Chapter 27: The Rise of the Harem

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It's been 2 weeks since the Friendship Games, and you're currently out on patrol and fighting crime. The Dazzlebooms, ShadowBolts, Sci-Twi, Mane-iac Mayhem and Gwen are at Sunset's house thinking of a plan of getting you to love them.

Sunset: "We have something on our minds, and that something is (Y/N) (L/N)."

All the girls in the room are blushing.

Sunset: "Okay then, I have one question to you girls."

Adagio: "Shoot."

Sunset: "Do you all love (Y/N)?"

The girls blushed even harder when they hear that question. Then they answered that question one by one.

Twilight: "I do, he's cute, kind, and he always standing standing up to the bad guys. Not only he's handsome, but also smart, figured out the actual enemy during the Friendship Games. He let me in his home for my first night in the human world, when I snuggled with him on his bed, it's like he's a warm soft pillow. I love (Y/N) so much."

Twilight then hug herself as she remembers that night.

Sci-Twi: "Me too, after he fought Hyperion, he thought I was lonely, so he kept me company during our time in the mall. Also, his Ultimatrix is to die for! Think about all of the research!"

Twilight and Sci-Twi scream in joy.

Aria: "Okay nerds, enough about the watch, okay."

Sci-Twi: "Oh, ahem, sorry, he really likes cute nerds too and I love him too."

Aria: "Okay then, my turn, he's a badass, he knows all of his alien forms inside and out. Plan he's a nice guy, and I love the guy."

Sonata: "He's also really funny, like when he made fun of Twilight when she tried to figure out the counter-spell back at the Battle of the Bands, she was really crippling under pressure."

Twilight blushes in embarrassment.

Twilight: "Not my best moments."

Sonata: "Not mention he saved us from being kidnapped by MacGuffin, I'm in love with him too."

Adagio: "He really seen the good in us, and showed us a right path and given us a second chance."

Sonata: "Plus, Pinkie and I saved him the trouble of having a headache from fighting Taskmaster."

Pinkie: "Yep, he likes the way I prepare parties, and whenever I see him eating my baked goods, he has a smile on his face, he's so sweet."

Fluttershy: "He's a helpful guy, and he helped me out cleaning the hamster habitat by using a form that is small so he clean the tubes from the inside."

Applejack: "Truth be told, when the family rooster wandered off, (Y/N) woke me out with a sound blast as Echo Echo. I'm a heavy sleeper without that rooster, he's also really helpful around the farm, overall I love him."

Rarity: "His outfit needs an upgrade, when he put his new superhero uniform, he really look amazing in the outfit."

Gwen: "He is really good when it comes to advice, also he's great fighter, he beat me during martial arts training when we were 11, I was an orange belt and he was a yellow belt."

Sunset: "Talk about embarrassing."

Gwen: "Yeah, but I hate to admit it, but I love him."

Mane-iac: "He was my arch nemesis for awhile, but when he and I got tied up in a big knot for awhile, so we talked to each other until nightfall, he is the reason why I joined the side of good cause I love him."

Rainbow: "He is the best at sports and kicking evil butt, he is the hottest guy that I've ever met and he's been through a lot of stuff, he told he was on a camping trip in the Savageland."

Sunset: "So, it's true that you all love (Y/N)."

All: "Yes."

Rainbow: "So, what's the plan?"

Sunset: "Back in Equestria, we have a tradition that a stallion can have more than one girlfriend."

Sci-Twi: "So what you're saying is, we can become his harem?"

Rarity: "How would we react to this news?"

Fluttershy: "Maybe we can surprise him when he's off for the day from the crime fighting?"

Mane-iac: "I have his Ultimatrix's signal on my tracker, he's in the park and he is currently in his Ultimate Big Chill form."

Sunset: "We should head there now."

Mane-iac: "But, he's currently fighting someone right now."

Sunset: "Who?"

Later, at the park, you're with Megamind fighting Tighten. Megamind was in his superhero super suit for this fight.

(Y/N) as Ult. Big Chill: "Hey Megamind, I thought you took away Hal's powers?"

Megamind: "So did I!"

