Chapter 43: Mirror Madness

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After you saved the Daring Do movie from being canned, prevent a camp from being turned into a spa, and you got two more girls into your harem. You and the harem have a VIP pass to the movie theater to see the premier of the new Daring Do movie. But Juniper is feeling angry from what happened to her chance of being in the spotlight of her debut as an actress. She walks down the mall when the music video Dance Magic starring your harem.

Juniper: "Those girls! Ugh! Ahh! First, they get me kicked off the Daring Do set. Now... Ooh! They're everywhere! I bet they'll be at the premiere tonight. I bet I'll be the lucky one ushering them to their seats. Ugh, I wish that (Y/N) was mine and no one else's!"

Then her walkie talkie went off and she answer it.

Boss: "Juniper, where are you? We need you back at the popcorn popper stat."

Juniper then imitates radio static.

Juniper: "What was that... boss? Can't hear you! Losing you!"

She then put her walkie talkie back in her pocket.

Juniper: "If those girls hadn't shown up, I would have played Daring Do! Tonight would have been about me. I would have been a star!

The Kiosk clerk nodded no to Juniper

Juniper: "You're right. They are a bit much."

Then a ball of energy appeared and flown down onto a mirror, and enchant it with it's magic. Giving it a more crystal like appearance. When Juniper pick up the mirror, she can see her reflection as a movie star, she then scream and drop the mirror.

Juniper: "What was that?"

Juniper then pick up the mirror and see her reflection as a movie star.

???(Hollywood Montage): "Mmwah!"

Juniper: "Incredible!"

Juniper gave the Kiosk clerk money and walk away.

Juniper: "Keep the change. Something tells me this thing's worth it."

Later, you're at a table with your harem and Sunset is writing to Twilight's clone.

Sunset: "Dear Princess Twilight, tonight's the night of the big movie premiere. All my friends are really excited, and I should be, too. Except I can't seem to keep my mind on anything other than our new powers, and the rogue magic that's loose in this world, and how scary but exhilarating it all is. How does it work? How can we be prepared for it? When will it show up again? Well, you see the problem. With the weight of all Equestria on your shoulders, you must have some advice on how to- Oh, no! Shoot."

Pinkie: "What's the matter, Sunset Shimmer?"

Sunset: "Oh, I just ran out of pages in my journal. That's all."

Rainbow: "Chillax, SunShim."

Fluttershy: "Um, who's "SunShim"?"

Rainbow: "That's Sunset Shimmer's new movie star name. I just made it up!"

(Y/N): "I'd say that is a cute nickname."

Sunset blushed

(Y/N): "Speaking of stars, Chestnut is having trouble 'blending in'."

You point towards Chestnut Magnifico coming into a mall as a crowd of people is follow her with notebooks and pens.

Random Fan 1: "Chestnut, can I have your autograph!?"

Random Fan 2: "Can we take a selfie?"

Chestnut: "Now please, calm down everyone, wait your turn."

Chestnut then headed to your table.

Chestnut: "Can't get this crowd off of me, it's the price of a movie star, I just wish I have a bodyguard that can transform into 1000000+ aliens."

Chestnut then wink at you, signaling that bodyguard is you. You then transform into Four Arms.

(Y/N) as Four Arms: "Alright people, move along, Chestnut needs some alone time."

The crowd sighed and walk away. You then revert back to human form sit next to Chestnut and she one arm hug you and look into your eyes.

Chestnut: "You know, you could make a good fish monster, they're opening auditions for a new movie coming up."

(Y/N): "Did they made the suit already?"

Chestnut: "Whole needs a suit when you have the real thing."

(Y/N): "Alrighty then."

Chestnut then turn to the others.

Chestnut: "So, what are we talking about?"

(Y/N): "Rainbow is making up movie star names."

Chestnut: "Ooooo, do tell."

Rainbow: "I just made it up! I'm pretty sure people will come up with better ones."

