Chapter 102: Defcon -10K

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91 days since The Convergence.

The alarms in the Avengers Tower are going off as you and Iron Man notices it.

Iron Man: "Where?"

Then Team Delta took a portal into the room as you and the others turn to them. Dante then see the whole place is trashed as the clone of you from Team Omega came into the room via teleportation as Alien X, you and your clone then transform into Echo Echo and merge together and revert back to human form.

Dante: "Oh man, just wait until mom and dad get home."

Arthur then notice that Thanos is out of his prison.

Arthur: "The Titan is free."

Hawkeye: "Long story."

Dante and Ghost Rider then turn to you and Iron Man.

Dante: "We lost the Soul Stone."

Ghost Rider: "It is in the possession of the Dark Messiash, Jedah, he has raised a symbiote, fed upon a million souls."

(Y/N): "It has enough souls to fill up Jersey."

Then you and the others got a message from Team Epsilon.

Chris: "Uh, I think we've found your mission stone."

Spinel: "Along with a demon and his giant pet."

Dante: "Where?"

Meanwhile, at the A.I.M.BRELLA cooperation, Team Epsilon is sprinting out of the facility as Jedah appeared.

Jedah: "I sense more stones nearby, yes, with their power I shall save this wretched world."

Then a giant symbiote monster appeared as Chris shoots at it and Hybrid talking to it. Then the ghosts and lanterns start swarming and attacking it.

Hybrid: "Brother, what did that demon do to you!?"

Dante then spot the symbiote from the tower.

Dante: "Never mind, we see you, we're on our way!"

You then transform into Big Chill and follow Ghost Rider, Zee, Dante, and Morrigan to fight the symbiote.

Iron Man: "Could've taken the elevator."

Iron Man: "Alright, anybody have any more bad news they'd like to share?"

Captain Marvel then calls the tower from her position.

Capt. Marvel: "Stark, this is Captain Marvel, come in."

Iron Man: "Reading you Carol, you have the Power Stone?"

Capt. Marvel: "Affirmative, we also have a problem, Knowmoon ejected it's core carrying the Sigma Virus and heading your way, projected point of impact: 2 miles North of Central New Metro City."

Iron Man: "Convenient."

Nova: "This tech's like nothing we've seen, we've given it everything we've got and barely scratched it."

Iron Man: "Do what you can, if that virus reaches Earth."

Capt. Marvel: "Acknowledged."

Capt. America: "Stark, come in."

Iron Man: "Finally, go ahead captain."

Capt. America: "We have the Time Stone, approaching the city now, ETA 7 minutes."

Iron Man: "Make it 3."

Back to you and the fight against the giant Symbiote. Everyone is taking cover from it's destruction.

Mike: "We've got to stop that thing!"

(Y/N): "The symbiotes, they're vulnerable to high-frequency vibration."

Dani: "What like a signal generator, church bells?"

Mike: "We're in the wrong neighborhood for church bells little girl."

Chris: "I got it."

Miles: "No wait!"

Chris then fire a rocket at the symbiote and it hit it. Then the symbiote splatter all over you.

Spider-Man: "Oh man, not again."

(Y/N) as Venom: "We will destroy you!"

Chris: "I'll handle the big guy, you guys help (Y/N)!"

Then Dani, some of the Spider-Gang, Hybrid, Nemesis, Frank, and Mike turn to you and Jedah.

Jedah: "Behold my masterpiece, you shall be the first to offer it your soul!"

Peni: "How are we gonna get (Y/N) out of there?"

Nemesis then grab Hybrid and throw her away from their current location and then break the class of a nearby car and it makes a loud noise as you and the symbiote gets hurt from it. You then revert to human form and you got a new alien in your library of aliens. Then Nemesis break another window of a car as Mike turn to him.

Mike: "Son of a gun."

Sunset: "Great thinking Nemesis."

Peni then hug Nemesis in appreciation.

Peni: "Good thinking friend."

Nemesis: "Friend."

Chris: "Get the stone back to the tower go!"

Chris then toss the Mind Stone to Gwen Stacy as she makes way to the Avengers Tower as you access your new form which is white with black spiders on it.

(Y/N) as ???(Overkill): "Overkill, sounds like a good name."

You then web swing and follow Gwen Stacy as her web were shot off by Jedah. Gwen then got up and turn to Jedah as you did the same.

