Chapter 108: The Battle For Earth

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93 days since The Convergence.

A clone of you and Dante are looking for Jedah Dohma while another clone of you took Thanos and some people with brains to Sigma's lab, while everyone use the Bifrost to get to Xgard and everyone see that no is around but Doomsday as he was infected with the Sigma Virus. Cleo was ready to attack, but you stop her.

(Y/N): "Allow me Cleo."

Cleo: "Why?"

You then walk up to Doomsday as he look down at you.

Doomsday(Ultron-Sigma's voice): "Care to surrender?"

(Y/N): "Sure."

Doomsday(Ultron-Sigma's voice): "Any last words?"

(Y/N): "Just one."

You then place a hand on Doomsday's chest.

(Y/N): "Hey."

Then Doomsday exploded into a ginormous puddle of blood and guts as everyone was shocked to see what happened to Doomsday as you turn to them.

(Y/N): "You coming or what?"

You and the others are heading to the palace of Xgard.

Strider: "Our journey here has drained to last of the Bifrost's power."

Capt. Marvel: "We were lucky to get this far."

Strider: "Still, we cannot leave the way we come."

X: "Any news from Abel City?"

Cleo: "Hey, I'm sure Zero will make it."

Akila: "And if he don't make it, we'll all be dead in an hour, so you know don't worry about it."

Ghost Rider: "Do you feel it, a void, the absence of life of souls?"

Valhalla: "No birdsong, no insects, no wind even."

Miles: "My Spider Sense, I'm picking up nothing."

Peter B: "Yeah, nothing on my radar."

Spider-Man Noir: "Well it's pretty much empty here."

Gloriosa: "Yeah."

Danny: "And I'm not getting anything from my Ghost Sense."

Spider-Ham: "Hope we can find something to help out these people."

X: "This city is a grave."

You then notice the Sigma Virus is getting worse on yourself.

Chris: "Alright, lets move or we're all gonna share their fate."

You and the others hear Ultron-Sigma's voice.

Ultron-Sigma: "Heroes, you've returned as we foretold, your bodies seem eager to join us."

You and the others see drones and Xgardians heading your way.

Ultron-Sigma: "Soon your minds will follow."

Capt. America: "Go to heck."

You then activate your Super Mode and then transform into Slashmorph, your Ultimatrix badge is on your forehead. Everyone then see your new aliens.

Karen: "That's new and scary."

(Y/N) as Slashmorph: "Slash and Omnimorph, make Slashmorph."

You and the others fight off the drones and Xgaridans as much as you can.

Rocket: "D'ast!"

X: "What do we do?"

Rock: "Should we fall back and regroup."

Sunset: "Don't you get it, there is no falling back!"

Rainbow: "This is a one-way trip."

Later, in the Dark Kingdom, you and Dante found Jedah Dohma at the same place where the symbiote was last time.

Jedah: "Dante, Son of Sparda, half human, half demon, and a traitor to both."

Jedah then turn to you and Dante.

Jedah: "Did you really think-"

Dante: "Man just stop talking."

(Y/N): "Let's do this!"

Dante was the first one to attack Jedah as he instantly beaten Dante.

(Y/N): "Dante!"

Jedah: "How does it feel, half-blood, to know that you have failed?"

Dante then activate his Devil Trigger.

Dante: "Failed, I'm just getting warmed up."

Jedah: "Your arrogance will be your undoing half blood."

Then they fight each other until Jedah over powers him and then delivers the final blow until you stop him and activate your own Devil Trigger, this surprises Jedah.

Jedah: "How is this possible, you have no demon blood!"

(Y/N): "Things change these days Jedah!"

You then push back Jedah and then start fighting him. Dante was surprised from seeing you in Devil Trigger.

Dante: "Whoah."

You then transfer the Devil Trigger to your arms to and you keep punching. You then hit Jedah with a left handed punch as he prepares the Soul Stone to destroy you

Jedah: "This stone will be the last thing before your death!"

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, Dante wasn't using his Devil Trigger at its fullest extent."

Jedah: "And what is that?"

You then put up your right arm and transfer the Devil Trigger to it.

(Y/N): "This!"

Jedah tries to hit you with an energy attack but he missed and you punch Jedah hard enough with your strongest punch yet.


You then push Jedah onto the ground with a downward punch and create a large tornado and a shockwave that shakes the Dark Kingdom. You then grab the Soul Stone from the ground.

Jedah: "No, only the most noble of souls are strong enough to bear the power of the Soul Stone."