Chestnut: "If that's the case, I would call (Y/N), sweetie pie."

Chestnut then boop you on the nose, which made you blush.

Applejack: "For sweet apples' sake, we only have bit parts in this flick. We're not movie stars."

Rarity: "Yet, darling. Yet."

Chestnut notice that Lyra and Bon Bon is not here.

Chestnut: "Where's Lyra and BonBon?"

Later, somewhere else in the city, the girls are chasing a French man in a purple and yellow suit, and boots that increases his jumping height.

Lyra: "Batroc The Leaper, get back here!"

Batroc: "Hohohoho, you will never capture Batroc the Leaper, madams, all ze leap!"

Batroc then leaps away from the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, then BonBon pull out her gun and shoot taser rounds at the leaping villain. This knocks out the villain and Lyra put Batroc in handcuffs and they highfive each other.

Back to you.

(Y/N): "They're chasing down Batroc the Leaper."

Chestnut: "I thought they don't have a file on him?"

(Y/N): "They don't, but I do."

Twilight: "Sunset, you do know I'm right here right?"

Sci-Twi: "There's more bothering you than just journal pages, isn't there, Sunset?"

Sunset: "Um..."

Pinkie: "C'mon! Share your troubles. It might help soothe your stressed nerves."

While Pinkie was talking, she was grabbing Sunset's cheeks.

Sunset: "Uh, I don't wanna take any of the fun out of our big night..."

Pinkie: "I said spill it, SunShim!"

Sunset: "Okay, okay. It's just that things have been calm around here, magic-wise."

Rarity: "And that's bad how, precisely?"

Sunset: "It's not. It's just that instead of enjoying the fact that things are calm, I'm constantly thinking about things going wrong, even when they aren't."

(Y/N): "Hey, I may look like I'm carefree about everything, but I'm mentally prepared for many things."

Fluttershy: " Ooh, like... like what things?"

Sunset: "I don't know. I shouldn't even be thinking about any of this stuff right now. And neither should any of you."

Then Sunset's book glowed.

Pinkie: "Look! Twilight's writing you back! Hey, everybody, Sunset's getting an Equestritext!"

Sunset then take back the book.

Applejack: "What's it say?"

Sunset: "Princess Twilight wants me to come to... Equestria."

(Y/N): "Probably to replace the old journal and get a new one, I could have one myself if she has a spare.

Sunset: "Can you come with me?"

(Y/N): "Well, I did have some experience with the Negative Zone and the Dark Dimension, I could give it a go."

Later, Juniper was busy looking into the enchanted mirror.

Juniper: "It's like this mirror is the only one around here who gets me."

The boss then clears his throat.

Boss: "Popcorn spill at the condiment counter."

Juniper: "Does this look like someone who cleans popcorn spills?"

Juniper then points the mirror at her boss.

Boss: "No. It looks like someone about to fire somebody."

The boss hands Juniper a broom and dust pan, Juniper then reluctantly hand to the condiment counter.

Juniper: "Ugh! This is the worst. Hey, I know what will perk me up! A little Mirror Me time!"

Juniper then look into her mirror again.

Fans: "Can I please have your autograph?"

Juniper: "That's more like it! I wish this popcorn would just clean itself up so I could just stare at you all day."

The mirror then shoots a blue beam at the popcorn and suck it into limbo.

Boss: "Whuh? Done already? I'm shocked."

Juniper: "You and me both!"

Later, at Canterlot High, Sunset was carrying a handbag while you were behind. She then take a heavy sigh.

Sunset: "Ready?"

(Y/N): "Always."

She pushes into the statue and you follow her just to see a rainbow rift while going in circles. You both yell as you pass through it.

Sunset: "Whoa! Oof!"

You both fall into a pile of books with Sunset on you, you feel that she's smaller. Sunset then look at a blurry image that somewhat resembles Twilight.

Sunset: "Princess Twilight? Is that you?"

