Chapter 44: Training With New Heights

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(Ashley's POV)

I am slowly playing the piano in my father's study room. My father hummed along with my song. A knocking on the door made me stop me playing.

Growth: I hope this is important.

The door opened and a man in a suit came in.

Servant: Sir, I just got word that Tyler has been captured.

Growth: ...So he has failed his assignment. Such a shame. You may leave me and my daughter now.

The man nodded his head and left the room, closing the door behind him.

Ashley: Tyler didn't get Isabelle? Did he lose a fight to her?

Growth: I do wish I knew what happened. I shall learn of those events soon.

Ashley: I see father. Are you going to get Tyler back yourself?

Father let out a chuckle.

Growth: No. He has failed to prove himself.

Ashley: But father, he can control space. His value is-

Father lifted his hand. I stopped myself as he stood up to face me.

Growth: Do you wish to know why I won't take him back? Because he doesn't share my ideals. If you don't have the same interests as the person you are working for, then you are bound to fail that person. I want everyone to be equals and he did not.

Ashley: What does that mean? I thought Tyler treated everyone equally.

Growth: He did not. Tyler treated Isabelle differently. He treated her like she was greater than others, which I do not agree with. Everyone has equal value in this world, the difference is the opportunities each person is given to show that value. You understand, don't you?

Ashley: Yes father, I understand you.

Father took a deep breath and sat back down at his desk.

Growth: In the world I'll create, I will get rid of the pain for the unfortunate and the unnecessary pleasures of the fortunate. Everyone will be equal.

Ashley: ...Father. If you don't mind me questioning, why do you wish to change the world?

Growth: My inspiration for my goals? A good question. Back when I was young, my father passed away and who I thought of as a friend took something from me. At first, I wanted revenge and take what's mine but as I grew older, I stopped with that childish thinking. Why put my energy in something that only benefits me if I can do something that benefits the world? That was the question I asked myself as I matured.

Ashley: Thank you for tell me this.

Growth: There is no need to thank me.

Father stood up and walked to the door of his study, about to open it.

Growth: I need to check up on something.

He opened the door, leaving the room. I let out a long sigh. I got up and left the room too. I walked over to my room and walked inside. I put a pair of shoes on and was about to go outside for some fresh air. I looked over at my open closet and saw a red scarf that I've had for many years now. I picked it up and put the scarf around my neck.

Ashley: Time to get some fresh air.

(Readers POV) (The Next Day)

Me and Top are standing across from each other. She pointed her trident at me. I looked over to my right and saw Isabelle quietly watching from a few yards away.

Top: Are you ready to start training? It's going to be hell since we have to make up for lost time.

(Y/N): Yeah... But let me do something a little different.

Top: Different? You got me curious now. Do whatever you want to do.

I nodded my head and took a deep breath as I closed my eyes. I started to concentrate as I activated my Power.

(Y/N): ...Alexandra... Can you hear me?

I opened my eyes and I'm in the white void again. Alexandra appeared in front of me.

Alexandra: You're back! I see you're already getting a hang of transforming. It took me several tries to do this. Now let me help you move while like this.

A red glow came from her hand as she placed her hand on the top of my head. I opened my eyes again and I can see Top staring at me.

Top: So this is what you meant by different. Looks like I'll have to get somewhat serious in this. Come at me when you're ready!

I looked down at my body and red energy is covering my skin. I looked back at Top and dashed at her. I went too far and went past, making me stop myself.

(Y/N): I over shot?

I looked to my right and saw Alexandra standing right next to me. I think I'm the only one that can see her.

Alexandra: You're not used to this level of strength yet, so it's only natural.

I turned back around, but I don't see Top anywhere. I quickly looked around and saw Top dashing at me, about to hit me with her trident. I bent backwards, barely dodging the swing of the trident. Top let go of her trident and grabbed my face with her hand, slamming down to the ground. A bunch of dust came up from the impact.

(Y/N): That didn't hurt as much as a I thought it would.

Alexandra: It seems like she's testing out your new strength. Can you get rid of all this dust? I can't see a thing!

I made a small blast around me, getting rid of all the dust, clearing the area. I don't see Top again. I saw her trident flying at me. I grabbed it with one hand.

Top: Behind you!

I turned around and didn't see anyone. I felt a punch hit the back of my head.

Alexandra: You fell for that one?

I swung the trident behind me quickly, managing to hit Top. She kept her footing and grabbed trident. Top started to kick at me. I blocked her kick and kicked her back, sending her back away from me. I threw Top's trident back at her.

Alexandra: That took you longer to get some space from her.

(Y/N): Can you not with the commentary and help me?

Alexandra: Sorry sorry.

Top grabbed her trident and pointed it at me.

Top: Get ready, because I'm going to push you to your limit!

Top dashed at me again, getting her trident ready to attack me.

Alexandra: Go to the right!

I quickly leaned right, barely dodging the trident hit me. Top started to spin around, getting ready to hit me again.

Alexandra: Block to the left!

I put my arms up, blocking Top's trident with my arms. Top swung down at my legs, making me jump up.

Alexandra: Wait! Don't do-

I looked up and saw Top's leg a few centimeters away from my face. Her kick connected, knocking me back by a few feet.

Alexandra: Are you ok?

(Y/N): I wasn't expecting that.

Top slowly started to walk towards me.

Top: I'm noticing a huge mistake you're making. You're holding back, because you're scared of hurting me. Don't hold back on me, I'm not that big of a wimp!

I looked over at Alexandra. She shrugged at me.

Alexandra: If she's asking for it.

I took a deep breath. I dashed past Top, cutting her cheek, and drawing some blood. I looked back and Top looked back at me too. She put a smile on her face.

Top: That's what I like to see!

Top dashed at me, swinging her trident at me over and over again. I dodged all her attacks and punched her in the stomach. She gasped a little and swung me up into the air. She jumped up and tried to slash me down. I blocked her trident, but the force knocked back down to the ground. I looked up and saw Top diving down at me.

Alexandra: Counter her attack!

I got ready. Top was about to hit me. I went back by a couple inches, and grabbed the trident. I punched Top in the face hard. Some blood came from her, but she managed to turn her head to look at me.

Top: Now that was a punch.

She let go of her trident and punched me back. I was about to attack back, but I saw Top already about to hit me again. I tried to put my arms up to defend myself, but I felt something stopping the movement. Top punched my face again, knocking me down to the ground.

Alexandra: Crap, your body isn't used to this level yet. It's starting to fail you. It's best to stop for now.

I nodded my head and I stopped using my Power. I took several deep breaths and looked at myself, seeing no energy surrounding me.

Top: Give that enough time and you might be able to beat me.

(Y/N): ...How...?

Top: How what?

(Y/N): How we're you able to still keep up with me? ...It's insane.

Top: Hehe, that's an easy one. It's all thanks to my Power. Since you managed to draw blood from me, I'll be nice and tell you what it is. I call my Power "No Limiter". Everyone has to reach a limit to what they can achieve and my Power gets rid of that limit for me.

So that's how she's so strong. Top just keeps getting stronger and stronger, no matter what. That Power of her's is no joke. I slowly got up, my body slightly aching from it.

(Y/N): Ow...

Top: You deserve some rest for the day. You were able to push me slightly, a feat only a rare few have been able to accomplish.

(Y/N): Thanks for the compliment... But I won't need it.

Top looked over at me. I made eye contact with her and smirked at her.

(Y/N): Because I'll beat you in a fight someday, not just push you.

Top let out a chuckle and smirked back at me.

Top: I'd love to see you try that, but I won't stop you from dreaming.

(Chapter 44 end)

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