Chapter 5: An Unexpected Visit

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(Readers POV)

I brought Katie back to her house.

(Y/N): Do you want me to stay the night?

Katie: I don't think my dad would approve. Remember when I asked him if you could stay the night when you weren't my boyfriend?


I'm standing in front of Katie's dad. He's really intimidating and surprisingly muscular.

Katie's Dad: You want a boy to stay in the same room with you over night?!

Katie: Y-Yeah.

He put his hand on my shoulder with a tight grip. I felt a sense of impending danger coming from him.

Katie's Dad: I don't care if you are the Number One Hero's kid, I can tell your true intentions!

(Y/N): True intentions?

Katie's Dad: You think I wasn't a teenager once?

A dark aura started to surround him. I gulped and looked around. I saw Katie's big sister trying her best not to laugh at me and Katie has a worried look on her face.

Katie: D-Dad. Please...

(Y/N): I just remembered that my mom needs me to... Clean the grass!

Katie's Dad: ...What?

(Y/N): I need to go! Thanks for having me over Katie!

I quickly ran out the front door. I don't want to go through that ever again!

(Flashback End)

(Y/N): Yeah... I still remember the grip he had on my shoulder.

Katie quickly looked around, making sure no one is nearby. She gave me a quick kiss and hugged me.

Katie: I'll see you at school.

I hugged Katie back.

(Y/N): Right. See you then.

We broke the hug and Katie opened the front door. I saw Katie's big sister at the door.

Alexis: Hey Katie.

She looked at me and waved.

Alexis: Hello (Y/N). How was your day?

(Y/N): Good so far.

Alexis: That's great to hear. Come in Katie, you have to tell me all about your day.

Katie sighed and walked inside her house, closing the door behind her. I walked off the the porch and got ready to jump into the air. A red aura surrounded me and I jumped into the air. I launched myself towards my house.

(Y/N): Please don't let mom surprise me again.

I looked around, trying to see if my mom is coming. I was able to land in my front yard without crashing into it. I walked inside my house. I saw dad sitting on the couch and watching tv.

Dad: Hey son. You're here later then usual.

(Y/N): I was hanging out with a friend.

Dad: That's good to here. You're mom is still out.

(Y/N): That's normal. I'll be in my room.

Dad: Alright. Just don't be too loud.

I walked inside my room and closed the door, locking it. I sat down on my bed and turned my video game console on. I looked through my selection of games trying to find which one I want to play.

(Hours Later)

While playing my game, I heard a small tick noise. I paused my game and checked the time. It's a few minutes past midnight.

(Y/N): I'm probably just hearing things. I need to get some sleep.

I turned the console off and laid down on my bed. I closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep. I heard the tick noise again. I opened my eyes and saw a pebble hit my window, making a tick noise. I got up and looked out my window. I saw Ivy holding a brick, getting ready to throw it. I opened the window.

Ivy: Oh. You're awake.

She quickly hid the brick behind her back.

(Y/N): What are you doing here? And how did you know this is my house?

Ivy: I really need to talk to you. And how I know this is your place, I just remembered your scent and followed it here.

That sounds like something a dog would do.

Ivy: Can I come in?

(Y/N): Yeah, be quick though. I don't want the neighbors seeing you and thinking you're a robber or something.

Ivy quickly jumped through my window and landed on the floor. She looked around my room.

Ivy: Nice place you got here.

(Y/N): Give me the brick.

Ivy sighed and stood up, handing me the brick.

(Y/N): What do you want to talk about?

Ivy: I know this might be a lot to ask from you, but can you train me?

(Y/N): Train you?

Ivy: Yep. I've always wanted to be as cool as Super, so who better to help me then her son?

I looked around my room and saw a pair of sunglasses. I picked them up and put them on Ivy.

(Y/N): There. You're cool now. Get out.

Ivy took the sunglasses off and threw them at me.

Ivy: I'm being serious! I was standing outside for an hour just getting the courage to ask you!

I put my hand over her mouth.

(Y/N): Shh! My parents are trying to sleep.

I thought about what to do. If I tell her to get lost, then she'll most likely keep bothering me til I say yes. But if I say yes, then I won't have any free time since I'm dating Katie now.

(Y/N): I'm probably going to regret this, but fine. I'll train you.

Ivy: YES!!!

I heard some footsteps getting closer. I heard a knocking on my door.

Dad: (Y/N)? Are you ok? I heard shouting.

(Y/N): U-Um. Yeah. Just woke up with a bug on my face.

Dad: You act like your mother sometimes. You remember the time she had a bad dream and broke a wall down?

(Y/N): Yeah dad. I remember.

Dad: I'm going back to bed. Don't wake me up again!

(Y/N): Sorry dad.

I looked at Ivy. She closed her eyes and rubbed the back of her head.

Ivy: I'm sorry.

(Y/N): It's fine, just go back home. Our training will start tomorrow.

Ivy: Thank you so much.

Ivy grabbed my hand and brought it closer to her. She leaned towards me and kissed my cheek.

Ivy: I promise you won't regret this.

Ivy jumped out my window. She landed on the grass and grew claws on her hands, digging a hole in the ground.

(Y/N): Hope dad doesn't notice that in the morning.

I closed the window and laid down on my bed. I put my hand on the cheek Ivy kissed. I shook my head.

(Y/N): She was just being nice. I gotta stop overthinking this.

I looked at the ceiling of my room.

(Y/N): ...I'm already regretting my decision.

(Chapter 5 end)

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