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Author's POV

Taehyung put the last luggage in the jeep. He fixed his jacket before looking at Jieun who was talking with Jin. The broad shouldered male handed her a huge lunch box and said,

"You two will definitely get hungry in the long journey. Eat properly okay?" He patted her head and gave her a whole speech about taking care of herself and Taehyung. The Lee girl nodded her head like an obedient baby while Taehyung chuckled at them. This hyung of his also lectured him yesterday about Jieun.

Jin is still protective of her.

The duo then approached towards Taehyung. The assassin opened his mouth.

"Hyung about the others...."

"Don't worry. They all are sleeping like logs."

Well they stayed awake all the night.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell anyone about this. I hope they will understand." Taehyung said, feeling guilty for leaving his members like this.

"I'll come back hyung. I just.......need some time to settle some things."

Jin's eyes softened. He placed his hand on Taehyung's shoulder.

"They're your brothers Tae. They will understand. Although I don't know how long I can keep it secret from Namjoon. He gets to know everything."

"He's our leader after all." They both chuckled and then hugged each other. Taehyung felt a new emotion building inside his heart, a warm feeling of hugging his brother. Jin's eyes filled with tears.

"I'm sorry I wasn't with you when you needed me the most Taehyung-ah. I'm sorry I couldn't do much for you as a big brother." He mumbled, patting his little brother's back.

"Hyung. It was in the past. Just forget it. And about doing anything you are the reason which is why Jieun is with me now."

It's true. Taehyung got to meet Jieun because of Jin. Jin was the first person who told Taehyung about Jieun's whereabouts when she was studying under his custody.

Jin smiled at him.

"I'm glad then. So have you thought when you'll come back?"

"Naah. But I promise I'll come back hyung. Until then take care of yourself and the others."

Taehyung glanced at Jieun and smiled at her before getting into the jeep. Jin stared at the Lee girl, who was fondly watching them. So many moments they've shared with each other.

To Jieun, Jin was a person with a confusing duality. But he was the person whom she shared most of her emotions. Jin always tried to be on her side and he played a great role in her life. Jieun loves Jin's carefree and positive mind and she's also afraid of his sadistic scary side.

"Jin oppa." She muttered his name. Jin didn't waste a second to pull her in a bone crushing hug.

"Oh Jieun-ah. I'm gonna miss you so much." Jin mumbled hugging her tightly. His closed his eyes, letting his tears fall. At first he found fun flirting with Jieun. But as time passed by, he started to feel affection towards her, as a big brother. Jin always wanted to have a little sister. But after Jisoo passed away he never ever thought about that matter. Jieun filled the emptiness of her.

"I'll miss you too oppa." Jieun softly spoke. Jin kissed her head and ruffled her hair.

"Take care."

She gave him a sweet smile. When she sat on her seat in the jeep beside Taehyung she remembered something.

"I forgot! Here. Give these to the boys. I'm sorry I didn't meet them before I go." She handed him some small letters. Jin looked at them.

"Where's mine?" She playfully glared at him and he raised his hands making the girl chuckle.

"Just kidding. Here's a little gift from me." Jieun handed him a photo card and within a second Jin's lips tugged upwards seeing it.

It was a photo of her and his, eating pastries which they made together.

"How did you take it?"

"Taehyung helped me." She said while giving playful glances at her husband.

"Okay but why are there four letters?"

"Jungkook's one is here." She spoke before giving him a tiny box.

"What's in it?" She lightly slapped Jin's hand when he about to open the box. She said something with her eyes and Jin mouthed an 'O' understanding it. Taehyung raised one of his eyebrows.

"Why a box?"

The duo startled.

"Nothing." Jin swiftly remarked. Jieun pecked the gangster's lips and said,

"Secrets jagi." Taehyung eyed the box making the Lee girl smile. This man is still jealous about that matter.

She still remembers when Taehyung used to send dagger like glares to Jungkook and the younger male would have no clues about it.