The pony that she is talking to has a purple and aqua mane that is similar to Aria.

???(Starlight Glimmer): "Nope! Starlight Glimmer."

Sunset giggled as she get off of you, you were surprise how tiny she was. She tries get up and stand upright, Starlight look at her funny.

Sunset: "Oops. Whoa. Whoa! Phew. Whoa. That feels a little weird after all this time. Starlight Glimmer. You're Twilight's student, right?"

Starlight: "Uh-huh. She wanted me to give you this."

Starlight levitate a journal that is similar the original and hand it to Sunset, it fell on the floor. Sunset struggles to pick it up. Starlight then points at her horn and Sunset picks it up with her magic.

Starlight: "She wanted to give it to you herself, but then she and her friends were called away to solve a friendship problem. That happens a lot around here."

Sunset: "That must be stressful, huh? Never knowing when you might be called on to save the day. Dropping everything at a moment's notice. How does she do it?"

Starlight: "Sorry. She just told me to give you the journal."

Sunset: "Heh-heh. So, are you sure she won't be back anytime soon?"

Starlight: "Pretty sure."

Sunset: "O...kay... I guess I'll be going now."

You then got up and you see yourself still a human.

(Y/N): "Hey, Mana, how do I have fingers?"

Mana: "The Ultimatrix can retain your human form, regardless of dimension or universe."

Sunset and Starlight turn to you with widen eyes.

Starlight: "What in the name of Celestia is that thing?"

(Y/N): "I'm a human, but where I'm from, I'm (Y/N) (L/N), Allstar hero of Canterlot City and leader of the Ultimates."

Skurd: "I'm Skurd, his arsenal and brother."

Mana: "My name is Mana, Artificial Intelligence program of the Ultimatrix, Level 20 Tech DNA Manipulator."

Starlight: "Princess Twilight is gonna love that."

(Y/N): "Yeah, well gotta bounce."

Starlight: "Hey wait."

(Y/N): "Hmm?"

Starlight levitates another journal to you.

(Y/N): "Oh, thanks, well see ya."

Starlight: "Wait!"

(Y/N): "Yeah?"

Starlight: "What's it like back there?"

Sunset: "It's pretty different. And not so different at the same time. It's kinda hard to explain."

(Y/N): "I think you know the answer Starlight, just look at me."

Starlight: "Heh. Guess you kinda have to go there to really get it, huh? I, uh, don't suppose..."

Sunset: "You really think Princess Twilight would be okay with that?"

Starlight: "I don't know for sure that she wouldn't be okay with it."

Sunset: "That's not a particularly compelling argument."

(Y/N): "And besides, she made a clone just to be in two places at once."

Starlight: "She wants me to learn as much as I can about friendship. And I'm not learning a whole lot just hanging out here in her castle."

Sunset: "Well, I haven't ever seen you in that world. So chances are you aren't gonna run into yourself."

(Y/N): "That's true."

Starlight: " something you don't hear everyday."

Sunset: "So, just lay low. Don't draw too much attention to your-"

Starlight: "Pfft, you'll barely even notice I'm there!"

Sunset: "Introducing you to my friends could be a nice distraction."

Starlight: "But you'll also totally notice I'm there, and it will keep your mind off of other things that might be bothering you. So? What do you think? Can I go back with you?!"

Starlight jumps with excitement.

Sunset: "What do you think (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "You know, I did hear stories about a unicorn that can perform spells that are to complicated for Starswirl the Bearded, and we could use the extra help back home."

Sunset: "Then it's settled, you're coming with us."

Starlight: "YAY!"

You, Sunset, and Starlight jump through the portal, when you came out you see Starlight with a snow cap, a black vest, an aqua shirt and a hard pink undershirt, and a watch. She was dizzy on the ground.

Starlight: "What happened?"

Sunset: "It's all pretty weird at first, but try to roll with it."

