Chapter 7

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He was staring at me. Well, not really staring. But I could tell he was “looking” in my general direction. A chill came over me, and my heard started throbbing, darkness encroaching my vision. I heard a voice, a whisper, and a jumble of words sounding like “hopelessness”, “insanity”, and “darkness”. But the most overriding one was the voice that said, “submit”. I knew I couldn’t submit, not ever, but the harder I tried to look away, the more he seemed to be getting closer to me. Someone grabbed me, but I wanted to lie down and sleep forever in the folds of the black void surrounding the monster. Monster? I’m not so sure. He seemed like a nice guy. Maybe I could get to know him. Maybe when I awake, we can be lifelong friends, never again mentioning this bloodlust. Someone slapped me, hard, and that knocked me back into my senses. I turned and started to run, but the catwalk seemed to stretch on forever. I looked back and saw that I was getting nowhere, that he was still right behind me. Never getting farther away, staying in the same spot. He seemed to stand, but run, all at the same time. The objects around us started to bend, and I was getting exhausted. Finally, I felt as though I was back on solid ground, and I felt my feet pounding against the metal ground. I looked back and saw that the Slenderman was holding his face, and that his tentacles had retracted. I looked to my right and saw that someone had gained their senses and thrown something at the monster. It was definitely a monster. Dawson had done it. I had to thank him later. When I looked back, the Slenderman was gone and a thin wisp of black vapor remained where he stood. We ran out of the warehouse and into the night, its dark folds embracing us and we all collapsed from exhaustion, sleeping the rest of the night away. The next morning, the full impact of what happened yesterday left me feeling like an empty shell of my former self. Riley hadn’t known what had happened, and the Slenderman had ripped her heart out. We were all crying, and everyone asked me if I was okay. I said felt shaken up, but not too bad. The truth is, I felt horrible. I had let one of my friends die and almost died myself. But I had to look strong. However, it would take a while of recuperation to feel like my regular self again. 

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