Chapter 62: Sons Of Number 1 Heroes Battle

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(Readers POV)

Everyone got into fighting position, getting ready to fight Growth. Growth just stood there. He raised his hand up into the air and a ball of energy formed from it. I started to run forward at Growth.

(Y/N): Times 1,000!

A red aura surrounded my body as I quickly made it to Growth. He threw his ball of energy at me. I caught it in my hands, but it hurts to the touch. I grunted in pain, but I saw Dave get next to me and slashed the energy ball in half, destroying it.

(Y/N): Thanks for the save.

Davidson: Don't thank me yet Rival.

I nodded my head and we ran at Growth. Growth was about to attack us both, but mom and Top dashed him. Growth blocked their attacks. Me and Dave got ready to attack Growth again, but he disappeared from sight.

Davidson: Where did he go?!

Super: Stay on guard everyone!

I saw mom, Top, and Dave get knocked back, making them about to crash into buildings, but dad used his Power to catch them before they could crash into anything.

Growth: Now that we are alone...

I turned around and saw Growth right there. He made a huge bubble around me and him, keeping everyone else outside of it.

Growth: There. Now we won't have any distractions. Now stop wasting your time with your lower levels of strength and show me your true Power.

I closed my eyes as my energy covered my skin. I opened my eyes again, looking at Growth.

Growth: There's that form I've been wanting to see.

(Y/N): I'm going to stop you today. You will fall to my Power, Energy Multiplication.

Growth: Hm, we will have to see.

I threw several punches at Growth. He blocked all of them and tried to kick me, but I grabbed his leg and started to spin around. I threw him away, but he landed on the bubble and jumped off of it, flying right back at me. He tried to punch me, but I barely dodged it and punched him in the gut, getting a good hit on him.

Growth: I felt that one. You really are perfect for this.

A bunch of pressure came off his body, pushing me away. I looked to my right and saw Alexandra standing there.

Alexandra: One mistake, you'll be dead. We need to be extra careful here.

(Y/N): Yeah, I know that.

I also need to end this quickly, or Growth will just grow past me.

(Y/N): I hate being on a time limit.

I dashed at Growth, trying to kick his head. He bent forward, dodging my kick. I put my hand forward and fired a blast out, covering Growth. His hand came out of my blast and grabbed my leg. He slammed me into the ground. I used my other leg and kicked his hand, making him let go of me. He started to punch me over and over again. I dodged and blocked them.

Growth: What makes you think you can stop me? Stop me from creating the world I want?

(Y/N): That's easy. I'm going to be a Hero, so I'll stop people from doing evil.

Growth: You have no idea.

He went behind me. I turned around to look at Growth, but he shot several energy balls at me. I blocked them, but the force knocked me back.

Alexandra: Are you ok?

(Y/N): Yeah, I'm fine.

I looked ahead and saw Growth slowly walking towards me.

Growth: What am I doing evil? I'm going to make everyone equal.

(Y/N): Yeah? And how do you plan to do that?

Growth: Easy. I'm going to get rid of the one thing that makes this world so horribly imbalanced. I'm going to get rid of Powers entirely. If no one has a Power, then there will be no need for Heroes or Villains. Everyone will start to judge others not on their Power, but their person. Wouldn't you like a world like that?

(Y/N): I would, but you can't get rid of something that makes everyone unique. You wouldn't be doing the world a favor getting rid of Powers. You'd only be hurting it.

Growth: I've already made up my mind. The only obstacle is to find out how to get rid of someone's Power.

Alexandra: Oh good. He doesn't know how to do that yet.

Growth looked over, like he was directly staring at Alexandra.

Growth: And who might you be?

Alexandra took a step back.

Alexandra: You can see me?

Growth: I can hear you too.

Alexandra: Crap! (Y/N)! You need to beat him as soon as possible!

Growth: Aren't you going to help him?

Alexandra: I am, but I can't touch you. I'm kinda like a ghost.

Growth: Interesting.

Growth dashed at me. I got ready to defend myself.

(Super's POV)

I kept punching the barrier over and over again, trying to break it. I couldn't get it to budge.

Super: Crap! Nothings working!

I saw the road crack a little bit. Ivy popped out of the ground.

Ivy: Going underground is a no go. The barrier goes under there too.

I got mad. My son is in there by himself with that monster.

Super: Isabelle! Tyler! Can't you two use your Powers to get rid of this?!

Isabelle: Growth already surpassed us. Our Powers won't be able to affect this barrier in the slightest.

Katie: What are we going to do?

Super: That's what I want to know.

I started to punch the barrier over and over again. A small crack formed on the barrier, but it quickly repaired itself.

Top: Great. It can do that too.

Grace: Maybe brute strength isn't the way to go here.

Grace walked up to the barrier and swiped her paint brush, making a zipper appear on the barrier. She tried to open the zipper, but it wouldn't budge.

