Chapter 28: Camping Trip

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It's been weeks since the Friendship Games and you have gotten 10 new girlfriends. You spent a lot of time with your harem for awhile. And now you have a camping trip with your harem since you and the whole harem signed applications.

Meanwhile, Sci-Twi was in bed having a bad dream while Twilight is sleeping like a baby. Twilight wrap her arms around Sci-Twi as she pulled her into a warm embrace.

Sci-Twi: "No... It can't be...! It isn't true...!"

Twilight: "I hope it's just a nightmare.

You and the others were outside waiting for Sci-Twi and Twilight.

Fluttershy: "Um, Twilight?"

Twilight: "Huh?"

Rainbow: "Twilight! The bus for Camp Everfree leaves in ten minutes!"

Mane-iac: "Actually, 9 minutes and 40 seconds."

Sci-Twi: "Oh, no-no-no-no-no! I can't believe I overslept!"

Th others got up and fallow her to her closet as you and the girls walk in her room.

Sunset: "Me neither. That's not like you."

Sci-Twi walks over to find a suit case and open it.

Sci-Twi: "I know!"

Twilight: "Normally we're on schedule."

Pinkie: "Don't you have a super-annoying alarm clock that goes...Eh!Eh!Eh!Eh!"

Pinkie then lifts a pillow and reveal an alarm clock and Sunset turn it off.

(Y/N): "Not the brightest idea to put an alarm clock under your pillow."

Sci-Twi and Twilight blushed in embarrassment.

Sci-Twi: *Squee*"Sorry."

Twilight: "We thought it would wake us up, but it didn't."

(Y/N): "Hey, we all make mistakes."

Sci-Twi: "Thanks (Y/N)."

Sunset: "It's gonna be fine. We'll help you pack."

They all throw random items into the suit case. You then notice a picture of Rainbow Dash.

(Y/N): "Does she really need a picture of you Rainbow?"

Skurd: "Question of the day."

Rainbow: "Nobody can't survive without my awesomeness."

(Y/N): "I survived in the Savagelands for weeks without it, and I'm fine."

You then notice Rarity pick out Twilight's dress from the Fall Formal and Applejack groans.

Applejack: "We're gonna be out in the woods. When is she gonna need that?"

Rarity: "If we were going to the moon, I'd insist she packed an evening gown. One never knows, darling."

(Y/N): "Oh trust me, if you spend more time on the moon dressing good instead of breathing, you'd be dead."

Rarity hesitated for a moment, until she says something.

Rarity: "Hmph, admit it you like to see us in our Fall Formal attire again."

(Y/N): "Fair enough."

Sci-Twi: "Lemme just get changed."

As She grabs her Camp Everfree shirt and look in her mirror, she see familiar demonic wings come out from behind as she turned around with a shocked expression.

Everyone: "Midnight Sparkle?"

Sci-Twi: "How is this possible? Sunset Shimmer and (Y/N) (L/N) helped me defeat you at the Friendship Games!"

Midnight: "You and your friends can never truly defeat me!"

She snaps her fingers and Sci-Twi's room disintegrate along with you and the harem, who screamed.

Sci-Twi: "(Y/N)!"

Midnight: "Midnight Sparkle's a part of you! I'll always be there waiting in the darkest shadows of your mind! I'll be back, Twilight! And this time, I won't stop until I have all the magic!"

Sci-Twi: "No!"

After the dream sequence.

Sci-Twi: "Stop!"

(Y/N): "WAKE UP!"

Pinkie: "We can't stop, silly! We're not there yet!"

Sunset: "Hey, are you okay?"

Sci-Twi: "Heh. I'm fine."

Sunset was about to say something but she was cut off by Pinkie.

Pinkie: "We are gonna have so much fun! We're gonna roast marshmallows and eat marshmallows and sleep on marshmallow pillows!"

Rainbow: "Yeah, probably not gonna do that."

Pinkie: "Maybe you're not."

Pinkie grab a bog of marshmallows and nuzzles it with her cheek. You then turn to Kevin and Ben, who is in the seat ahead of you.

(Y/N): "Hey guys."

Kevin and Ben turn to you.

Kevin and Ben: "Yeah?"

(Y/N): "Yay or nay on using a bag of marshmallows as a pillow."

Ben: "Who would say no to that, it's the best idea ever!"

