Chapter 54

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(Warning: Suicidal attempt)

Author's POV

'No please. Not Jungkook.'

Jieun's eyes brimmed with tears. Just then they heard another gasp. Her eyes looked at the direction. Jinyoung was holding Minji in his arms. Jieun watched Jungkook slowly moved away from her as Jin helped him to sit.

"Jungkook? You're okay?" The Lee girl asked, checking him if he was really okay or not.

"I'm okay. Just a small injury on my back." Jungkook hissed when Jin pulled out the small yet sharp piece of glass from his back. Jieun breathed in relief.

"Thank God." She whispered. Just then she realised something.

"Then who got hit?" As soon as she muttered she looked at where Jinyoung was. And her eyes widened seeing the bloodied form of Minji in his arms.

When Jinyoung was about to stab Jieun, Jungkook came between them to protect her from the attack. Minji who was also behind him stabbed his back with a piece of glass which she found on the floor. But as Jungkook ran towards Jieun, the Lee girl couldn't keep her balance because of the sudden force and fell. He also fell with her as he was holding her and the dagger which was meant for her directly stabbed Minji's chest.

Jinyoung just froze in his spot. His hands were shaking vigorously holding his sister's dead body in his embrace. He did it. He killed her. His mind went blank. His hands reached for the dagger.

Jieun flinched when Jinyoung pulled out the dagger and got up. His back was facing them. When he turned around Jungkook hide the Lee girl behind his back and Jin stood in front of the duo, ready to attack. But Jinyoung didn't move an inch. The dagger fell from his hand as he looked at Jieun with teary eyes.

"W-What have I done?" He let out a shaky breath before losing his consciousness. A gasp escaped from Jieun's mouth while she gripped Jungkook's arm as she saw the male's body falling on the floor. Jin carefully approached him and knelt down to check his pulse.

"He's just unconscious." He said while getting up. Jieun quickly hugged the eldest and the male also patted her head.

"I'm glad you're okay Jieun."

"Guys. Where's the bomb?" Their blood turned cold hearing Jungkook's sudden question.

"I remember we didn't even touch it! It was in the briefcase!"

"Yeah. Where is it now? Wasn't it supposed to be e-exploded by now?" Jin asked feeling confused.

"Cause I defused it." They heard a familiar raspy voice.

"Yoongi oppa!" Jieun's eyes shone.

"You guys.....what should I say?" The hacker pinched the bridge of his nose.

"If I didn't follow you guys here you would have already blown away. Idiots."

Yoongi was feeling restless. So he also followed the trio to the storage room. When he saw Jinyoung and Minji also going towards the direction he hid behind the wall and watched. The briefcase was near the door. So he cautiously took it and got into work.

They didn't notice him taking the briefcase because of the heated situation.

"Yahh Yoongi-ah. Thanks dude." Jin oppa lightly laughed.

"Let's head back." Jungkook said as Jieun helped him to get up.

"What about those two?" Yoongi pointed at the siblings who were lying on the ground.

"Leave them here." Jin said and they went away, not forgetting to lock the door.

Meanwhile in the hallroom, Mr. Kim gritted his teeth in frustration. His men were taking down one by one and he couldn't even do anything. Bangtan's men already surrounded the whole area and he has no place to escape and he won't. He waited patiently for Taehyung or Jieun. He'll kill them today. No matter what he will kill them.

"Looking for me uncle?" His smirk crept on his lips hearing the bartione of his youngest nephew.

"I was." He said. Within a second he pointed his gun towards the assassin and was about to shoot but stopped and furrowed his eyebrows when he saw Taehyung calmly sitting on a sofa.

"Have you forgotten about this?" The older man's eyes widened seeing the file in Taehyung's hand. The property file which he was looking for. His hands trembled when Taehyung lit a lighter and brought it near the file.

"You know me very well uncle. I won't hesitate to do it."

"No. Don't!" He yelled.

"Aren't you looking for this also?" The gangster chuckled.

"Give it to me!" He screamed.

"Then beg for it. Take it from me." Mr. Kim's face fell hearing him.

"You also need my sign on it." Taehyung viciously smirked.

"The deal should occur between us. Right uncle?" Mr. Kim clenched his jaw.

"Why you?" He gripped his fists.

"Come on." Taehyung said while gesturing by his eyes.

"I won't!"

"Obviously I knew it." Taehyung forwarded the file and Mr. Kim was about to grab it but couldn't.

"Not this fast. Hobi hyung you can." As soon as Taehyung said it Mr. Kim started to jump like a monkey as bullets where shot towards his legs continuously.



"Why Taehyung? I was having fun." Hoseok whined while coming out from his hiding spot. Mr. Kim gulped when one by one the rest of the members came there except Jieun.

