(Ch.4) One For All

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A/N: Sorry for such a long wait again. I've been wanting to get some sort of laptop or something to make typing easier, but haven't been able to. I'm currently in another state right now, and I typed this chapter during the bumpy, uncomfortable car ride, so I apologize if things don't make sense, etc. But, thanks for reading and I hope this book will go far, I kinda favorite this one over my Rogue Omega one, lol :3

-Deku The Admin

Third Person POV

"A-All M-Might?!! What?! How?! You're supposed to be dead! We all saw!" gasped Midoriya as his eyes widened in utter surprise and astonishment. Here was the person he admired ever since he was a young boy, the man who single-handily took down the person who was known as the true definition of evil and a villain, his hero and idol. He almost couldn't believe it until the golden haired man continued.

"Yes, but luckily I was saved—or, more so that a part of me was saved. My quirk saved that part of me since I have to do something before I was allowed to pass. In a way, my quirk prevented my spirit from resting and a part of me was forced to stay in order to fulfill my duty," Toshinori chuckled while he entered the room with the greenette who just stared in confusion and awe. He was quite amused that the young teen would react to him like this, he honestly thought the boy would refuse to believe him and would think he were just hallucinating. But this one little thing showed that he could trust this kid with the future.

"B-but, I thought your quirk was just a power-based quirk?" the freckled teen asked as he tilts his head and furrowed his brows.

"That's what everyone believed. That's what I wanted everyone to believe. You see, Young Midoriya, my quirk is not just a power-based quirk, and it may be hard to understand at first, but actually, it is multiple quirks in one. The name of my quirk, One For All, is a quirk passed on from generation to generation as a force to defeat evil. See, I am the eight holder of One For All, and each generation, the quirk must be passed on to someone who is worthy and who will continue to hold the torch until it is time for them to repeat the cycle."

Midoriya's head whirled in utter confusion that there was such a thing as a passable quirk, let alone one that could hold multiple quirks in one. However, as much as this seemed a little sketchy, he knew that this safe, uplifting, and comforting aura would only belong to someone who was true and someone like All Might. Thus the reason why he decided to believe and listen to him rather than turn him down and ignore him. That and a portion of himself said to believe in this spirit or whatever he was. Swallowing a bit, he decides to ask more. "If you didn't want people to know about such a quirk, then why are you telling me this?"

Then, Toshinori smiled softly and his light blue eyes locked with the teen's, holding his hand out to him. "Because I believe that you will change the outcome of yours and future lives if you became the ninth holder, Izuku Midoriya."

Midoriya grumbled from a night of trying to sleep but being unable to due to the fact that he had so much on his mind. He sat up as he realized the sun was beginning to rise. Just a few hours ago, Toshinori had visited him, as spooky as that sounded, and told him about One For All and a little bit of its history. He was completely amazed by how little he knew about his quirk, and how little the world had known too. Never had he even thought that this could've been the secret behind his quirk.

The green haired teen got up from bed and made his sheets before he went to brush his teeth. He was surprised that Shigaraki would provide for small things like this, but he guessed it was from one of his members. While staring at himself brushing his teeth, his mind went back to last night where he agreed to try and take on the challenge of possessing One For All. Toshinori gave him a strict training regimen where he'd have to train his body and heart harder than he ever would in his life.

To avoid the risk of his limbs exploding, the outcome of his fate if he failed, he had to make sure his body was strong enough to take on the quirk. And so, they decided that training and sparring with the others would be necessary, luckily, the contestants are given about four months to prepare themselves while the smaller, less known Hero Games are going on all around Japan.

Four months wasn't long, so he had to make every day count or else he would fail.

Midoriya exited his room when called and he came back to the training room where the other contestants were already beginning to show off their quirks again. This time, Midoriya had a determined face on, despite his heart still remaining nervous.

He greets Kenta, Eri, and Katsuo and joins them for a little bit. Not long after, they're approached by Taiga, Yumi, and Akane.

"Hey, let's show these kids what real quirks can do," sneered Taiga who smirked widely, Yumi and Akane snickered tauntingly. However, when none of the four moved, Taiga grew irritated and quickly grabbed Eri's arm and yanked her towards himself. She could only squeak in fright and tremble.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?!" Midoriya snapped angrily. He knew that everyone didn't really want to participate in the Hero Games, but for this guy to bully the youngest female here and physically move her pissed him off. He was stressed out from the knowledge of what was to come in the next four months, while also a little worried about his chances at wielding One For All, this all contributed to his protectiveness over the little group of friends he formed in this hellhole. And he wasn't about to let this happen to the little girl who approached him first.