"Don't worry. You're the only man in my heart."

"Okay okay. Now go before one of them wakes up." Jin said, looking away.

"Admit it hyung. You also want to feel the fantasy." Jin's ears became red in embarrassment hearing his brother.

"Yah! Says the one who got hard..."

"Oh y-yeah hyung. The others might wake up." Taehyung nervously chuckled while Jin smirked but soon they laughed out.

"These two." Jieun shook her head. Taehyung took a last glance at the palace and muttered,


He started the jeep.

Jin waved his hand and watched the jeep until it's out of his sight.

"Farewell Taehyung-ah."

At night.

"I'm feeling depressed." Jimin plopped on the couch feeling exhausted.

"I'm already missing her and Tae." Hoseok said.

"Boys. Jieun gave you all a little present."

"Where is it?" Jimin quickly straightened his back making the others chuckle.

Jin handed them their respective letters and immediately smiles formed on their lips.

"The picture's too cute." Jimin awed seeing his and Jieun's picture.

"Mine is the best." Yoongi said with a smirk as Jimin glared at him.

"It's full of swag."

Hoseok smiled while reading his letter.

"Pfft. It looks like Namjoon hyung is her dad. She's looking so tiny beside him." Jimin said while peeking at Namjoon's photo card.

"And what about you? You both look small together."

"Hyung~" As Jimin whined they all laughed.

Jin smiled at them. He then went upstairs looking for Jungkook as he was not there and also found him, in the big balcony.

Jungkook let out a deep sigh and closed his eyes before gripping the earring which belonged to Jieun. While dancing in that night it fell from her ear. He kept it to himself all this time. He looked at the moon. Cold wind hit his face, brushing against his skin. He was lost in his thoughts.


The younger male startled and looked at Jin.

"Oh it's you hyung."

"You're here alone?"

Jungkook lightly smiled while shaking his head.

"Naah. Just feeling like it." Jin raised his eyebrow.

"Is it for Jieun?"

"W-What? Hyung. Why will it have any connection with Jieun?"

"Only you know." Jin said while shrugging his shoulder. Jungkook stayed quiet and again focused his gaze at the sky. Jin chuckled at him.

"JK." Jungkook looked at the direction and caught the small box which Jin threw at him.

"She told me to give it to you." Jungkook confusingly looked at his hyung.

"What is it?"

"How will I know? Open it. I'm going to sleep." Jin waved at him and went to his room.

Jungkook watched him going away, disappearing in the darkness of the corridor. He then opened the box, his eyes widened seeing the other part of the familiar earring and a note in it.

Maybe you also knew about my feelings back then although I never said it to you.

Before I fell in love with Taehyung I loved you.

The situation was like this that we couldn't express our feelings to each other. When we understood it was too late to confess.
But I'm glad I met you.
Thank you for everything.
-Lee Jieun.

His eyes softened watching the diamond of the red earrings shining under the moonlight.

"I love you Haneul."

A small yet genuine smile crept on his lips.

"And I'm happy for you and Taehyung."

Four years later.

In a private resort.

A four years old boy is sitting on a tool, watching his mother making French toasts. The sweet smell hit his nostrils, watering his mouth.

"Mama! It smells so delicious."

Jieun chuckled hearing her little son's talk. She served the dish in front of him.

"Here you go baby. Let me feed you."

"Thank you mama!"

The Lee girl fondly watched the little boy taking a bite and chewing it.

"When will daddy come, mama? I miss daddy."

Jieun smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Mama's missing him too although it's been two days he's gone out for his work. He'll come soon baby."

She then stared at the blue water through the glass window. Four years have passed. Lee Minho decided to stay with Lee Junghee and Rosè in his villa.
Taehyung and she were staying in a private resort of Taehyung, in Italy. No one knows about this except Jin and Jungkook.

