Chapter 23

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I haven't been updating for a while so to make it up to my gracious readers, I have decided to update one more chapter. I hope I can finish this book well before this year. But I can't promise anything at this point. Anyways enjoy the next chapter. And I am heartily very sorry for not having updated sooner.

Wolve was guilty. He knew he shouldn't have done what he did. But his urge to have someone play with him and arouse was building up like pent up pressure. He had promised himself to his darling and here he was practically cheating on her. 

Remember one thing baby, I am as much as yours as you are mine. Humans don't like sharing...

Would he be able to bear if she was cheating on him on the name of assassinations? His fists clenched. No way. He would tear the man apart and assault her like the savage beast till his scent was ingrained in her. 

But she was like a robot. Creativity did not seem like her thing. 

His thoughts were interrupted when he saw his woman enter the house through the door. She was away on a smuggling mission. She was in her usual outfit, the one she wore to her mission. A nice black jacket with a black tank top and gloves covering her hands. Her tight black pants seemed to enhance her cute butt. Could she get anymore beautiful?

Amidst checking her out, he failed to capture the look of disgust she had thrown his way. But she was quick to cover it up with a tired smile. 

Seeing that innocent smile made Wolve's heart lurch in despair and guilt. She was ignorant to what he had done. But there was no way he was going to say anything to her. She was too precious to lose for a cheap mistake. Besides he was Wolverine. He could have innumerable mistresses if he wanted. 

He opened his arms to her and she came to him without question and sat on his lap with her two legs on either side. 

"I've missed you, my love." Wolve said giving her long, slender neck a peck. Christy's face contorted to that of utter disgust. She could see through his lies. He was nothing but a betrayer to her. And she would avenge her betrayal in the most deadly way possible. 

"Let's get you cleaned up my dear. Then I will play with you." He said in a husky voice and eyes clouded with lust. She remembered the beautiful night she spent with the two digit named man.  He wanted her and had taken care of her just like a woman should be treated. 

Oh, how she missed him? He was away on one of his tasks and would be back on the morrow. Then she would have him again the way she wanted.

Meanwhile, 47 stood outside Bjarkov's room with chicken roast in his hands. The same chicken roast that he had contaminated with hydrogen cyanide. Though he was raising suspicion because he seemed so different from the staff recruited, but no one had really bothered much. Besides everyone seemed busy attending to the guests. 

He slipped into the room after a polite knock and helped lay the dishes. He made sure that Bjarkov would have the chicken no matter what so he stood there and served him. 

Suddenly he heard a click and looked up to see all the guns pointed at him. For the first time he looked alarmed. This was not what was supposed to happen. He was supposed to save his genetic father and kill this dirty man and go on the date with his beauty. 

This was definitely not what he had expected. 

Bjarkov smirked. 

"I didn't expect you to be that gullible, my boy." He said with a click on his tongue indicating his disappointment. 

47 stared with a blank look masking his face. 

"You just outright walked into my death trap. I knew you would come to save your genetic father. But your plan was so plain, I had definitely not expected that. I kept count on the staff workers every minute. I smelt you the moment you entered. After all, why would a staff worker take fifteen minutes to get a sack of tomatoes?" Bjarkov said with a cunning smirk on his wrinkled face. 

He clumped a bunch of his salt and pepper hair and said, "I haven't greyed them in sun, you know. I have seen more of this world than you. Now strangle me with that fiber wire of yours." He smirked again. 

During all this time 47 kept quiet not saying anything. 

A man barged into the room and shouted, 

"We are being raided."

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