You and Dante then deactivate your devil trigger.

Dante: "We let you live, sounds pretty noble to me."

You then see the TARDIS appear and came out Dr. Who and his Fluttershy, along with your Native American version of yourself with his Humane 7.

(Y/N): "Nice to see you doc and Mr. Cloud."

(Y/N) Cloud: "Call me Nightwolf."

Dante: "So, what do they do?"

Nightwolf: "They have powers of the champions of Earthrealm."

MK Sci-Twi: "I have the power of Lord Raiden, the God of Thunder."

MK Fluttershy: "I have the power of the former Queen of Eternia herself, Sindel."

MK Sunset: "I have the skills of Shirai Ryu and the power of Scorpion."

MK Rarity: "Frost's powers is mine."

MK Applejack: "I got Jax's muscle and mechanical arms."

MK Rainbow: "I got Johnny Cage's awesome moves and powers."

MK Pinkie: "And I have Mokap's powers."

(Y/N): "Thanks for coming guys."

You then feel the power of the Soul Stone.

(Y/N): "Ahh, I see now, it's allure, this power is intoxicating."

Dante: "What is it man?"

You then turn to everyone else.

(Y/N): "The Soul Stone has shown me the beginning and the end, even 5 stones won't be enough to take down Ultron-Sigma, it that's the future that awaits us, we're gonna do things my way."

You and the others head into the TARDIS and teleport to Xgard. Meanwhile, in the throne room of Xgard, you and the others are fighting off front and Xgardians and keeping Ultron-Sigma occupied. Then you and the others turn to Ultron-Sigma.

Ultron-Sigma: "We offered you eternal life."

Morrigan: "Eh, it's overrated."

Angel Dust: "You offered us Hell and that's saying something speaking from where I'm from."

Ultron-Sigma: "You still don't have faith in us, do you, perhaps your former comrade can convert you to the cause."

Then Thor appeared into the room and turn to you and the others.

Ultron-Sigma: "Thor, please show them the light."

Thor then turn to you and Morrigan.

(Y/N) as Slashmorph: "Settle down now Goldilocks."

Morrigan: "Perhaps a kiss will wake the sleeping prince."

(Y/N) as Slashmorph: "Excuse me?"

Morrigan: "It's for a good cause and besides you always be my favorite."

You then revert to human form and deactivate your Supermode and transform into that of a 12 ft tall insect, complete with two antennae hanging over his head, six limbs, and fearsome set of razor-sharp fangs, and has features of a mantis, scorpion, and a hornet. Your Ultimatrix badge is on your chest.

(Y/N) as ???(Roach): "I'm gonna call this new guy Roach."

You and Morrigan fight off Thor until you two beat him and his hammer dropped onto the ground. Miles and Peter B turn to Thor as he was exhausted.

Peter B: "Sorry buddy, we don't need another Iron Man on the team."

Miles: "You do you."

You then revert to human form.

(Y/N): "We'll be back for you, I promise."

Then you and the others turn to Ultron-Sigma as he get up from his throne.

Ultron-Sigma: "Must we do everything ourselves?"

Ultron-Sigma then remove his cape and jump towards you and the others.

Ultron-Sigma: "You will never silence us!"

Capt. America: "This is it, hit him with everything we got!"

You and the others fight off Ultron-Sigma for awhile until Ultron Sigma was knocked down. He then got back up again.

Ultron-Sigma: "Both power and mind bend to your will and yet you falter!"

Valhalla: "We can't hold out much longer."

Ultron-Sigma: "Time, space, the mind, the soul, reality, power, all will soon be ours to rule!"

Meanwhile, in Sigma's lab, you and some geniuses are working on the device that can defeat Ultron-Sigma.

Iron Man: "Alright, we're in business."

Gamora: "It's beautiful."

(Y/N): "It'll be beautiful when it works."

You then turn to the others.

(Y/N): "Keep a lookout for Ultron-Sigma's goons, Strange's magic should keep us hidden, but if it fails, last thing we need right now is another fight with those guys."

Frank: "Amen to that."

Gamora: "Be careful."

Frank then turn to you and Iron Man.

Frank: "Thought I might stay, capture the moment?"

Iron Man: "It's your funeral."

You then turn on the lights and the lab.

(Y/N): "Alright, lets work fast, so what are we doing?"

Thanos: "We, you could not hope to comprehend such power."

(Y/N): "Humor us."

Brian: "Yeah."

Thanos: "I shall phrase it in a way your feeble ind might understand."

Sunset: "Now, now, play nice."

