Chapter 8: Misunderstandings

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(Ivy's POV)

Katie: Ivy said you two are dating to your mom?!

Katie shouted at (Y/N). I'm glad a lot of people are talking in the cafeteria, so no one heard her or they weren't paying attention in the first place.

Ivy: It's not that big of a deal.

Katie: Not a big deal?! Don't you feel bad for lying to your idol?!

Katie has a point there. I started to think about it. I got the chance to talk to Super and the first thing I do is lie to her. Oh no, she's going to hate me now! I felt a hand get placed on my shoulder. I looked over and saw it was (Y/N)'s hand.

(Y/N): My mom won't care that much.

Ivy: Are you sure? From the interviews I've watched, she said she likes honest people.

(Y/N) thought about what to do.

(Y/N): I know. Just tell my mom it was a misunderstanding.

Katie: Misunderstanding?

(Y/N): Yep. Just tell my mom that you are my friend that's a girl. A girl friend.

Ivy: Ooooh... That makes sense! Thanks.

I heard someone slam something on the table me, (Y/N), and Katie are sitting at. I looked over and saw Dave sit down with his food tray in front of him.

Dave: I can't believe this!

(Y/N): What's wrong?

Dave: I try to eat with the people of my kingdom and everyone banished me!

Ivy: Maybe because you keep calling yourself a king. It's making you sound like an ass-

(Y/N) covered my mouth with his hand, stopping what I was saying.

Katie: You can sit with us if you want.

Dave: Thank you fair maiden!

I removed (Y/N)'s hand from my mouth. I looked over at him and stuck my tongue out. I started to eat my food.

Katie: So Dave... Why do you want to be "King"?

Dave: Easy. I took a DNA test when I was young and I found out my lineage is full of royalty! So I vowed that I would continue my family's tradition!

Ivy: Aren't DNA tests scams? They just say you're a part of some big bloodline just to get your money.

Dave: I know in my heart that I am royalty. My blood can not lie to me! Everyone drop is telling me I'm destined to be king!

(Y/N): At least he isn't lying to himself.

Dave: And you will help me become king, Rival!

Rival? I know Dave did somewhat hurt (Y/N) in their fight, but I don't think they would be good rivals.

Katie: He has a name you know.

Dave: I know his name, but he will not hear my gorgeous voice say his name until I think he deserves it!

Katie and Ivy: What?!

(Y/N): Oh... Then I guess I'll have to work hard to hear you say it.

Dave: That's what a king likes to hear!

Now (Y/N) is encouraging him?! I'm this close to kicking Dave out of here. I heard the bell ring, meaning lunch is over.

Ivy: Man, now I have to go through history.

(A Few Minutes Later)

Cipher: Now today's class will be about-

I rested my head on my hand and my eyes started to close by themselves. I started to think about being out in the streets, fighting crime, and being the coolest Hero. I saw someone walking towards me. I looked closely and it's (Y/N). He got right in front of me and wrapped his arms around me. I felt my heart start to race.

(Y/N): Ivy... Ivy...

He whispered to me.

Ivy: Y-Yeah?

I felt something pinch my arm. My eyes snapped open and I looked around. I'm still in class. I saw (Y/N) leaning towards me.

(Y/N): You fell asleep.

Ivy: Oh... Thanks.

I felt my cheeks heat up. I looked forward at the chalkboard and there's a lot of words on it. How long was I out? I heard the bell ring.

Ivy: Guess that answers my question.

Cipher: That's the end of class. Make sure to read pages 10 through 15. Class dismissed.

He went over to his desk and sat down, falling asleep. I walked out of the room. I thought back to my dream during class.

Ivy: That didn't mean anything. It was just a dumb dream. Right?

I hit myself on the head. Why is my head being stupid? I'll just try to ignore it and continue on with my day.

(Time Skip)

School for today finally over. I walked outside and waited for (Y/N). He eventually walked outside with Katie. I went up to (Y/N).

(Y/N): Hey Ivy. You ready to go talk to my mom?

Ivy: Yeah, I think so at least. And after that you'll start training me.

Katie: (Y/N) is training you now?

Ivy: Yep.

Katie looked at (Y/N). I can tell she's upset. (Y/N) sighed and hugged Katie.

(Y/N): I promise we'll do something tomorrow.

Katie: Alright. Just make sure you keep your promise.

(Y/N): I will.

They broke their hug. (Y/N) walked up to me. I grew a pair of wings and grabbed (Y/N). I flew up into the air and made my way to his house. My heart started to race again because of me holding (Y/N). I looked down at (Y/N) and he looked up at me. I quickly looked forward and my face heated up. I looked around and saw Super flying towards me.

(Y/N): Oh no.

Super: Hey you two! How was school?!

Ivy: Fine.

Super: That's great to hear! Let me help you to my house!

(Y/N): Mom! That's not necessary-

Super grabbed my arm and dived down towards her house at ridiculous speeds. She landed on her two feet in her front lawn, making a loud impact noise and a huge crater.

Super: There. Here at record time.

I heard a door get slammed opened. I looked over and saw (Y/N)'s dad.

(Y/N)'s Dad: Are you serious?! That's the third time this week!

Super: Sorry honey! I just couldn't wait for (Y/N) and his girlfriend to make it here! I promise to make it up to you!

Ivy: Actually Super. I need to tell you about something.

Super: Really? What is it?

Ivy: Um... I think you misunderstood me last night. I'm not actually (Y/N)'s girlfriend. I'm just his "Girl" friend.

Super just looked at me for a second in silence, making me really nervous. Her face went red and she turned around, covering her face with her hands.

Super: I'm so stupid! I can't believe I embarrassed you two like that! Can you find it in your hearts to forgive me?!

Ivy: O-oh...

I definitely wasn't expecting this reaction from her. I genuinely don't know what to say to her.

(Y/N): It's fine mom. Trust me. We both forgive you.

Super turned around and wrapped her arms around me and (Y/N) in a tight hug.

Super: Thank you thank you thank you!

Her grip got tighter, causing all the oxygen in my body to escape.

Ivy: Can't... Breathe...

(Y/N): Tell me... About it...

Super eventually let go of us. Me and (Y/N) gasped for air.

Super: Is there anything I can help you two with?

(Y/N): Im going to be training Ivy, so if we can have the front yard to ourselves, that would be great.

Super: Of course. You two have fun!

She gave a big smile. Her bright white teeth shining in the sunlight.

(Y/N)'s Dad: What?! Have those two ruin the lawn even more?! No way!

Super: Come on honey. It's not like they can ruin it any more than I already did.

(Y/N)'s Dad: ...You know what? Fine. But if something bad happens to the house, I'm kicking (Y/N) out!

(Y/N)'s dad walked inside the house. Super quickly followed him and went inside too.

Ivy: Are you sure you still want to train me?

(Y/N): Hm? What do you mean?

Ivy: If one of us miss a punch, then it hits your house and you go homeless.

(Y/N): I'll be fine. My mom would never let anything bad happen to me. Even if it's my dad threatening me.

Ivy: Alright then. What kind of training are we going to start out with?

(Y/N) activated his Power. A red aura surrounded his body.

(Y/N): I want you to hit me while I'm at 100 times.

Ivy: Just hit you? Like, once?

(Y/N) nodded his head.

(Y/N): I won't be going easy though. So you'll have to try in this exercise.

I got into my fighting stance. I can tell (Y/N) is being serious, and he isn't even at his strongest level yet. My heart started to beat faster in anticipation. I felt a little nervous, but that won't make me back down. I gave (Y/N) a cocky smile.

Ivy: Bring it on!

(Chapter 8 end)

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