Chapter 7 Arendelle

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"I will NOT let you go! It is too dangerous for you, and our child." Jefferson says. "Whether it is a strong fighting girl, or a buff boy, both of us can handle it! I am coming and that is final!" I yell back and he grabs my wailing arms and grabs my hair. "Fine, but Rumplestiltskin wants this, he is going to make another deal." He says and I nod, then we are off. As we travel to the Dark Castle, I just think. I think about the baby. I hope the child has the eyes of her father and the nose of me. I think Jefferson wants a boy, but I know he is happy with either girl or boy. Finally we reach the dark castle. We walk inside the dark castle, and Rumple looks up from his spinning wheel. "What is it now dearie?" He says and I roll my eyes. Always with the 'dearie'. It gets old. "We know what you want, but we don't now where to get it. If you want this item, then we make another deal." Jefferson says. I smirk and nod. "Yes, yes. What is it you want?" He asks and I speak up, "I want my- our baby to be strong. To survive through the hardest." "Very well. Now go and get me a single flake of snow. But the snow must come from either the Queen herself, or the Aunt. They must give it too you." He says. "How would we not let it melt?" I ask and he poofs something, a small vile into my hand. "What ever is in this vile, stays the way it was and is." He says and we both nod. "Oh, and you should take a ship. Hat travel has gotten so old. A ship, boat is more efficient." He says and I smile. "But hat travel is so much more fun!" I say and Jefferson smiles. He throws the hat, and when it is ready, we jump.
---------In The Hat-----------------
I see many doors that I have travelled through, some like Wonderland gives off a reflection, while others like Oz, you have to go through it to see what it is like. The door today was multiple shades of blue and had white looking flowers painted on it. Jefferson got in front of me and took my hands. "I don't give a crap what that Imp wants, if something happens, you WILL tell me. Got it?" He asks me and I nod, while pushing my way through him to get to the door. I push it open and a gust of wind hits me. I almost fall over, but Jefferson is quick and catches me. Good thing too. That would effect the baby, and no matter what, I will not let my baby get hurt. "Thanks!" I say and get up. "Glad I brought a coat!" I whisper to my self as we walk through the door into a kingdom of isolation. "Why is it soooooo cold?" I say shivering. "It's only fa-ll." Shivering very hard, Jefferson put his arm around me. My back instantly grew warm. We walk toward what seems like a castle, but it is hard to tell because eye whole thing is covered in icicles. "Well lets go find that flake of snow. It can't be that hard." Jefferson gives me a look, "okay well, at least we will try!"I say enthusiastically. "Yeah" He says and we go into the castle. In the castle we see ice and I almost slip, again. When we get to one room I see to ice sculptures. Very human like, just a little too human like. "Jefferson, do you think these are just statues, or something more?"I ask my voice trembling. This was the scariest thing I have ever seen and I was not liking it! "Don't know, don't question it." He says without a care in the world. I give him a look and he smiles, while heading down the hall. "Okay! Yeah just leave me!"I yell. I follow him down the hall into a bedroom. There are three beds. I move toward one of the beds and touch it, hesitantly. I then head toward the closet. I see clothing of all type, one a dress, and one a shawl. I figure there is nothing there until I turn my back and I accidentally knock one dress to the ground. I pick it up carefully and I see a hidden pocket in the inside. I reach inside and I pull my hand out immediately. I look at my hand and it had started to turn ice blue. I quickly put on my pair of gloves, trying I warm m hands up. It's no use. I reach in with the same hand and grab ahold of something. I pull it out and it turns out to be ice cold, blue glowing water. Maybe a melted snow flake, maybe if it is then Rumplestilitskin can turn it back into a snowflake. Simple, easy and done. Then all of a sudden I feel a ping in my chest. I try to reach and touch it, but I can't. I am an ice sculpture. I try to scream but my mouth is frozen. "At least I tried to tell you." is all I can think before my eyes turn into ice and I black out.
---When I can finally breathe again--
I see a dull light and hear a soft smooth voice, that is familiar to me. The voice only said a few words before continuing to sob. I raised my hand and touched his hair. He still wept. Its not like I was dead! "Hi! So you left me alone, that's new." I say in a scratchy voice. He looks up and gives me a cold hard stare. I grab his shoulders and kiss him. "Why wouldn't you call for help? You promised!" He said and I pulled away from him. "I tried to Jefferson! I tried to cry for help, I tried and because you don't know what happened, you can't blame me!" I said and turned away. Before I could go anywhere he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back to him. "Let me go!" I yell at him while almost crying. "Just let it all out! Just let it go, all the problems." He says in a smooth calming voice. "You weren't there! You left me! You assume and tried to put all if this on me! How could you?" I yell and he loosens his grip. "I'm sorry for leaving you. I know I wasn't there, and that I shouldn't have assumed anything. I should be happy that your not frozen anymore. What happened?" He said and tried to get me to look at him. "I found what could be the remains I the snowflake, and when I touched it my hand started to freeze. I thought it was just me, and I was focused on the vile. I thou- WAIT! Where is the vile? I put it in my pocket!" I yell once realizing that the vile was not in my pocket."Its okay, I gave it to Rumplestiltskin. He helped to unfreeze you." Jefferson says in a soft smooth calming voice. "Okay, Okay." I say and while I try to get up Jefferson still has his grip on me and I try to free myself. "Let me go!" I yell and he does. "Thank you!" I say and I walk upstairs to the bedroom. I take off me clothes and climb into bed. I fall asleep quickly, but in the middle of the night I wake up screaming. "What is it?" Jefferson asks while grabbing my cold hand with his boiling hot skin. "It was as if I was back in the sleeping curse. The curtains, and no doors or windows. The fire too, it was horrible." I say shaking. Jefferson pulls me close and I fall asleep on his warm chest, finally having a good dream.
Hey, so I made a few frozen references and if you guys find all if them then I will dedicate a chapter to that person. Live long the Hatter! (Oh and happy halloween!)

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