"Oh? So the quirkless kid wants to take a stand? How touching. How about we make this interesting? If you can pin me or beat me, I won't bother you weaklings anymore. How's that?" Taiga laughed from Midoriya's attempt to protect and stand up for the little girl he held in one arm. The two females with him stood back to let them take each other on while the greenette's eyes narrowed at him.

"You bastard," the freckled teen grit his teeth in frustration before his anger wavered for a little when Kenta grabbed his shoulder.

"Let me deal with this—"

Kenta tried to interfere but Midoriya shook him off and gave him a nervous but determined look which surprised the older male. He knew he shouldn't be cocky, but knowing that this guy probably didn't use his brain in a fight gave him an edge, and he wanted to prove it to him and everyone. "No, I'll handle this. I don't need a quirk to outsmart this bastard. You and Katsuo just stand back, I promise to get Eri back."

Kenta saw this and sighed before he pat the green haired male's shoulder and turned around to guide the young Katsuo further back. By now, everyone was spectating the scene and many were eager to see Midoriya get a beat down since he was quirkless. However, he wasn't about to let that happen without a fight.

"Bring it, quirkless boy."

Then, Midoriya charged forward and first tried for a frontal attack. Already in his head, he was figuring out different ways to approach him to see more of his quirk. All he knew was that Taiga had wings similar to an owl, so he assumed that either that was his quirk, or he had a quirk that allowed to transform or grow body parts of animals, however he only saw the wings so that wasn't likely.

Taiga quickly flapped his wings and lifted himself and Eri off of the floor as she cried further in fear. No one could blame her, she was just a young girl who found herself in this situation due to some jackass like Taiga. He dodged Midoriya's frontal attack and now landed before he shoved Eri to Yumi and Akane to hold so he could fight properly. He now flew towards Midoriya as he skidded to a halt, tackling the freckled male into the wall.

Midoriya felt the wind being knocked from his lungs and his back screamed in pain the moment he hit the wall as Taiga used his body weight and extra force. Taiga pulled back to see if that had defeated the boy. The greenette staggered and struggled to catch his breath as he coughed a bit, but he stayed on his feet and after finally regaining himself, he sent a glare at the older male. What no one knew was that though he lacked a quirk unlike everyone else, he had intelligence and strategy, which he planned to use to the fullest while combining it with his current strength. He wasn't considered well-built, but he did train himself and his body to have some muscles so he could defend himself and his mother if need be.

"Look at this quirkless idiot. Spouting nonsense that he 'promises' to save the girl, yet he can't even take a hit! Shigaraki was right, you will die first," Taiga mocked and Midoriya felt something snap within him.

Midoriya noticed that Taiga was standing not far from a wall, so he planned his next attack and went for another frontal attack. He predicted his movements and he was precisely correct. Taiga would take flight once again to simply hop over him, landing behind him. Then, before he was able to turn around in time, Midoriya lifted his feet and placing them on the wall to suddenly change directions and propelled his nimble body back the way he came, right for Taiga.

Taiga's eyes widened in surprise as Midoriya came at him fast. He could only see him in the corner of his eye and he reacted as fast as he could, ducking just out of the other's attack.

The freckled teen grit his teeth more and quickly rolled so he wouldn't hurt himself, facing his enemy once more. He noticed that Taiga looked a little startled and even nervous. He needed to defeat him, to save Eri.

"You brat! You got lucky, that's it!" Taiga spat as he flapped his wings and launched himself at him now, deciding to take to offense now. He planned on landing a punch to the greenette but didn't expect him to move so fast.

Midoriya took into account that Taiga would charge at him recklessly, so while he was still on all fours, he thrust himself upwards into the air just above his enemy, enough to grab his wings and push them back, causing them both to fall but he remained on top of him. Quickly, he grabbed Taiga's wrists while he was dazed on the floor, finally pinning him to the floor as he himself panted hard.

Everyone looked on, quite stunned. No one thought the quirkless teen would be able to defeat someone with a quirk. That's how this world worked, quirkless were seen as nearly powerless and lesser than those who possessed quirks, especially the stronger ones. However, Midoriya proved what he said before the fight, he didn't need a quirk to outsmart his opponent.

"I've won. Give Eri back and I won't knock you out in front of everyone."