The couple was blessed with a beautiful babyboy. He exactly looks like Jieun; big doe shaped honey eyes and chocolate brown hair but his actions were all like Taehyung. Jieun named him Tae-Hee which means 'great joy'. He was the joy in their life. Taehyung was so happy having him in his arms when he was born. He even cried out in front of the nurses. Jieun chuckled at the thought. Her eyes then landed on the photo frame of the boys which they took together. Tae-Hee memorized all of their names. After all they're his beloved uncles although he hasn't met with them yet.

'I wonder what are they doing now?'

At night.
In Seoul city.
The Bangtan Palace.

Jungkook wore his gloves before putting the guns in his gun holster.

"Getting ready for a mission?" Jin leaned against the door and said.

"Yeah. Namjoon hyung went to finalize a deal with his client. I've to accompany Jimin, Hobi and Yoongi hyung in this one." Jin watched him wearing his boots.

"Hyung. I wonder how Tae hyung and Jieun is? It's been four years." Jungkook mumbled.

"Have they contacted with you?"

Jin shook his head in negative.

"Only me and you know where they are now yet we don't get to talk with them."

Jungkook stared at the floor.

"I'm feeling like we'll get to meet them soon hyung. Very soon."

"Honestly I'm feeling the same."


"On your left Hoba." Yoongi signaled his partner though the earpiece and Hoseok kicked the man beside him. Jimin is busy distracting the others while he's trying to open the locker which has an important data. These bastards stole it from them.

"Where's JK?" Hobi muttered while tapping the passcode by Yoongi's help.

"He's already on the field hyung."

Hoseok succeeded to unlock the locker and took the device from it.

"Let's return. We don't have to stay here now."

But when they reached their van someone shot Jimin's leg and the gangster fell. Jungkook quickly held him. They turned around and saw the boss of the men whom they fought with standing there with a gun. Hoseok shielded his members and said,

"JK take Jimin to the van. I'll handle this."

Hoseok attacked the man but he was too bulky. He was fast to held his neck and started to strangle him. Yoongi helped Jimin to get in the van while Jungkook ran to help Hoseok. The man released Hoseok and when Hoseok fell on the ground he punched Jungkook in the face and Jungkook kicked him on his stomach. While Hoseok was trying to breathe properly Jungkook pulled out his gun and was about to shoot but the man quickly moved away from his spot and yanked the gun away from him. He kicked Hoseok's ribs and then pinned Jungkook against one of the cars. Jungkook tried to kick him but failed as the windshield broke and the pieces of glass met his back. When the man pressed the muzzle of his gun against Jungkook's chest Hoseok held him from behind but the man headbutted him.

"Game over." The man spoke before he fired his gun. But nothing happened to Jungkook. The grip on Jungkook's neck loosened as someone shot before the man could. The man fell on the ground, all bloodied. Jungkook coughed before looking at the person who did this. His eyes widened in shock, so as Hoseok's.


Taehyung's signature smirk formed on his lips.

"We're back in business."

The next day.
At night.

"It's cold." Tae-Hee mumbled in his sleep before snuggling close to his mother. Jieun smiled and wiped the drool of his mouth. She wrapped the little boy in a blanket and kissed his forehead. She then looked at the clock. It's pretty late. Taehyung was supposed to come today. She huffed before sitting on the king sized bed. Suddenly she heard some noises from the living room. She alerted her mind before went to check out, not forgetting to take a knife with her. It's dark here and she can't find the switches.

Well there's no one. Thinking it might be a cat she breathed in relief. But when she was about to turn around someone tired to held her. Jieun gripped that hand and swiftly kicked him in the crotch area. She harshly pinned the male against the wall and held the knife near his throat.

"Babygirl. It's me." Taehyung groaned in pain. Jieun widened her eyes recognising the voice and moved away.

"T-Taehyung? I'm sorry jagi. I thought some intruder came." She said and brushed his jacket, looking if he was okay or not while making their way towards their room where Tae-Hee was sleeping.

