Chapter 45: Final Day With The Pros

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(Readers POV)

Today is the day that I don't have to stay with Top anymore. I'm in the bathroom, cleaning my hands. I splashed some of the water on my face. I looked for a small towel to dry my hands and face. I opened a cabinet and found a box of hair dye. It's the same color as Dave's hair.

(Y/N): Why would he want something like this?

I found a small towel next to it and dried my hands and face. I walked out of the bathroom and was about to leave, but Top stopped me.

Top: It has been an interesting month. I hope you remember everything I taught you and if you forget I'll find you and drill the lesson back into your skull!

(Y/N): Yes ma'am!

Top: Good to hear. But before you leave, I have something for you.

Top reached behind her and gave me a pair of arm guards. I put them on and looked at them.

Top: Just a little gift to help you. I'm sure you'll find some good use out of them, since you like to block with your arms instead of dodge.

(Y/N): Thank you so much for these.

I walked past Top and walked outside. I saw Isabelle standing outside, waiting for me.

Isabelle: You take forever to get ready.

(Y/N): Maybe you can stop time next time so I can get ready quicker.

Isabelle: Idiot, that's not how that works.

(Y/N): Well... I'm going to school now.

Isabelle: ...Alright, I'll see you later then.

Isabelle gave me a quick kiss on my cheek.

Isabelle: Have fun. Not that it will affect me.

I just laughed and got ready to jump to school.

(Y/N): Then I'll make sure not to have fun. Times 100!

A red aura surrounded my body as I jumped up into the air, heading towards school. After a few moments of flying through the sky, I landed in front of school. I let out a sigh and stopped using my Power. I walked inside the building and went to my locker. A pair of hands covered my eyes, making me unable to see.

Ivy: Guess who?

(Y/N): I don't wanna.

Ivy: Guess!

(Y/N): Ok, is it Ivy?

Katie: Nope. It's Katie.

I took the hands off my face and looked back, seeing Katie with Ivy standing next to her. I noticed that the two girls are wearing some new clothing. Ivy has her long,spiky brown hair tied back in a ponytail and wearing a new black tank top that has an outline of a yellow circle in the middle. Katie is wearing a blue pouch on the her right side of her waist and has a small light blue scarf around her neck.

(Y/N): I see you two are changing up the looks.

Katie: Do... Do you like it?

I nodded my head. Katie's face went pink and she laughed nervously.

Katie: Th-Thank you.

Ivy: A lot has happened in the past month. I see you got some new equipment.

She pointed at my arm guards. Ivy walked up to me and placed her hands on my chest.

Ivy: You definitely feel different. Last month was very fortunate to you.

Katie: I want to feel too.

Katie started to rub up on my chest too. I sighed and pushed them both back, making them pout. I saw Grace running over to us. She tackled me into a hug. I saw that Grace is wearing a sash with a bunch of ink capsules on it.

Grace: How have you all been?! I've been great, thanks for asking!

(Y/N); Good to hear. I've been fine.

Grace broke the hug.

(Y/N): We should be going to class now, it's about to start.

Grace, Katie, and Ivy all nodded at me and we walked into Chemist's classroom. I don't see Chemist anywhere.

Ivy: Where's the teacher?

Grace: I don't know, me and Katie came here with her.

We all sat down at our seats. I saw more students walk inside the room. I saw Dave walk in. He's wearing a chest plate, gauntlets, and armored boots over his normal clothes. I also saw Cody and Chris walk in, but they don't have anything new with them. The bell soon rung, meaning class started. Chemist still hasn't entered the room. Suddenly, an explosion opened the door. Chemist walked through the door, waving the smoke away.

Chemist: Sorry class! I was fixing something up for today's class!

That doesn't sound safe. I let out a sigh and leaned back in my chair, getting ready for another class with Chemist.

(After School)

The final bell rung, meaning school is over. Everyone walked out of the classroom. I went over to my locker to get my stuff and leave for the day.

(Y/N): Can't wait to have some of mom's cooking again. It's been too long.

I heard footsteps walking towards me. A pair of hands covered my eyes again. This game again?

Grace: Guess who?

(Y/N): Let me think... Grace?

Grace: Correct, but is it an ink clone?

(Y/N): Ink clone?

I took the hands off my eyes and looked back to see two Grace's. The one in front of me turned into a puddle of ink.

Grace: Looks like you lost the game.

(Y/N): Man, that's twice in a row now.

Grace: You know there is this big fair in town happening and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me.

(Y/N): Yeah, sure.

Grace: Oh yeah, let's get going!