You then help her up as Sunset improvise when Tennis Match walks by.

Sunset: "Hi!"

Starlight then look at her appearance.

Starlight: "Are these?"

Sunset: "Hands."

Starlight: "And what happened to the rest of my hoo-"

Sunset: "Feet! Those are feet. Remember the whole thing where I said you need to lay low? Now would be a good time to play it cool."

Starlight: "Oh. Right. Heh. Play it cool. Heh-heh."

Starlight then crouch and did what Twilight did with her first time.

(Y/N): "Déjà vu."

You then help to get Starlight back in her standing position.

Starlight: "You did say I'd make a good distraction."

Later, Juniper is testing out her new enchanted mirror, she spilled popcorn on the ground on purpose and see if the mirror would pick up the popcorn.

Juniper: "Mirror, pick up this popcorn! Mirror, I command thee, pick upeth this poppage of corn! Ugh! Why won't this thing work anymore?"

Patron: "Like... we were gonna eat some of that."

Juniper: "Mirror, make these annoying people go away.

The two patrons walk away.

Juniper: "Well, that kinda worked..."

Pinkie: "Juniper Montage?!"

Juniper: "Whoa!"

Applejack: "What in the blazes are you doin' here?"

Pinkie: "Were you invited to the Daring Do premiere? Ooh, that's exciting! No, crazy! No, concerning! No! Just no! No offense."

Juniper: "I wasn't invited to the premiere. My uncle Canter Zoom felt bad for firing me, so he pulled some strings and improve my pay."

Fluttershy: "You work here?"

Juniper: "As little as possible."

Gali: "Yikes, but I like this place."

Mane-iac: "You know, I saw Sunset wearing my outfit back at the studio, she would make a good me, if she had my hair that is."

Flash: "The only way to get Mane-iac's hair, is through CGI."

Mane-iac: "Can CGI do this."

Mane-iac made a topiary of a Phantom Lantern symbol out of her hair.

Frightwig: "Listen, I know when people just hated when they get the boot out of a movie set."

Gaia: "At least you got your job, right?"

Hearing that just made Juniper angrier and stared at the Ultimates with a cold stare.

Rainbow: "Y'know, if you hadn't tried to sabotage the movie, you could be celebrating with us."

Juniper: "Ooh! This should be my night! I would have found a way to be in the film if you all had stayed out of it! I would have been Daring Do! Everyone would've loved me! See?"

Everyone look at it confused.

Aria: "What are we looking at right now?"

Adagio: "I don't know, but as long you have a mirror on hand."

Adagio look at her reflection.

Adagio: "Note to self, get a mud facial."

Juniper: "Can't you see what's right under your noses? Ugh! I wish you'd all just go away and leave me alone!"

Then the mirror sucks ups all of the Ultimates, Lyra, BonBon, Daring Do, and Chestnut in a blue beam. A spark travels from her arm and into her eyes, making them glow green. She then picks up Fluttershy's butterfly barrette and attach it to her shirt.

Juniper: "Hmm. Looks like I may be finally getting the hang of this."

Juniper's reflection appeared and giggled.

???(Hollywood Montage): "Hi, me!"

Later, with you, Sunset, and Starlight. You got some ice cream and Sunset is trying to get a hold of the Ultimates.

Sunset: "Six cell phones, all straight to voicemail."

(Y/N): "And I got nothing on the Ultimates' coms."

Starlight: "I'm sure they're around. What's the worst that could have happened?"

Sunset: "Magic is on the loose here now, and it does not work the same way it does back in Equestria. Any number of terrible things could have happened. And lately, I spend eighty percent of my time thinking about them. My friends are probably fine. I'm overreacting. But maybe not. I can't tell anymore."

(Y/N): "Hey, we faced worst before."

Starlight: "This is the problem you wanted to talk to Princess Twilight about, right? Because you can still talk it over with me if you want."

Sunset then pull out her new journal.

