Chapter 55

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Jieun's POV

Kim Taemin, uncle of businessman Kim Taehyung and father of businessman Kim Namjoon and  Doctor Kim Seokjin was found dead in the mansion of Kim Jinyoung, the CEO of JN Industries. He was murdered yesterday by Kim Jinyoung. Agent Jeon Jungkook and the police force have investi.......

Jimin oppa turned off the tv.

"My head is aching hearing the same news again and again from yesterday."

Yoongi oppa chuckled while taking a glass of champagne.

"Well it's irritating to even hear his name." He said before talking a sip from the champagne. I leaned against my chair and looked at the boys. We were at the pool area, enjoying ourselves. Jimin oppa, Hobi oppa, Jungkook and Taehyung were in the pool, playing handball in the water. The duo were sulking and whining cause Jungkook and Tae beat them three-three times. Namjoon oppa and Yoongi oppa were drinking and watching the others, all smiling. Jin oppa went to order some pizzas and soon came back with them. Taehyung pushed up his wet hair and looked at me with his piercing gaze. My heart skipped a beat when he got out of the water and started to come near me. I gulped seeing his wet blue shirt sticking with his well defined body, water dropping from his hair and face to his lips and neck. He licked his lips while bending down to my level so close that I stopped breathing. My gaze landed on his luscious lips. They were so tempting like they were calling me to kiss him then and there madly. I leaned forward. His lips were near mine, an inch apart when we were about to kiss.

"Why are you looking at me like this babygirl?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion hearing him.


"Sei una ragazza così cattiva."
("You're such a naughty girl.")

He spoke in Italian which I obviously couldn't understand and innocently looked at me while his hand reached for the towel behind me. Realisation hit me and warm blood rushed through my cheeks when I heard some 'oooo' and chuckles.

Kim fucking Taehyung! You bastard!

He's back with his cocky side. Not that I mind. I missed this side of him. Hah~ It brings back memories.

Taehyung smirked while wiping his head with the towel and went towards a couch, not forgetting to give a high five to his best friend. I glared at them.

"Not you Jimin oppa. You were supposed to be on my side~" I whined while they all chuckled.

I also smiled at them.

Yesterday we ended all the drama and chapter of uncle Kim.


The sky was gloomy with thick dark clouds. The guards were holding umbrellas over us as the droplets of the rain were continuously falling. I along with the boys stood in front of the grave of uncle Kim, all wearing black. The news of his death spread quickly cause Kim's Industries was one of the biggest industries in this country and a member of the Kim family was murdered. The police went to investigate in Jinyoung's mansion and Jungkook or I say agent Jeon was also with them. A press conference was held and we all answered the questions which were thrown at us.

Well it was all Bangtan's plan.

We made the story like this.......that Kim Jinyoung was actually the main culprit. He was actually using our friendship for his profit, for money which was true though. He planned all the things for the property and killed uncle Kim. And about the evidences, Yoongi oppa and Jungkook took care of the rest of the things. One played with the informations and the other one was in charge of the case and set up the things.

The court took the decisions and Jinyoung was sent to the mental asylum. Well serves him right cause he truly was acting like a psycho, screaming and yelling.

And about the property files, the one which Taehyung burned were fake, to make uncle Kim realise that we were actually burning the real one.

We all were at the graveyard. There were also other businessmen and their wives who came for the funeral.

"How that old man managed to earn respect from them?" Jimin oppa wondered while I silently chuckled. My eyes landed on Taehyung who was in front of everyone. His eyes were dull like the clouds, standing there like a stone. I  went to him and placed my hand on his shoulder. He slowly slid his arms around my waist.

"Are you okay?" I softly asked.

"I am. As long as you're with me." He answered.

I moved closer to him as he side hugged me tightly. He planted a small kiss on my head.

Vicious smirks crept on our lips as our eyes landed on the grave which went unnoticed by the others.

He rubbed my arms up and down as he felt me shivering.

"Are you feeling cold?" He whispered.  I looked at his eyes and hugged him back while shaking my head in negative.

"I'm long as you're with me."

Flashback ends.

"Are you lost in your thoughts Jieun?" I snapped out of my thoughts hearing Jimin oppa's voice. He sat beside me.

"Just thinking about something." I answered and he ruffled my hair.