Kevin: "It's comfy and delicious, one time when I was camping with my folks, I used the bag of marshmallows as a pillow for the night."

Rook then peer over the seat behind you.

Rook: "It will be fun to spend a week eating hot s'moes."

You then turn to Rook

(Y/N): "They're called S'mores Rook."

Rook: "Right, S'mores."

Celestia: "Attention, students, we're almost there. But before we arrive, we just wanted to say how proud we are of you for raising enough money to go on this class field trip."

Luna: "When we were your age, we made some of our favorite memories in these woods, and we're sure you will, too."

Celestia: "Now who's excited for Camp Everfree?!"

Everyone cheered while Sci-Twi smiles and look out her window, you then hold against her body as she rest her head on your chest.

(Y/N): "I got an idea, why don't we sing a song on the way there?!"

Cadence: "Good idea (Y/N)!"

The students all cheer and start singing to the camp and you brought a guitar with you and you start playing.

Ben: "That was awesome!"

Gwen: "I didn't know Kevin can sing."

Kevin: "We've friends for years, there's some things that you don't know about me yet."

Everyone smiles warmly as the bus pulls over into the camp, everyone then grab their luggage and take in the scenery.

Fluttershy: "Isn't Camp Everfree just beautiful? I can't wait until we have our first nature walk."

Sci-Spike: "I definitely wanna go on one of those."

Spike: "Ditto."

Fluttershy: "You wanna see all the adorable woodland creatures, too?"

Sci-Spike: "Yeah! Specifically squirrels. More specifically, so I can chase 'em!"

Spike: "What's with chasing squirrels?"

(Y/N): "It's a dog thing."

Spike: "Okay then, nice Sci-Spike is a better dog than I am, he can teach me how to chase squirrels."

Applejack: "I'm just lookin' forward to roughin' it. I'm gonna make my own shelter, forage for food..."

Rainbow: "Uh, you know they provide us with food and tents, right?"

Applejack: "Yup! Still gonna forage though."

(Y/N): "Yep, when I was back in the Savagelands, I have to build my tent and forage for food."

Gwen: "Isn't Savageland an island filled with Dinosaurs?"

(Y/N): "Yep, I survived on that island for weeks."

You walk over to your other girlfriends, you then see Rarity unpack her luggage, which is a lot of suitcases.

Rarity: "I'm just after some R&R. The past year has all been a bit too much for my tastes."

Pinkie: "I'll say! We fought three evil sirens who tried to hypnotize everybody with their singing, one ridiculously competitive rival school, and two demon friends!"

You then look at Pinkie.

(Y/N): "Pinkie, not the time."

Pinkie: "Sorry."

Sunset: "It's okay (Y/N), we're used to it by now."

(Y/N): "I know, it's just I'm your boyfriend and I need you all to be safe."

Mane-iac then wrap you with her hair and pull in for a hug and nuzzles your cheek.

Mane-iac: "That's so sweet of you (Y/N)."

Sunset: "We're here for you as you're here for us."

(Y/N): "Thanks Sunset."

Applejack: "Anyway, Canterlot High has become a regular magic magnet. Gonna be nice gettin' away to a place where we don't have to worry about that kinda stuff."

Twilight: "I'm hoping it will not happen again."

Trixie: "If it happens again, we'll be ready."

Adagio: "Indeed."

You then hear a microphone feedback and you all cover your ears.

(Y/N): "Ow."

???(Gloriosa Daisy): "Hey, everyone! If you could start heading to the courtyard, that would be rad! It's time to start the best week of camp ever!"

Mane-iac then unwrap you from her hair and you head to Ben, Kevin, Rook, and Flash.

(Y/N): "Hey, last one to the courtyard, smells like Stinkfly!"

You then got ahead start, then the guys catch up to you. When they arrive to the courtyard, and Ben was the last one there.

Ben: "No fair, I tripped."

(Y/N): "Sorry, you snooze you lose."

Everyone gathered around the courtyard until they see a girl with dark pink skin with hair that has a darker shade of pink with a daisy headband, she also have a yellow shirt with green strips in a fence pattern, green eyes, and high heels with flowers on them.

???(Gloriosa Daisy): "Hi, everyone! Welcome to Camp Everfree! I'm Gloriosa Daisy, your camp director! Think of me as your friendly camp and nature guide. And this is my brother, Timber Spruce!"