Starlight: "Or you could just journal with Princess Twilight about it. Whatever works."

Sunset: "It's just... I know my friends and I have been given special powers for a reason, and I want to be ready for whatever is gonna be thrown at us. I guess knowing that is making me feel like I could never really relax and let my guard down, so I end up obsessing about it and can't get out of my own head."

Starlight: "Hmm. That is a toughie. Guess my advice would be to just trust things will work themselves out in the end. If you spend too much time worrying about the bad things that might happen, you'll miss out on all the good things that are happening."

Sunset: "Heh. Like how Princess Twilight's student is teaching me a lesson right now."

Starlight: "Yup. Like that."

Sunset: "But, I'm the reason why magic is here."

(Y/N): "Hey, you shouldn't blame yourself for that, we saved the world, get some villains on our side, make CPA worry less on reputation, kept Camp Everfree from being torn to pieces, defeated powerful villains, saved a movie from being canned, I'm pretty sure you did a lot since you got here."

You then kiss Sunset on the forehead. Which made Starlight blush when she sees it.

(Y/N): "No negativity, just smile."

You then lock lips with Sunset, she then pull back with a giggle.

Sunset: "Not in front of Starlight."

Starlight; "I can watch."

You then kiss on Sunset's lips, you start to French kiss Sunset. Starlight's face becomes more red by the second. Then you two break the kiss.

Sunset: "I love you (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Love you to Sunshine."

Sunset giggles.

Sunset: "Come on. Let's go take a look around the theater. I'm sure they're fine."

Rarity: "Uh... Any clue yet where we are or what just happened? Anyone?"

Pinkie: "Pinkie Pie's on the case!"

Pinkie then tilt the 4th wall.

Pinkie: "Nope, no wall over here. Come out, come out, walls, wherever you are! I don't get this place! There's no walls in here anywhere!"

Gali: "That was the 4th wall."

Mane-iac: "You can see them?!?!"

Mane-iac then press her face on the 4th wall and sees the reader.

Mane-iac: "They've been watching us, on screens, EVERYWHERE, we're under control of a powerful deity, our lives, is only entertainment, to EVERYONE!"

Mane-iac then sits down and rock back and forth while laughing like she's deep within madness.

Adagio: "She really needs to see a therapist."

Gaia: "We could use our powers to get out."

Sonata: "That's right, Gali, can you use your Power Cosmic?"

Gali: "Okay then."

Gali tries using her Power Cosmic to get out, but it doesn't work.

Gali: "I ate a full meal."

Everyone tries to use their powers to get out of the mirror, but to no avail.

She Hulk: "Smashing is not working."

Flash: "My ring, it does nothing!"

Timber: "I can't morph in here!"

Kevin: "None of our powers work in here."

Trixie: "Trixie's magic is useless."

Gwen: "We can't get out."

Then a large circle appeared and everyone look at it.

Applejack: "Somehow, some way, that dang Juniper sucked us all inside of that mirror of hers."

Sci-Twi: "Or into some kind of limbo behind it."

Twilight: "Yeah."

Sonata: "What's that thing?"

Sugarcoat: "It's where we got here."

Fluttershy: "I think I might be freaking out a little bit."

Rainbow: "You call that a freakout?"

Fluttershy: "It's sort of a deep-down-inside freakout. Ah!"

Pinkie: "On the upside, there's popcorn in here! Mmm, sticky..."

Gali: "Oh, I want some!"

Lemon: "Save some for me!"

Rarity: "How could this happen on the evening of my very first movie premiere? Of all the nights! Curse you, cruel fate!"

Chestnut: "This is the worst day ever!"

Daring: "Not our number-one problem right now, you two."

Rarity: "Mmm, true. But perhaps we can agree it's in the top five."

Sunny: "Me too."

Applejack: "Is there really no way out of here?"

Then brown pellets came into the mirror and attacks the Ultimates.

