(Ch.3) You'll Die First

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A/N: Uwaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh! Sorry for such a late update! I've been busy with work and family and other stuff! And I was waiting to see if I could get like a laptop or something to type better with other than my iPad, but not yet, though I pulled through this time! It's late for me, so I'm gonna head to bed, but thank you for those who are reading this book! I hope it's as good as my "Falling" book since I'm actually super excited to tell this story! I have all the chapter plots written down and I can't wait until the action starts! Thanks again and I'll try to update more and quicker! Also, this is an extra long chapter! I don't think the other future ones will be this long, but I'm not making any promises! :3

-Deku The Admin

Third Person POV

Midoriya had endured the entire trip to the League's hideout with many unanswered questions floating around his head, enough to make it spin. When he arrived alone since there wasn't anyone else from Shizuoka Prefecture, he's followed by two villain guards who shove him forward through the doorway of the train he was put on. As they guide him to the place the other contestants would be waiting, he took this time to carefully glance around and attempt to remember his surroundings, even as his heart trembled in fear.

As they grew closer and doors open to a large building, he's shoved inside and there, he sees the other contestants who would participate in this year's Hero Games. Immediately, his heart sunk when he saw a few of them displaying their amazing quirks.

From basic elemental quirks to other unique ones like defense quirks and transforming quirks. The ones who displayed their quirks seemed both frustrated that they had to be here, but also were confident in their skills.

Midoriya seemed to be the last one to arrive and he's told to change into the specific clothing set for the contestants for the Hero Games. Nervously, he obliged and goes to change in the bathroom. Upon returning, he notices the others grouping together. He didn't know any of them so he decided to sit alone to try and collect himself and think of ways to escape before the Hero Games started. However, he didn't expect three others to approach him, he anxiously lifts his head and makes eye contact with them.

"Hi, we saw that you were sitting by yourself, and we couldn't help but feel like we should come to you. Umm, this sounds cheesy and strange especially in this situation, but we were thinking maybe you'd like to form a team with us? I'm Eri Furusho, by the way," one of the three who approached Midoriya said. She was a short girl, shorter than Midoriya, who had wavy dark brown hair and strange but beautiful violet-colored eyes, seemingly slightly younger than that of Midoriya. She looked like the quiet and reserved one, but she had mustered up the courage to suggest this and approach him first. Midoriya studied them and though he remained quiet and tense, he decided to listen to them.

The other two alongside her were two boys, one was taller than Midoriya and looked to be in his early twenties, dark blue eyes and a mole just below his left eye. He looked a lot more serious and though he looked intimidating, he didn't mind being around the other two and Midoriya as he smiled gently. The other boy was even shorter than the girl and he had blond hair with dark green eyes almost like the greenette they approached. He looked like he was only twelve, just above the age-limit Shigaraki put. He seemed the most scared and wary, but it was understandable since he was so young and if everyone else who were most likely all older than him were scared, of course he was going to be too.

"I'm Kenta Yorifuji, and this kid is probably too scared to talk much, but his name is Katsuo Tomohara," the oldest out of them introduced himself and the little boy, but when he glanced to Katsuo, he frowned in sympathy and sadness that the boy would have to suffer through his and most likely won't make it through. The scared twelve year-old boy nervously flicked his dark green eyes up to Midoriya's for a few seconds before returning them back to the floor. The freckled teen wanted to be friendly to them since they were young and since he also didn't want to be alone through this, not when they came up to him first.

Midoriya understood though and didn't push him to greet him, in fact, he couldn't help but find this group to be comforting, and after Eri explained, he felt more at ease knowing he wasn't the only young and scared kid here. He smiled reassuringly to them without realizing that his own fear disappeared for the moment. "I-I'm Izuku Midoriya. It's nice to meet the three of you. I'll be glad to join your team, if you'll take me," he hadn't told them that he was quirkless yet, thinking that that might deter them away from him since he guessed that they all had quirks except for him.

"Of course, the other idiots are teaming up too and showing off their quirks to try and get stronger people on their teams. So me and Eri thought it'd only make sense if we tried to form our own team, even if we may not be the strongest or flashiest group," Kenta explained as he glanced to the other contestants who seemed to be enjoying the display of those who showed off their quirks. Midoriya nodded and felt more at ease knowing that these three also seemed to be like him, but he worried that they wouldn't think like that once they found out he was quirkless.