"Forget that. Now won't you take revenge? Hm? Hm?" He wiggled his eyebrows and I understood. I knew oppa was on my side. I smirked looking at Taehyung who was watching the others. But I guess the thoughts weren't good when Jimin oppa gave me a naughty smile.

"Oppa if you're thinking of doing that then don't."

"Why?~ It'll be fun. The pool's not that deep. You won't drown. Besides your oppas are here to protect you."


"I clearly remember when Namjoon hyung jumped off from the cliff with you. So thrilling!"

"My soul nealry left my body." I said with a horrified expression. And within a second I felt myself in his arms.

"NO OPPAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" I yelled when he threw me at the water but as I was clutching his shirt he also fell.

Well he was right. It's not that deep. I rubbed my face and looked here and there.

"Welcome to the club sis." Hobi oppa said and waved at me.

"Yah Taehyung-ah. Your wife needs to learn swim........"


Jin oppa also fell in the water as Jungkook pushed him. 

"YOU UNGRATEFUL BRAT!" And oppa's  yelling was heard while we all laughed.

"There's still a special one left." Jimin oppa whispered while Jungkook and  Hobi oppa gathered. I see.  They're eyeing Yoongi oppa.

"Well good luck then. I'm going." I said and Jimin oppa winked at me.

"Wish you a good luck too.  For the night."

I rolled my eyes. Such a pervert.

When I got up I heard gasps from behind. Taehyung immediately straightened his back, looking at me with wide eyes.

"Holy moly." Jimin oppa whispered but soon Hobi oppa drowned his face in the water. Jungkook averted his gaze feeling shy and Namjoon oppa choked on his wine. The glass fell from Yoongi oppa's hand.  

Why this reaction?

I then looked at myself. Oh shit!

The blue shirt similar to Taehyung which I was wearing was hugging my curves. I was wearing shorts which reached my thighs but still it was sticking with my skin. And as I practiced gun firing and using daggers with them the last whole month it was kind of a workout. So my body got more curvy.   

I quickly hugged my body with my hands, a poor attempt but soon smirked seeing Taehyung gulped as I approached towards him. I leaned down and took the towel from him. I winked and moved away, not forgetting to give him a peck on his lips.

"Why are you looking at me like this baby?" I said in a low yet seductive voice. Giving him another peck I headed towards our room, laughing in my mind seeing his bulge.

Author's POV

Taehyung froze in his spot. What just happened? He just couldn't remove the picture of his wife from his mind. She was looking fucking hot and sexy. Damn. He just wanted to fuck her then and there.

'The red rosy lips, the collarbone, the cleavage.....' He groaned at his thought.

Just then a towel was thrown at his face by Jin, breaking the thoughts of his fantasy.




Jieun changed her clothes and then looked at the mirror. A smile crept on her lips thinking about Taehyung. But immediately her face went blank remembering her talk with her brother.


"Jieun-ah. Tell me one thing honestly." Lee Minho said while cupping her face.

"What oppa?"

"Are you truly feeling happy?" And Jieun stopped in her tracks hearing the question.

"Are you happy princess?" Lee Minho asked. As a brother he was also worried for her. He stayed quiet all this time cause Jieun forbade him to talk about this but for how long he'll endure seeing his sister in pain? She suffered a lot staying with Taehyung.

"I don't regret the moments with him oppa." Jieun said, her eyes brimmed with tears. Minho's eyes softened before he hugged her.

"I don't want to see you in pain anymore Jieun. I'm not saying to leave him. Look Jieun, I don't know how he had managed you to say yes in the marriage but it is true that he did that for taking revenge in that time. It started with hate and then to love. Because of the situation between you two you confessed to each other." 

He kissed her forehead and stoke her hair.

"I also have talked with him. Think about this matter with him and take the decisions of your life."

Flashback ends.

Suddenly she felt two hands wrapped around her waist. She giggled and turned around to face the assassin. Her eyes softened when Taehyung leaned against her palm. She cupped his cheek. Her fingers caressed his defined jaw.

'It started with hate and then to love.'

"Taehyung." She called out his name. His charcoal black eyes met her honey orbs while he kissed her palm.

"I want to say something...." He stopped when Jieun put her forefinger on his lips, shushing him.

"Shh baby. We'll talk about that later." Her honey orbs bore into him.

