Chapter 22: Getting Back Up Again

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Author's note: Heeeeeere's the Ship-Shape Pros!! And that's it really. Enjoy the chapter!

The visit to the station was pretty boring. Investigators questioned me about my encounter with Plague and tried to get any more information they could. I tried to avoid bringing up my grudge against the League of Villains as the officers would surely have just told me to cool my jets and let the pros handle it, so it wasn't worth bringing up.

The investigation was cut short as the deep punctures in my arm were becoming more noticeable, so they rushed me to the same hospital where the captain just happened to be recovering. First Mate and Suka were there as well, paying him a visit and, while they were there, checking what would happen to me. I had lost a bit of blood, so I was quickly treated and prescribed to stay the night at the hospital with a familiar face.

Phoenix was still unconscious with his shoulder so bandaged up, it looked like Auxi's own with all her straps. I've heard that a few other classmates are at the same hospital as well, but it was already late, so I pushed the idea of visiting for in the morning.

After First Mate and Suka left back to the agency, my room became incredibly quiet itself, but my thoughts still pestered me. It was definitely a crazy night with the League of Villains, Nomus, and even getting Phoenix hurt. I had no idea how I was going to sleep with so much guilt, but, finally, sleep and I found each other.

I awake the next morning to the sound of busy staff rushing around the hallway. I sit up only to be greeted with a sharp pain in my elbow. Guess I'm still sore right there. Only makes sense. My arm's been in a cast all night. I grunt at the painful wake up call and rub my arm.

"Your joints killing you, too?"

I nearly jump and look over to see Phoenix sitting up as well and twiddling his thumbs in boredom.

I shrug. "It's not that bad. I can still move it, but it'll just be a bit."

"That's good. Oh hey, I got ya some food earlier." He motions to the tray on the opposite side of my bed. "Don't know what you like, so just did a bit of everything."

"Oh." I look over at the food on the tray and feel so much guilt weigh on my shoulders. First I nearly kill him and now he's going through the trouble of getting me food? I'm losing my appetite just thinking about it. I look back at him. "You.. seriously didn't have to do that."

"Nah, it's fine. I already got up to get my own then came back. But look, I was fricken bored, okay?! I needed to do something, but didn't know what else to do without getting in trouble, you know?"

"Oh." I still feel guilty just the same, so I move on to the question that most bothers me. "How's your shoulder?"

"It'll be fine. Might be a pain to fly every now and then, but I'll live."

I cringe at the result of my recklessness. "I'm so sorry," I sigh. "I messed up bad. I should've just waited for First Mate or someone to go with me into an unknown area."

"Yeah. You goofed real bad."


"But, if it makes you feel better, I did the exact same thing." I look at him in surprise. "See, about a couple days ago, baldy had come into the agency I work at and made a questionable assertion. When he had left, I was told that he was a highly wanted villain. It cheesed me off because that was so obvious, yet I let him get away. So, I swore I wouldn't let him escape again. Then I saw him in that room from the window and immediately acted. I didn't stop to think about anything, whether he had friends in there, why he was in there, nothing. I know my work was sloppy and I did this to myself," he slightly flaps his wing. "but... I'm gonna be honest. That was my first time ever to fight a villain."

"You're kidding!" I exclaim.

"Nope. 'Fraid not. If you remember, I'm part of a rescue agency, so fighting isn't my specialty."

"B... but you're a pro hero. You should at least be-"

"Actually no. Just a hero. Not a pro. Pros are way past high school graduation. I'm only sixteen. I just have my hero license and that's it. I'm not employed at my mom's agency. I just live there. Helping my parents around the agency just started as a childhood dream. I even thought myself as a sidekick. I don't come from some fancy-shmancy school like you. I just got all my rescue training from my parents. I'm basically homeschooled. Anyway, for being reckless, I might get my license suspended for a while or get proper grounded. Whatever comes first."

I smile a bit. "Wow. Well.. thanks. For that and backing me up last night."


Phoenix leans back in his bed while I grab my styrofoam box of food and open it up. I don't want to be rude, so might as well eat some of it. Inside are a few egg rolls, a bowl of dried seaweed, a roll, a small packet of crackers, and a serving of rice. I'm not awfully hungry, so I grab the roll and nibble on it.

"So," Phoenix starts again. "I heard your boss faced a Nomu."

"Yeah, me too. From what I've heard, he's in rough shape and staying here as well. Think I'll visit him later."

