Chapter 21: Showdown in Hosu- Part 2

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"We're pro heroes! Is anyone in here?!" First Mate yells into another room. No one responds, but I use my flames to light up the abyss anyway. Just as assumed, the room is empty of any people. "Sheesh! Shipwreck said there were people here! But where is everyone?!" First Mate complains.

"Maybe Suka made a wrong call?" I offer.

"Not likely. In the couple years I've worked here, Suka was always a diligent searcher and never overlooked any detail." She sighs. "Well, if that's the case, let's keep looking! I trust the bird, so we should keep up our progress!"

I give a firm nod and follow her around the building. Something in my camera flame suddenly catches my eye, and I take a closer look.

"First Mate!" I call. "People, one floor up!"

"Super! Lead the way!"

We quickly run through the building, catching glimpses of Shipwreck's fight outside. He doesn't look like he's doing so good, but First Mate reassures that he'll be alright and redirects me back to our task at hand.

We finally see my minion waving for our attention near a bathroom. I shoot it a thumbs-up and have it continue scanning the building. First Mate pushes the door open.

"We're pro heroes! Is anyone in here?!"

"A-are you really heroes?" a shaky voice asks from the back wall.

I light up the room with my flame and throw off my hood and bandana as to show my identity. Sure enough, there's a group of three young adults hunkered in the corner. They look scared, but at this point, who isn't?

First Mate runs to them for comfort and proudly points to herself. "Sure are! My name is First Mate, he's Phantom. We're here to help."

"Oh, thank you. Thank you!" the person who spoke up thanks us and directs his friends to stand with him.

"We have to get outta here though. If you don't know, there's a monster down in the fields fighting our lead. I'll lead you guys outside to a safe place."

All of them respond in understanding and follow us outside the bathroom. As we exit, I stop short and check my minion-cam again. They're both on the roof and are staring at a building lined with large glass windows. There's gotta be a reason.

Suddenly, after staring at it for a few seconds, a figure appears at a window and waves frantically. This doesn't last long as the unidentified body whips around quickly and slides downward out of sight. The scene is definitely scary, if not suspicious.

"First Mate!" I call and the four of them stop and look at me. "There's something going on on the roof! I'm gonna check it out!" Not wasting a second, I bolt off having given my explanation.

"More people?"

"I think so! I'll be right back!"

"Hold on! Come back!"

I ignore her orders and keep running. She must've given up arguing with me because she stops shouting at me, and I hear running footsteps receding toward the exit.

I make it to the top and extinguish my minions to use my flames. I find the correct building and window just across the street and wait for any other signals.

When nothing else happens and I start to grow impatient, I surround myself with my flames for my levitation and push myself off to steadily float up to the suspicious window. As I fly up, I put my hood and bandana back on. I make it with no difficulty and peer inside. I don't see anything but that doesn't hinder my suspicions. I back up and upward a bit and charge toward the window. Before I hit it, I change my flames' roles to phasing and roll through the glass.

I land on a concrete floor and shoot up to my feet to look around. I stay untouchable with two of my flames just in case I get jumped. I catch a glimpse of a still body in a the corner and use my remaining flames to light it up. There's a woman there tied up and a gag over her mouth. Thankfully still conscious, she squints at the sudden light and looks up at me.

What the-? What's going on here? A hostage or a caught villain??

Suddenly, the tied up person starts squirming and looks terrified, throwing her head backward as if to tell me to turn around. I get the message and whirl around with hostile eyes to be met with something flying at my face like a dart. Forgetting I'm phased, I flinch at the surprise but quickly recover myself and get in a fighting stance. Of course I'm safe like this, but my legs are shaking in fear.

A voice calls from the dark. "Hey, you! Freak with a glowing face! You're a hero, aren't ya? No sudden moves!" A familiar face steps from the shadows, holding a weak, terrified boy against him and pointing a crossbow at his head. "Any sudden moves from ya and this brat gets it!"

I study his looks and gasp as I remember who this guy is. His gas mask covering his mouth and nose say it all. Plague.

"You," I breathe. "You're with the League of Villains, aren't you? You were part of the USJ attack."

"Well, nice to see I'm recognized! I'm sure you know what I'm capable of then, huh?"

"You deal with poisons," I answer.

"That's right. Both of these hostages have been poisoned and can't even walk! So no funny business, get me?"

I growl in annoyance as I remember how one of my classmates nearly died from this guy. I gotta do something, but if I do anything, the bystander gets an arrow to the temple.

His angry gaze seems to shift from me to my waving flames still illuminating the hostage in the corner, and they widen in surprise. "Wait... that fire." He glares at me. "It can't be. You!! You're that brat from UA!"

