Chapter 19: 2 For 1 Deal

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(Readers POV)

The match between Ivy and Dave concluded with Dave's victory.

Katie: I never thought that's how the match would've ended. I'm surprised the cameras were able to keep up with those two.

(Y/N): Yeah. I'm glad both of them are on good terms right now.

Me and Katie heard the door open. We looked over and Ivy walked in.

Ivy: So you're girl lost, but at least I gave everyone a great match to watch! I bet you two were at the edge of your seats!

Katie: I was in this bed.

(Y/N): And I was standing.

Ivy: ...Oh... I meant it metaphorical of course.

She laughed off her embarrassment and walked up to me. I remembered what happened between the two of us earlier, causing me to sigh.

(Y/N): Ivy. I need to tell you something.

Ivy: Is it about earlier?

I nodded my head. Ivy got excited and got a step closer to me.

Ivy: Well? Is it a yes or a yes?!

Katie: What are you talking about?

Ivy leaned over to look at Katie.

Ivy: I asked (Y/N) to be my boyfriend earlier!

Katie: You what?!

Ivy: And I'm waiting for his answer.

Katie gave me a glare. I gulped to myself. I need to think of how to best handle this situation.

(Y/N): Ivy. I'm very flattered that you want to go out with me, but I'm already dating Katie.

Katie: Yeah, so back off!

Ivy just stared at the both of us for a second. She bursted out laughing.

Ivy: That's a funny joke! You two had me for a second!

She continued to laugh. I put my hands on her shoulders, causing her to stop laughing.

(Y/N): It's not a joke. Me and Katie are actually a thing.

Ivy gained a look of realization on her face.

Ivy: So you two are actually dating?

Katie: Yes!

Ivy looked down at the ground in silence. She looked back up at me and her eyes lit up.

Ivy: Why can't me and Katie both date you?

(Y/N) and Katie: What?!

Ivy: It'd be perfect! If we both date (Y/N), then we both get to have him!

Katie: That's not a normal thing people do-

Ivy: Are you kidding me? It's completely normal, in the animal kingdom at least. There are countless groups of animals that share a single mate. So why can't we do the same?

Katie: When you word it like that, then I guess I won't be against the idea. I still get to date (Y/N) either way.

(Y/N): I don't think-

Ivy: Besides, I already kissed you, so that already makes a thing anyway.

Katie: You did what to him?!

Ivy looked at Katie and smirked.

Ivy: Don't be jealous. You got to him first. So I say it's fair.

Katie: Then let's have (Y/N) choose! If he wants to date two girls at once, then that's his choice!

Katie and Ivy looked at me, waiting for me to give an answer. I thought about it. If I say yes, then I guess both will be happy, but if I say no then they'll probably just keep bothering me til I say yes. Man I'm really stuck between a rock and a hard place.

(Y/N): You know what? Fine. I'll date both of you.

Ivy: Yes!

She threw her fist up in victory. Ivy immediately smashed her lips on mine. Katie put her hands on my face, pulling me away from Ivy and she kissed me.

Ivy: No fair! I barely got to kiss him!

We heard a knocking on the door, making the three of us stop. The door opened and Chris walked in.

Chris: Hey.

Ivy: Hi.

Chris: So I'm up against your friend, right?

(Y/N): Dave? Yeah.

Chris: ...I want to say sorry in advance, just incase he dies during my match.

He walked out the room, leaving me, Ivy, and Katie in silence.

Ivy: Like there's anyway Chris can kill Dave... Right?

Katie: Trust me, fighting him is something completely different from watching him. I'm afraid that Chris might actually kill Dave.

(Y/N): Dave is a tough a guy. I'm sure he'll pull through.

Katie: We can only hope.

Ivy sighed and stretched her arms.

(Y/N): Speaking of which, where is Dave?

Ivy: Oh, he's still down by the arena. The nurse went down to him, since you two are here.

Katie: Then let's go down there and watch his match in person.

Katie got up and hugged my left arm. Ivy pouted and hugged my right arm.

Ivy: How does it feel (Y/N), now that you officially have a harem now?

(Y/N): ...I feel like it's going to be hell.

Ivy: Pfft! Nonsense! You'll love it!

Katie: Especially since you have me.

(Y/N): Let's just get going.

(Dave's POV)

I'm sitting down on the ground. The nurse took her hand off of me. I now feel much better thanks to her Power.

Nurse: Are you sure you don't want to rest up?

Dave: I'll be fine. A king doesn't need rest if he's fighting for his kingdom.

I stood up and walked onto the arena, waiting for Chris to show up. He's my final obstacle to winning this tournament and I won't hesitate to not hold back at the beginning. I looked over and saw (Y/N), Ivy, and Katie walked up next to Black Knight and Chemist. I saw Chris, with his hands in his pockets, walking up to the arena. He got on the arena and stared me down.

Fox: The final match of the tournament is about to begin!

The crowd started to roar in excitement. I can tell, they want me to win after what Chris did to the fair maiden known as Katie.

Cody: Come on Chris. The probability of you winning is 70%.

Grace: Give School Somar it's well deserved victory!

Katie: Come on Dave! Don't give up!

Ivy: A king doesn't lose, right?! Then win this tournament!

I looked at (Y/N). He just stared at me. I looked forward and smiled to myself. I going to show (Y/N) that he should be scared that I'm his rival.

Super: This is the match the decides who I will spar with! I'm just as excited as everyone else for this!

Chris sighed and took his hands out of his pockets. His hair slightly swaying in the wind.

Chris: I've always wondered. Does my Power have enough strength to overthrow a king?

Dave: Enough of your empty words. I want you to prove your strength in combat.

Chris: Fair enough. Just don't go regretting your decision when you're about to die.

Chemist: Are Dave and Chris ready?!

Dave: Yes ma'am!

Chris: ...Yeah.

Chemist: Then let the final match of tournament between Hero School Somar and Heritage begin!

(Chapter 19 end)

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