Jedah: "You may have escape the symbitoe, but you not escape me, surrender the stone and I'll you two to keep you souls."

Gwen S: "If I had a dollar for every time I heard that line."

You then bond with Gwen S and give her a white symbiote form with the Ultimatrix badge on the chest. Then Ghost Rider, Zee, and Morrigan appeared in the nick of time.

Morrigan: "Jedah, end this, please, the humans are not-"

Jedah: "They are the cattle on which we feed, this is merely a culling of the herd."

Ghost Rider: "You will endure the suffering of every one."

Jedah: "Endure it, I will savor it."

Morrigan: "The souls you have taken, Lord Jedah, I will have you pay for them in pain."

(Y/N) as Overkill: "We will make you suffer for symbiotes everywhere."

Gwen S: "Uh this is new for me."

Ghost Rider: "Tell me demon, are you ready to atone for your sins?"

Zee: "Yeah!"

Then you and the others fight Jedah to a stand still Ghost Rider use his chain to attack as you launch spikes at Jedah and he dodge them and then Morrigan and Zee use a combo attack.

Zee: "Enog nomed!"

Zee and Morrigan launch a beam that overpowers Jedah as he block it away with the Soul Stone.

(Y/N) as Overkill: "Stark, we could use a little help here."

Gwen S: "Yeah!"

Iron Man: "Cavalry's on it's way."

You and the others see the Quinjet flying over your heads as Hulk jumps from the Quinjet as Dante appeared and attack Jedah and Ghost Rider did the same thing.

Jedah: "Very well, if I can't kill the body, I shall cut off the head, you can play with the symbiote."

Dante: "Yeah that's right, you better run!"

Then a portal appeared as Arthur, Spencer, Trixie, Twivine, Sci-Twi, the mystic beings, and Dr. Strange. You then unfused with Gwen S and revert back to human form.

Dante: "Oh, hi guys."

Back at the tower, Team Gamma got back with the Time Stone and Captain America throw it to Iron Man.

Capt. America: "Stark, heads up."

Iron Man then catch the stone.

Iron Man: "Aw Cap, and I didn't get you anything."

Capt. Marvel: "We're passing through the ionosphere, attempting to neutralize the virus."

Capt. America: "Carol, you're breaking up, say again."

Nova: "Attempt failed, the core has entered the atmosphere."

Capt. America: "Then there's nothing more you can do, get back to the city, we could use you here."

Capt. Marvel: "Acknowledged, sorry Cap."

Valhalla: "So what options do we have?"

Hawkeye: "Let's see, death by explosion, death by virus, or death by symbiote."

Chun-Li: "Or all the above."

Iron Man: "Ah to heck with this, I'm done babysitting."

Iron Man then toss the Time Stone back to Capt. America and fly to Team Omega.

Iron Man: Nova, Major, get ready, I'm coming for you."

Captain America then look at the stone for a moment until Thanos says something.

Thanos: "Yes, there is a way, if you're willing to trust me."

Back to the fight with the symbiote, everyone is giving everything they got on the symbiote, until you got a com from Captain America.

(Y/N): "Yeah cap, you sure it'll work, okay."

You then turn to Sunset and Trixie.

(Y/N): "Sunset, Trixie, find some guitars, I have an idea."

Sunset: "What's your idea?"

(Y/N): "Cap wants the symbiote and the core to be caught in the same blast, so were using sound to get it to the tower where the spread of the virus is minimal, you got that?"

Sunset: "Sounds like a plan."

???(Ember McClain): "If it's music you want-"

You then turn to a girl with blue hair, white skin, skull boots, a purple guitar, and a rocker outfit.

???(Ember McClain): "Then music you'll get, count me in on the idea, name's Ember McClain nice to meet ya."

(Y/N): "Alright, I'll get guitars and sound speakers."

You then transform into XLR8 and run to get speakers and guitars for the plan. You then transform into Upgrade and merge yourself with the speakers and attach cords to 3 guitars for Ember, Sunset, and Trixie. You then turn to Twivine as she unleash beams of energy at the symbiote.

(Y/N) as Upgrade: "Twivine, give us a hand!"

Twivine: "I'm on it!"

Twivine use her magic to levitate the you and the girls with the guitars. You then stick you head out of one of the speakers.

