Chapter 29: The Billionaire Dimwit

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Gloriosa: "Okay, everyone, go get settled in. We'll be meeting at the docks in fifteen minutes to go over some camp safety rules. Le tme know if you need anything!"

Then a limo pull over and a man in a blue shirt with a red tie and a yellow money symbol on it. He is in his mid-50s and he is almost the exact height as you by a few inches.

???(Filthy Rich): "I need somethin'."

(Y/N): "What's he doing here?"

Gloriosa runs over to him and pushes him back to the limo.

Gloriosa: "Filthy Rich! So nice to see you. [whispering] What are you doing here?! Camp is just getting started!"

Filthy: "Just takin' in the scenery, Gloriosa Daisy. It's so... hmm... relaxin'."

They both shot looks at each other and you turn into Ultimate Humungasaur nd stomp to them. Filthy and Gloriosa look up to you as you growl.

Filthy: "Well, if it isn't the great (Y/N) (L/N), hero of Cantorlot City, you're a billionaire's tack on their seat, so much power yet too scared to use it."

(Y/N) as Ult. Humungasaur: "Insult me, I dare you.", as you said cracking your knuckles.

Filthy: "I'll take your word for it my boy, between you and me, how much money do you make?"

(Y/N) as Ult. Humungasaur: "None."

Filthy: "What, you work with the Avengers, you at least make a penny!"

(Y/N) as Ult. Humungasaur: "Seems like saving lives is it's own reward."

You then transform your right hand into a rocket launcher and point it at Filthy.

Filthy: "You think you have the guts to destroy me, prove it!"

You're about to fire your rockets, but then you spot two girls with light pink skin, purple and white hair with a crown pin in it, a yellow coat with a black undershirt, dark grey skirt and blackings with matching boots. The other had grey skin and hair, light blue glasses, pink skirt, purple shirt, a spoon in a form of a necklace, and purple boots. They were stuck ups from your first day, but after the Fall Formal, they became nicer and much more compassionate. You they have cheerful adorable smiles.

???(Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon): "Hi (Y/N)!"

(Y/N) as Ult. Humungasuar: "Hello Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon."

Diamond: "Whatcha doin?"

(Y/N) as Ult. Humungasaur: "Just showing your pops my cannons."

You then revert back your human form.

(Y/N): "How's your tent by the way?"

Diamond: "Well, at first I though it would be worn."

Silver Spoon: "But we were wrong, it's actually cozy."

Diamond then see her father behind you.

Diamond: "What brings you here dad?"

Filthy: "Just looking around and enjoying the sights."

Diamond: "You're building a spa here, are you?"

Filthy: "You know your old man is always gets his money sweetie."

Silver Spoon: "I think you should leave, Mr. Rich."

(Y/N): "Before I go Alien X on you."

Filthy: "Fine."

He then gets into his limo and ride away. Your girlfriends walk to you and Gloriosa notice.

Gloriosa: "Filthy Rich is, uh, an alumni of the camp. He likes to check on his old stomping grounds every now and again. But enough about him. Find your tents and put away your things. We've got the best week of camp ever to begin!"

The other girls look at their assigned cards again and followed Gloriosa. Sunset then starts talking to you.

Sunset: "What was that all about?"

(Y/N): "A billionaire who cares about money than anything else, no offense."

Diamond: "Actually, we're on your side."

Silver Spoon: "Yeah."

Later, everyone is settling while Rarity and Applejack are walking together.

Rarity: "I'm all for learning safety rules, but I do hope I can get started on my designs for the camp fashion show sooner rather than later."

Applejack: "Huh. I still can't believe you talked Gloriosa into havin' a fashion show. We're in the middle of the woods, for cryin' out loud! We're s'posed to be roughin' it!"

Rarity: "It's clear from Gloriosa's own wardrobe that she appreciates a well put together look. Even if we are in the "middle of the woods"."

Applejack: "Fair enough. Just as long as you don't put me in one of your fancy pants outfits. ...You're gonna, aren't ya?"

Rarity: "No. Yes! Don't worry, darling. It'll absolutely speak to your personal sense of style..."

Sunset then grabs a flashlight from her bag as she turns it on and makes a spooky face and then turn it off.

Sunset: "That was weird back there, right? With that guy, Filthy Rich?"

Twilight: "It doesn't seem quite right."

Sci-Twi: "Huh? Oh. Uh, I guess so."

Sunset: "I just have this feeling that Gloriosa's hiding something."

Twilight: "Yeah, she is a bit secretive."

Sci-Twi got lost in thought again, and Twilight hit in the face with a pillow.

Twilight: "Look alive me."

Sunset: "Hey, you okay? You seemed a little freaked out on the bus earlier."

Sci-Spike: "Probably had another one of her nightmares."

Spike: "I bet it was a test that she hasn't studied for."

Sci-Twi throws her socks at them.

Sci-Twi: "I'm fine."

Twilight: "Are you sure?"

Sci-Twi: "Yes I'm sure, I mean, what do I have to complain about? Ever since I transferred here, everyone from CHS has been really nice and accepting, especially considering what happened at the Friendship Games."

Twilight: "It wasn't your fault."

