Chapter 65

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"You're lying!" I yell at Kylie as we sit in a hotel room. We were just getting settled in when Kylie came screaming into the room. When we finally got her to calm down, she said Trenton had contacted her. When she finally told us everything he said, I couldn't bring myself to believe her.

"Why would I lie about this?!" she yells back.

"He isn't dead!!! He wouldn't leave us like this!"

"He said he was sorry, Serena!! He apologized to YOU in his final moments. Have some respect!!" Eric breaks into the conversation. The whole room falls silent. I feel eyes on me and I can't handle it anymore. I run out of the room and into the hallway. I collapse on the floor.

"Trenton?!" I try and get a mind connection with him. "Trenton please answer me!!" Nothing. "Please just say something. You can't be dead." Nothing. I burst into tears. My whole body shakes and I feel empty inside. I didn't think this day would come. I always thought he would make it to the end. I would take my life so he and Kylie could live if it ever came down to that. Now it's my job to keep her safe. I pull myself together when I hear our room door open. Kylie comes over and sits across from me. Her eyes are red and tears stain her cheeks.

"You can cry. It's ok," she says.

"No it's not. If I'm keeping you guys alive I have I keep myself together."

"No you don't. He was your best friend. You guys were close enough to be family. I think you have an excuse to cry."

"I just never expected him to suddenly... die. He left to go find a note so maybe he was close to it. I just don't understand why he went alone." We sit in silence for a moment before Kylie speaks again.

"His vision!!! Can't you access his memories?!"

"I could try, but he seemed pretty keen to keep his a secret. It must've scared him. He probably locked it up."

"What do you mean by lock?"

"When I access your minds, I go through doors. Some of them are locked though because it's something you want to keep secret."

"Do I have any locked doors?" she ask curiously.

"A small door. It's padlocked. I assume that means it's a small yet very important secret?" She nods slowly and I see her eyes fill with tears.

"What's wrong?" I ask and she grabs my hands.

"Check the door again."


"Because I want you to know this one." I nod and enter her memories. I walk down a hall and finally come to the small door. The door is unlocked and I enter it. We are back on the beach again.

"I love you," Trenton whispers. "If anything happens to me, keep fighting. Don't let my death be in vain."

"I-I won't," Kylie stammers and they hug. I exit her mind. She stares at me, waiting for my response.

"He's been planning this for awhile. He knew he was going to die, but why didn't he say anything?! That's why he was all sad and why he left."

"Why did he go alone though?" she whispers, holding back tears.

"Because he knew I would follow him to death and that can't happen. Once he and I are both dead, it's game over. All he wants Trenton and I. Now it's just me," I reply seriously.

"We better keep you safe then."

"No. I don't want to be here anymore. Lets just find the notes and get the rest of the group to safety. If I happen to die along the way, Slender wins and won't attack you guys anymore."

"Don't die." Kylie whispers. "Slender can't win. Not in this game." She hugs me then stands up. She almost makes it to the door, then whirls around.



"Do you have any locked doors?"

I sigh. "Too many." She nods and goes inside. I sit outside and think. I can't go through this on my own. I need Trenton, but he can't help me anymore. He was our leader, now that responsibility was passed onto me. I try setting up the mind connection one last time.

"Hey Trenton, I don't even know if you could hear me, but here I go anyways." I take a deep breath and begin. "From the first day we met, we were great friends. It was like we've known each other our entire lives. We gradually became closer, then one day we became inseparable. I was so glad you found Kylie. She was so perfect for you. These past years have been great and nothing is going to be the same without you. Trenton, you were my best friend. You were always so kind, funny, and always made my day.  I don't know what I'm going to do without you. I already miss you so much. I promise I will keep Kylie safe. Nothing will lay a finger on her. It's my job to protect our group now. You did...your part." Here the tears come back. "I love you. I-I'm so go. I’ll miss y-you." And the tears turn into full out sobs. Trenton is gone and so is a part of my heart.

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