Chapter 18: Ivy VS Dave

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(Katie's POV)

I felt something lightly shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw (Y/N) with his hand on my arm. He isn't wearing a shirt, making me blush.

Katie: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): You're awake and looking better than ever...

He leaned down to me and kissed my cheek.

(Y/N): ...I'm glad for that.

He gave me a warm smile. It's making my heart race. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips. I broke the kiss and held onto him closely.

Katie: I'm grateful that you protected me.

I looked around the room and the nurse and Chris aren't in here anymore.

Katie: Where is the other two?

(Y/N): Chris woke up a few minutes ago and left. The nurse left so we can be alone.

Katie: What about the tournament?

(Y/N): Long story short, Ivy and Dave are fighting to see who fights Chris.

Katie: You're not participating anymore?

(Y/N): Nope and I'm honestly glad for it. After what happened in my match, I don't think me fighting is a good idea.

Katie: Wait, what happened?

(Y/N): Well...

(One Explanation Later)

Katie: You almost died?!

(Y/N): Yeeeaaah...

I slapped (Y/N) in the face, leaving a red hand print on his cheek.

Katie: You can't just do that!

(Y/N): If I had complete control, I promise I wouldn't want that either.

Katie: At least you're alright now. That's all I can really ask for.

(Y/N) laid down next to me and picked up a tv remote. He pushed the power button and a tv attached on a wall turned on. (Y/N) turned the channel to one that's broadcasting the tournament.

(Y/N): Let's cheer Ivy and Dave on in their fight.

Katie: I hope they don't take it too seriously.

(Ivy's POV)

Me and Dave stepped onto the arena.

Fox: Time for the next match! Their are both from Heritage School! I'm expecting nothing but the best from these two!

I looked over at Dave. He looked at me and nodded his head. I'll make sure I'll beat him.

Super: Please start!

Dave jumped at me. Fire surrounded his hand and he threw the fire at me. I kicked it away. Lightning surrounded Dave and he disappeared. I heard a footstep behind me. I quickly turned around and saw Dave's fist about to hit my face. I moved my head to the left. Dave's fist scraped my cheek, drawing some blood. I went to kick Dave on the chest. Some ice formed on his chest, blocking my kick. I kicked off his chest, sending me back a couple yards.

Ivy: I hope you realize I haven't even used my Power yet.

Dave: I've noticed. Do you think I'm not worthy of your full strength? I'll make you regret that.

He formed a fire sword from his right hand. Lightning surrounded Dave again. I evolved my eyes and I'm able to see his movements clearly. He dashed to the side and tried to swing his sword at me. I jumped up and made a bunch of quills on my back. I sent all the quills down at the ground. Dave made a shield of ice in his left arm and blocked all my quills.

Dave: I've always wanted to know something.

I landed on my feet and looked at Dave.

Ivy: What do you mean?

Dave: I can tell. Ever since we've met, you really have a disliking to me. I want to know why.

I clenched my hand.

Ivy: You're annoying. You think you're worthy of being some "King" just because you have a strong Power.

Dave: ...I don't think that just because I'm strong. I have a tradition in my bloodline that I must keep.

Ivy: If it's really more than strength, then please prove it.

Dave rushed at me. I made another pair of arms and grabbed his shield. Dave tried to slash at me, but I used my extra arms to grab his arm. I yanked the ice shield off his arm and slammed it onto his head, shattering it. Dave screamed in pain. He made a burst of fire from all over his body, sending me back. I took some of the fire and had it enter my body.

Dave: Time for a new trick!

I smiled to myself. Green scales covered my body. A pair of horns grew out of my head and a pair of dragon wings grew out of my back.

Ivy: It's about time for this Knight to fall to a dragon!

Chemist: Such a cool thing to say!

Dave sent some lightning at me. I jumped into it and conducted the lighting. I stored the electricity in my arms. Dave dashed at me. I punched him in the face. He kept his footing and ice came from his face, surrounding my arm. He grabbed it and swung me into the air. I flapped my wings and flew around the arena. I used some of the fire inside my body to melt the ice. Dave raised his hand into the air and a huge fireball formed from it.

Chemist: I can feel the heat from here!

Ivy: Now I can even hit him with physical attacks. He'll just freeze my body if I try.

Dave: Time to say goodnight!

He launched the huge fireball up at me. I put my hands forward and caught it. It burns to the touch, but I started to absorb the fireball into my body. The fireball got smaller and smaller until it disappeared into my body.

Dave: No-

I quickly flew down behind him. He turned his head to look at me. I opened my mouth, getting ready to release all the fire in my body.

Dave: -way!

I launched all the fire at Dave in point blank range. After ten seconds of shooting fire from my mouth, I ran out of fire and I closed my mouth. A ton of smoke covered the area.

Chemist: Did that finish it?!

I made my arm grow in size, to about three times, and swiped it. The swipe making a gust of wind, blowing all the smoke away. Dave is on one knee, with his clothes singed in several places. His breathing is heavy.

Fox: It appears that Dave is unable to battle. Which means-

Dave: NO!!!

Dave struggled to get on both feet.

Dave: I won't give up now! I can't give up now! I made a promise and I intend to keep it! To lose now would make me a horrible future king!

Dave made ice armor around himself. He made an ice sword and ice shield in his arms. He ran at me. He slashed at me. I punched the sword, breaking it. I punched him in the stomach, breaking his armor there. He spat out some blood and took a few steps back.

Dave: I... Can't... Give up!

He made another sword and fixed his armor.

Ivy: Give it up already. Don't you see you're breaking yourself?

Dave: I'll win this fight, even if it means breaking myself!

He jumped at me again. I tried to punch him again, but he blocked it with his shield. I shot out all the electricity from my arms at him. It went around his body, shocking him. Dave screamed in pain. His eyes went blank and he started to fall back. He stomped down on the ground and his looked at me.

Dave: It'll take more than that! I'm fighting for something more than me! To prove someone wrong!

He keeps going, no matter what and he's fighting for something, or someone, else. I can't help but think about me wanting to win this tournament for (Y/N). Dave looked at me with determination in his eyes. It's burning more than the fire that comes from his Power. I tried to hit Dave, but I felt a surge of pain all through out my body.

Dave: It looks like the fire that was inside your body did more damage than we both thought!

I tried to fly away, but ice surrounded my legs, keeping me attached to the floor. Dave smiled. I punched him in the chest. His ice armor cracked. Fire shot out of it. It melt all the ice around us. The fire started to push me back.

Dave: Time for you to be slain, dragon!

I felt my body start to give out. Dave jumped at me and punched me in the face, sending me out of the ring.

Super: That's the match! Dave is the winner!

I looked up at Dave. He smiled to himself and raised his fist into the sky in triumph. The crowd roared in excitement. I sighed and my body went back to normal. I took several deep breaths.

Ivy: I think... I'm starting to understand him...

He doesn't want to be king for himself, but for someone else. I guess it's like me wanting to be the best Hero because (Y/N) wants to be that too. Man, I never actually thought me and Dave would have similar goals. I heard some footsteps getting closer. I looked over and saw Dave. He extended his hand towards me. I took it and he helped me up to my feet. He put my arm around his shoulder, keeping me up.

Dave: I'm glad you still fought back. Really showing everyone else that people from Heritage shouldn't be taken lightly.

Ivy: Right. I bet we put fear into criminals hearts. They better be scared because once we're Heroes...

Dave: ...They'll all fall to us.

Ivy: Damn right they will.

I felt my head start to spin. Mr. Black walked over to us and made two tendrils and picked me and Dave up with them.

Fox: You both did well. I suppose detention will have to wait for another time.

(Chapter 18 end)

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