(Y/N): What about our school stuff? I don't want to care it around a fair all day.

Grace: I got an idea!

Grace swiped some ink into the air, making a portal. She threw my stuff through the portal.

Grace: There, it's at your house.

I poked my head through the portal and saw my living room, with all my stuff on dad.

Kane: Why? That's my only question.

(Y/N): I'm going to a fair.

Kane: That doesn't answer my question.

I brought my head out of the portal and Grace closed it. She grabbed my hand and started to run, taking me with her.

Grace: It's fair time!

Grace quickly made another portal and we went through it. We came out on the other side and we are already at the fair. Grace quickly closed the portal. I looked around, seeing all the rides and games available.

Grace: Let's enjoy ourselves!

Me and Grace went around the fair, playing games and riding the rides. After about an hour of doing that, me and Grace are sitting at a bench eating some food.

Grace: This has been really fun so far!

(Y/N): Yeah, it really has, hasn't it?

I looked around and saw Ivy walking around with her three brothers and mother. She saw me looking at her and she ran up to me.

Ivy: (Y/N)! Way to leave me at school!

Grace: You never said you wanted to go to the fair.

I looked over at Grace.

(Y/N): You do have a point.

I looked down at my food and a huge bite was taken out of it. I looked over at Ivy and she's covering her mouth with her hand.

Ivy: Shorry.

She said with her mouth full. I saw her brothers walk up to her.

Ivan: Cmon sis. Don't eat others food.

Nick: It's pretty weird actually.

Nate: Are you that poor that you have eat your boyfriend's food? What's next, eating out of the garbage?

Ivy: I'll shove your face in the garbage! He's my boyfriend and I don't want your guys input!

The three brothers took a step back in surprise. I saw Angela walk up to them and sigh, threatening to smack them.

Angela: People are trying to enjoy themselves here, so I don't want to hear shouting from the four of you.

Ivan, Nick, Ivy, Nate: Yes mom.

Angela: I'll go buy you four some food.

The family walked off. Grace looked at me with a confused look on her face.

Grace: Is that how they normally act?

(Y/N): Pretty much.

Grace: Let's go check out some other rides. Maybe the bumper cars!

Grace quickly finished her food. I finished what was left of mine and we got up. Me and Grace walked past some people. I noticed one guy staring at me. I was about to walk past him, but he started to talk.

Guts: You're the kid that Growth wants to talk to.

Growth?! I looked over at the man. He is wearing a maroon hoodie, so I can't see much of his facial features. He quickly punched my face, sending me back. Grace got in front of me and caught me.

Grace: Are you good? Who is that guy?

(Y/N): I don't know, but I'm fine.

That punch was hard, I'm surprised that I'm still conscious. If I took that punch before all that training from Top, I would be dead.

Guts: You can take a punch. That's what I like to see from soon to be Heroes.

The guy jumped at me. I was about to retaliate, but Ivy jumped in and punched the guy in the face, sending him back.

Ivy: You better back off of him!

The guy started to laugh as he got up from the ground. I saw people start to watch what's happening.

Guts: You were one of the people I was warned to be careful with. Do you want to show me why I was warned?

Ivy was about to talk, but she was grabbed by someone and was placed next to me.

Turbo: It won't be necessary, since I'll be the one to stop your assaults!

I saw the Speed Hero, Turbo. It's good to see that he's back on his feet and his able to fight. I looked around and saw Chris watching from the crowd.

Guts: Listen Turbo, I don't need you. Growth doesn't need you. So how about you tag out, before I send you back to that hospital bed.

Turbo: I would like to see you try.

Turbo dashed forward at the hooded man and punched him away. Turbo quick got behind him and kicked him up into the air. The guy landed on the ground and slowly got up.

Turbo: You want to turn yourself in now? I'm feeling generous as of now. You better take my limited time offer.

I can see a sinister smile on the man's face. An orb of energy appeared in his hand and he slammed it into the ground, sending everyone nearby backwards. I landed on my feet. I saw Ivy on the ground and she bruised her arm and leg.

(Y/N): Ivy, are you ok?

Ivy: Yeah, just a few bruises. I'll be fine.

I saw Ivan, Nick, and Nate run up to Ivy.

Ivan: We are getting out of here.

Ivy: But what about that guy?

Nate: Are you insane?! Why do you want to be in a war zone right now?!

Guts: Hey! I'm sorry to interrupt a family moment, but you are in my way!

I saw the man slam Ivan, Nick, and Nate into the ground at once, knocking them all out at once. Ivy's eyes went wide as she clenched her fists so hard that blood started to drip from them.

(Chapter 45 end)

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