you told me something was wrong." He says and I walk up to him. "You bloody well be sorry, you handsome bastard." I say and we both smile. He picks me up carefully. Usually he tries to be gentle, but fails. This time is different. He carries me up the stairs and he puts me down. He sits on the floor and I take off my shawl before sitting down in his lap. I sit down and kiss him softly, that turns into a hard kiss. His shirt slowly unbuttoning. He has his hands intertwined in my hair. My hands in his soft, curly, brown hair. "I am already pregnant." I say while our foreheads are up against each other. "That doesn't mean we can't have a honeymoon at home?" He says and those are the last words spoken of the night.

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