"Well, let's hope he's okay. Would sure suck if-"


Our conversation is interrupted by something hitting the window to my left. We both jump and whip our heads at the glass. We stare at it until a bird rises up into view. It's flapping its wings as if it were struggling and peeks inside. It looks to be carrying a case of some kind about the size of it.

"Just a bird," Phoenix chuckles.

"Wait, that's a sea-...!" My eyes widen as I realize who this bird is. I throw my blanket off and hop off the bed, stumbling a few steps toward the window. I quickly unlock it and open it up. "Suka?" I use my flames to take the case and pull it inside for him.

Tired, Suka perches himself on the window frame and bends over to catch his breath. "Stupid invisible force field," he pants than lifts his wing to his head in a somewhat salute. "Ahoy, Dutchman."

"What are you doing here? And why didn't you just use the door?"

"Meh. Doors are overrated. And I just paid cap' a visit. First Mate ain't coming and is still at the agency, but I'm here. And calm down. I checked in at the front desk before doing so."

"Right. What's in the case? Your lunch?"

"No, actually. Since your training isn't hardcore physical stuff, cap' said you were still fit to exercise your brain, so he suggested that I test ya while ya recover. So that's a Shogi set in there."

"Guess that makes sense." I close the window while the seagull flies off the sill and at the foot of my bed. He cocks his head at my food as I sit down again and open the case.

Phoenix stares at us in confusion. "The... the bird is talking?"

"Said the fire element with wings," Suka retorts. "What's so strange about this?"

"You, um.. you got a point."

As I'm scanning through the set, Suka hops closer to my tray and strains his neck to eye my breakfast. I nearly forget what his quirk is. "Hey, back off." I scoot the box away from him. "This ain't yours."

"Oh, come on; I'm starving here! And you just saw me fly beak-first into the window there. I think my IQ's draining."

"You're speaking more proper sentences, so you're not that dumb. And don't think I'm stupid. If I feed you, I'm basically increasing your chances of winning."

"True, but it wouldn't be a test if your proctor wasn't at his best. Plus, I just used a great deal of my energy to fly all the way here. I need some fuel. You're not gonna starve me, are you?"

I roll my eyes and pass him my bowl of dried seaweed. "Whatever. Here, Polly."

"My name's Suka, thank you very much." He pulls the bowl closer to him with his claw and starts to peck away at the crinkling snack.

I pull out the board and unfold it on the bed in front of me. I then pass Suka his bag of pieces, only to have him push it away. "You set it up. I'm eating."

Fine. Be lazy.

I take the pieces back and set up the board as I've been taught. Once I do, I start the game by giving Suka the first move. His difficulty is as I suspected. He never hesitates with his moves and mostly takes the offensive. I'm not doing so hot against him as compared to as I do against Shipwreck and First Mate.

I feel bad for sort of leaving Phoenix to his lonesome like this for a bit. He tries to talk while I'm playing, but against Suka, I'm having to concentrate harder.

We're nearing the end of the game where the bird has my final few pieces backed up when the door suddenly slams open, making the three of us jump and Suka flap his wings in surprise.

"Phoenix!!" Luna yells at my roommate.

Even though Phoenix is supposed to be over her as a licensed hero, he fearfully ducks under his blanket. "I'm sleeping!"

Luna storms in and yanks the blanket off of him. "Why on earth are you in the hospital?!"

"I, uh, it's just a check up. I know it looks like I got bandages wrapped around my shoulder, but everything is fine."

"You were scheduled overnight!"

"Y-Yeah! See how persistent the doctors are to make sure us heroes are in perfect condition?"

Keep lying, Phoenix. What are you so afraid of anyway? She's just your intern. Not to mention that she's at least a year younger than you.

With her fists on her hips, Luna raises an eyebrow in skepticism. She finally sighs and glances over at me, still trying to think my way to victory in my game.

"Sup, crashy?"


"What are you in for?"

I shrug. "Just got spirit shot in the arm a few times. Nothing to worry about."

"'K. . . What did Phoenix do?"

"Got poison shot in the shoulder."

"PHOENIX!!" She whirls around and glares at him hard.

Phoenix waves his arms, stammering like Midoriya, until he glares at me. "Why did you tell her?!"

"What? Was I not supposed to?"


Luna's scolding continues on, and I hide by getting back to my game with Suka and eating my egg rolls. The scenario just seems so unusual. Phoenix is older and a licensed hero, and here he is, being admonished by a girl younger than him.

Finally, Suka calls checkmate and I push the board away from me. I stretch, being careful not to let loose my bandages on my arm.

"Up for another game, Dutchman?" Suka asks in high hopes.