She then hands the microphone to Timber who wore dark green shorts, dark red shirt with whites strips on the sleeves and a symbol that represents the camp.

Timber: "Think of me as that awesome guy... who should always be invited to fun things."

Gloriosa: "We aim to please, so before we hand out our tent assignments, we'd like to hear from all of you. You're free to do whatever you like here."

Timber: "Uh, except hike near the rock quarry. That's off-limits."

Ben: "Why is the quarry off limits?"

Timber: "A good chance for an avalanche."

Gloriosa: "Good call.", as she said whispering to her brother.

Gloriosa: "But otherwise, your options are wide open. So what activities will make this the very best week of your lives ever?"

Rainbow Dash: Ooh! Rock climbing!

Gloriosa Daisy: Done!

Rainbow Dash: Archery!

Gloriosa Daisy: Of course!

Rainbow Dash: Tetherball!

Gloriosa Daisy: Naturally!

Rainbow was about to suggest another idea, but then Sunset grabbed her hand and put it down.

Sunset: "Rainbow, I know you're excited, but maybe give somebody else a chance to make a suggestion."

Bulk: "Arts and crafts!"

Kevin: "Why?"

Bulk: "My mom... needs new pot holders."

Kevin: "Makes sense."

Gloriosa: "I'll supply the looms!"

Pinkie: "Cookie decorating!"

Gloriosa: "Ooh, I do make a mean sugar cookie."

Fluttershy: "Early morning nature walks?"

Gloriosa: "With walking sticks for everyone!"

Rarity: "Ooh! Me! Oh, uh... a fashion show! Where I design the most fabulous camp looks inspired by today's hottest trends and have them modeled by my classmates in a gorgeous outdoor setting!"

Gloriosa: "A camp tradition!"

Timber: "We have literally never done that."

(Y/N): "Well, it wouldn't hurt to try, except when you have a needle stuck in your thumb, it happened to me once."

Gloriosa ignores her brother.

Gloriosa: "I'll be taking requests the rest of the time you're here, so if there's anything you'd like to do, anything you need, just ask."

Celestia: "What about the camp gift? That was my favorite Camp Everfree tradition."

Gloriosa: "The camp gift! Of course!"

Timber Spruce: "Really?"

Gloriosa Daisy: "Yes, really."

Timber Spruce: "Well, I just thought-"

Gloriosa Daisy: "Then you thought wrong!"

Sunset: "Anyone else picking up on a little tension between Gloriosa and her brother?"

Pinkie and Sci-Twi: "Ehhh..."

Pinkie: "A little."

Gloriosa: "Every year, campers work together to create something useful. A gift for future campers. Working toward this common goal is key to forming the strong bonds that will last well beyond your time here at camp! Which is why it's so important. This gazebo was a gift from last year's group. Oh, oh, oh, and the totem pole and the sundial were also made by campers!"

Celestia: "The sundial was our year's gift!"

Luna: "Even though "some people" thought it was a little impractical, since the sundial can't be used at night."

(Y/N): "I still think it's cool though."

Luna and Clestia blushed.

Gloriosa: "You all seem like a-a really amazing group. So I'm certain you'll come up with something inspiring to leave behind."

Everyone cheered.

Timber: "Speaking of leaving things behind, now's the time when we give out tent assignments so you can leave your heavy bags behind."

(Y/N): "Are you gonna carry our stuff to our assigned tents?"

Timber: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "Then go from heaviest to lightest, start with Rarity's stuff cause she packs too much, am I right?!"

Gloriosa giggles a bit.

(Y/N): "You can carry her stuff to her tent, even if it takes days cause they're heavy."

Gloriosa continues to giggles.

Rarity: "I don't pack that much."

(Y/N): "Trust me, she goes through suit cases like Black Panther goes through cars."

Gloriosa laughs.

Rarity: "Okay, okay, you got me there."

Gloriosa: "That is so funny, anyways, girls will be getting their assignments from Timber. Guys, you're with me."

Kevin: "Is it weird that we are getting assigned tents from Gloriossa instead of Timber?"

(Y/N): "Divide and conquer, camp-style."

Ben: "Who cares, we're getting our tents."

Gloriosa then walks over to you five and she held out a sack. Ben and Kevin were the first ones to get a card and it's a Kidney Stone tent.

Kevin: "Kidney Stone tent?"

Ben: "Aw man!"