Thanos: "The Infinity Stones share a sing harmonic frequency, the device must be tuned to make them sing."

Iron Man: "To amplify and regulate their power output."

(Y/N): "Yeah, just like the Dazzings' magic back in the musical showcase."

Thanos: "Indeed."

Sunset: "See, that wasn't so hard."

Thanos: "I need only for the Time Stone to be in range, while the dyanactic interphase field chronocataclyzes, it will take but a few moments."

Iron Man: "Uh sure, you do that."

(Y/N): "Got it, sorry Tony, what were you saying?

Iron Man: "Don't be a show off."

You then look around the room and you recognized it from the flashback.

(Y/N): "So this is it, ground zero for The Convergence, huh, looked bigger in the flashback."

Thanos: "Flashback?"

(Y/N): "Flashback, vision, after my return back to the present, you didn't see that, huh, must have been just me."

Thanos: "What did the Time Stone reveal to you?"

(Y/N): "Death, Ultron, your part in The Convergence, everything."

Thanos: "And yet you said nothing to your peers."

(Y/N): "We still needed your help and besides The Convergence, you played your part sure, but well you were played."

Thanos: "Explain."

Brian: "Oh no."

(Y/N): "Death, Jedah working together, using you, betraying you?"

Thanos: "You lie!"

Thanos then tried to take the Time Stone from you.

(Y/N): "Ohhh, you didn't know, that's awkward."

Sunset: "Uhh, (Y/N)?"

Thanos: "Give me the Time Stone, I shall see for myself your deceit and then I will kill you."

(Y/M): "You forgot to say please."

Thanos: "You dare defy me?!"

Iron Man: "Absolutely, go get him Frank."

Frank: "Whoa, whoa, who, you want me to go up against him, he's gonna kill me!"

You then transform into Solaris and EM Wave Change with Sunset.

Sunset: "Well they say journalism's a dying profession."

You and the others fight off Thanos for awhile until Frank knock him out with a baseball bat.

Brian: "I can't believe he actually did it."

Frank: "No way, we beat him."

(Y/N) as Solaris: "Knew you could do it buddy."

Frank: "We won!"

Thanos then got back up and knock back everyone.

Thanos: "I would expect nothing less of the Infinity Stones, but our time here is at an end."

Thanos then turn to you and Sunset and snatch the Time Stone away from you and Sunset. He then look at the flashback of everything before The Convergence.

Thanos: "Why?"

Then Gamora and the others head into the room and found you and the rest on the ground defeated.

Ryu: "Stark!"

Iron Man: "Hey, it's true what they say, love hurts."

Thanos: "Indeed."

Thanos then turn to everyone else.

Thanos: "And you shall all share my pain!"

Gamora: "I'm disappointed father, your betrayal lacks it's usual flair."

Thanos: "Yet still you were fool enough to trust me daughter."

Thanos then use his psionic energy to knockout everyone. He then to work on a personal project of his as well as the device.

Ryu then gets back up and turn to Thanos as he turns to Ryu.

Thanos: "Your device is complete as is mine, the technology of Abel City never fails to impress."

Thanos then take the Satsui No Had away from Ryu as Gamora witnesses it.

Gamora: "Ryu!"

Thanos: "The Satsui no Hado, a dark power from another realm, you are not worthy of this gift, and now I must take my leave of you.'

Gamora then point her gun at Thanos.

Gamora: "I can't allow you to leave with the stone, you've already taken enough."

Thanos: "You have nothing more to offer, keep it."

Thanos then hand the Time Stone to Gamora.

Thanos: "I have no use for this pebble, this is what I came here for."

Gamora: "The next time I see you, I will kill you."

Thanos: "You will try."

Thanos then teleported away as everyone got back up, you then undo the EM Wave Change and revert back to human form.

(Y/N): "Let's just keep this between ourselves ok?"

Sunset then help Ryu up.

Sunset: "Ryu?"

Ryu: "I'm alright, my thoughts are clear, I feel at peace."

Iron Man: "Why does that give me a bad feeling?"

Dr. Strange then made a portal that leads back into the throne room.

Dr. Straneg: "(Y/N), we should go."

(Y/N): "Guys, we're late for the party, come on it's time for a grand entrance!"

Akila: "Lock and loaded!"

Back in the Throne room of Xgard.

Ultron-Sigma: "Tell us, what did you hope to achieve here, perhaps a diversion while your allies Dante and (Y/N) retrieve the Soul Stone from the Dark Kingdom, did you think we didn't know?"

