Chapter 46

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"Kathryn!" I yell from outside. "Come on!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" she yells back, slamming the cottage door. "Do we have everything?"

"Just missing a couple friends," Dawson mutters. Nathaniel moves quickly to stand between us. I clench my teeth and stuff my hands into my sweatshirt pocket. Dawson turns away from me.

"Can't you two please behave?" Kathryn says desperately.

"I'm being perfectly polite. I don't know about Mr. Moody over there," I snap. Dawson and I start bickering again.

"Shut up!!" Nathaniel yells at us. "Just stop."

"Lets go," Kathryn says and we follow her down the street. We walk past a black truck when she suddenly stops.

"Guys, the keys are still here. Should we try it?" she asks with mischievous smile. We nod and climb in. I sit up front with Kathryn and the boys pile in the back. She puts the keys in and the car starts up. It’s weird watching myself drive. We drive for a bit when I see smoke coming from the top of the hill.

"Lets go check that out," I tell her.

"Oh yeah, because Serena has amazing ideas," Dawson says sarcastically. I put my head down and Kathryn reaches back to smack him. We all start yelling at each other when Nathaniel speaks up.

"STOP IT. NOW! IT'S TIME TO GROW UP!" he yells. The car goes silent and we continue to drive. The smoke gets closer and we turn a corner and reach the top of the hill. A giant campfire sits on the middle of the hill surrounded by tents.

"Who's gonna die here?" Dawson asks coldly. I feel my throat close up, but I hold back tears. I will not let him think he's going to win. We jump out the car and arm ourselves. I put the bow on my back, Kathryn takes out two giant hunting knives, Nathaniel grabs an axe, and Dawson chooses a spear. We all stare at each other and Kathryn breaks down. She sits down by a tree and sobs into her hands. I sit down next to her and take her hand. She looks up at me and hugs me. I feel hot tears on my shoulder and I hold her.

"You... guys shouldn't... have to... have weapons!" she sobs. "You're just... children!!"

"It's alright," I whisper in her ear. "Everything will be alright."

"I can't watch you guys get hurt anymore! Our friends are dead!!" she cries.

"It will be fine. Eric is safe now. I don't have to worry anymore about him. Kylie and Trenton," I say, my voice shaking, "they are together now, just like they should be." I break down. We both hold each other and cry. I pull myself together and let go. I realize I've never seen Kathryn cry before. She looks so helpless. She stands up and grabs her stuff.

"I'm sorry. I'm an adult. I shouldn't have done that." she whispers.

"Everyone warrior has their bad days." I whisper back.

"And you've had too many," she says quietly. "I can feel you in my mind, Serena. I know your past when you search mine. You're too young to have to experience that."

"I'm strong. I can handle it," I say, hoping to look confident. She smiles sadly and walks to the boys. I see they are both red eyed as well. Dawson walks over to me stiffly.

"I'm sorry for being a jerk. It's not your fault this is happening and I'm sorry I blamed you. I'm just confused and I'm taking my anger out on you."

"It's alright. We’re all on edge," I reply. We do a quick hug and join the others. We all gather around the fire and sit down.

"Someone's here," Kathryn whispers.

"Should we leave?" Dawson asks.

"He sent more of his killers!!" a new voice yells. We jump up and find a woman coming out of the tent, fright evident on her freckled face. Her bright red hair sticks out in places and her eyes looked crazed.

"It's alright!" I say and reach out towards her. She screams and runs inside her tent. We hear more people coming out and we all move back to back to face them. They all look a little off.

"What are you doing here, assassins?!" a man with brown hair yells, brandishing a knife.

"It's alright! We aren't here to hurt you!" Kathryn says nervously. A couple people back away, but the lady with red hair comes back.

"THEY HAVE WEAPONS!" she screams. Four men walk forward with giant staffs. I raise my bow to the man walking towards me.

"I will shoot," I say, my voice shaking. He raises his staff and I shoot. He falls over, blood pouring out of his chest. Another man races forward to take his place. I hear Dawson yell as a man with blond dirty locks take him by the arms. Nathaniel falls over as a man smacks him across the head with his staff. Kathryn screams and kicks as a big man with rippling muscles ties her to a tree. I hold my bow up to the man coming towards me.

"Back off!" I yell at him. He laughs and points behind me. The big man towers over me with his staff.

"You have got to be kidding me," I whisper. He raises the staff, terrible pain hits the side of my head, and I fall to the ground unconscious.

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