From that day on, Midoriya impressed a few contestants, they even asked if he'd like to join their own little teams, but he declined each time, staying with the three he originally partnered with. He couldn't abandon them after all they've done for him. However, sparring became easier now that the others weren't total asses to him after he proved himself. His little rule set was no quirks, strictly hand-to-hand combat. The others didn't seem to mind since they considered that they'd also take some practice before the Games started. And so, they mostly all trained hard, some less than others, some not at all after declaring they were already going to win and didn't need anymore practice, let alone without their precious quirk. That would be their downfall. But most of all, Midoriya trained hardest, needing to train his body hard in order to reach his goal to eventually receive One For All from Toshinori.

And soon, four months passed almost too fast, and the Hero Games is due to start in a few hours.

"You are ready, Young Midoriya," Toshinori appeared to Midoriya in his room as he prepared for the Hero Games in the next few hours. He examined the young teen who trained his mind and body, showing just how determined he was to receive One For All. He knew he chose right already.

Midoriya was currently reviewing some notes he took in his head of the other contestants and his partners of their team. Bandages were wrapped basically all over his body: arms, legs, and chest. He had many bruises and some scratches, but nothing he couldn't handle, especially right now. He smiles in greetings to his idol. "I can't believe this is happening."

Toshinori nodded slowly as he returns the gentle smile to his soon-to-be successor. "All of this was from yourself, Young Midoriya. You proved to me that you are worthy and that you're determined to change the future. You have the heart of a true hero, and even without a quirk, the strength and mind of one to save and to win. In order to pass on One For All, you need to take in my dna," then, he pulls off a strand of his golden hair. "Eat this."

Midoriya looked on in admiration at first, until he's told to eat the strand of Toshinori's hair, and he couldn't help but feel like he didn't hear right. "Huh?...."

"Hurry, kid! It takes a few hours for you to digest it, so in order for it to be useful in the Games, you need to eat it now!"

"W-wait! W-what?! I-isn't there some o-other way?!"

"There's no time! Just eat it already!"


Midoriya felt his stomach grumble as if it were upset at him, or rather, at Toshinori. After swallowing his hair strand, the golden haired man disappeared and he didn't have time to question him more. So now, he's left on his own. He honestly didn't feel any different, but he guessed that he wouldn't know since he's never had a quirk to feel what that felt like.

Then, a sound came from the speakers in the building, followed by Shigaraki's voice. "All the contestants of this year's Hero Games, come to the main lobby immediately. The Games are about to begin."

The green haired teen swallowed nervously as his thoughts began swirling again, until he shook his head to rid these stressful thoughts away. He had to focus.

Eventually, all twenty-four contestants gathered at the main lobby in their teams and were taken to an underground area that led to an enourmous area where the Games would take place. There was really only one theme apart from the center where the items were held: forest, dense forest.

Each person was put into a different room where they would be transferred to the battlefield. And they were given quirk-restricting collars around their necks that were only unlockable with a specific key. Immediately, almost everyone had one strategy first, go for the middle where the specific key to their collar was.

However, Midoriya didn't exactly know how to use One For All, so he knew that he could have an advantage and headstart if he ran into the forest first. Let those in the middle kill one another if they wanted. However, there were supplies in the center there, and he knew he'd have to return to grab some sooner or later, but decided against rushing in with the first group. He only hoped that his three partners would do the same. Luckily though, there was a bag of random items at the halfway mark from where they would be and where the center would be. He planned on grabbing at least that before running off, after all, it could be useful.

There was a large tube big enough to fit a person inside in the center of the empty room, and Midoriya stepped into it once he's shoved into the room by some villains. He wanted to spit at them, but reassured himself that he would be able to some day, but not today, unfortunately. Then, the transparent door shut and he was transported above this level and to the battlefield.

Flinching and wincing from the strong sunlight in the large arena, he let his eyes adjust to the light and he glanced to his sides, seeing the other contestants all around the center, spread out evenly and in the same position as he was. Held back until the tube would open to let them out.

Midoriya then turned his eyes back to the center and at the bag sitting on the earth just halfway from here to the center, he smiled nervously. He couldn't help letting his nerves get to him, but that didn't mean he wouldn't suppress them so he could focus and have a larger chance at surviving. He along with all the other contestants, prepared to begin running for the first time in the official Hero Games. Suddenly, deep hatred for Shigaraki mixed with deep determination to use One For All for good and to save not only himself and Toshinori, but to save everyone from the man who caused all of this hell and these horrible Hero Games.

"Let the Hero Games begin!"

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