Tighten: "It doesn't matter how I got my powers back, I'm gonna turn you all into stains on the pavement!"

Tighten then flies at you and you ice blast him for a moment. Then breaks free and punch you in the face. You landed into a nearby fountain, then your Ultimatrix starts specking in a feminine voice.

Ultimatrix: "Would you like me to identify the strategy of the hostile Kryptonian related alien/human hybrid?"

(Y/N) as Ult. Big Chill: "Right now I would like to stop calling you Ultimatrix, you're an AI, how about a different name."

Megamind: "A little help please!"

Megamind then got punched in the face hard enough that he was launched all the to the same fountain. He was shivering from the cold.

Megamind: "Can you choose a warmer form, it's freezing in here, and what are you doing?"

(Y/N) as Ult. Big Chill: "Coming up with a name for the AI of the Ultimatrix."

Megamind: "Why not Mana?"

Mana: "Name accepted, you may call me Mana."

(Y/N) as Ult. Big Chill: "You know you make the best names Megamind."

Megamind: "You're welcome."

Then you spot Tighten coming towards you two. You then transform into Gravattack and use your gravitational powers to force Tighten from moving.

(Y/N) as Gravattack: "You can't power your way through gravity, Tighten."

Tighten: "It won't hold me forever!"

(Y/N) as Gravattack: "Mana, scan for anything that is causing Hal to have his powers."

Mana: "Of course."

Mana scans Tighten's DNA for anything that is out of the ordinary.

Mana: "I'm detecting nano machines in his system, I need to get a closer analysis at the nano machines."

Megamind: "How close?"

Mana: "I need to see the nano machines to determine who made them."

(Y/N) as Gravattack: "How about Nanomech going into his body and find the nano machines and take a close look at them?"

Mana: "Excellent idea, but the resulting transformation will free Tighten and Megamind's Superhero suit has taken too much damage."

Tighten: "You can't get to them without letting me out!"

Then an energy barrier surround Tighten and it came from the Phantom Lantern aka Flash Sentry.

Phantom Lantern: "Hey man, looks like you need some help."

(Y/N) as Gravattack: "Good timing Phantom, can you put him a straight jacket?"

Phantom Lantern: "Alrighty then."

The Phantom Lantern put Tighten in a straight jacket that he made from his Phantom Ring.

Megamind: "Haha, we will get those nano bots now!"

(Y/N) as Gravattack: "Okay, I'm going in."

You then transform into Nanomech and into his nose. You go through Tighten's body and see the nano machines, Mana then scans the nano machines.

Mana: "Scan complete, the design of the nano machines has been made by Hammer Industries."

(Y/N) as Nanomech: "Can we destroy them?"

Mana: "That would result of Hal Stewart being in a coma that cannot be undone."

(Y/N) as Nanomech: "Okay then, maybe I can tap into their interface and deactivate them?"

Mana: "Affirmative."

You then deactivate the nano machines thanks to your adaptive abilities and Mana's hacking ability.

Later, outside of Tighten's body, Hal Stewart is once again depowered to his normal form. You then got out of his body and revert back to human form.

Megamind: "Where did the nano machines come from?"

(Y/N): "Hammer industries, he's messing around with nano technology, I'm guessing that he's trying to make an army of superhumans with Hyperion's powers."

Phantom Lantern: "Yikes, that's scary."

(Y/N): "Hey Flash, can you do me solid and take Tighten to Fury?"

Phantom Lantern: "You got it."

Phantom Lantern then use his power ring to take Tighten back to the Tri-Carrier. While Megamind follows the Phantom Lantern to see Fury for himself. You then take a stroll around the park for awhile, you then hear a soft female voice from behind.

???(Trixie Lulamoon): "(Y/N)?"

You then turn to Trixie, she has a blush on her face, which made you smile.

(Y/N): "Hey Trixie, what's going on?"

Trixie: "Well, Trixie was taking a walk around the park, what brings you here?"

(Y/N): "Well, I just finished a battle against a wannabe god, Tighten and revert him back to a normal state."

Trixie: "How did he get his powers back?"