"Please I want you Taehyung. I want to love you now."

And he didn't deny.


A white towel loosely hung from Taehyung's torso, his bare back visible to her as he was back facing her. He stood in front of the table and poured the wine in the glass from bottle. Gulping down the liquid he stared at the balcony. Jieun wore one of Taehyung's black shirts which barely reached her mid thighs. She took baby steps towards him and back hugged him, her warm lips kissing his back which was littered with numerous scars and bruises.

"Feeling sore?" He silently chuckled.

"Uhmn." She faintly hummed. Taehyung put the glass on the table.

"Minho hyung talked with you right?"

Jieun straightened her posture and stared at his eyes.

"He did."

"I know Jieun. I've told you. Staying with me will cause you pain. Us mafias and gangsters can't lead a happy life with families. There's betrayal, there's trust issues, there's revenge, there's hate, there's darkness but there's also light." Taehyung softly spoke, his hands gently rubbing her shoulder.

"You taught me how to live Jieun. You taught me how to love. I was a selfish person. I was cruel to you yet you stayed with me. You were determined to change my heart." 

Jieun gripped his arms.

"As much as I want to stay with you Jieun I'm afraid to lose you. I told you that in that day. Didn't I?" Taehyung let out a deep sigh. He closed his eyes remembering Lee Minho's words to him.

'We don't know what will happen in our future. We work in a line of business where we can either kill or get killed. Bad stuff could happen to the people we dragged in our life. Don't bring someone in if you're not gonna care for them from the start to the end. And even if you do don't make yourself regret.'

"We all could die tomorrow Jieun. Even if we want we can't get out of this line. It'll take too much time. Others might seek revenge on us. There's a chance that other's life could be in danger because of us. I can't give you the life you dreamt of Jieun. Are you prepared to accept it then? Do you still want to stay with this monster?" Taehyung said, his grip on her shoulder tightened. Jieun silently listened to him. 

The moments with them flashed in her mind.

Their first meet, their deal, her having crush on Jungkook, Taehyung's forceful attempt to kiss her, him threatening her to marry him, the black rose, their marriage, their wedding night, the deal about telling his past to her, her taking care of his injury, forceful love, drunk night, meeting Lee Minho again, regaining lost memories, chandelier incident, him confessing to her, missing his absence, shocking truth about Lee Junghee and Rośe, the boys taking care of her, their teasings, telling Taehyung the news of her pregnancy, the betrayal, the loss, the confrontation, his promise everything.

Taehyung did hated her at first. He wanted to break her. He wanted her to suffer. But he found himself in her. She understood him. She stayed with him when she knew living with him would cause her even death. She was determined to change him. And she did. 

Jieun lightly chuckled before looking at the gangster.

"Did you forget my words?" She smiled at him.

"I said I want to love the darkness like you Taehyung-ah. I want to be with you. No matter what I can't stay away from you even if you threaten me, even if you hate me." She cupped his cheeks and pulled him closer.

"Even if you want to kill me." Taehyung watched her staring at him deeply. 

"Have you forgotten you own words V?" His eyes widened hearing his codename from her mouth.

"In our wedding day, when we took the vows, when I officially became yours, do you remember what you said to me?" She said in her velvety voice. Taehyung recalled the moment.

'You're caged with me babygirl and it'll break then if one of us dies, either you or either me.'

"I'm selfish Taehyung-ah. I'm selfish for you. I want to be with you.....until my last breath."

The young assassin stayed quiet. He then let out a small chuckle and caressed her cheeks.

"Sei così testarda bambina."
("You're so stubborn babygirl.")

He then bend down to her level and kissed her roughly. After some moments he detached his lips leaving her breathless, a sting of saliva attaching with their lips.

"I want a fresh start with you. I want you beside me, I want your voice to soothe me, I want your touch to calm me down.  I need you in my life Jieun." He looked at the black night sky.

"I talked about this with Jin hyung and came to this decision. I'm tired Jieun-ah. I want to take a break." 

Forwarding his hand he then asked,

"Will you come with me, Lee Jieun?"

Jieun's heart skipped a beat hearing him. His lips tugged upwards when she also forwarded her small hand and he gently held it, engulfing it in his big one. A tear escaped from one of her eyes before she smiled at him.

"I will always be with you, Kim Taehyung."

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