"Your plan was good. Secretly attacking us knowing that usually we don't stay in this house at morning." Namjoon said while the others chuckle.

"You love this property right? This empire, this luxury." Jin remarked while ogling at him.

"You took our happiness from us. And we'll do the same." Jungkook said and Taehyung stood in front of the older male.

Mr. Kim's eyes widened in horror as the file started to burn in the flames of fire.

The same place where Taehyung's father's violin was burning.

The assassin's charcoal black eyes were red as tears started to roll down on his cheeks.

"You killed our father. You killed Jieun's father. You killed Jisoo noona. You killed my baby. You tried to kill Jungkook. You tried to kill Jieun. You tired to kill Jin hyung. You used Namjoon hyung. You used me. You used Lee Junghee. You used us. For this fucking property."

Taehyung threw the file on the floor, letting it burn.

"NO! NO! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE KIM FUCKING TAEHYUNG?!!" Mr. Kim yelled and tried to put out the fire with his bare hands. But it was too late. It already turned into ashes.

The last wish, the only thing for which he started this fiasco, for which he passed years after years is also gone.

Now the only thing he should care for is his life.

Mr. Kim looked up. The maniac glints of the predators were already on his.

"Oh no no. Don't think we'll do anything to you. We don't want to drench our hands in your filthy blood. Now." Taehyung darkly chuckled.

"Cause there's someone who you need to meet."

Mr. Kim's body shook.

"Babygirl~ Won't you meet our guest?" Taehyung sang. And Mr. Kim almost choked when Jieun approached towards him.

"I do want to." Her velvety voice echoed in the hall. The members enjoyed the view.

"I wish I can get some popcorns now." Jimin said leaning against the wall.

"I also wish." Hoseok agreed with him.

Jieun turned towards Taehyung.

"Wanna have some fun? Don't forget no blood."

"Yah Tae. We also want to enjoy." Jin playfully yelled.

And Mr. Kim looked at them in terror.

"If you need a hand just call me. My hands are aching." Yoongi said, cocking his head, rubbing his knuckles.

Jieun knelt down in front of the old man. Her piercing honey orbs ogled at him.

"I would have forgiven you if I was Park Haneul." She said in a low tone sending shiver down his spine.

"The story which you actually made by using uncle Junghee remember?" She choked him until he started to see white spots in his vision.

"But now I am Lee Jieun. I have my father's blood running in my veins. Maybe I really am like my dad." She released his neck but immediately banged his head with the floor.

"You forgot I'm a gangster's wife now. You thought I was weak."

She then got up and brushed her jacket.

"My hands are thirsty just to kill you here with this gun but Taehyung promised me something and he'll fulfill it."

And with that Jimin and Hoseok dragged the old man towards their basement.

As soon as they went away Jieun felt weak on her knees and was about to fall but Taehyung held her.

"Taehyung." Her voice broke.

"Sush. Everything's gonna fine."

Jieun's POV

It's been hours since the boys took uncle Kim in the torture room. I was standing in front of the room. I could only hear uncle Kim screaming, begging them to kill him but they never stopped. My heart felt peace hearing his yells and screams.

It's more painful for him when he's being tortured where they won't let him shed blood.

After some moments they came out, sweating and panting heavily. I peeked over their shoulders to only see uncle Kim's unconscious form lying on the chair. My jaw dropped on the floor. No blood!

They really tortured him without shedding blood. Woah.

Author's POV

Mr. Kim woke up and found himself in a familiar room. He hurriedly got up and observed his surrounding. It's Jinyoung's mansion. He's in Jinyoung's mansion.

He tripped while going out of the room. No one was there. Their voices kept ringing inside his head. He clutched his head.

"Stop it." He muttered painfully.

'I'll show you what pain really us is without drenching my hands in your blood.'

He banged his head harshly against the wall, again and again.

"STOP IT!!!" He threw a vase which was near him, shattering into million pieces. He threw the other things here and there.

He breathed heavily.

He can't have the property now.

"It's finished. Everything's finished." He muttered.

'Bangtan will come here in any time. They'll come to me again to torture me. Taehyung will kill me in a worst way. Not only him but also Jin, Namjoon and Jungkook.'

He gasped thinking about it. He doesn't want to die in their hands. He looked here and there. His eyes landed on the desk where Jinyoung used to put secret guns. Is there any gun? Running towards it he opened the drawer. His eyes shone. A gun and bullets.

"Hahah. Hahahh." He laughed like a maniac.

"They won't be able to kill me. Hahah." He laughed while loading the gun with a bullet and pointed it at his forehead.

"Arrivederci." ("Goodbye.") Saying he pulled the trigger.


Yoongi disconnected the device which was showing them the cctv footage and closed his laptop.

"Well that's all for today."

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