"Not at the moment. I'm gonna visit the captain and a few other friends for a while." I scoot off the bed and put on my shoes that are at the foot of it. I then walk to the door.

"'K. While you do that, I'm gonna take your  crackers and rice."

"Knock yourself out, you glutton." I wave over my shoulder at him. I then mentally wish Phoenix good luck in the argument he and Luna are still in and walk out.

I walk around the hospital halls, trying to remember if First Mate had given me any direction to the captain's room before she left. After I've been aimlessly roaming the halls for a few minutes, I ask the various nurses around the hallway for Captain Shipwreck's room. I finally get directed to room near the end of the hallway and speed walk down to there.

Once I arrive, I knock twice and step in. There are two occupied beds in here. One holding a girl with short, cinnamon colored hair looking a little younger than me. She has her left arm and both legs in casts, and her forehead is wrapped continuously in a bandage. She's staring at the ceiling in a bit of annoyance, but stays silent. Heaven knows what she went through. In the other, bandaged all over as well and his right arm and leg supported in hanging casts, Shipwreck looks up to the door and smiles.

"Aha! Dutchman! Glad to see ye be up on yer feet, lad!"

"Ahoy, cap'. And thanks." I look him over at the many wraps of bandages in various places. He looks a little less worse than when Mr. Aizawa was recovering from his fight with a Nomu. Even though it isn't, I feel like this is my fault, too.

"Hey, meet me roomie! I don't think she talks, but I've been keeping her entertained with some of me tales of heroism!"

I look over to see said girl exhale soundlessly to show that she's probably sick of the the captain's yammering.

"From what I've gathered from doctors and what not, I believe she attends UA as well!"

"Hm. I don't recognize her." I still stare at her, trying to ring a bell or seeing if she is trying to give me a hint of some kind. Probably from 1-B or something. She stays silent however, so I return my attention back to the captain for a different conversation than this unfamiliar student. "So, you battled a Nomu."

"Aye, and the ugly beast fought dirty, too. I admit, I shoulda thought twice about what I was up against. It grabbed me by me own anchor several times and swung me around like there was no tomorrow." He barely moves his supported arm to try and get animated. "If that wasn't enough, it ripped me mast almost as soon I pulled it out. It'll grow back, but it'll take time. Right now, I gotta deal with these blasted splinters in me backside." He grunt as he shifts his weight off his back. "I may have lost today, but at least I still live to tell the tale! I just barely lost me foot today, too, but doc said it'll be fine." I glance in the cloth keeping his leg lifted in the air. His foot is completely encased in a shell of wraps. "Which I'll admit is a little disappointing. Even as a wee lad, I always wondered what it would be like to have a peg leg. Heh. Bet it'd be cool."

"I don't think so," I sigh. "As a hero, I think you need to be to in full shape. I think a peg leg would just throw you off considering how thin it would be."

"Nah, it'd be fine. I could probably craft it out of a barrel and a steering wheel or something."

"I think you should just settle for an unnecessary eyepatch."

"I'll think about it." He chuckles to himself then gets back to business. "I sent Suka with a Shogi set. Think ye should be practicing with that?"

"I just played a round with him. He's pretty tough."

"Aye, with that brain boostin' quirk he's got, it's no wonder he's the top of the game."

"Kinda makes me wonder how he would fare with our principal. So how is my test gonna work out tomorrow?"

"I should be out tomorrow, hopefully in time before you leave us. We can try to squeeze it in then or just do it tonight."

"Will probably happen tomorrow morning then."

"I'll be ready."

A couple knocks sound at the door and a nurse walks in. She checks her clipboard. "Miss Navia Ninji? It's time to change your bandages." The silent girl waves a thumbs-up with her only free hand, but shows no excitement whatsoever. So quiet. The nurse then looks at me. "Mr. Seshin? I'm sorry, what are you doing in here?"

"Ah, this be me intern, miss!" Shipwreck answers for me. "He's just paying a visit."

"Oh. Well, that's.. very considerate, but you're actually wanted back at your own room."

"Yes mam." I look back at my lead. "Get well soon, cap'."

"Yeah, thanks Dutchman! Be seein' ya!"

I nod and make my leave to the door. The nurse steps aside to make way and I walk out. I remember my way back to my room just fine, however, I'm surprised once I arrive. First Mate is there, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed just across from the door.

"First Mate?"

"Hey, there you are." She stands back up and shoves her hands in her pockets.

"What are you doing here? Suka said you weren't coming."

