Chapter 109: Infinity Hado War

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In Death's realm, Jedah and Death are talking to each other about what happened today.

Jedah: "There is yet another way."

Death then spot Thanos walking towards her.

Death: "Have you come seeking forgiveness my love?"

Thanos: "Retribution."

Death: "Thanos, there is no power that can harm me."

Thanos: "In your universe perhaps, the Satsui no Hado has conquered gods and demons, and death?"

Thanos the prepares his attack on Death.

Thanos: "We shall see."

???: "I don't think so."

Thanos and the others then see you as you have the Infinity Stones in your makeshift Infinity Gauntlet. You then use the Power Stone to fire a beam at Thanos as he blocks it.

(Y/N) as Upgrade: "If you want to get to her, you have to go through me!"

Thanos: "Very well, those tiny pebbles won't be a match for the dark hado."

Thanos then jump and grab you and drag you to an empty planet and throw you into a rock.

Thanos: "Your end is upon you (Y/N)."

You then get up and turn to Thanos.

Your Thoughts: "All I need is one punch."

You then then charge at Thanos and you transfer from the right arm to the left and then punch him.

Thanos: "Those stones won't save you!"

You then transfer the stones from your left to your right.

(Y/N): "That's because, I didn't put my back into it that time!"

You then transfer the stones to your right arm and then punch Thanos in the face and did a downward punch to the ground with the same hand


The punch created a tornado of the energy given off by the Infinity Stones as Jedah and Death witness the whole thing. The shockwaves from the punch was felt across the universe. Then you create a portal back to Death's throne room and drag Thanos along to your destination. When you made it to your destination you then drop the stones and drop onto the ground and revert to human form and past out. Then Jedah and Death walk to you and look down at you.

Jedah: "Well, it's not the amount I was looking for, but it will do."

Jedah was about to to end your life but Death stops Jedah.

Death: "His time has not ended yet, only I decide when the time is right, but for now he is under my protection."

Jedah: "For what reason you want to defend this mortal?"

Death: "He was never born into this universe, he was from another realm, another Earth where people like you and me are the stuff of fantasy and story, his world is called Earth-1218, his mother and father from that world never wanted him and they blame everything on him, the only way for me to get him is to make an outcome for only him to die so I can take his soul and take it to a universe where he lives in a happy family."

Jedah: "The crash of Flight 180, that was your doing?"

Death: "Indeed, I gave him a new life and he has no memory of the life before."

Jedah: "I see."

Death: "If Thanos is correct about the dark hado conquering death, than I think I should repay (Y/N) for saving me."

(Y/N): "I think we're even."

Jedah and Death were shocked that you were okay as you get back up and your right arm is a bit burnt up and battered.

Death: "How much did you hear?"

(Y/N): "All of it, and hey, I think bringing my soul into this universe was the right call Death, if you think about it, you're actually a hero yourself."

Death: "Me a hero, never thought of that."

Jedah: "What is your plan with the Infinity Stones now."

(Y/N): "Well, they're just rocks when they're outside of the universe they reside in, so I think taking them to the Forge of Creation is the best way to keep them safe, it's basically the best bet to keep anyone from using them again, I'll take them myself."

You then feel the intense pain from your injured arm.

Death: "No need to make the journey, you're too weak from the battle against Thanos, allow me to make the journey."

(Y/N): "Alright, find Protona she is like my aunt, she'll watch over them."

Death levitate the stones to her hand as they spiral around her hand.

Death: "It is good to see that you grew up to be such a hero."

Death then kiss you on the forehead and then make a portal that leads to the Forge of Creation that she made herself and not the Space Stone, but before she could leave she then turn to you.

Death: "Out of Jedah, Thanos, and Deadpool, you're the one that I have the most interest in having a relationship."

Death then went into the portal as it closes behind her. You then use your unharmed arm to grab Thanos' Hado Gauntlet and put it onto your shoulder as Jedah was shocked that Death had no interest in him.

Jedah: "I can't believe her, I went through all the trouble to create a union of multiple universes and her only interest is a young naive mortal!"

(Y/N): "Well, I guess my work here is done."

You then transform into Alien X and create a portal to Earth and head into it as the portal closes. You then encounter Sunset and the others and revert back to human form.

Hulk: "What happen to the stones?"

Sunset: "Tell us where they are?"

(Y/N): "The one place I have access to, The Forge of Creation, my Aunt Protona will be watching them."

Sunset then see your heavily injured arm and put her hands to her mouth in shock.

Sunset: "(Y/N), your arm!"

(Y/N): "I used the stones full power on Thanos to save Death, for now lets celebrate for the victory."

Nightwolf: "Nice to stay and celebrate, but we have to go."

Dr. Who: "Indeed."

Nightwolf, the MK Humane 7, Dr. Who and his Fluttershy head into the TARDIS and it disappears. You then turn to Cleo, Brian, and Akila.

(Y/N): "You're staying or going, I can make a portal that leads back to your time."

Cleo: "Well, we'll be staying for awhile."

(Y/N): "Well, I could go for some sushi, I heard Momakase retired from villainy and made a sushi restaurant in Cantertropolis, I say we celebrate there."

Later, your arm was wrapped in bandages and you, the Ultimates, Cleo, Akila, and Brian are at the sushi restaurant owned by Momakase, it is called Sushi Samurai.

Cleo: "Can't wait to try out sushi."

You then see a man entering in a well tailored suit and a well made haircut. He then sit down at a table next to yours.

???(Phoenix Wright): "Well, I managed to get everyone in the court to shutdown A.I.M.BRELLA."

(Y/N): "Hey, you did us a favor for that man, names (Y/N) 10."

???(Phoenix Wright): "Phoenix Wright, what's the occasion on your side?"

(Y/N): "We put a stop on Ultron-Sigma's plan and save the universe and you?"

Phoenix: "Just filed a lawsuit that shutdown A.I.M.BRELLA and sentencing Wolf Spider, Wesker, and M.O.D.O.K. a life sentence in The Vault."

Then a woman in Japanese sushi chef outfit appeared and she wants to take your order.

???(Momakase): "Hello and welcome to Sushi Samurai, my name's is Momakase and I'll be your hostess for the evening, may I take your order?"

(Y/N): "Well, the lawyer over there and my peeps over here are celebrating for the fall of A.I.M.BRELLA and the destruction of Ultron-Sigma."

Momakase: "Well it's good to see you old friend, I guess I'll give you the Victory Platter with assorted sushi, on the house."

Rainbow: "Alright!"

(Y/N): "Just so you know, this is the kind of restaurant where you actually watch the chef make the food in style, and she the best knives ever."

You and the others watch Momakase make an entire sushi platter with style of her own. You and the others were amazed from her craftsmanship and skill when she finished the platter and passed it to you and the others. Then Momakase sees your cast on your right arm and feels about what happened to you.

Momakase: "What happened to your arm?"

(Y/N): "I punch Thanos in the face."

Momakase: "Well, I guess your out of commission for awhile."

(Y/N): "Yeah, I'll place Sunset in charge, she's a great leader, trust me."

Sunset: "Yeah, I know."

You and the others enjoy the sushi dinner for the evening as an occasion for victory.

Next: Chapter 110: Aftermath of The Convergence

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