Chapter 63: A New Level Of Power Appears

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(Katie's POV)

I was slowly walking towards Growth. Everyone stood still as I walked forward. Growth started to clap his hands.

Growth: I am very impressed. Truly, I am. To think that someone like you could achieve strength like this?

Katie: I'm going to end you.

I dashed forward, getting ready to punch Growth. He dodged my punch and made a barrier around me.

Growth: Did you really think I would let you touch me and you mimic my Power?

Katie: Oh? So you don't know?

I touched the barrier, destroying it instantly. I quickly went behind Growth.

Katie: I don't have that restriction anymore.

I punched the back of his head, sending him down into the ground, making a huge crater in the process.

Super: Katie! You need to be careful!

Katie: I will be fine.

I walked over to Growth. He looked up at me and chuckled.

Growth: I get it. Now you only need to look at the person to mimic their Power.

Katie: ...

I didn't say anything. Growth quickly got up and tried to shoot a ball of energy at me. I caught it in my hand and crushed it. Growth tired to kick me, but I blocked his kick with one hand. I grabbed his leg tightly. He tried to get out of my grasp, but Growth couldn't get away.

Katie: Now you're going to get what's coming to you. Times 100,000!

My rainbow aura became way bigger. I punched Growth in the stomach as hard as I could, making him spit out blood. I let go of his leg and immediately kicked his face, sending him into the side of a building.

Kane: Amazing. How are you going that high without your body breaking?

Katie: That's easy. I'm using Ivy's Power to evolve my body to be able to handle this strength.

I looked back and saw Growth really close to me, about to punch my face. I stopped time entirely and put a ball of energy in front of his face. I teleported away and snapped my fingers, making time move again. I saw Growth flying towards me. I caught him using Tyler's Power, making a purple aura surround Growth and stopping him in place. He looked at me.

Growth: This won't do you any good... My Power will just make me grow stronger and stronger. I will surpass you in no time.

Katie: Then I'll defeat you before that could happen.

I punched Growth several times. He grunted in pain, but stayed in the same spot thanks to the purple aura keeping him in the same place. Growth started to struggle as the purple aura around him shattered. I made several balls of energy and threw them at him. Growth as blown away from the attack as he started to bleed from a few places. I quickly caught to him and looked down at him.

Katie: What was that again? Didn't you say you would surpass me?

I stopped, making Growth fly past me. He recovered in the air and dashed at me. We started to clash attacks as we went down towards the ground. I landed on the ground and I touched a large rock, turning it into ink and made it into a clone of myself. Growth landed on the ground. My clone went behind him. Growth turned around to face it. Me and my clone made a ball of energy in our hands and pointed it at Growth. He tried to make a ball of energy himself, but I launched my attack at him, making Growth go forward at my clone. The clone grabbed Growth and kicked him up into the air. I quickly went up and slammed both my hands on his back, making Growth fall back down. My clone caught him.

Growth: Enough of this!

He made a small explosion of energy off his body, making my clone turn into ink. I dashed down at him, going through his explosion and punched his jaw. I heard a cracking noise. I grabbed his face and slammed his face down into the ground. I kicked Growth forward, making him go across the ground. He coughed up some blood.

Growth: Agh... To think you are outclassing me... Only because you mimicked my Power...

I walked up to Growth. I saw the blood on the ground and the blood on his body fly off. I looked where it was going and it was heading towards the barrier Growth put Ashley in. I put my attention back at Growth. He looked at me. I pointed my hand at him and a ball of dark blue fire formed in my hand.

Growth: What gives you this drive? To fight back even when it looks bleak.

Katie: ...I was told that it's better to know than to not know and wonder for the rest of your life. I will fight and I will know what happens.

Growth: I see. Whoever told you that must care about you.

I sighed and launched a blast of dark blue fire at Growth. He screamed in pain as he was pushed back from the blast. I stopped the fire and saw Growth on the ground a few yards away from me. The top of his suit is completely destroyed now, showing his upper body that was covered in wounds and burn marks. I started to walk forward at him, but someone appeared in front of him. He has red hair that reaches all the way down to his knees and he's wearing rags as clothing. He slightly looked up, making a piercing red eye look at me.

???: You aren't the one to defeat Growth.

I looked around and I'm back where everyone else was. They were looking at me and Growth, but it doesn't seem like they could see this mystery person.

Top: Katie! What are you doing just stranding there?!