Grace: Ok... Maybe not.

Kane: This is getting us nowhere.

I looked into the barrier, watching my son fight Growth. I felt a pit in my stomach.

Super: Please baby. Don't fall.

(Readers POV)

I quickly dashed behind Growth and punched him several times on the back. I threw my fist at him again, but he grabbed it and elbowed me in the face. He turned around and kicked me in the stomach, making me cough up a small bit of blood. I started to release pressure off my body, pushing Growth away from me. I brought one of my hands back. I'm going to put all of my energy into one attack.

(Y/N): I'm going to be finishing this fight! Right now!

I screamed as I launched my blast at Growth. He put his hands up and caught it. He tried to push it back, but I put more power into the blast.

(Y/N): You won't be able to stop this!

Growth: That's what you think.

He started to slowly walk forward, pushing my blast back as well.

(Y/N): N-No way! Alexandra! Give me as much energy as possible!

Alexandra: This is our only shot.

She put her hands on my shoulders as I felt a huge surge of energy flow into my body. I used this energy to make my blast way stronger, pushing Growth back again. He started to scream as the top of his suit started to get destroyed.

(Y/N): This is it!

I put my other hand forward, using it to push my blast even further.

Alexandra: Wait, something isn't right here. Stop your attack! Now!

I looked over at Alexandra confused. I looked forward and saw my blast get smaller. I felt myself get really tired as I was running out of energy. My blast eventually stopped. I saw what looked like a small portal in front of Growth.

Growth: That attack sure was strong. If I didn't think to make this portal, even I don't think I would've got out of that attack in one piece.

Growth smiled as my blast came out of the portal. I didn't have enough time to get out of the way as I was being attacked by my own blast. I screamed out in pain as I stopped using my Power. My blast eventually stopped as I fell down to my knees. My shirt was completely destroyed and my pants are torn in several places. I have several wounds that are all spilling out blood. I heard a bunch of footsteps running closer to me. I looked back and saw everyone get inside through a hole of the bubble. I guess my blast actually destroyed part of it. The bubble crumbled away.

Super: (Y/N)! It's going to be alright!

I wanted to get up, but I can't move my arms or legs now. Mom, dad, and Top dashed at Growth to fight him while everyone else stayed back to check on me.

Katie: He's still breathing, but it's ragged. He's about to fall unconscious. Isabelle, use your Time Control to fix him.

A yellow aura surrounded my body, but I didn't feel any different.

Grace: What's going on? He should be healed by now.

Isabelle: N-No... It's not working.

Ivy: What?! Why isn't it working?! You better heal him!

Isabelle: It must be Growth. He did surpass my Time Control, so I don't think I can heal (Y/N) if Growth's around.

I made sure to take deep breaths, but I felt what ever strength I had left leave my body as I fell down onto the ground.

Davidson: Rival! Get up! You can't die on me now! Your King refuses to let that happen!

I could barely keep my eyes open. I felt someone lift my head. I looked up and saw it was Katie. Tears are about to fall from her eyes.

Katie: Pl-Please... Don't go... You have to stay here... Just please don't die... I need you...

(Y/N): ...It's alright, Katie... You don't always need me for everything... You're strong by yourself...

(Katie's POV)

After I heard (Y/N) say that, the tears in my eyes started to flow. I put my hand on his chest and I can barely feel his heart beat. It's slowly and quiet.

Katie: N-No. No no no no no...

I looked over at Growth. I started to get mad. (Y/N) didn't deserve this. He doesn't deserve any of it! So what gives Growth the idea that he can just do this to (Y/N)? And he wants to do this to everyone else in the world?! I won't let that happen. A red aura surrounded my body.

Katie: I'm going to stop you. Growth...

Grace: Katie! You don't actually think you can do that, right?!

I looked back at Grace. Right as I did, an orange aura surrounded me too. I looked at Isabelle and Ivy, making a yellow and green colored aura surround me.

Davidson: Fair maiden. What is happening to you?

I looked over at Dave and a blue colored aura surrounded me. I started to walk forward, making my way to Growth. Tyler appeared in front of me.

Tyler: You can go there by yourself-

I shoved him out the way and a purple aura surrounded me. I was now covered by a rainbow colored aura.

Katie: Growth! You won't get away with this!

Growth, Top, Super, and Kane all stopped and looked back at me.

Kane: Get back!

Top: This is too dangerous for you!

I won't be someone who will just stand by and let the ones I care about get hurt. I refuse to become someone like that!


A bright light surrounded my body as I felt a ton of power coursing through my body.

Davidson: What's going on?! Everything is shaking!

Growth: Her Power just Leveled Up.

The bright light that was around my body disappeared. I noticed my once black hair is now a pure white color. The rainbow aura around me started to glow with more intensity as I slowly walked towards Growth.

Katie: You're going to get what's coming to you, Growth.

(Chapter 62 end)

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