Chapter 101: Power to the People

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90 days since The Convergence.

You, Captain Marvel, and Nova are planning an attack on Knowmoon as The Mega Me, Guardians of the Galaxy, Danny, Rex, and Strider pay attention to the presentation.

(Y/N): "Alright, we found the stone."

Capt. Marvel: "We've been able to identify its precise location."

Captain Marvel then point at the location of the stone to be at the station's core.

Capt. Marvel: "Here, within the station's Gravitron Core."

Nova: "Knowmoon's defenses won't be easily breached, we'll need a diversion."

Rocket then turn and talk to the Mega Men.

Rocket: "So do you guys take like regular batteries?"

Rock: "Shush."

Strider: "And what of Grandmaster Meio?"

Rex: "Yeah what he said."

Capt. Marvel: "Engage him oleos a last resort, our priority is that stone, understood?"

Danny: "Crystal."

Rocket then talk to the Mega Men again.

Rocket: "Looks like they can really do some damage, what's the biggest thing you guys ever killed with those bad boys?"

You then turn to Rocket.

(Y/N): "Rocket, are you listening?"

Rocket: "Yeah, yeah, crash Knowmoon, find the core, nab the Power Stone, BOOM, home in time for cocktails."

Starlord: "He was paying attention the whole time, he even made a brief summery of our plan."

Nova: "Huh, that's actually pretty good."

(Y/N): "Couldn't said it better myself."

Then Rex, Gamora, and Danny notice Strider leaving.

Gamora: "Going somewhere?"

Strider: "I'm going after the Grandmaster."

Gamora: "Then I'm coming with you."

Rex: "I'm with you guys on this one."

Danny: "Meh, what the heck."

Strider: "Major Danvers!"

Then everyone turn to Strider.

Strider: "You'll have your diversion, make it count."

Then Strider teleported out along with Gamora, Rex, and Danny.

Nova: "No wait!"

Capt. Marvel: "Ninjas."

(Y/N): "Alrighty then, let's get to work."

Later, Strider, Gamora, Rex and Danny started attacking drones when they made the trip to Knowmoon. They fought off the drones and destroy them.

Gamora: "This man, Grandmaster Meio, who is he to you?"

Rex: "Yeah, what's the big deal with this guy?"

Danny: "Can you give us some insight on him?"

Strider: "He is no man, he is the Lord of Darkness, capable of corrupting life itself, reshaping it to his own twisted desire."

Gamora: "It seems you know him well."

Rex: "Yeah."

Strider: "I have fought the Grandmaster for a thousand years, dying a thousand deaths, as if my fate is forever bound to his."

Danny: "But this time, you will not face him alone."

Back to you and the others, you and the rest of the team are seeing what Strider and his part of the team is doing for a distraction.

Capt. Marvel: "Strider."

(Y/N): "He's a man of his word."

You, Rocket, and the Mega Men spot a robotic person with long bonds hair, red and blue armor, white gloves, and green orbs on his chest.

Rocket: "Hey, who's the action figure?"

X: "Zero?"

EXE: "You have your own Zero too, small world."

Zero: "Zero, no, I am Oblivion."

Geo: "What happened to him?"

X: "His core routines have been rewritten by the Grandmaster."

Rocket: "Nova, Major, Mega Men except X, get to the core."

You then transform into Upgrade.

(Y/N) as Upgrade: "We got this, go!"

Capt. Marvel: "Be careful."

Then, Nova, Captain Marvel, and the other Mega Men get to core as you Rocket, and X turn to Zero to fight him.

X: "What should we do?"

(Y/N) as Upgrade: "It's like Einstein said, if something's broke, hit it till it works."

Then you and the others fight off Zero and you grab him and place a figure into his mind and undo the rewriting and throw him onto the ground. X then head to Zero.

Zero: "X, X what happened?"

You then revert to human form.

(Y/N): "You tried to kill us, but no hard feelings huh?"

Then you and the others head to the core and catch up with the rest of the team. Then you and the others spot a man in robes along with some drones.

???(Grandmaster Meio): "Come, bear witness to the death of your world, the virus shall remake Earth in Ultron-Sigma's image, the drones shall destroy any who resist, Ultron Sigma believe we are making a perfect universe, I am merely content to see your kind suffer."

Then and the others fight off the drones as you transform into Cannonbolt and roll into 500 the drones. The man is watching the fight as Strider spots him.

Strider: "Grandmaster Meio."

The Grandmaster then turn to Strider as Danny was invisible next to Strider.

Grandmaster Meio: "Strider Hiryu, noble to the last."

Strider: "I merely wanted you to know who it was that ended your existence."

Grandmaster Meio: "You forget Strider, death has no dominion over me!"

Grandmaster Meio then fire a beam of energy at Strider and Gamora as they dodge and Rex and Danny assist them with the final blow to Meio with an energy blast and a powerful punch.

Gamora: "Yet still you die."

Then Grandmaster Meio disappears out of existence.

Strider: "You have my thanks."

Danny and Rex: "You're welcome."

Gamora: "Those words must feel strange on your tongue."

You then revert to human form.

(Y/N): "Nice work guys, now lets get that stone."

Later, you and the others are at the Gravitron Core as X take a look at the core.

X: "It looks so, insignificant."

(Y/N): "Don't be deceive by it's appearance, the stone is a source of unimaginable power."

Rocket: "Oh, Power Stone, the name makes sense now that you explain it like that."

Capt. Marvel: "X, take the stone."

X: I-I don't know, do I have the right to wield it's power, am I-"

(Y/N): "Alright, got it."

Everyone then turn to you and you have the Power Stone.

(Y/N): "Sorry X, what were you saying?"

Rex: "Dude, we all know that you're super smart and probably the Valedictorian of CHS, but don't show off."

(Y/N): "Sorry, but let's go."

Then the whole station shakes from the lost of the Power Stone.

Drax: "That's not good."

(Y/N): "Oh boy."

CPU: "Neogenesis Protocol initiated, Sigma Virus ready for deployment, purging core."

Then the Gravitron Core then starts falling as X looks at a nearby computer.

Capt. Marvel: "X, what's going on, what is it?"

X: "The Gravitron Core, it's a weapon, its payload the Sigma Virus, the target: Earth."

(Y/N): "Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and claim some responsibility for that, I am so sorry."

Next: Chapter 102: Defcon -10K

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