Chapter 18

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When we settle down onto the couches, I let Kylie do the explaining. Even though she is sobbing, she is still better off than me. So many thoughts come into my brain, some are mine and others are not. I feel so confused and my head is pounding. It’s like having the flu with so much confusion. When I kissed Eric, it didn’t feel right. I expected to be so happy, but I felt this weird cold sensation travel down my spine. Someone is tapping my shoulder, but I can’t respond to anything. I feel so weak and useless, like every happy thing has been sucked from me. I can still stare out the window, but I can’t move. I realize I’m standing and walking to the window. I feel someone grab me, but I shake them off for some reason. I reach the window and just stare out. Then suddenly the weirdest thing happens. I can hear Kylie and Eric screaming at me to listen them, but all I hear is my own thoughts and something else. Something that couldn’t happen…

SERENA! I hear Trenton’s voice in my head.

What is it - TRENTON! How are you? What’s wrong? Where are you? How can I help?  I reply in my head.

Tell Dawson to envision me. Tell him to make me able to phase through things temporarily. He should be able to. I try to do as I’m told, but I realize I’m on the floor. Everyone is standing above me yelling at me if I can hear them and if I’m ok. I sit up quickly and yell at Dawson to do as Trenton said.

“What?! Are you feeling ok? I-I can’t,” He stammers.

“Listen to me! I’m not crazy and I need you to do as I say!” I beg.

“I’ll try,” he says as he closes his eyes to concentrate. I get up and explain very quickly to everyone what happened, then I hear Trenton again.

There is a girl with me here. No clue who she is, but tell Dawson to envision her too. I do as I’m told, then run into the bedroom to grab my bag. As I cross the doorway, my head gets hit with terrible pain. The room spins and I fall to the ground. My whole body aches. My head feels as if it’s splitting in two. I scream in agony and the floor shakes from the frantic footsteps in the hallway. Nick grabs me from the floor and gently places me on the bed. The pain is overwhelming and I’m sobbing. My vision blurs and I see Kylie crying hysterically and Jordan trying to pull both her and Eric out of the room. Nick yells at Dawson to grab something from “the cupboard”. I grab the sides of the bed and try to stay conscious. Then suddenly, it stops. The pain leaves as quickly as it came. I try to sit up, but I’m pushed back onto the bed again. I hear Nick and Dawson asking me if I’m ok, but I can barely hear them. I see something in the corner of my eye and look to the corner. There I see the zombie Megan laughing silently. I open my mouth in horror, but no sound comes out. She holds up a small object. I see it’s a voodoo doll of me! She holds up a needle, puts a finger to her smiling mouth, and disappears.

Nick and Dawson are still yelling at me, but I can’t hear them. I walk to the corner and pick up the piece of paper she left. It says two words and I sit down on the floor and lose all sense of feeling. Dawson comes tentatively over to me and grabs the paper and reads it out loud.

Total Control

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