Rarity: "Oh, my heavens! What's that?"

Rarity then put up a shield.

Rainbow: "Chocolate-covered almonds?"

Sci-Twi and Twilights use their magic to stop the almonds.

Pinkie: "Dibs!"

Pinkie then starts to eat each one with a Pac-Man face.

Juniper montage has the mirror cleaning up the chocolate almonds, then the three of you walk in. You catch Juniper admiring herself in the mirror. Sunset grabs you and Starlight pull the both of you behind a claw machine.

Sunset: "It's Juniper Montage!"

Starlight: "No! Who's that?"

Sunset: "She's trouble. Huh. That's Fluttershy's barrette. Wait here for me."

(Y/N): "I'm going with you."

Sunset: "No, I don't want you to get hurt."

(Y/N): "I don't want to worry you."

Sunset: "It will be fine, just stay with Starlight."

You then kiss her on the cheek.

(Y/N): "Try getting back in one piece."

Sunset: "I will."

Sunset then walks to the counter.

Starlight: "Are you two together?"

(Y/N): "Pretty much."

Juniper saw Sunset's reflection in the mirror and smiles.

Juniper: "Sunset Shimmer. I was wondering if you'd show up."

Sunset: "I'm, uh, looking for my friends. I don't suppose you've seen them."

Juniper giggles in a mischievous manner, which made Sunset mad.

Sunset: "Where are they?"

Juniper: "I'll never tell."

Sunset: "You don't have to."

Sunset then grab Juniper's arm and look through her memories.

Sunset sees Canter Zoom scolding Juniper.

Canter: "You're lucky I offered to get you this job after the stunt you pulled on my set!"

Juniper: "I just wanted to be Daring Do. I just wanted people to like me."

She then see a memory of what happened to the Ultimates.

Juniper: "Everyone would love me if it weren't for you girls! This is all your fault! Ugh! I wish you'd all just go away and leave me alone!"

Sunset gasps just as Juniper swiped her hand away.

Juniper: "What?"

Sunset: "I know you want people to like you. But trust me, the magic in that mirror is only gonna make things worse for you."

Juniper: "You're just saying that because you want the mirror for yourself."

Sunset: "What I want is my friends back. Please, Juniper. You wished them into that mirror. Maybe there's a way you can wish them out"

Juniper: "Or maybe... I wish you'd join them!"

(Y/N) and Starlight: "Sunset!"

The both of you hide behind the claw machine as Juniper looked around before walking away. You see Starlight scared and you gave her hug, which made her blush. You then come up an idea.

(Y/N): "Starlight, it's time you see the Ultimatrix in action."

You then transform into Echo Echo, as you split into two and revert back to human form.

(Y/N) clone: "I'll try to distract her, while you two get out."

(Y/N) original: "Be on your guard."

Your clone then walk up to the counter to confront Juniper. She then turns to your clone with green eyes and giggles in an evil manner.

Juniper: "Well, look who's here, are you here to admire me?"

(Y/N) clone: "You're not the friendly girl that I met."

Juniper: "You should be my personal admirer."

(Y/N) clone: "Not in a million years."

Juniper: "Well, I wish that you can join your team!"

The blue beam then grab you and puts you into the mirror dimension.

Later, in the mirror, the Ultimates and the civilians see a red comet and a multicolor comet, you and Sunset comes out.

Twilight: "Sunset Shimmer, (Y/N)!"

Sunset: "Oh..."

Pinkie: "Hooray! We're all together again!"

You then stand up, then Chestnut Magnifico hugs you.

Chestnut: "Oh (Y/N), thank goodness you're alright!"

(Y/N) clone: "It's okay Chestnut, I left behind a clone outside."

Chestnut: "Wait, you can clone yourself?"

(Y/N) clone: "Echo Echo can help me make clones."

Chestnut: "Oooo, the things I can do."

Sunset: "Wait, where's the original?"