(Y/N): "Justin Hammer, he made nano machines to make an army of super humans out of Hyperion's DNA."

Trixie: "Where's Hyperion now?"

(Y/N): "Probably giving Hammer a hard time."

You and Trxie laugh for a moment. You then frown and sit down on a bench and Trixie shyly sit next to you on the bench.

Trixie: "What's wrong?"

(Y/N): "My parents want me to get a girlfriend, as you know that my mom is a violet lantern, she tries to find my true love and my dad pressures me to find a girl in my life."

Trixie blushes for a moment and then she put her hand on yours.

Trixie: "Maybe you can start with Twilight, she's the first girl that you invited into your home."

(Y/N): "Thanks Trixie."

You then hear Sunset from afar.

Sunset: "(Y/N), Where are you?"

You then turn to Trixie and she has a blushed face.

(Y/N): "I gotta go, Sunset needs me."

Trixie: "I'm coming along."

You help Trixie up and walk over to Sunset and the girls. The girls then spot you.

Rainbow: "There he is and he's with Trixie?"

Mane-iac: "Doesn't matter, we should reunite with him."

You then noticed the girls coming at you and slam you into a group hug with tears coming down their faces

Rarity: "We've been looking for you darling!"

(Y/N): "How were you able to find me?"

Rainbow: "Mane-iac tracked your Ultimatrix."

Then they break the hug.

Fluttershy: "What were yo talking about with Trixie."

(Y/N): "Well."

You see Trixie mouths, "Tell them."You then nod.

(Y/N): "I'm nervous."

Pinkie: "About what?"

(Y/N): "About a relationship with someone, I've don't know how to make a relationship work, what if I mess up."

Mane-iac then place some prehensile hair on your shoulder.

Mane-iac: "We're sorry that your stressed about it."

Sci-Twi: "We can help you with your troubles."

(Y/N): "Really?"

Twilight: "Of course, you helped us out on multiple occasions, I think it's time to return the favor."

You then turn to Trixie.

(Y/N): "Thanks, for being there with me."

Trixie: "The great and powerful Trixie is willing to help a friend."

You then turn back to your friends. Twilight nervously walking up to you.

Twilight: "Do you remembered when we first met?"

(Y/N): "Yeah?"

Twilight: "Since then I kept something from you, something I want to say for awhile now."

(Y/N): "What is it?"

Twilight: "I love you."

Before you say anything, Twilight kiss you on the lips and gave you a big hug. You were frozen for a moment until you hug her back. Her breath tasted like mint. You and Twilight break the kiss.

Mane-iac: "This is an outrage!"

Twilight: "Relax Mane-iac, you get to kiss him too."

Mane-iac: "In that case."

Mane-iac then wrap you in her hair and pulls you in for a kiss. Though despite her insanity, she's actually a good kisser, and her breath tasted like vanilla. She then starts French kissing you and you notice that. She then breaks the kiss.

Mane-iac: "You're the only one who keeps out of the deep end of insanity, that's what I like about you."

(Y/N): "Well, anyone who thinks you're too crazy to be in a relationship, they're the crazy ones."

Mane-iac giggled and unwrap her hair around you.

Rainbow: "Pucker up lover boy!"

Mane-iac steps aside and Rainbow kiss you on the lips, her kiss is a bit messier, her breath tasted like Kiwi.

Pinkie: "Me next!"

Pinkie pushes Rainbow aside and slam her lips onto yours. She was French kissing you and her breath tasted like birthday cake. She then breaks the kiss and Fluttershy approach you.

Fluttershy: "Do you, um, mind if I...?"

You smile and slam your lips onto hers and then you hear small 'eep!' from her mouth, she then hug you and her breath tasted like oranges. You then break the kiss.

Rarity: "My turn darling."

Rarity then put a mint in her mouth and you approach her with a smile. You pull Rarity in for a kiss and her breath taste like mint as expected. She then break the kiss and wink at you.

Applejack: "My turn sugarcube."

Applejack approaches you and kiss you on the lips and you hug back. Her breathe tasted like apple cider. She then break the kiss.

Sci-Twi: "Do I just kiss you or..."

