Chapter 70

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I walked backwards as the spider towered over me. I held my sword defensively, ready to parry any attack the spider came at me with. I feigned to the right then came in from the left. It anticipated the move and jumped to its left. I followed through with my swing and charged the spider. It reared on its back legs and let out a terrible screech, mandibles clicking together. This time I followed through with a swing to the right and scored a deep gash on its second leg. However, the front leg came flying to the side and smacked me across the room. I stood up and saw a line of the hair from the spider running down my side. I pulled one out of my side, and pain coursed through my body. About ten more were still in my side, so I decided not to pull them out. I rushed forward and instead of swinging, I dropped low and slid under it, my sword pointed up. It sliced into the abdomen of the spider and black blood poured out. Unfortunately for me, the ground wasn’t very slick, so I remained in place under the spider. I shoved the sword up in a desperate attempt of victory. It sank hilt deep, but seemed to do nothing. Two legs grabbed me and pulled me out and threw me. I hit the wall on the far side of the room and collapsed on the ground. I stood up, my vision blurry. The sword was gone from my hands, presumably still under the spider. I turned and saw the spider running towards me. I could barely walk straight, let alone run. I tried my best to move. The spines in my side had sunk deeper, causing the edges of my vision to go black. My wound on my shoulder and knees had reopened, and blood was everywhere. I started getting faint, and I knew it was only a matter of time. Holding my shoulder, I sprinted to the side as quickly as I could. The spider, however, was faster. It outran me easily. It jumped and knocked me over. I lay sprawled on my back, too weak to stand. My mind was racing. What could I do? I tried willing my arms to lift, anything, but my body wouldn’t respond. The spider crawled over to me and stood over me. It put its clawed foot onto my bad shoulder. I cried out in pain. I started fading, seeing the spiders face. I was out of ideas. This was it. Then instincts started taking over. My mind wandered incredibly far. I found Serena’s, Eric’s, Kylie’s, everyone’s mind. I was sending out a subconscious distress call, repeating over and over: help. And slowly, their power came to me. My mind stayed connected, but returned to me. Power coursed through my vein. Fury and rage filled me, and my eyes snapped open. A blast of energy escaped from my broken body, throwing the spider back. Kathryn’s power. I stood to my feet. I shot forward like a spring and made myself super dense. Dawson’s power. I slammed into the spider against the wall with the power of a speeding train. I stepped back and released an inferno from my hand. Nathaniel’s power. The spider’s back half was burned, but it was crawling forward on its front four feet. I saw a ghost-like version of it jumping and I jumped to the side. It jumped, but I was gone before it landed. Kylie’s power. I turned and jumped towards the opening in the wall. I suddenly fell flat. A foul smelling, green liquid passed over my head and splashed against the wall above the door. The stone steamed and hissed as it melted and sealed off the door. Acid. Eric’s power had saved me. I turned and anger blinded me. All the anger of my friend’s deaths, fear of the Slenderman turned into rage. I ran at it with superman speed. All of my friend’s emotions flooded into me, and I took it all out this spider. But I didn’t move. I wanted the spider to know my supreme power. Serena’s power flooded into me. Her and my power together was the ultimate combination. I bombarded the consciousness of the spider and attacked with the force of an army. I crushed it with incredible force and shattered the mind of the beast before me. I stepped back and saw the cowering spider before me. I prepared the final blow. A solid wave of fire and energy, packed into one dense blow, completely decimating the spider. Nothing remained. I turned and ran to the wall where the door was. I stepped through the wall with Dawson’s power and saw the corridor before me. I looked up and drew my power together. I took a massive leap and jumped with incredible speed and power. Dawson and Kathryn’s powers helped me fly up through the ceiling towards open space. After a minute, I surfaced. It was afternoon, but not the same as when I had came down. It seemed like it was around five o’ clock. I was near St. James City. I could see the skyline. The power from the battle was wearing off, but I felt fine. The power had seemed to heal my injuries. My bandages had burned off (but thank goodness not my pants) and I could see pink skin on my shoulder where the bite was. The hairs had disappeared from my side, so I didn’t need to worry about it. The power left me and I felt light-headed. Having that power was addicting. The power had reentered the others. I had nothing to carry so I just started walking towards the city. I examined my body as I walked. I was clean, shiny actually, which shocked me. But, again, it must’ve been the power. My shoulder was still a little bit sore, but other than that I was unflawed. I heard rustling behind me. I turned, ready to attack, but then I realized I didn’t have anything to attack with. I held up my fists, but what came out of the bush was surprising. It was a girl. About fourteen. She looked up at me and I caught hold of her icy blue eyes.

“Oh,” was all she said. “Um… hello.”

“Uh,” was all I could say. I tried covering up, but I had nothing. We stood there examining each other. I cleared my throat.

“Um, what’re you doing out here?” I asked.

"Just... um... just looking for someone. What about you?”

“Just… going for a walk. Who’re you looking for?”

“A friend. She’s in a sticky situation. I’m trying to find her so I can help her.”

“Oh okay. What’s her name?” She looked at me with her blue eyes.

“Serena Johnson.”

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