"C-can we p-promise t-to be friends?....." Katsuo's small and quiet voice suddenly spoke up and the three looked at him in surprise. Eri and Kenta glance at Midoriya who smiled reassuringly and crouched down to the small boy.

"Of course, Katsuo. We can promise that. We can also promise that we'll protect one another and get through this," Midoriya promised the scared boy after he glanced back up at Eri and Kenta for their input, only to see that they've already agreed. The green haired teen reached for Katsuo and took his smaller hands in his own. Initially, Katsuo flinched back but Midoriya persisted and eventually held his hands gently, rubbing them with his thumbs and realizing he was being truthful of his words. Something in him seemed to awaken and he felt the desire to protect this group of friends and partners he had just joined. Like some hidden trait within him, he wanted to help these three. Before this, he was just as scared and as nervous as the rest of the contestants, just as much as Katsuo, but upon seeing that there was others to protect in this ordeal they all had to go through, instincts kicked in and he found himself here. Then, Katsuo smiled gently and jolts forward to hug Midoriya, mumbling something that only he could hear.

"O-okay, Papa...." Midoriya's eyes widened in surprise but then he saw Katsuo nuzzling him, he sighed and relaxed, holding Katsuo close. He must remind him of his father, and he couldn't help but miss his own mother. But in order to protect her, he had to volunteer and now he was here, already taking a step forward into his future by helping this kid and Eri and Kenta, to get through this. If he couldn't be the strong person with a quirk, he could at least be their support. He was fine with that, as long as they got to smile.

Then, the room goes quiet when a small group of other people enter the room, and Midoriya's eyes widened once more before turning into burning anger with a hint of staggering fear. "Alright, it's time to display your quirks to the world and us."

Tomura Shigaraki.

"You'll each show us what your quirk is in front of the camera here, which is broadcasted to all of Japan. However, try anything funny and we might have to break a few of your bones. Now, hurry up and line up," Shigaraki explained before he ordered the twenty-four of them to line up to show off their quirks, this made Midoriya tense up and swallow hard. Four other villains followed after Shigaraki as if they were bodyguards. However, they quickly got into line with Midoriya and their little group last as the first person started.

While he was last, Midoriya did his best to study the other contestants' quirks as they had to call out their name and the name of their quirk before showing it off to Shigaraki and the camera.

Hirokazu Okitsu, quirk: Thunder Bolt. Using the palms of his hands and fingers, he can generate and conduct electricity to make a ball of lightning that he can launch. However, the ball of lightning doesn't last long outside of his hands unless in a thunderstorm, and his hands feel numb and tingly afterwards. An emitter quirk.

Takaki Kosho, quirk: Frost Touch. Whatever Takaki touches can freeze and large icicles can form on any surface she touches with her hands. But she cannot create ice out of thin air and must touch an object or being in order to create her ice, and she can't make her Frost Touch extend beyond her reach. An emitter quirk.

Yui Kokudo, quirk: Reptile. Yui is part reptile and is able to do things that a reptile can do, from holding her breath for long periods of time underwater, to creating deadly venom in her saliva and even severing her own tail as a distraction. A mutant quirk.

Kazuya Kaze, quirk: Leaf Blade. He is able to make any kind of leaf into a sharp projectile like a shuriken. Kazuya can throw these razor-sharp leaves as if they were actual solid objects with weight, however, the leaf is excellent at slicing and grazing enemies, it cannot penetrate through skin unless on softer parts such as the throat/neck, underarm, stomach, etc. An emitter quirk.

Shizuo Satori, quirk: Antlers. When Shizuo uses his quirk, large antlers grow on his head like a deer's. He can use it for defense and offense, and can even pick which kind of antlers he wishes to grow, but the bigger the antlers, the longer it takes for them to grow. such as moose antlers. A transformation quirk.

Akane Sagimori, quirk: Melt. Akane is able to melt solids into liquids at will if he stares at it for five seconds. Though, this quirk doesn't affect living being such as humans or animals, only on inanimate objects. An emitter quirk.

Yuka Kozai, quirk: Split Personality. Rather than her quirk affecting herself, she is able to make enemies have split personalities if they disagree with something she says. With this split personality, it can range from doubtful, aggressive, paranoia, grief, or even manipulative, the choice of which one the enemy gets is random. However, if they continuously agree with her if she says something, then they won't be affected. An emitter quirk.