(Y/N) clone: "With Starlight."

Fluttershy notices the geodes glowing.

Fluttershy: "Um, girls..."

Sunset: "Starlight is safe with the original (Y/N)."

Fluttershy: "Um, girls..."

Rarity: "You mean Twilight's student back in Equestria?"

Pinkie: "How would she know where- Ohhhh!"

Sci-Twi: "You didn't. She isn't...!"

Sunset: "I kinda told her she could come back here with me."

Fluttershy: "Girls..."

Applejack: "You really think Princess Twilight would be okay with that?"

Sunset: "I don't know for sure that she wouldn't be okay with it."

Twilight: "I'm right here and I'm fine with it."

Fluttershy: "Um, so sorry to interrupt, but-"

Rainbow: "Whoa! Check out our geodes!"

Fluttershy sighs.

Fluttershy: "That's what I was trying to say."

The limbo starts to change color.

Twilight: "Something's changed. This wasn't happening before."

Sunset: "Maybe it's because all seven of us are together now."

Applejack: "Is this a good thing or a bad thing?"

Then the geodes shoot a beam of energy at the mirror and a rainbow forms around it.

Rarity: "I'm going with not a good thing!"

Meanwhile, outside of the mirror, the magic from the mirror form around and travel up from Juniper's arm and transform her. She now have a different outfit with green, black and purple colors, green gloves, and a more stylish hairstyle. Also, she's taller than Gali by 3 feet.

???(Hollywood Montage): "Now everyone will recognize me as Hollywood Montage, a real star!"

You and Starlight nod and follows Hollywood out of the theater, then everyone sees Hollywood walking by and they run away.

Starlight: "Okay, first things first. I need to get that mirror away from her."

(Y/N) original: "Easier said and done."

Hollywood notice a kid and his mother and leans in to their level

Hollywood: "Want Mommy to take our picture together?"

The screams and ran off with his mother. You and Starlight chases after Hollywood and hides behind some plants and other stuff while everyone is in fear of Hollywood. She blows a kiss them as they hide.

(Y/N) original: "It's now or never!"

You then transform into Four Arms and jump out of cover.

(Y/N) as Four Arms: "Hey, you scare the public, you get the arms!"

Hollywood then turns to you and was surprised.

Hollywood: "You got out, Impossible?!"

(Y/N) as Four Arms: "Always leave spare, thanks to Echo Echo."

You then charge at her and punch her, she then catch both of your fists with her two hands. You then use your extra fist to punch her in the gut and she let go of your fists. you then transform into Upchuck and ate some plants until your stomach glows, you then fire an energy blast at Hollywood.

(Y/N) as Upchuck: "Better out then in, I always say."

Then Starlight grab Hollywood's mirror and they do a tug of war with it. Due to Hollywood's size, she picks up Starlight and tries to shake her off, then Starlight does a flip and kick her hand, which made the mirror fall to the ground and it crack.

Meanwhile in the mirror, there was an earthquake.

Sunset: "The mirror is breaking!"

Twilight: "Whoa! If Starlight Glimmer doesn't find a way to get us out of here soon, I don't know what's gonna happen!"

Sunset: "Starlight Glimmer, I hope you know what you're doing."

Back outside the mirror. Hollywood tries to get the mirror back from Starlight, but to no avail.

Hollywood: "Give that back!"

Starlight: "No! This mirror is nothing but trouble. You have to realize that."

You then transform into Arctiguana and use your ice breath to freeze Hollywood, but she then break the ice with brute strength and grabs and throws you into an Urban Outfitters store. She then turn back to Starlight.

Hollywood: "What I realize is that you are just like those other girls! I wish you'd join them!"

Starlight: "Eh... Phew! Looks like you can't make that wish unless you're the one holding the mirror! Whoa!"

Starlight then trips on the floor and the mirror breaks more. You then transform into Diamond Head and run to her and create a crystal barrier. Starlight then peek from the back.

