Chapter 8

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What just happened? What just happened?! One moment Trenton and I are having a peaceful conversation together, then we are all sitting in an abandoned alley with one of us already dead. Riley is DEAD. Last night was torture. Running from a "man" trying to murder you, then watching your friend die is terrible. We almost lost Trenton too. If I hadn't slapped him, I would have never forgiven myself. This is absolute torture. Megan and Kylie fell asleep, but I can still hear Dawson's sniffles. Trenton is pretending to be asleep, too scared to actually fall asleep. I can't take the silence anymore.

"Trenton?" I whisper. He rolls over to face me.


"Are you sure you're ok?" I ask this because his eyes are still a bit puffy and red.

"I guess, just a bit shaken up. He almost had me.” A brief moment of silence, then, “Who slapped me?" he asks suddenly.

"I did," I reply quietly.

"Thanks. You saved my life.” I had no words for this, so I smiled then rolled over so he couldn't see my tears. The next morning, we set off to find something to eat. Everyone is unnaturally quiet. We find a small bakery and I buy us each one muffin. We sit down on the small outdoor patio. Megan and Dawson hold hands under the table, while Trenton and Kylie sit at a different table whispering quietly to each other. I feel a little left out and alone. Trenton notices me staring at them so I pretend to pour over the map laid out in front of me. I don't know where we should go next. I can tell everyone misses home. I finger the picture in the locket around my neck. My family smiles up at me. I feel a sudden twinge of guilt. I hadn't even told them how long I would be gone. I just promised to call whenever I could. I can feel the tears well up in my eyes. I brush them away quickly. I don't want to appear vulnerable or weak to everyone else. I roll up the map and throw it into my bag. That was the signal to leave because we all got up and started down the steep street.

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