"Yeah. Call me Phantom, punk. I suggest you come quietly before someone gets hurt."

"Oh, look who's talking! You do realize that I'm the one with people under my toxins? Why don't you give up?!"

"Look, I'm not alone. Pros will be here any moment and you'll end up behind bars anyway." Sure, that might be a lie, but maybe if I stall him long enough, maybe First Mate or Phoenix will show up to assist me.

Plague holds the bow closer to the kid in a threatening manner. "So what? I know heroes have hearts, so as long as you care for this brat's life, you goody-two-shoes pros can't do nothing!"

Darn. He got me there. "Maybe. But that's a coward's way. You'll still end up losing and will be caught for sure."

"Well! Somebody's cocky! Don't get too prideful, you lavender nuisance! Because now, you are facing a new C-rank villain!!" He strikes a pose as if to show off his power, still holding the shaking kid. He violently cocks his head at me. "What do you have to say about that, eh?!"

Honestly, this guy can not get more annoying. His pride is outrageous. I stare at him in a bit of disbelief and confusion. I even glance to my sides, leaving him in a few seconds of tension. Finally, I just shrug. "'Good job'??"

Plague exclaims and looks like he nearly loses his balance completely but catches himself before tipping. His pained expression illustrates his annoyance. He gets back up and stomps his foot angrily, shaking his crossbow in rage. "Doh! What's the matter with you?! Shouldn't you be shakin' in your shoes, you ungrateful pest!?!"

"Probably, but you're just the same jerk I fought back at the USJ. I don't think a rank changes anything other than your inflated pride. Who even ranks you guys anyway?"

"Whatever!!" He points his crossbow back at the boy's head, closer than before. "What's it gonna be, brat?! You? Or this family?!"

I angrily grit my teeth under my bandana but stay silent. What do I do?! If I do anything stupid, the boy in his clutches will surely die, and it'll be all my fault! But I can't just surrender here! What kind of hero does that? Dang it!! I should of come in here with backup!

Suddenly, burst of fire erupts from the stadium and, with it, a pained screech. Plague quickly looks out the window with wide eyes.

"Crap!! My Nomu!! I got distracted!"

Now's my chance! Without wasting a second, I throw my flames at the villain's arm with the crossbow and jerk it upward, away from the kid's head. Caught by surprise, Plague fires but hits the ceiling.

Without another arrow already loaded, he can't threaten my like that without reloading, and in order to do that, he has to free his hand from the poisoned boy or drop his crossbow. He struggles to try to get in another arrow by reaching over his opposite shoulder, only blinding himself from me. This is perfect! I run to the two and use all my flames to force the trembling boy out of Plague's grasp and float him over to the woman in the corner. With his meat shield finally out of the way, I curl my hand into a fist and jab it into his stomach.

He grunts and stumbles back in pain as I regain my distance and stand in between him and the two hostages. While he collects himself, I quickly regroup my flames into two minions and have them untie the woman.

She gasps for air as the cloth comes down and violently coughs. "Th-thank you..." She keeps coughing and her breathing is abnormal. That's right! The two were poisoned.

I turn back to Plague and reach out a demanding hand. "The antidote! Now!!"

"Yeah! Like I'm giving it to you! Dream on though! How about I give ya something else?!" He suddenly points his newly loaded crossbow at me and pulls his finger. I summon Inner Demon just in time to have it take the three flying arrows. I can feel a sharp pain running up my arm as if I had just taken the hits.

Suddenly, a dark vortex opens up behind Plague a little ways, and a pair of yellow slits peer through. The portal guy from the League of Villains. The butt who kidnapped my dad.

I want to attack him now, but my feet feel heavy and refuse move. I command for myself to make a move of any kind on him. It's then that realize that my heartbeat has sped up rapidly and my stomach is all tied up in knots. I look down and realize that the shaking in my knees has become more obvious.

What are you waiting for?! Get him!! Make him pay!!

But..! I...!

Stop talking back and attack already!! Is this not one of those times for offense?!

He..! He can...!

"Plague, it's time to go."

"Cheese off, Kurogiri! I'm in the middle of something!"


Plague stares at him then glances at me. His scowl deepens, and he exhales a groan. "I won! Got it?!" He yells at me and keeps his crossbow pointed at me, slowly walking toward the portal.

No no no!! These hostages! They still haven't been cured! Plague still has the antidote! I hesitantly step forward, but the woman and the boy's coughing suddenly get worse, and the woman's arms go limp, letting the boy go. I stop and lean down to help them! What can I do?!

"That's why I win, brat! I claim a few lives and you get nothing! Your time against me has been wasted! Until next time!" He lets out a sinister cackle as I stare at him in hatred.

No! No!!