I tried to move my body, but I couldn't for some reason, no matter how hard I tried. The red haired person started to walk towards me. He got right in front of me and tapped my forehead with his finger. All the Powers I have mimicked disappeared from me. Did he just make me stop using my Power?!

Katie: Wh-Who are you?

He disappeared from my sight shortly after. I can finally move my body again and my hair is back to being it's usual black color. I saw Super, Kane, and Top dash at Growth. He slowly got up and he started to power up, making a huge wave of energy that pushed everyone back. His wounds healed as he started to laugh.

Growth: I must thank you Katie for showing me mercy! I have never gotten this strong from a fight before!

I fell down to my knees. I was so close to defeating Growth. I was so close to avenging (Y/N).

Katie: I'm sorry... (Y/N)... Everyone...

A few tears came from my eyes, dripping down onto the ground. I looked ahead and saw Growth standing over me.

Growth: You were the most impressive person I have ever fought before. You have my full respect. You would've made an excellent Hero if they were still going to be a thing in my world.

He pointed his hand at me and a ball of energy formed in it.

Growth: I do not understand why you stopped. Wether it was on purpose or on accident.

I looked around and everyone was trying to get to me and Growth. I closed my eyes, getting ready to go through whatever Growth had planned for me. I opened my eyes again and saw someone in front of me. They took Growth's attack, but it was hard to tell who it was.

Growth: Impossible. You shouldn't have been able to move.

I looked closer and saw that it was (Y/N)! He fell back, but I caught him. His eyes look hazy and his slow heartbeat just kept getting slower and slower until... Nothing.

(Readers POV)

I could barely stay conscious at this point as I was in someone's arms. I couldn't tell who. I wanted to congratulate Katie for fighting back against Growth, but it seems I can't do that anymore. I closed my eyes as I felt my heart stop beating.

(Y/N): Goodbye...

I opened my eyes again and I'm in a white void. I looked around, trying to find anything.

(Y/N): Hello? Am I dead?

I heard something behind me. I turned around and saw all of the previous owners of my Power. They all stood motionless, even Alexandra. I heard footsteps echoing behind me. I looked back and saw the original holder of this Power walking towards me. His piercing red eye always looking at me.

???: Now is the time. The time to master our Power.

(Y/N): Master it? But I thought I already died?

???: You are dead. But with fully mastery of our Power, that won't be an issue anymore.

(Y/N): Then let me master our Power. I want to go back and save everyone from Growth.

???: ...Good.

I looked back and saw the whole army of people that was behind me get turned into red energy, filling the white void entirely now making it red.

???: Go on... Go on and show them the true nature of our Power. Now, it is no longer Energy Multiplication. You shall call it by its true name... Imperium.

He looked up at me and his hair flared up, revealing his face. I took a step back in surprise. He has the same looking face as me. He pointed his hand at me, making all of the red energy that filled the void fly into me.

(Super's POV)

Tears fell down from my eyes as I watched my only child dead. I started to shake as I fell down to my knees. I saw a small ball of red light come out of (Y/N)'s body. Flashbacks of what happened to Herculean filled my head. I put my hand on my mouth, feeling like I was about to throw up.

Super: It can't be... He's actually dead...

I was expecting the ball of light to come towards me, but instead it went back inside (Y/N)'s body. I felt the ground start to shake.

Top: Katie! Get out of there!

Top dashed over at Katie and kicked her away from (Y/N)'s body. Top quickly got away from it as a bunch of red energy came out of (Y/N)'s body. It quickly went into the sky, making it red as the shaking only got more intense.

Tyler: What's happening? This energy, it's filling in the entire, infinite universe!

Isabelle: Not just that, I can feel it in every point in time as well! And something tells me it's spreading past that!

I saw a silhouette of someone standing up where (Y/N) was. I can already tell it's him. I wiped my tears and let out a sigh of relief.

Super: My baby is alive... He's alive!

Growth: There's no way that can be, but I'm seeing it with my own two eyes and I still can't believe it.

All the red energy went back into (Y/N) as he screamed out. A bright light came from his body, making me cover my eyes to avoid becoming blind. After a few moments, I looked back and saw (Y/N) standing there. His wounds are all healed up like they never existed and he looked about the same, but there are some differences. His hair is flared up and is now the same red color as his energy, his eyes also being the same red color. On his chest is a red infinity symbol made out of his energy. His energy no longer covered his body unlike his previous form.

(Y/N): Now it is time for me to use my Power... Imperium.

(Chapter 63 end)

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