Ultron-Sigma move closer to you and the others.

Ultron-Sigma: "Are you hoping they'll swoop in at the last moment and rescue you, we're afraid it's not going to happen, your friends are already here."

Then your clone appeared and you head to your clone and then transform into Echo Echo and then merge with your clone and revert to human form as Nightwolf, Dr. Who, the MK Humane 7, and Dr. Who's Fluttershy. Then Ultron-Sigma show that he has the Soul Stone in his hand.

Ultron-Sigma: "And the Soul Stone is ours."

(Y/N): "Sorry guys."

Dante: "Were you waiting on us?"

Ghost Rider: "You've betrayed us."

Dante: "I can live that, you won't."

Ultron-Sigma: "Heroes, we admire your spirit, now with the Soul Stone, we'll take it from you."

Diana then turn to you.

Diana: "Why would you do this to us!?"

(Y/N): "He fell for it."

Zee: "Fell for what?"

Ultron-Sigma then attempt to use the Soul Stone but to no avail as he was launched into his own throne as energy surges him.

Tatsu: "What is happening!?"

Ultron-Sigma: "What's happening to us?"

Nightwolf: "They say only the most noble of souls are strong enough to bear the power of the Soul Stone."

Dr. Who: "And you've got no soul, no way to channel the stone's power."

Diana: "A clever ruse."

Dante: "I take a step back if I were you."

Then Ultron Sigma then burst into energy and the throne collapse.

???(Ultron-Omega): "(Y/N), Nightwolf, Dr. Who, where are you going, we must return the favor."

Then giant hands grab you, Nightwolf, and Dr. who all at the same time as the smoke clear to revealed an upgraded version of Ultron-Sigma. Then you drop your geode as Dr. Who drop his Sonic Screwdriver, and Nightwolf drop a tomahawk.

???(Ultron-Omega): "We cannot be destroyed, we are perfect, we are Ultron-Omega."

Valhalla: "Spidey the stone!"

Miles then fire a web cable at the Soul Stone and take it back, but Ultron-Omega disarm Miles and the stone landed in Thor's hands.

Ultron-Omega: "Thor, destroy them."

Then the Soul Stone free him from the Sigma Virus.

X: "Thor!"

Thor: "I am not your puppet, Ultron-Omega, you took my will and my strength, but you shall not have my soul!"

Dr. Who's Fluttershy then pick up the Sonic Screwdriver and gain the memories of Dr. Who. Sunset grab Nightwolf's tomahawk as Cleo pick up your geode and they give them your powers and Nightwolf's powers.

Thor: "Ultron-Omega, you shall pay fro the evil you have wrought upon my people!"

Ultron-Omega: "Good, evil, we have transcended such limited concepts."

Alt. Fluttershy: "Yeah, well transcend this!"

Dr. Who's Fluttershy then use the Sonic Screwdriver to discharge electricity on Ultron-Omega as Sunset call upon the ancestors.

Sunset: "Ancestors, give me the strength!"

Sunset then launch the Anscetrial Light attack on Ultron-Omega and turn to Cleo.

Sunset: "Now Cleo!"

Cleo: "Right!"

The energy from your geode powers Cleo up as red electricity sparks from her. Cleo then charge at Ultron-Omega and and then punch him in the face.


Then the force from the punch freed you, Nightwolf, and Dr. Who are freed as Fluttershy, Sunset, and Cleo hand you all back your stuff.

(Y/N): "Thanks."

Then Dr. Strange came back with the team from the lab as your clone and you transform into Echo Echo and merge with each other and revert to human form.

Iron Man: "Special delivery for Ultron-Sig-"

Everyone see that Ultron-Sigma has gone through changes.

Akila: "My, haven't you grown?"

Iron Man then turn to X

Iron Man: "X, ready?"

Then Iron Man place the drive on X and he activate his ultimate armor to compensate. Then X place the Power Stone into the weapon.

Ultron-Omega: "You've interfered enough!"

(Y/N): "That's our cue."

Lashina: "Everyone, cover X!"

Ultron-Omega: "You shall feel our wrath, kneel before your god!"

(Y/N): "I've met a lot of gods, Ultron Omega, you're not even in my top 10."

Dante: "Let's get the party started!"

Ultron-Omega then launch a giant fist at you as Nightwolf throws his tomahawk at it to knock it off course away from you.

(Y/N): "Nightwolf, I owe you one."

Nightwolf: "I think we're even."

Then you transform into one of your new aliens, which is a Skrull.

