Chapter 47

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"Serena! Please wake up! Please!" Kathryn pleads. Her voice sounds far away. I moan and lift my head up. A sharp pain shoots down the left side of my body and I cry out.

"Such a weak assassin," a deep voice grumbles. "She just has a few broken ribs and that head blow. Good work Jonathan."

"Thank you, sir," another voice says. I open my eyes to find myself surrounded by people. I try to move but cry out again. I attempt to stand up, but someone throws me down. I scream and feel tears run down my cheeks.

"WEAK!" a woman's voice screams at me. Laughter fills the air and I grow angry.

"Serena, keep your mouth shut. They have Dawson." Nathaniel whispers from my other side. I look up from my spot in the dirt and see Dawson standing in the middle of the camp, a rope tied around his neck. He looks at me helplessly.

"My dear people, we are here today for the execution of the first killer," the deep voice booms. The voice comes from an old man with a white robe. His gray hair flows in the wind and his beard reaches his chest. "What is your name assassin?"

Dawson clenches his teeth. "My name is Dawson. I am not a killer nor are my friends."

"LIES!" the woman with red hair screeches.

“That is correct. Thank you, Lucy." Lucy smiles brightly and bows to the old man.

"In a few days, each of these killers will die. A different way every time." The crowd applauds. I sit up and clutch my side.

"What is wrong with you people?! You are all insane!" I say, my voice raspy. With every word, the pain from my broken ribs worsens.

"Serena, shut up!" Kathryn whispers angrily.

"What a pretty name, Serena," the old man coos. He brushes the hair out of my face and I smack his hand. His eyes fill with fury and he slaps me across the face. I stare up at him confidently even though I feel my eye swelling shut.

"DONT YOU DARE TOUCH HER!" Nathaniel yells. Two strong men grab him and gag him. He struggles and kicks. They tie his hands behind his back and throw him back onto the ground.

"Devil child!" the old man spits at me. I open my mouth to retort but Kathryn speaks up again.

"Don't you dare speak right now," she whispers to me furiously.

"Now, my people, this boy will die. His friends will follow soon after and we shall be safe!" the old man says happily. The crowd cheers and I see Dawson go ghost white. He looks to me desperately and I give him a sad look. He closes his eyes and I see a tear leak onto his cheek.

"The execution shall begin!" the old man yells victoriously.

"Stop!" I beg. "Take me instead!"

"No, my dear child," the old man says with a smile. "You shall be last to die. You will watch your friends die and you won't be able to do anything about it."

"You disgust me," I growl, the pain in my side close to unbearable.

"Well, that's too bad," he grins. "On with the execution!" Two men walk over behind Dawson and grab the other end of the rope. Dawson stands with his head high and eyes closed. I know what's coming and I can't do a single thing. The men grab the rope and pull. Dawson gets raised up higher and higher into the air, choking all the while. He claws at the rope around his neck and I feel the tears rolling down my cheeks. He gasps one last time then falls limp. The men drop the rope and Dawson falls like a rag doll. Kathryn runs over to him and kneels down next to him. A woman with long black hair cuts Nathaniel's bonds and lets him run to Dawson. I crawl through the dust and finally make it to his body.

"I'm so sorry," I whisper, then collapse unconscious.

I wake up on a wooden platform to a woman kneeling over me. My vision clears and I see it's the same woman that cut Nathaniel's bonds. She has long black hair that reaches far down her back. Her blue eyes sparkle and her face wrinkles with concern. I try and move away but she holds me down.

"You have broken bones! Don't move!" she says worriedly.

"Because I have so long to live! Kill me now!" I say.

"Please stay still. Elijah wants you stable."


"That evil old man who wants you dead," she replies furiously.

"You don't like him? I thought all you people worshiped him!" I say, shocked.

"He is my uncle, but he is mental," she whispers. "I’ll tell you more in the morning. Rest my dear. Rest." I close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep.

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