Chapter 7: A King Appears

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(Readers POV)

Dave put a cocky smirk on his face. A bunch of lighting appeared around him and some shot out at me. I jumped to the side to dodge the lighting.

Dave: You're finished!

He dashed at me and threw his fist forward.

(Y/N): Times 10!

I caught his fist in my hand. Dave just continued to smile and zipped behind me. I turned around and saw a big ball of fire right in front of my face.

Dave: See ya!

He fired the ball at me, causing an explosion. I flew back, but I dug my fingers into the arena floor, stopping myself. I punched the air, send strong air pressure at Dave. A huge ice wall formed and took my attack. It only cracked the ice wall.

(Y/N): So he can use different elements.

Dave: Now do you see why this won't be fight?

I looked up and saw Dave standing on top of the wall of ice. He crossed his arms and sighed.

Dave: No matter what you do, I can counter it. I have the power to become the King of Heroes!

King? What time period is he stuck in?

(Y/N): Stop with the big talk! How about you get down from there and prove what you're saying!

Dave scoffed at me and jumped down from the wall of ice. A fireball formed in Dave's hand and started to melt the ice into water. Dave threw his other hand forward, making the water shot forward at me. I jumped over the water, but the water turned around and continued to follow me.

Dave: Take this!

Dave jumped at me. He slammed the fireball in my stomach, causing me to gasp in pain. I felt the water hit my back.

Dave: What do you have to say about that?!

(Y/N): Times 100!

My red aura got bigger and I kicked Dave into the ground. Dave spat out some blood from the impact. I landed on the arena floor and ran at him. Dave put a barrier of ice around him. I punched it, making a hole in it. I saw fire bursting out of the hole. I jumped back and saw the ice get blasted away from the fire. Dave stood up and fire started to come from his eyes.

Dave: Now is the time for you to bow down to the king!

The fire around him started to burst. I felt the pressure pushing me back slightly. Dave dashed at me and punched me in the face. I punched him back, and we continued to trade blows. I jumped into the air. Dave raised his hand and shot out lighting in all directions. I put my arms up to block it. The lighting hit me and I felt pain all over my body. Dave shot out ice at me and encased me in it. I fell down to the floor. I saw a giant fireball above Dave.

Dave: YOU LOSE!!!

The heat coming from the fireball melted the ice around me. I quickly got up and got ready to stop Dave's attack. He launched the fireball at me. I caught it in my hands. I guess I need to get serious.

(Y/N): Times 1,000!

The pressure coming off of my body destroyed the fireball entirely. I looked at Dave and he took a step back in surprise. He launched another fireball, one way smaller than the last one, at me. I jumped at it and grabbed it, cupping it in my hands. I started to put my energy into it, making it stronger.

Dave: Impossible!

I quickly went behind Dave. Dave turned around to look at me, but could get into a defensive position. I launched the fireball in my hand at point blank range. A huge explosion was the result of the attack. Dave was launched into one of the gym's walls. He slowly opened his eyes and the fire from them disappeared.

Fox: As I thought, (Y/N) is the winner.

I stopped using my Power. I fell down on one knee. I saw Ivy and Katie run up to me.

Ivy: (Y/N)! Are you ok?!

(Y/N): I'm fine, just me pushing my Power that high starts to hurt me.

Katie and Ivy helped me up. I gave them a thumbs up and went over to Dave. Dave got out of the wall by himself, but landed face first on the ground. I sighed and tried to help him up.

Dave: I don't need your help!

He slowly got up by himself. He shoved me to the side and went over to his seat. Me, Katie, and Ivy went back to our seats.

Fox: That was a great match. I wasn't expecting to see that much come from (Y/N) and Dave.

Ivy: Why didn't you stop their fight like how you did to mine?

Mr. Black just stayed silent, ignoring Ivy completely. Ivy got mad and started to shout at him.

Fox: If you don't quiet down, I'll force you to.

Ivy immediately shut her mouth and looked down at the ground.

Fox: Since class is almost over, i need to make this quick. Remember, Katie, Ivy, and Dave. You three will try to be beat me in a fight. We will start this tomorrow.

Katie: Right sir.

Ivy: You're going to get what's coming to you!

Dave just stayed silent. Mr. Black noticed this and the bell started to ring.

Fox: Class dismissed, but I need Davidson to stay for a little bit longer.

Everyone but Dave got up from their seats and walked out of the gym. I walked out of the gym, but hide behind the door.

Katie: Um... (Y/N)? What are you doing?

(Y/N): Go on without me. I'll catch up in a minute.

Katie: Ok, just don't do anything weird.

Katie walked away to her next class. I slowly peaked from behind the door and saw Dave standing in front of Mr. Black.

Dave: Why am I still here?

Fox: I'm just curious. What happened to all your bravado?

Dave: ... I can't believe someone like him exists.

Fox: What do you mean?

Dave: How can he be so strong? I was born with a strong Power, my Ultra Element is the best. I should be on top, no matter what, but he beat me somehow. I don't understand it.

Fox: Really? I can't believe you. That is not behavior of a king.

Dave: What?

Fox: If you're really acting like this after one loss, then you don't deserve to be a king. You're never going to achieve everything just by having a strong Power.

Dave: He certainly does.

Fox: (Y/N) wasn't born with a strong Power. He made it strong. I'm sure you can make your Ultra Element even stronger if you just train it. You should use (Y/N) as a scale. If you surpass him, then you'll be qualified to become king.

Dave: That's right. He will be a stepping stone for my victory. He will be my rival that will fall behind me!

A rival? I guess that would make things more exciting around here.

Fox: You're plenty strong already, so don't think you were the only one who was hurt in your fight. You made (Y/N) go to the highest level of his Power that I've seen. You should take that with pride.

Dave started to laugh with confidence.

Dave: He just caught me off guard is all! Our next fight won't end like that ever again!

I just smiled to myself and started to walk to my next class.

(Y/N): Good to hear I didn't bum him out or anything.

I felt a subtle pain in my stomach. I put my hand on my stomach.

(Y/N): Ow. I guess Dave got me better than I thought.

(Chapter 7 end)

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