"I got phoned in by the police, saying they had something to tell you and a few other of your classmates that are here. I needed to be here since I was responsible for you last night." She sighs and gently shoves me to start walking down the hallway with her. "Start walking. We're goin' to Room 436."

"Responsible? Are you in trouble?"

"Just as much as you, yes."

"Me? I-... what did I do? I just saved a couple citizens with Phoenix! Am I in trouble for that?!"

"Just keep moving. You'll find out there."

We keep navigating around the halls, passing by the occasional hospital staff member or patient. All the way though, I can't help but wonder what I did wrong. Am I being held guilty for what happened to Phoenix?

Once we finally turn a corner, I catch sight of a large figure standing outside our destination. Getting a better look as we near, this figure is dressed like a business man in a black suit, but has the head of a dog. He's also incredibly tall, probably twice my own height.

"Chief Suragami?" First Mate calls once we're close enough. The dog-headed man turns to look at us expectantly. First Mate waves a salute. "Pro Hero First Mate. I got your call and retrieved the kid here." She motions to me.

"Ah, yes. The pro hero all the way from Yokohama. Sorry to cause you any trouble. Woof."

Did.. did he just say 'woof?'

"No trouble at all, sir. I actually should've expected this."

"We're grateful for your time and help. I understand your agency isn't even around this city, but I don't know how much greater the destruction to Hosu would be if your lead had not shown to fight that Nomu in the stadium before Endeavor took over. How is his recovery by the way?"

"Going alright. He's down but not out, so that's always good."

"Good. Glad to hear." He then stares at me, and I slightly lean back in discomfort. He's definitely someone of authority. Is this the guy I'm getting in trouble with? "Now this is the kid who faced Plague, yes? I know you just came by the station, so we already have your testimony."

"Yes, sir," First Mate answers for me. "This is our intern, Yurei Seshin. Seshin, this is Hosu's chief of police, Kenji Suragami." Yep. Chief of police. I'm probably toast.

"Well met, Seshin. I've been meaning to talk to you last night, but never got a chance as you had already left for the hospital. Woof."

I hardly know how to answer. "Um, sure. Did.. did I do something wrong though?"

"That's actually a discussion I need to share with you and some other interns who helped out. Step inside so we can begin our talk." He directs me into the room, and I shakily walk in.

I'm greatly surprised to meet the interns that are supposedly in trouble with me. Iida, Midoriya, and Todoroki all look up upon my entry. Iida has both his arms in casts while Todoroki's left arm and Midoriya's opposite arm and leg are wrapped up like mine. There are a couple of other heroes in the room, ones I don't recognize. But seeing as First Mate is present and my supervisor, these guys must be two of my peers' own.

"Seshin?" Midoriya greets in a bit of surprise.


"You were in Hosu, too?" Todoroki coldly asks.

"I was, I mean am, but.." I scan their bandages before continuing. "What happened to you guys? I got Midoriya's text, so what was that about?"

Iida looks down at the floor, uncomfortable while Midoriya rubs his own arms. "Well.. we actually came across the Hero Ki-."

"Stop stop stop," the older supervisor waves his hand in a scolding manner. He cut off his intern, but I already picked up what happened with them. The old man looks at me. "I don't suppose you didn't catch that, did ya?"

"Uh, these three ran into the Hero Killer, right?"

He sighs. "Well, that just happened."

"I suppose it was necessary, Gran Torino," Suragami calms the old man as he steps in. "He would have found out as it had to be brought up. However, Seshin, your peers didn't just come across him; they defeated and caught him. Iida ran in without thinking then the other two showed up."

Hold up, WHAT?!?

The old man, or Gran Torino, sighs again and looks back at me and my classmates. While I already know who the dog-man is, the old pro introduces him to us.

"Kids, this is Hosu's chief of police, Kenji Suragami."

I can practically see the shock and fear in Midoriya's eyes as I scan over the three. Iida and Todoroki stand from their hospital beds out of respect, and Midoriya nearly gets up on his own until the police chief stops him.

"No, please. Stay seated. Woof."

Again, 'woof?'

"So, you're the UA students who brought down the Hero Killer, huh?"

"We are," Todoroki replies.

I'm incredibly surprised. To run into the infamous Hero Killer, Stain, and make it out alive is lucky, but to completely defeat him in the time of panic is unbelievable.

"Stain has some serious injuries," Suragami goes on. "Severe burns and several broken bones. Right now, he's in the hospital under strict guard. Woof."

Heh! Yeah, I bet he'd be the hospital! I'm sure these guys didn't just slap him on the wrist and call him a name.