Sara Shibamoto, quirk: Fog. Sara is able to create thick fog using her breath which makes it hard to see past five feet in front of oneself. But this affects everyone around her, including herself and possible partners. An emitter quirk.

Taiga Inabe, quirk: Owl Wings. He has owl wings sprouted on his back that allow him to fly freely, but also give him the ability to fly silently through the air like an owl. However, like birds' wings, his wings are fragile and can be injured rather easily. A mutant quirk.

Akihiko Obata, quirk: Thermal Sight. Akihiko is able to switch from normal human sight to thermal. He is able to see as far as a normal human would, but in thermal vision, allowing him to differentiate between body heat and the surroundings. Though, if he uses it for too long, his eyes get damaged and he struggles to see clearly for some time in normal vision. A transformation quirk.

Yuki Miho, quirk: Blank Out. He is able to make a person's mind go blank as if they had forgotten or got sidetracked for a small amount of time unless the person cannot remember at all. But its success and fail rate is 50-50, so he can either make someone else's mind go blank, or make his own go blank. An emitter quirk.

Chikako Mimura, quirk: Peacock Feathers. Using the many, long feathers attached to her back, legs, arms, and head, she can flare them up at enemies and make them dazed or enter a small trance-like state. However, she must vibrate her feathers rapidly to activate her quirk and if she stops, the quirk wears off, and it also takes a lot of energy to vibrate them. A mutant quirk.

Eita Kon, quirk: Sinkhole. Eita can create any size of sinkhole in the ground, but the bigger it is, the more energy it takes out of him. And if the terrain isn't flat and or has other things such as trees, if he is to make a sinkhole it would take more time and more energy to make it. He also has to be next to the sinkhole to make it. An emitter quirk.

Maiko Ichiryu, quirk: Cotton Guard. She can attract raw cotton and create her own from her body to absorb attacks. However, she can only take so much and produce so much cotton, also she becomes easily vulnerable to elemental attacks, especially fire. A transformation quirk.

Yumi Hiroyoshi, quirk: Spider Silk. Using thick spider silk she creates with her finger tips, she can do many things such as hold objects together, create strong traps, or even hold skin together on an open wound to help the healing process. However, since she can only produce thicker spider silk, it is quite easy to spot since it's as thick as yarn strings. Also, creating the spider silk uses proteins in her body, making her dependable on eating insects, gross! A transformation quirk?

Reijiro Shimazaki, quirk: Blaze Assault. Covering his entire body with fire, Reijiro is able to launch himself at opponents at surprisingly high speeds to deliver a fiery and dangerous attack. But he is unable to change direction once he's started his assault and he can suffer severe burns if he remains like this for too long. An emitter quirk.

Masanori Yasu, quirk: Monsoon Storm. He is able to create a monsoon with severe lightning and thunder, basically a dangerous thunderstorm. However, this cannot be changed or altered for a whole week. An emitter quirk.

Kosuke Kamikura, quirk: Focus. By focusing and meditating, Kosuke is able to become powerful in ways that aren't normal for a human in terms of physical strength. But he must focus and meditate without disturbance for at least an hour, in which his increased physical capabilities only last for about fifteen minutes. After, he becomes burned out. An emitter quirk.

Shizuka Mitsunobu, quirk: Doodle. Using her paintbrush and paper, she can make her art come to life and take form in their world. She can make them attack, protect, or even gather information. However, if she doesn't have either of her tools, she cannot use her quirk properly. An emitter quirk.

Shigehiko Ashura, quirk: Tiger Claws. With his hands permanently being a tiger's paw, he has sharp claws like one, he has surprising strength in his arms and legs, and can stalk silently like a tiger. Though, the strength doesn't apply to the rest of his body and he doesn't have a tail to help himself keep balance. A mutant quirk.

Finally, it was Midoriya's and his new team's turn.

Eri Furusho, quirk: Phantom Shield. Eri is able to create an invisible shield around others with surprisingly high durability. However, if she creates shields around others, she can't create one for herself, same goes for the reverse, and she needs a cool down time is the shield breaks as it damages her too. An emitter quirk.

Kenta Yorifuji, quirk: Firecracker. Using gunpowder-like dust produced from his left hand, he is able to use his right hand to ignite it, creating a firecracker explosion that lasts for as long as how much dust he leaves behind. But he needs both hands to produce both the ignitable dust and the spark to create the small but effective explosion. An emitter quirk.