Suddenly, I hear a high whistling sound, and a dark red and black blur smashes through the large window and slams into Plague. Plague's crossbow flies out of his hands and his arrows spill and scatter from his quiver.

The unidentified comet and the bald villain struggle in place, exchanging blows until Plague kicks the opposer away from him. I take a closer look as the winged newcomer lights themselves on fire. Phoenix!

"Hold it right there!!" he harshly commands.

Plague reaches for his crossbow but grabs at nothing. He swears under his breath and takes a couple slow steps to the portal. He then makes a break for it.

Phoenix dives at him with his wings spread out. "Stop!!"

"Kurogiri! Back me up!"

Almost as soon as he commands it, a small warp gate opens in two different places of the room: one underneath the loaded crossbow, the other right above Plague's hand. The weapon falls into his grasp and in the blink of an eye, aims and fires.

Phoenix screams in pain as the arrow soars straight into his shoulder. My eyes widen in fear and I'm screaming internally. He tilts and soars right past his target, his wing and hand just grazing Plague.

Plague quickly turns back towards the portal and sticks one leg through. He shakes a fist at me. "Long live the League of Villains!!" With that, he disappears into the swirling vortex, it closing behind him.

I'm speechless for a few seconds. I then run to the teenage pro's side. "Phoenix!!" I kneel down and stare at the arrow sticking out of his right shoulder. The wound is dripping with blood and a green liquid of some kind. It was tipped for sure. "Oh no. No no no. C'mon! This isn't happening!"

It's all my fault. These hostages and Phoenix are going to die because I was too hasty and charged head first into the scene.

The words keep echoing in my head. All your fault. All your fault!

I'm dragged out of my thoughts when Phoenix starts to cough. He grits his teeth in pain. His eyes shakily slide over to meet mine. "Well, I don't know what I did honestly... but I did good." He lifts his wing to reveal his hand over something. "I hope this helps."

. . . I can't believe my eyes. Before going down, Phoenix had somehow managed to snag Plague's belt, holding five vials of something blue. It takes me a moment, but I recognize them from the encounter back at USJ. The antidote!!! Enough for the three who are poisoned and then some!!

Suddenly the door to the room bursts open and a familiar voice yells. "It's a pro hero! Is anyone-!.. Phantom??"

I turn to see First Mate's shocked expression glued onto me. Her eyes then dart to the now unconscious bystanders and Phoenix down at my side. "What the...? What happened here?!"

I sniff wipe my eyes. I stand back up and show her the belt with the vials. "These three have been severely poisoned! This is the antidote! They need a hospital!"

"Understood!" First Mate salutes and runs out to fetch an ambulance.


I stand outside with First Mate with Suka perched on her shoulder. We watch as Phoenix is loaded into the last of the ambulances. His breathing is more normal, probably due to the antidote already having an affect. We also had treated the hostages before they were sent off to be taken care of.

By now, all the Nomus have been incinerated by Pro Hero Endeavor, and all the fires have been safely put out. This night was definitely one I will never forget.

"Hey, First Mate," I look over at her. "What happened to the captain? From that room I saw an explosion of fire and something that sounded like the Nomu. What happened?"

She sighs. "You were sort of right. Captain got absolutely rekt by that monster. He'd probably be dead if it weren't for Endeavor. He's already at the hospital now though." She examines my arm. "Your arm does look so good either..."

I stare down at it to see what she's talking about. Blood seems to be slightly bleeding through the sleeve in three spots; the clothes themselves are fine though. I then remember the pain I received when I had Inner Demon block me and the hostages. It seems like I still take a bit of damage like that, but at least I wasn't poisoned. Now that she mentions it, they did start to hurt.

I shove my hand back in my pocket. "Meh, I'll be fine."

"I don't think so. You need medical care as well."

"Excuse me! Kid!" First Mate and I turn to see a police officer with the head of a cat. He shows us the two remaining antidote vials in the belt's sheath. "The hospital staff gave me these and said that they came from you. They said it's an antidote to a poison a few of the patients were dealt."

"That's right. Phoenix snagged them off the villain before he went down."

"Would I be correct to assume that that villain would be the League of Villains member, Plague?"

"Y-yes, you would. I.. came across him a little before Phoenix showed to.. back me up."

"If that's the case, I'm going to have to ask you to come with me to the station. From there, you might wanna visit the hospital yourself for a checkup."


The cat-officer directs me to a police car, and I slide in. First Mate leans on the door for a quick word.

"Suka and I gonna go ahead and head to the hospital to check on Shipwreck. I'll see ya there. I don't know if you'll be heading back to the agency with us from there, but I guess we'll see."

"Yeah, later."

She closes the door, and we drive off.

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