"Here's a lesson you should've already learned: when quirks became a norm, the police force sought to maintain the status quo and decided we wouldn't use quirks as weapons. That's when heroes came in." He motions to the few strict pros before us. "They could do what we couldn't, if they were licensed, of course. Woof. It would be impossible for the police to condone the use of deadly quirks. After all, we're here to stop such harm from being done. The only reason pros can use their powers now is because of the strict code of ethics that the early heroes chose to abide by. That's why it's against the law for uncertified people to use their quirks to cause injury. Whether you were up against a dangerous villain or not, none of you have the authority to harm them."

I think back as to what I did to Plague when we were fighting. I had used my flames to get his crossbow away from that boy's head, but then I punched him in the gut, didn't I? I wouldn't exactly say I used my quirk to hurt him, but it's the principle of the matter. The only reason I was able to hit him was because I used my quirk against him to get myself an opening.

"That means the four of you and your supervisors, Endeavor, Manual, Gran Torino, and First Mate, are sure to receive harsh punishment for this gross abuse of your powers."

Midoriya, Iida, and I are all staring at the floor in shame while Todoroki grits his teeth and growls.

"Now, wait a minute!" he interrupts. "If Iida had not stepped in, Native would've been murdered! And if not for Midoriya, both of them would be dead! No one even realized that the Hero Killer was in Hosu! Are you saying we should've just stood by and watch people die?!"

"Calm down!" Midoriya tries to console our enraged classmate, but the chief continues.

"So it's okay to break the law as long as it goes your way?"

Oof. When you put it like that, then that would be describing us like villains.

Todoroki growls again and keeps arguing. "But sir! Isn't it a hero's job to save people?!"

Suragami calmly closes his eyes. "This is why you're not a full-fledged pro yet. It's obvious UA and Endeavor haven't been teaching you enough. What a shame."

It's no secret or wonder that Todoroki is cheesed. He growls again and marches forward. "You dang mutt!"

"Todoroki!" Iida steps to try to stop him, not to be of any help as both of his arms are still in casts. "Listen! He's right!"

"Stop there, kid," Gran Torino holds out a hand to stop him instead. "You'll wanna hear him out till the end."

Todoroki is still ticked but stops and scowls at Suragami anyways. The chief continues his speech to us.

"What I'm saying is the efficient stance of the police department. But, any punishment would be necessary if any of this went public. If it did, you'd probably be applauded by citizens everywhere, but there's no way you can escape from being reprimanded. On the other hand, we can pass the credit to heroes who were on the scene but at different times. Endeavor against the Hero Killer, and Phoenix against Plague. The stories would line up and support the looks of things, with Stain's burns and Phoenix's wound from an arrow, and we can pretend none of you were involved. Woof."

I don't know what to think about this. If it's bad, I wouldn't get credit for saving those citizens from Plague's toxins. But if it was good, then no one can blame me for what happened to Phoenix.

"Thankfully, there were very few witnesses. This could be the last you heard of any punishments. It would mean no one would know about you though. You'd receive no acclaim at all. The choice is yours. Personally, I know where I stand." He gives us a thumbs-up while sticking out his tongue. "I don't wanna damage any promising, young careers, not for a mistake like this."

The other pro, who I can assume is Manual, looks down at the floor as tears leak out of his eyes. "Either way, we'll need to take responsibility for being negligent as supervisors."

"It sucks, but you learn as you grow, am I right?" First Mate throws in.

Feeling the guilt, Iida walks up to Manual and bows an apology. "I'm sorry. I should have listened."

Manuel hits his head to address his apology. "Yeah, you caused us a lot of trouble. Remember that and don't do again."


First Mate and Gran Torino look at us expectantly. Getting the message, I copy my upright classmate. "I'm sorry. First Mate told me to wait, and I didn't. I'll be sure to do better."

Midoriya and Todoroki hang their heads in a slight bow to join me.

"And I apologize as well."

"Me too. We'll leave it to you."

"I know it's not fair," Suragami reasons. "You won't enjoy the fame and praise you probably would've received otherwise. But at least," he bows to pay his own respect to us, "allow me, as the chief of police, to thank you."

I don't know about my friends, but I myself am honored. Todoroki sighs again and coldly glances away. "You know, you could've started with that."

With all said and done, Suragami stands back up, bids us a good recovery, and takes his leave. Satisfied as well, Gran Torino and Manual also exit, leaving me with my classmates and supervisor. First Mate pats my shoulder.

"Alright, Dutchman. I'm gonna check up on the captain. I think you should head back to your room to practice with Suka."

"Got it." I glance back at my classmates one more time before leaving with her.

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