The Children's Palace

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Each set of siblings had their own room.

Zeus's kids' room was sky blue with a glass ceiling so they could see the sky. It was airy and light. The chandelier was silver with lights shaped like clouds and lightning. Each crib was white, and the pillows were soft clouds. The blankets were woven from white clouds. They each had a mobile. Jason's had clouds, and Thalia's had lightning. Their were pictures of storms and lightning on the walls. Two eagles sat on perches in the corner, near one of three windows. Each twin had a window beside their bed. Jason was on one side, and Thalia was on the other. They each had a couple of bird stuffies, a set of lightning bolts, and one of each weapon you can imagine, but wood.

The Poseidon kids had sea green walls that moved like waves. Seashells were embedded on the door frame and window frames. Each kid had a water bed mattress, and a fish tank by their bed. Percy had a blue fish with black stripes. Pearl had a black fish with blue stripes. The tanks cleaned themselves, and the fishes ate anything. The chandelier had fish and waves. Pearl's mobile had fish dangling from it, and Percy had waves. There were two miniature Pegasi in the corner, staring curiously at the infants. Each kid had a few fish and horse stuffies, a water table, and one of every weapon.

Hades' children's room was black with jewels imbedded in the walls. They gave off a faint glow. The chandelier had jewel lights. Nico's mobile was gold with skeletons dangling from it, and Hazel's was black with jewels. Nico's crib was black, and Hazel's was gold.
There was a big window overlooking the garden. They each had skeleton and jewel stuffies, a sandbox, and one of each weapon. There was a mini version of Cerberus in the corner.

Aphrodite's kids had a pale pink room. There were hearts and doves decorating the walls. The curtains on the three windows were white and laced. The cribs were white with the letter of their name in silver. The chandelier was white with hearts and doves. Piper's mobile had hearts, and Jasper's had doves. The blankets were soft silk. There was a doll house in the corner of the room. There were two doves in the corner watching. The kids had multiple stuffies and dolls. There were barbies, and Mapelea dolls. You could see the moon making everything shimmer as the babies slept.

The Demeter kid's room was green, and there was actual grass as a carpet. The cribs were made from giant, hollowed out logs. Katie's mobile had flowers, and Don's had trees. The chandelier had flowers and trees on it. Each kid had a mini garden near the window. There were two pigs in the corner sleeping peacefully. Each kid had pig stuffies and some weapons.

The Ares kid's room was blood red. The cribs are black. Clarisse's mobile had little swords. Frank's had mini boars. The chandelier had both. There was a little training arena in the corner of the room. Each kid had multiple weapons. There were two boars in the corner of the room. The kids each had a variety of stuffed weapons and boar stuffies.

The Hephaestus children's room was automatic. The cribs were designed to rock the babies to sleep and the room was temperature and humidity controlled. There were multiple shortcuts, activated by little buttons hidden on the Fire orange wall. Leo's mobile had flames dangling from it, and Carmen's had hammers. The chandelier had both. There was a work bench at the foot of each crib, and there were actual tools.

The Athena children's room had grey walls- covered in books. There were books ranging from touch and feel to Sense and Sensibility. There were also two smart boards, two desks, and two white boards. There were puzzles, word games, and legos. It was paradise for an Athena kid. The cribs were light grey. Annabeth's had a mobile with little buildings, and Colin's had little books. They each had multiple pads of paper, a couple of each type of weapon, and loads of books. There were two owls watching from a corner. The chandelier had book lights. There were a couple windows. It was beautiful.

The Apollo kid's room was bright yellow. They had a skylight so they could see the sun chariot each morning. There was a spot to practice archery, and the kids each had a mini bow. They also had a toy doctor kit, and a pretend doctors office. The cribs were yellow. Will's mobile had little stethoscopes on it, while Soleil's had suns. The chandelier had both.

Dionysus' kids had a wine red room. There were grapes growing on the walls. There were two leopards lying in the corner. Each crib was brown. Caster's had a wine bottle mobile, and Lara had a leopard mobile. The chandelier had both. The kids had leopard stuffies and one of each weapon.

Hermes' kids room was a pranker's dream. There were lots of practical joke supplies. The scrolls on the walls had appointments scrawled down so you never missed one. The cribs were white, but they had wings. The cribs would fly around the room, putting the babies to sleep. They didn't have any mobiles. The chandelier had winged shoes on it. The kids had one of each weapon as well as the pranks.

Athena had made a library for the kids. Every book in the world was in the library. Each book in either Greek or Latin.

Aphrodite had designed a make up room. It had hair supplies, make up, and changing rooms. The kids would get dressed there every morning.

Poseidon put a swimming pool that has both indoor and outdoor parts. The outdoor part would never get leaves or anything in it.

Demeter had planted a garden in the front. There were statues of all the gods and goddesses. Greek and Roman.

Hephaestus had built the world's best playground near the pool. It was a tame obstacle course that would get harder as the kids grew.

Ares and a few others had put a training stadium in. Hephaestus had added levers, and it would transform into whatever weapon arena you wanted.

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