Sunset: "Principal Cinch is the one who encouraged you to try and use all that magic to win the Games for Crystal Prep. You weren't ready to have that kind of power. But it's over now. And if there's any group that's gonna forgive you for something that happened in the past, trust me, it's this one."

Twilight: "(Y/N) forgives you about what happened in the past."

The girls held hands together and sigh as Rainbow Dash appeared in the tent.

Rainbow: "You guys comin' or what?"

Sunset: "Be right there! I just wanna put on some sunscreen."

The Spikes then started laughing.

Sunset: "What's so funny?"

Spike: "Sorry, it's just Sunscreen and Sunset has the word Sun in them

Sunset smiles and roll her eyes as she continues to look for sunscreen.

Sunset: "Huh. I coulda sworn I packed it."

Sci-Twi: "Found it!"

It float in the air with a purple aura as the girls all gasp, then everything float as Twilight looks at Sci-Twi.

Twilight: "How did you do that?!"

Sci-Twi: "I can't believe this. It's..."

Sunset and Twilight: "Amazing!"

Sci-Twi: "Terrible!"

Sunset: "Are you kidding? This is great! I mean, we've all ponied up before, gotten the whole ears and wings and tail thing, shot magical rainbow lasers, but nothing like this has ever happened! How did you do it?"

Sci-Twi: "I don't know! Maybe I didn't. Maybe it's her!"

Sunset: "Her who?"

Sci-Twi: "Nothing. Never mind. Can we just not talk about it? And could you please not bring this whole levitating thing up to the others?"

Sunset: "Why not?"

Sci-Twi: "You heard Applejack. This is supposed to be the place where everyone can get away from magic."

Twilight: "(Y/N) will notice eventually."

Sunset: "If you really don't want me to, I won't say anything."

Sci-Twi: "I really don't."

Sunset: "Okay, but this isn't necessarily a bad thing! (Y/N) can teach you how to control those powers, we can all agree with that right?"

All: "Yep."

Sunset looks at the sunscreen and try to levitate it, but to no avail.

Sci-Spike: "I think you're just gonna have to pick it up."

Twilight: "Let me try."

She points at the sunscreen and it float upward into Twilight's hand.

Twilight: "It's good to do that again."

Sci-Spike: "Uh, guys, we need to head to the docks."

Sunset: "Right."

Sunset then walks out of the tent then bump into Gloriosa by accident.

Gloriosa's thoughts: "-show up like that!"

Sunset: "What did you say?"

Gloriosa: "I... didn't say anything. Just here to make sure everyone was headed over to the docks! Did you need something?"

Sunset: "Nope."

Gloriosa: "Because if there is anything I can do to make this week the best week ever, you just let me know. I've got this!"

Sunset: "Thanks, I'm good."

She nods and walk away.

Sunset: "People that chipper make me nervous."

Pinkie: "This is gonna be so much fun!"

She hugs Sunset tightly.

Sunset: "I guess not all people."

Meanwhile, with you and the guys.

Kevin: "You have 18 girlfriends?!"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Ben: "Even my cousin!"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Rook: "That is impressive."

(Y/N): "Yep."

Flash: "Dude, that is the coolest thing, I have ever heard."

(Y/N): "Hey you two, how's the Kidney Stone tent?"

Most of the guys laugh about it, except for Rook cause he does't understand it.

Kevin: "Haha, very funny."

Rook: "I don't understand what is funny about that tent, it looks nice."

Kevin: "It's not the quality of the tent, it's the name."

Ben: "How's your tent (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Well, Mane-iac put up conspiracy theory notes and lab equipment on her half of the tent, and she is scanning my body for some reason."

Flash: "I bet she want to analyze your watch."

Kevin: "Or, she's just protecting you."

(Y/N): "Probably both."

Rook: "Anyways, I'm try Archery."

Kevin: "With your Proto-Tool?"

Rook: "Actually, I would use a standard bow and arrow."

(Y/N): "I'll come along, you can teach me Archery."

Rook: "Excellent idea."

You and Rook head to the Archery Target Practice.

(Y/N): "Alright Rook, just show me the basics."

Rook: "Good idea."

Rook grab a quiver and bow, he then pull the string of the bow, while you were watching you're you see a series of math equations, like Taskmaster. Rook then fire the arrow and hit a bullseye.

Rook: "Now you try."

(Y/N): "Alrighty then."

You then take an arrow and bow and fire a bullseye the same way Rook shot his bullseye. This shocked Rook.

Rook: "How did you do that?!"

(Y/N): "I don't know, I just watch you take the shot and I did it like a pro."

Rook: "Are you having lessons with Hawkeye?"

(Y/N): "NO, this is my first time, launching an arrow!"

Rook: "I think you should head tot he docks, your girlfriends are worried about you."

(Y/N): "Okay then."

As you head to the docks, you look around the whole camp, you then keep seeing math equations everywhere, you now know every inch of the camp, like you wrote a map of the camp in your head.

Later at the docks, you and the girls look at the lake in the distance.

Rarity: "Oh, it's beautiful, isn't it? It looks like a diamond shining in the sun!"

Fluttershy: "It is lovely out here. The fresh air, the cool breeze, the birds that land on your finger."

Rainbow: "I think that only happens to you."

(Y/N): "Depends a how long you can be standing still."

Next: Chapter 30: The Remake is better than the Original

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