Rook and Flash were the next ones to grab a card, and they got a Diamond tent.

Flash: "Sweet Diamond tent!"

Rook: "Did you know that Diamonds has much less density than Taydenite."

Ben: "What!?"

Kevin: "You gotta be kidding me, you two got the diamond tent!"

(Y/N): "My turn."

You then reach into the sack and then you pull out a paragon card.

(Y/N): "Sweet, I got the Paragon tent, must be my lucky day."

Ben: "You should buy lottery tickets."

Meanwhile, on Timber's end.

Timber: "You're in the Ruby Tent? Ha! That's the worst one!"

Bulk: "Aw, man!"

Timber: "I'm just jokin', buddy. Ruby Tent is great. It's like a sapphire but with chromium."

You then head to Timber.

(Y/N): "Ha, good one!"

Timber froze and turn to you.

Timber: "(Y/N), is that you?"

(Y/N): "You know me?"

Timber: "Yeah, you're that kid that accidentally burned down a national park."

You then start to remember about that and you realize that you met Timber and Gloriosa.

(Y/N): "Wait a second, I remember now, it's great to see you again."

You and Timber did a handshake.

Timber: "It's been forever dude, how's the hero thing?"

(Y/N): "Saved the world and got a new watch.", as you said holding up the Ultimatrix.

Timber: "Whoah, what is that?"

Skurd: "The Ultimatrix, a superior model to the Omnitrix."

Timber: "Nice to see yo again Skurd."

(Y/N): "And the best part about the Ultimatrix, it has a AI, I also gave her a name, meet Mana."

Mana: "Greetings Timber Spruce."

Gloriosa: "Timber, what's going on?"

You then turn to Gloriosa, who is behind you. Gloriosa look at you for a moment and then she remembered your face. Her eyes widen and drop her microphone, she swell up tears and pull you in for a tight hug. Your girlfriends smile in awe as they watch as Timber smile for his sister.

Gloriosa: "I've missed you so much, I thought I'll never see you again!"

You pat her head.

(Y/N): "Hey, the bad guys never have a solution of getting rid of me."

Timber: "She was worried that you'll never comeback, and she came up with reasons like: being eaten by a dinosaur, or you got decimated, or you got sucked into a blackhole."

(Y/N): "Okay the first one was true though."

Gloriosa: "Really, how?"

(Y/N): "I was wrestling Devil Dinosaur."

Timber: "Whatever the reason, it's good to have you back."

(Y/N): "Oh, I would like you guys to some people, yo Kevin, Ben, Rook, Flash get over here!"

Your buds came to you and camp directors.

Kevin: "Yeah man?"

(Y/N): "Glori, Timber, I like to meet Kevin Levin, Ben Tennyson, Flash Sentry, and Rook Blonko."

Kevin: "What's up."

Ben: "Hey."

Rook: "Greetings."

Flash: "How's it hanging?"

Timber: "Hey guys."

(Y/N): "Gloriosa and Timber and I used to hangout with each other back when I was younger."

Ben: "Wait, you used to live in Cantorlot City?"

(Y/N): "Yep, pretty much."

Kevin: "Okay then, I have a question for you flower hand band."

Gloriosa: "Oh what is it Mr. Levin?"

Kevin: "Why do you have a Kidney Stone tent?"

You and Timber giggled for a moment.

Timber: "Just a joke (Y/N) and I came up with when me and sister became camp directors."

Ben: "Real funny guys."

Kevin: "Real funny."

Rook: "Can Timber Spruce escort us to our tents please?"

Timber: "Sure thing, a friend of (Y/N), is a friend of mine."

Timber then direct your crew to their tents.

(Y/N): "Well, it's just you and me Gloriosa."

Gloriosa then blushed a bit and you notice it.

Your Thoughts: "Even her!"

Gloriosa: "Well, who's your roommate for the Paragon tent?"

Mane-iac: "ME!", as she said holding up her paragon tent card.

Gloriosa: "Okay then, your tent is over there."

(Y/N): "Thanks Glori."

You and Mane-iac head to the Paragon tent and Gloriosa watch you in awe.

Gloriosa: "Welcome home (Y/N), I wish I can tell you that I love you."

The girls notice Gloriosa looking at you with love in her eyes.

Twilight: "You think she is in love with (Y/N)?"

Rarity: "Apparently so."

Next: Chapter 29: The Billionaire Dimwit

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