Ember: "So what's plan roadie?"

(Y/N): "Create sound waves powerful enough that they hurts the symbiote, but not powerful enough to kill it, we have to destroy it and the core from Knowmoon at the same time by using the Mind, Power, Time, and Continuity Stones."

Ember: "Alright, let's get our shred on!"

Sunset, Trixie, and Ember then start playing their guitars and get the symbiote to the tower. Meanwhile at Avengers Tower, Captain America calls Team Omega.

Capt. America: "Rocket, we need X and Zero back here now!"

Rocket: "Working on it cap!"

Then Ryu sees Jedah teleporting into the tower.

Ryu: "Captain, we have company!"

Capt. America: "Dang it, protect the Continuity and Time Stone!"

Everyone that is in the Avengers Tower fight off Jedah for awhile. Valhalla hit him with her great sword as Desiree fires beams of energy at him. Then Cap throws his shield at him as Hawkeye launch an explosive arrow at him. Then Jedah feels like nearing defeat.

Jedah: "They say that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, but you Captain are the exception that proves the rule."

Jedah then launch an energy attack at Captain America as he block it with his shield. Then Ryu starts to glow with a red aura around him and walk up to Jedah and was about to attack him.

Ryu: "No!"

Jedah: "Such power, a pity I must destroy it, alone with you."

Thanos then sees the power and he's interested in it.

Thanos: "Hmm, intriguing."

Ryu was about to unleash an attack.

Ryu: "Shinku-"

Jedah then fire a beam of energy at Ryu as Thanos block it.

Thanos: "You think you know power demon, I will show you power."

Jedah: "If you crave Death, Titan, you shall have it."

Then Thanos fight off Jedah and put up a good fight against him. Thanos then beat Jedah all by himself.

Jedah: "Damn you Thanos, may the symbiote consume you all!"

Jedah then teleport out of the tower.

Capt. America: "Let him go."

Thanos then turn to Captain America, then Captain America then talk into the coms.

Capt. America: "We need those stones here, now!"

Back to you.

(Y/N) as Upgrade: "On it Cap!"

You then turn to the guitar players Trixie, Ember, and Sunset.

(Y/N) as Upgrade: "Love to stay and chat girls, but I got a date with an Infinity Stone."

Ember: "Alright my man, it's on a course for the tower anyways, hey I'll give you a lift my treat."

Ember then unplug her guitar and then pick up and then throw into the air and then use her guitar as a bat and hit you hard enough that you were launch onto the landing zone of the tower.

(Y/N) as Upgrade: "Thanks, also OW!"

You then got out of the speaker and turn to see that Strider teleported X and Zero onto the landing zone. Zero was handed the Power Stone and you then see the core in the sky as Gwen Stacy and Iron Man showed up. Then Cap toss the Continuity Stone to Iron Man and you were given the Time Stone.

Capt. America: "Give the stone to X."

Gwen then toss the Mind Stone to X.

Gwen S: "Definitely your color."

Then you, X, Zero, and Iron Man form a triangle and aim at the point of interest.

Zero: "Ready to fire."

Then you and the others charge the stones and wait for the right moment to strike. Then you talk to Zee over the coms.

(Y/N) as Upgrade: "Zee, can you redirect-"

Zee: "Of course (Y/N), I have it at hand, and this will be my triumph of skill and talent!"

Zee then spot the core and cast a spell.

Zee: "Pord dna pots!"

Then the core stop for a moment and then drop downward as you and the others combine the powers of Time, Power, Mind, and Continuity together.

(Y/N) as Upgrade: "Say the word and we'll do it!"

Then the symbiote jump into the air as Hybrid watch in sadness, since there is no conscious left for both man or symbiote.

Hybrid: "Goodbye, brother."

Juniper: "We'll miss you."

Thanos: "NOW!"

Then both the symbiote and the core are in the same place and you and the others fired the beam on both of them at the same time which destroys both of them. Then there was an explosion of the Sigma Virus and it covered most of the city blocks.

Capt. America: "The Sigma Virus, we're too late!"

Strider then sees X, Zero, and Iron Man knocked out while you are nowhere to be seen.

Strider: "Captain, they're down and (Y/N) is gone!"

Next: Chapter 103: A Meeting With Yourself

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