Katsuo Tomohara, quirk: Dragon Arrow. Katsuo is able to summon a mysterious-looking bow and arrow, but upon firing the arrow, it becomes a mini dragon that will follow the enemy that Katsuo desires to strike as if homing in on them. However, it will only follow for more than two minutes depending on how much Katsuo wishes to go after them and or hurt them. And in the case that it does hit the target, it serves as a slicing effect and burning effect, creating small slices as open wounds and burning them with the bluish-purple fire it appears at alongside the bow. An emitter quirk.

Finally, Midoriya was last and next. He nervously stood where all the other twenty-three contestants stood, and proceeded to do as the others did. The green haired teenager had hoped that there was someone else who was quirkless, but it seems like everyone else had formidable quirks that could do well in combat and rescue, unlike him. Immediately, shame and self-hatred washed over him. "I-Izuku M-Midoriya..." he found himself stuttering despite sounding so strong and confident earlier with Katsuo, Eri, and Kenta, then instead of saying his quirk, he continued, "I'm quirkless....."

Everyone stared in utter astonishment as Midoriya kept his green eyes on the floor in front of him, remaining where he stood before the villains would give him the command to move along with the others. He waited for what felt like forever in the soft murmuring and snickers from the other twenty-three contestants, but what came next both didn't surprise him but also startled him at the same time.

"What?! You're quirkless? So, you knew you were quirkless, yet you volunteered for your mother? Ha! You won't even be any danger to the rest of the contestants! I should just let them kill you now to save us and them the trouble!" Shigaraki laughed hysterically as his wide smile could even be seen under the hand over his face, his crimson eyes beat down on the small teen in front of everyone in the spotlight. Then he turned to the rest of the contestants. "What do you all say? Would it be fair to kill this quirkless loser on the spot?"

Many started to smirk and glare at Midoriya who remained where he was standing, but he became angry as Shigaraki mocked him and made him seem useless, he grit his teeth and clenched his hands into tight fists. Some began to agree with Shigaraki's offer while others only frowned in pity, meanwhile, his team looked more scared for him than anything else.

"You want this Hero Games to be an entertaining show to you, right?" Midoriya suddenly spoke up in his anger towards Shigaraki and what he's done to all the people in Japan. The pale blue haired male turned his gaze to the boy now, but his smiling and laughing stopped as he raised a brow.

"Well, I'll give you a show you'll never forget. I promise you on my life, Tomura Shigaraki."

And with that, Shigaraki flicked his hand a bit and two of the villains at his side came forward and dragged Midoriya towards what seemed to be the rooms they would stay in according to their specific prefecture, luckily, he had one all to himself. However, Shigaraki spoke before he would be thrown and locked in the room with the other contestants having to go into their designated rooms as well.

"You're already quite entertaining, kid. I'll let you live because of that. However, you lack the power that you think you have. You'll die first. You're nothing but a useless kid who is all bark but no bite. You're nothing but a Deku."

After about twenty minutes of being thrown into the large room, Midoriya had finally calmed down and was thinking back over the things that happened. Before he would forget because of the amount of stress of being forced to do all of this, he quickly finds some paper and a pencil and writes down everyones names and their quirks. He'll have to thank his mother for letting him write and think for long periods of time, seeing as that helped him develop a strong memory and to reflect on it. Once he was done, he relaxes and lays down on couch for some time. There weren't any bedrooms or even beds, everyone had to just sleep on the floor or fight for the couches.

Now, he ended up thinking about everything that he's heard that led up to the fall of the hero society, Japan, and All Might. He hadn't been alive when that happened so he didn't know all the details since everyone told different stories, but he thought and thought about it. Until, an unfamiliar voice sounded towards the balcony.

Immediately, the green haired teen shot up and looked to see who it was, and his eyes widened. He didn't recognize this strange person, but he somehow felt like he should know him.

"Hello, Young Midoriya. I've been waiting for quite some time for you to finally be ready," the strange man said. He had golden-blond hair with two longer strands in the front, dark shadows over his eyes that hide everything above his cheekbones except for his bright blue eyes. He was very skinny and had long limbs with a gentle smile on his face.

Midoriya stood there in pure confusion and didn't know how to react yet as he took in what he was saying and also what he looked like.

"Ah, you may not recognize me, but I'm sure you've heard about me. And I apologize for the rude and sudden entrance, but I'm Yagi Toshinori, or as many know me as my hero name, All Might."

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