Chapter 22

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I am really sorry for not updating sooner because of a writer's block that I was facing. I could not find the right way to execute this chapter. Hence I was late. Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter...... :) 

47 held his navigator and looked up at the harbour in front of him. He asked himself if he really had to do this. His target was in the ship rested near the deck. He had no ticket for the expensive 'Senorita' to board him in and from when did he accomplish his missions legally? Cool breeze blew across his face. His thoughts drifted back to the night a few days ago. 

29 May 2011,

47 stood at the rooftop of his hotel staring at the starry sky. A small smile marred his half wrinkled face. He always felt younger when thoughts of a certain beauty roamed his mind like a tantalizing seductress. 

He still did not know who she was?

He could feel his smile diminish when he realized that this lady just disappeared and he couldn't get anymore glimpses of her. Who was she? 

His navigator binged reminding him of the next mission. He had to do this. 

For father Christopher!

Looking down, he found the truck that awaited his arrival. He jumped into it disappearing into the huge lofty loads and decided to stay hidden as usual until he reached his destination.

The Agency was not very far from the hotel he resided in. He could have stayed in the agency's campus but he wanted to stay away from his creator. He never felt any sort of emotions but this was his creator we were talking about. He felt guilty because indirectly he was the cause of the death of his dear sister. 

He sat quietly and lost himself to his thoughts. 


He sprang up in defense ready to kill whoever was there and his gun fell from his hands when he saw who he was staring at. He could not believe his sight. He rubbed his eyes and saw the female who had captured his heart. 

The girl stared back at him in curiosity. This was a different species, she thought. Nothing like Wolve. So different. She did not know how to describe him. Was he even like her? Was he even a man? Or a human that is?

Wolve had taught her that human species was classified into two types on the basis of their pubic organs : Male and female. 

She thought male species looked like Wolve. Or his gang friends. But this specimen in front of her wasn't something she could classify. 

47 wanted to grab her and take her like the vicious beast he was. The innocence in her was calling out to him like a female call out to her male species for breeding. This showed how much he had missed her. 

Suddenly she did the unthinkable. 

She unzipped his pants!

What was she doing? Was she wanting him as well? 

He didn't care if she wanted him or not now. He would take her no matter what!

"You are a male." She said.

47 stared at her with a 'what the heck?' look.

"I couldn't classify you into the categories." She said with a look of awe. 

Her eyes were dilated and she was very close to him. Which meant she was aroused. 

Which aroused 47 even more...

The truck came to a halt. They lay like primitive human beings wrapped in each other's arms. It was pure bliss for her. Not even Wolve was this passionate with her. But this guy was a perfect combo of beast and gentleman. He kissed her like a beast and entered her like a gentle man. She found herself comparing him to a man she loved, Wolve. 

Then a pang of guilt washed through her. Why did she want to be with him this bad? How could she want a male species who had entertained her for only an hour? How could she forget those beautiful times when Wolve would make love to her? 

She definitely had committed a mistake. Wolve would never leave her for another female species. They had marked each other's as their own. Wasn't it wrong that she had indulged herself with another man?

But it felt so right. Laying wrapped in his protective arms. She lifted her head up to see a handsome smile on his face as he looked back at her. 

"Will we meet again my beauty?" He asked with an intense stare on her face. She thought for a while and replied a "yes" without hesitation. 

"And where will that be?" He asked kissing her chin. 

"The same place where we mated." 

He would never forget this beautiful night even if he ever suffered from an Alzheimer's. Though it was a tough chance but who knew what would happen. His genetic father, Lee Hong's heritage did have a case of Alzheimer's, but he felt he could probably not suffer from it. Not when his other genetic father was his creator himself. 

She seemed rougher than a lady. Too strong. 

Was she the same vulnerable and weak girl he had fallen for? He heavily doubted now. But she had the same innocent face and he knew that it was her no matter what.

Back to his mission, he saw his genetic father Arkadij Jerodov. He was supposed to save him and bring him back. Though another crime lord, Jerodov had a soft spot for his sperm and loved him unlike his three other fathers besides Dr.Chrome. Though his main concern was to recruit him into the mafia life, he still cared for him like his son. Jerodov had no family but his gang and right now he was held hostage by Sergei Bjarkov, a powerful bomb dealer. Apparently he got to know about 47 being Jerodov's son and wanted to capture him and sell him to Don Milano. 

Well that was what Jerodov had said when he had sneaked a phone call to the Agency. But Dr. Chrome was not letting his friend die. 

47 sneaked into the ship as a waiter, an extremely buffy waiter not knowing the death trap he was walking into. 


Christy knew she couldn't avoid Wolve forever. She had to tell him of the encounter she had had with another male species. She walked timidly towards his office and stopped until she heard sounds. Sounds which Wolve made when he was with her on their bed. 

What was he doing?

She quietly peeped through the key hole and saw his behind. Why was he not wearing his pants? 

She quietly opened the door and saw Wolve holding another female species and roughly entering her.  

For the first time she could feel her heart break. Was everything they had just a sham? Or was it alright to engage yourself with more than one female/male species? 

What she had learned about humans was that they don't share. They commit themselves to only one at a time. 

Did this mean she was not his anymore? Did it mean that her conscience was right about that male species she would meet tomorrow? 

She felt herself break every bond with Wolve. She was going to make him pay for doing this. And she would do it the deadly way. 

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