Chapter 25

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Agent 420 stood at the cliff with her dorsal side to the world behind and the nature in front of her lying on the pits thirty feet below. She had invited him to meet up with her at the cliff because it was quite romantic. It had been almost a month they had been going out together behind Wolve's back. Wolverine had been quite suspicious at first because she seemed to be getting a lot of 'missions', but nevertheless said anything to her.

After all he was no God. He was no human as well. He seemed to like the money that was streaming into her bank account.

To keep all their meetings private, 47 streamed his money into her bank account. She did not mind either.

She stood there with a stoic attitude, when arms wrapped around her waist. She quickly turned around and pecked his lips.

"You always keep me waiting!" She scolded playfully. But unfortunately 47 didn't code the part 'playful'.

"I am sorry. The mission took up my time and I wanted to look my best when you lay your eyes on me." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

She gave a small smile and held his hand in hers. This was foreign to both. They did not know how to express their feelings. They stood there as the sun went down and slowly the moon came up. They bathed in each other's presence. That is all they ever did in their dates.

Suddenly they heard twigs snap, leaves crunching under booted feet. 47 stood up alerted of his surroundings. Christy stood up after him and reassured there was nothing like that but he knew his sixth sense was hinting him of danger.

"We need to leave right now." Were 47's last words before they were surrounded by heavily armored men. He put Christy behind him shielding his lady love from the dirty men, when suddenly he felt a gun pointing to the back of his head. He turned and stared at her. She was holding gun which was pointing towards him.

Was this how Milano's wife felt when she found him deep inside another woman's embrace? This was definitely the call of betrayal.

Out of nowhere in such a serious moment, he heard a caucus laughter and turned towards the direction. It was the conman with the scar. Wolverine.

"Great to meet you, finally 47." He sneered like a dog. Who had named him Wolve? 47 thought bitterly.
"I am afraid I couldn't say the same." 47 replied with a blank look on his face.

"That's because you are too rude for our kind." Wolve replied with a hint of smirk on his face.

"Well, I am known to be rude." 47 replied coolly. His eyes drifted towards his girl who stared at him with sheer hatred. Oh how he wants to smack her for holding the gun with trembling hands.

"Tie this b**ch, and take him to Milano." Wolve ordered the men. He went to Christy and wrapped his arm around her shoulder and kissed her temple, while staring at 47 who looked at them with a blank look.

The men tied him up and dragged him towards the mini van which had brought them.

"Love?" Wolve called out to his beloved.

Christy stood there with a blank look on her face not giving out any emotion of what she felt right now.

Was she regretting the plan? Wolve thought grimly.

If she hadn't gone through this, then Milano would have her head.

And he couldn't let that happen.

She walked towards him timidly getting onto the same van which held her most wanted target.


47 was sat at a table with his hands cuffed to the top. Everyone stood around him and stared at him like a war prize. He was indeed the war prize here. So he sat with all the pride and ego.

His thoughts went over to father Christopher. He had pledged to save him from this rascal named Milano. But for now it seemed difficult. He wanted God to save his child. Father Christopher was an innocent man who need not be involved with this part of the world. He would save him at any cost.

There entered the finest crime lord, who was nothing but a cheating husband in front of his eyes.

Don Milano.

A sneer evident on his face, he walked over to 47 and laid a huge slap on his face making 47's lip bleed. Whilst the enjoyment of the people, Christy cringed.

"You were the reason my wife died." The nagging feeling was back. He felt Milano's pain course through him, after all he too was targeted to that sort of pain. His eyes involuntarily went up to the goddess in front of him and she quickly turned her head away from the scenario in front of her.

"You needed to be given a taste of your own medicine." Milano paused and stared at Christy, who was not happy to be the centre of attention even for a second and continued, "So I hired Christy." He let a smirk take over his face.

"You can do whatever you want with me." 47 replied his tone filled with grief. "Just let Father Christopher go."

Milano stared at 47 with a cunning smirk.

"You mean that God forsaken priest?" Milano asked feigning ignorance.

47 looked at him with a deadly look and replied a gruff yes.

"I killed him." Milano said without any grief for having taken an innocent's life. 47 looked up fiercely at him. What does he mean, he killed him?

" I killed him and cut his body to pieces. He was a close friend of yours. Anybody close to you will meet the same fate as him." Milano said, each word pricking 47. Had he not been restrained he would have definitely snapped Milano's neck.

He could not believe it. Did the Agency not get a hint about this?

But he got a hint : The heart of Agent 47 definitely succumbed.

Now he would be called 'The heartless Agent'......


I hope this chapter is good enough as a turn over from the story. I am very happy to see my book at 5k+ reads and 100+ votes. I never thought this story would turn out so well. But you my beautiful readers can make it all possible. I am waiting to complete this story, which is probably now 5 to 6 chapters away. It took me almost two years to do this book (apart from the breaks I took 😋) and I am very happy with the outcome.

Thank you and have a great day...........

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