You catch Sci-Twi off guard by slamming your lips onto hers. She was surprised, but the returns the kiss and hugs you. Her breath tasted minty like Rarity's breath.

Adagio: "My turn."

Sci-Twi then breaks the kiss and Adagio jumps onto to you and she slams her lips against yours. Surprised fro the jump, but you kiss her back. Her breath tasted like lemons. She then break the kiss and put on a flirty smile.

Adagio: "I've always wanted to do that for a long time."

Aria: "Hey, when do I get a turn?"

Adagio: "Alright fine."

Adagio steps aside and Aria move close to you and you put on a smile and she smiles back. She wraps you you in a hug and gave you a light kiss. Which you were surprised from given her tough rockstar appearance, you thought she was reckless but in actuality she is passive and gentle. She then breaks the kiss and walk back as Sonata approach you. She was blushing 70 shades of red.

Sonata: "I do believe this is how I repay you."

Sonata then kiss you on the lips. Her blush grows each passing second and you return the kiss. Her breath tasted like tacos. She then breaks the kiss.

Gwen: "Back when I was 11, I admired your fighting ability and life lessons, makes me less arrogant and egotistic over the years."

Sonata then steps aside and Gwen kiss you on the lips. You then hug her back and her breath taste like mint. She then breaks the kiss.

Sunny: "Do I get a turn?"

Gwen then steps aside and Sunny Flare kiss you on the lips. Her breath tasted like banana and she then break the kiss.

Lemon: "Hey, whens my turn?"

Sunny: "Alright fine."

Sunny steps aside and Lemon Zest kiss you on the lips. Her breath tasted like strawberries. You then hug her back. She then break the kiss and then do a victory dance.

Lemon: "Dude, that was awesome!"

Sour: "Congrats Lemon Zest, now when is my turn!"

Lemon: "Chill out Sour Sweet, it's your turn now."

Lemon Zest then steps aside and Sour Sweet then kiss you on the lips. You then hug her back, and her breath tasted like chocolate which you like the taste of it. She then breaks the kiss.

Sour: "That was amazing!"

Sugarcoat: "My turn."

Sour Sweet then steps aside and Sugarcoat then calmly kiss you on the lips. You then hug back and tasted her breath, which is mint. Sugarcoat then step out of the way of Indigo Zap.

Indigo: "Hey man, we were terrible back at the Friendship Games."

(Y/N): "Hey, you and other ShadowBolts aren't the ones to blame, Cinch is, I forgive you."

Indigo's eye sparkle and then she smile with and kiss you on the lips. You then hug and kiss her back. She then break the kiss and smirk in victory.

(Y/N): "Do you have to smirk like that?"

Indigo: "Hey, I'm a sports girl, what do you expect?"

(Y/N): "Fair enough."

Indigo steps aside and Sunset comes over to you and kiss you on the lips. You then hug her and tasted her breath, which is mint again. She then breaks the kiss.

Sunset: "You're our hero, that's all it matters."

You see Trixie smiling while holding a thumbs up, but you notice that she is left out.

(Y/N): "Trixie?"

Trixie: "(Y/N), Trixie wants to say that Trixie is in love with you too."

Indigo steps aside and Trixie then kiss you on the lips. You hug her back and her breath tasted mint in her breath. She then breaks the kiss.

Trixie: "Sorry for not being so truthful to you."

(Y/N): "Hey, it's okay, I love you too, all of you."

Mane-iac: "She can join the harem?"

Twilight: "Yep and since it's no secret that every girl in the school has a crush on him, we'll let them join once they make a confession to our boyfriend."

Mane-iac: "And if they tried to hurt him, I'll chop off their heads.", as she said holding a meat cleaver and a head mount that is fit for a human.

She had a smile that looks like the stuff of nightmare.

(Y/N): "I'm pretty sure I'm capable of defending myself Mane-iac, you can put the cleaver and mount away please."

She then puts them away and return to an adorable smile. She then wrap you in her hair and hug you again.

Mane-iac: "You're too sweet for own good."

Your new harem hug you and you smile.

Next: Chapter 28: Camping Trip

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