"Sei decisamente diventata una mamma gangster ora, bambina."
(You've definitely become a gangster mommy, babygirl.")

"E ora capisco anche l'italiano, tesoro."
("And I also can understand Italian now, sweetheart.")

"Oops. But you were hot with that move."

"Shut up! I almost hurt you." Jieun slapped his chest. Now as the lights were on Jieun saw blood in Taehyung's face. Not only his face but also on his jacket and shirt.

"Fucking Fuck! From where are you coming and that too bloodied like this?"

"I reached here a while ago but caught up with some goons on my way who were molesting a poor girl. So I had to interfere. Not my fault."

"What if Tae-Hee gets up and sees you like this? Go and take a shower first." Jieun whisper yelled. But Taehyung pulled her closer and crashed his lips on her, kissing her hungrily.

"I *smooch* missed *smooch* you." He said between the smooches which were echoing in the room.

"Mama. Is daddy here?" Tae-Hee's sleepy voice was heard and the couple froze on their spots. As Tae-Hee rubbed his eyes Jieun quickly pushed Taehyung in the bathroom and slammed the door, not forgetting to shove him a towel.

Turning towards Tae-Hee she then softly spoke,

"Yes baby. He's taking shower now. When he's done he'll sing you a song."

"Yay." The little boy giggled before again falling asleep. Jieun breathed in relief and glared at the bathroom's door. The showering sound was heard.

This idiot!

Taehyung came out of the bathroom after taking a quick shower and dried his hair. Plopping on the bed he nuzzled his nose against his son who snuggled to him, feeling his father's presence. Taehyung smiled brightly before kissing his forehead, his little nose and chubby cute cheeks.

"My baby~ I love you so much." He cooed.

Jieun leaned against the railing of the balcony and watched the heart warming scene. Taehyung got up and approached towards her, wrapping his masculine arms around her waist, pulling her in his embrace. Kissing the back of her hand he softly muttered,

"I love you."

"And I love you." Jieun hugged him back and kissed him with so much passion and love.

"Oh I've a surprise for you." Taehyung detached his lips from her and said.

"What is it?"

"You'll get to see it tomorrow."

"Not fair." The petite girl pouted making the gangster chuckle.

He'll head back to Seoul tomorrow, again with his brothers.

Jieun will be so happy when she'll discover herself in the Bangtan Palace. And also Tae-Hee will be spoiled and loved by the members. No doubt.

Still hugging Taehyung looked at the ocean, the waves crashing with the rocks far away.

He was engulfed with darkness. She came to his life as light. He was empty from inside. She completed him. So many things happened in their life but they stuck together and waited for the end.

To the world Kim Taehyung or V was a heartless beast. He was a sadistic assassin. He was monstrous.

But to his family he was soft hearted, lovely and also protective.

"What are you thinking about Tae? You seemed lost." Taehyung's trance broke hearing her sweet velvety voice. The assassin looked at her.

"Niente. Solo pensare di avere un altro bambino."
("Nothing. Just thinking of having another baby.")

Jieun choked on her saliva.


"Don't you think we should give our little Tae a sibling?"

"Well I do want a little babygirl now."

"What if it's a boy again?" Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows.

"I don't care. We'll love them both."

"Right. Then should we get into work?" Saying Taehyung held her waist and picked her up while walking towards the bed, making the Lee girl yelp and clutch his shoulder.


He's still the dominating one. Lying her down on the soft mattress he hovered over her and showered her with kisses.

"Now sleep. We've lots of work tomorrow."

Jieun smiled and placed her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat while Tae-Hee who was on Taehyung's other side gripped his arm with his tiny hands.

They soon drifted to sleep as Taehyung softly hummed the song which his father used to sing. He fondly watched their sleeping forms. Caressing Jieun's cheek lightly he smiled at her.

Jin was right. She could tame the beast inside him.

"I don't even know when you've become the heart of this heartless monster."

The end.

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