(Y/N) as ???(Fantastic): "A Skrull, I wonder."

You then turn yourself invisible and wrap yourself around Ultron-Omega. You then reappear and then make rock hands and then start punching him. You then go Supernova on him.

(Y/N) as ???(Fantastic): "I think I should call this guy Fantastic."

Ultron-Omega was knocked out as you get away from him and revert to human form.

Iron Man: "Now, pass the stones to X!"

Thor, Gamora, and Strider passed the Soul, Continuity, Time, and Mind Stones to X as they were place into the weapon.

Iron Man: "Perfect, I call this baby, the Infinity Buster!"

(Y/N): "Let it rip kid!"

Iron Man then press the button the start it up as it and then Dr. Strange, Trixie, and Zee turn to the others.

Dr. Strange: "Heroes, lend us your strength, we will channel it into him!"

Morrigan, Zee, Trixie, and Dr. Strange channel everyone's strength into X as X points the weapon at Ultron-Omega and blast him to pieces as the Mother Elf attacks Ultron-Omega and destroy Sigma first and then work on Ultron as Ultron turn to you.

Ultron: "(Y/N), why would you save a universe that isn't yours, remember this: Earth-1218."

(Y/N): "What?"

Then Ultron got deleted as well as you and Zero head to X.

Zero: "X, are you alright?"

X: "Ultron-Sigma?"

(Y/N): "Destroyed."

You then the Sigma Virus is fading away.

Chris: "It's over."

Brian: "Yeah, I think you're right."

Miles then turn to Thor.

Miles: "Good to have you back Thor."

Thor: "Thank you my friend."

Thor then turn to Peter B and summon his hammer

Thor: "Call me Iron Man again and I'll crush you."

Peter B: "Okay lesson learned."

Valhalla then turn to you.

Valhalla: "Where's Thanos?"

(Y/N): "On the wind, Jedah?"

Dante: "Jedah saw things my way, eventually."

Capt. America: "You took a heck of a rick, giving the Soul Stone to Ultron-Sigma."

Angel Dust: "You should gamble sometimes with Husk."

(Y/N): "I'll think about it."

Mike: "So what happened?"

Cleo: "We won?"

Mike: "Yeah I get that, but with Ultron-Sigma gone, shouldn't things go back to the way they were?"

Frank: "Right, time reminds, the universes separate, the dead come back to life, etc, etc?"

Dr. Strange: "This universe was forged with he Space and Reality stones, only by their power could we undo all that's been done and the Reality Stone is cracked."

Iron Man: "Then I guess we're stuck with each other."

Then Rocket found all seven infinity stones all in one place and he was about to grab them.

Gamora: "Rocket."

Rocket: "What, I was gonna, you know, take them for safekeeping."

Morrigan: "The stones are too dangerous to be borne by any one of us."

Thor: "Then between the heroes of all universes, we must share this burden, there shall be 7 Custodians of the Stones, two entrusted to Earth, two to Xgard, two to the Dark Kingdom, and one entrusted to (Y/N), I pray that we never again need call upon their power, but if that days comes, we shall be ready."

You then realized something.

(Y/N): "I think I know what Thanos is up to."

Thor: "Aye, what is it my friend."

(Y/N): "He's taking out his rage on his ex girlfriend."

Gwen S: "Come on, Death is Death, you can use the Infinity Stones on her and you can barely ruin her makeup, if she has a human face like us."

(Y/N): "He doesn't have the stones with him, he has the Satsui no Hado and what I read about it it can conquer gods, demons, and even Death!"

Spider-Ham: "Well, how are we suppose to stop him?"

(Y/N): "I'll fight him, with the stones by my side."

You then transform into Upgrade and turn to the Infinity Stones and put them into your right hand.

(Y/N) as Upgrade: "Is the Reality Stone still useable."

Dr. Strange: "It cannot undo The Convergence, but it can still allow you to use it's power."

(Y/N) as Upgrade: "Alright, here goes."

You then turn your right hand into a makeshift Infinity Gauntlet.

(A/N): Play 0:27 to 0:38

You then feel intense rush of power from the stones to you.


Peter B: "Take them out!"

Dante: "Wait, (Y/N) are you okay!?"


Iron Man: "Talk to us (Y/N)."

(Y/N) as Upgrade: "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, I'm okay, I'm okay."

You then create a portal that leads to Death's realm.

(Y/N) as Upgrade: "Well, here goes everything!"

You then jump into the portal as it closes.

Diana: "Please return to us safely."

Next: Chapter 109: Infinity Hado War

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