Chapter 26: From ShadowBolts to WonderColts

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The next day, Sci-Twi was sitting on top of the staircase of CHS when Dean Cadence approach her.

Cadence: "I guess that was one way to finish up your time at Crystal Prep. Pretty sure Cinch will be fast-tracking your application after all of that."

Sci-Twi: "I've been thinking about it and... I'm not so sure now is the time for me to apply to Everton."

Cadence: "Really?"

Sci-Twi: "I may know about a lot of things, but friendship isn't really one of them. And I'm definitely not gonna learn more about it by being alone all the time."

Cadence: "So, you're staying at Crystal Prep?"

Sci-Twi: "Well, it seems the students here at CHS know an awful lot about the subject. I don't suppose..."

Cadence: "You could transfer to this school instead. Plus, this school needs a Dean, and I'm gonna be that Dean.

Sci-Twi: "Really?"

Cadence: "We becertainly be missed at Crystal Prep. But I think that's a great idea! I'll be sure to speak to Principal Celestia about it right away"

Sour: "Can we transfer here?"

Cadence turn to the 5 ShadowBolts from the Friendship Games.

Cadence: "For what reason?"

Then they point at you fixing the statue as Alien X, when you revert back to human form. Cadence's heart flutter as you walk towards her and the ShadowBolts.

(Y/N): "Statue is fixed, Dr. Doom is in prison, Flash is the new Phantom Lantern, Hulk and Thor head back to Avengers tower, and Spider-Man returns to his team for training, I'm pretty sure everything is all wrapped up don't you think?"

You then see Dean Cadence.

(Y/N): "I don't think we aren't properly introduced, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), all-star hero of Cantorlot City."

You hold out your hand for a handshake, when Cadence did the handshake, she was blushing harder with every second from the handshake. You then break the handshake.

Cadence: "It's nice to meet you, I'm Dean Cadence, I will be transferring here to be the school's new Dean, along with these students."

(Y/N): "You're all transferring here?"

All: "Yes."

(Y/N): "I'd say welcome aboard."

The Sci-Twi, Cadence and the ShadowBolts blushed when you said that. You then head back to the Dazzlebooms which they're at the statue. Cadence, Sci-Twi, and the other shadowbolts got up head to Celestia's office for transfer.

Fluttershy: "Still no word from Princess Celestia?"

Sunset look at her journal.

Sunset: "Not yet. But I think I may have figured out how magic works in this world. We pony up when we're showing the truest part of ourselves. I was so busy waiting for someone else to give me the answers that I gave up looking for them myself. I'm sure there will be more magical problems that pop up in this world, but like Applejack said, Princess Celestia has her own problems to worry about in Equestria. We can't expect her to write back at anytime.

(Y/N): "Magic or no magic, we can fight off the radar villains like Bactroc The Leaper to world threating super villains like Dr. Doom, if there's a magic problem, we'll be the first ones to solve it."

???: "We can help you with that."

You and the girls turn to the ShadowBolts, Cadence, and Sci-Twi.

Celestia: "It seems we have new Wondercolts here at Canterlot High!"

Sci-Twi: "I'm not sure how much help we could be. But we like to try. If you would all give us a chance."

You and the girls look at each other with smiles

Celestia: "I'm sure I can count on you girls to help her feel at home, like I have done to Dean Cadence."

Sunset: "You sure can."

You all pull the Shadowbolts and the girls in a group hug. Then Gwen, Kevin, Rook and Ben showed up. You see them.

Kevin: "Your dad is with us, and your mom is a violet lantern, guess we can stick together."

Rook: "Precisely."

Ben: "We've taken liberty to transfer into your school."

Gwen: "We have a house not far from here, about 12 miles away."

Celestia: "Why do you want to transfer here?"

Ben: "Cause Gwen has a crush on-OW!"

Gwen blushed and elbow her cousin.

Gwen: "What my cousin meant to say is, (Y/N) needs a team, and he's team leader."

Celestia: "An excellent idea Gwen."

Pinkie: "GROUP HUG!"

Pinkie pull Kevin, Gwen, Rook, and Ben to have them join the group hug. Your circle of friends has expanded and you have a feeling that it will get bigger and bigger.

Next: Chapter 27: The Rise of the Harem

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