Chapter 107: What's The Plan?

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92 days since The Convergence.

Everyone is going over what happened yesterday and going over the attack plan to rid of Ultron-Sigma once and for all.

Capt. Marvel: "The dispersal of the virus was relatively limited, no more than 10 blocks have been exposed and at minimal levels, it could have been much worse."

Valhalla: "But we were exposed."

Cleo: "Not me, and my pals cause we just got here."

You then see some of Sigma Virus taking affect on your right hand.

Skurd: "Oh dear."

Dr. Light: "Confirmed, I'm detecting traces in the system of every one of us, synthetic and organic alike."

Ryu: "How much time do we have before we turn?"

Dr. Light: "It's hard to say, hours rather than days, I can find no way to suppress the progress of the virus, if we're to stop it Ultron Sigma must be destroyed."

Captain America then turn to everyone in the room.

Capt. America: "You've all fought well and with honor, we've lost allies and friends, no one could ask anymore of you and yet I must, Ultron-Sigma has two of the 7 Infinity Stones: Space and Reality, we have 4, but if we're to stop Ultron-Sigma, stop the virus, we need a 5th, we need the Soul Stone."

Thanos: "Jedah has returned to the Dark Kingdom with the Soul Stone in his possession."

Morrigan: "His mind has been corrupted by the stone, I can no longer reach him."

Dante: "I'll handle Jedah."

(Y/N): "You sure?"

Dante: "He's a demon, I'm a demon hunter, it's a match made in Hell."

You then turn to Dr. Who.

(Y/N): "Hey, can you bring someone to the party, he looks like us but his name is (Y/N) Cloud and he sometimes go by Nightwolf, you think you can find him doc?"

Dr. Who: "I can and I will."

You then turn to Dante.

(Y/N): "Dante, I'm coming with you."

Dr. Light: "Even if we retrieve the 4th stone, we cannot yet regulate the stones' power."

Cleo: "Thank you Dr. Downer."

Iron Man: "Much as it hurts to say it, the doc's not wrong."

Sunset: "The device is trashed."

Sci-Twi: "The tower's reactor is toast."

Mike: "Whoa, hold up with the tech-speak there guys."

Thanos: "Only the technology of Abel City can save you now."

(Y/N): "He's not lying, not about Abel City's tech at least."

Arthur: "How know you this?"

(Y/N): "Trust me."

Thanos: "Take me there and I will help you complete your device."

Chun-Li: "Abel City was destroyed when all of our universes collied."

Thanos: "No, Abel City was the epicenter for The Convergence, Sigma's laboratory survives."

Iron Man: "A suicide mission into the heart of enemy territory, I'm interested tell me more."

Desiree: "We have no other choice."

Kara: "There seems to be a lot of that going around."

Diana: "And what of the rest of us?"

Capt. Marvel: "We'll take the fight to Ultron-Sigma, keep him occupied."

Chris: "You know we barely made it out of there last time."

Chun-Li: "This time is different, the Reality Stone is cracked, he's hurt, vulnerable."

Rocket: "And we're desperate."

Big Barda: "But we're not alone."

You then turn to Jessica and Alastor.

(Y/N): "You two get anyone that is still on their feet, we need all the help we can get."

Thanos: "You must strike now, before he can repair himself, before this consumes you all."

(Y/N): "Plus I can be in three places all at once."

You then transform into Echo Echo and made two clones of yourself and revert back to human form so that you can be in three places at once. You then turn to Captain America as he talks to you, Dante, and Iron Man.

Capt. America: "Understand, everything depends on you 3 on the Soul Stone and the device, if you fail."

(Y/N) OG: "It's an awesome responsibility."

Dante: "Hey, we're awesome guys."

You then high five Dante and Iron Man.

(Y/N) 2: "Nice."

Capt. Marvel: "My god we're doomed."

Rocket then turn to Gamora.

Rocket: "Listen, do not let your guard down with that guy even for a second, I'm serious."

Gamora: "They say Thanos risked his life for us."

Cleo: "That's something."

Rocket: "Yeah, sure, just watch yourself ok?"

X then turn to Zero.

X: "This is it my friend, see you on the other side."

Next: Chapter 107: The Battle For Earth

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