Starlight: "I wish Sunset Shimmer and her friends would come back!"

(Y/N) as Diamond Head: "Nothing happened."

Hollywood giggled.

Hollywood: "Looks like you can't use it, either!"

Hollywood grab something and everyone runs away.

Hollywood: "Give it back to me!"

Starlight: "But my friends are trapped in there!"

Then the Dance Magic music video came on and it made angry.

Hollywood: "Your friends stole my one chance at being famous!"

Hollywood then punch the TVs with brute force, you then turn into Wildmutt and jump on her while Starlight hides in a sunglasses booth. Hollywood then throws you into a pet salon. Even though you can't see them, there were two girls in white clothing and have pink and blue skin, hair, and shoes.

???(Aloe Vera and Lotus Bloom): "Welcome to our pet care spa!"

???(Aloe Vera): "My name is Aloe Vera and this is Lotus Bloom."

Lotus: "Well, we don't have anything for this kind of dog."

Then the spa owners look at each other.

Lotus and Aloe: "Challenge accepted

Later in the mirror dimension, everyone is on the brink of death due to the destruction of the mirror.

Rook: "It's was an honor fight by your side my friends."

Kevin: "Feelings mutual."

Gwen: "Ben, if we don't survive, we didn't use get along when we were younger, but I secretly see you more than a dufus cousin, but as a brother."

Ben: "Same with me Gwen."

Later, back outside.

Starlight: "Is fame really what you're after or are you looking for something else?"

Hollywood: "Like what?!"

Starlight: "Like... a friend?"

Hollywood: "Who would want to be my friend?"

Starlight: "I would."

Hollywood: "Why?"

Starlight: "Because I understand you, Juniper. You think getting revenge is going to make you feel better, but it's not! Please, don't make a mistake that you'll end up regretting for the rest of your life."

Hollywood: "I've already made too many mistakes. What I've done is... is... unforgivable."

Starlight: "No, Juniper. I know they'll forgive you. But first, you have to set them free!"

As the mirror breaks, everyone was at the edge of slipping.

Ben: "Kevin, you're more than a friend, you're my brother!"

Kevin: "You're my brother too Ben."

Kevin and Ben hug each other and cry.

Later, back outside, Hollywood take the mirror.

Hollywood: "I... I wish I could make up for my mistakes."

The mirror flashes and everyone is out of the mirror and Hollywood Montage has return to Juniper Montage. Your clone then run up to Starlight and hug her, which made her blush in the most adorable way possible.

(Y/N) clone: "Starlight, you did it!"

The Ultimates and the harem giggles as the other patrons come out of hiding.

Starlight: "So much for laying low."

Sunset: "I think even Princess Twilight would understand."

Twilight: "I'll say."

Ben: "Where's the original (Y/N)."

Rook: "I spotted a Vulpinmancer in the Pet Care Spa run by Aloe Vera and Lotus Bloom."

Everyone turn to the original you as you exit the Pet Care Spa as Wildmutt. The spa owners wave goodbye. You have clean fur, with nail filed claws, and the flea bath got rid of the fleas.

Aloe and Lotus: "Have a nice day now!"

You and the clone transform into Echo Echo and merge together and revert back to human form.

Gwen: "You've been in the pet spa the whole time?"

(Y/N): "Not the whole time."

Everyone then turn to Juniper

Juniper: "I'm so sorry."

Sunset: "It's okay. We've all been there."

Juniper: "Really?"

Starlight: "Manipulated an entire town into giving up their talents so they wouldn't think they were special."

Sci-Twi: "Overpowered by a magic I couldn't control and created a rift between two worlds, almost destroying both of them in the process."

Sunset: "Turned an entire school into my own personal zombie army in hopes of conquering a distant pony world."

Adagio: "Hypnotized an entire school and convinced them to fight against each other in order to be adored."

Gloriosa: "Almost trap a whole camp in effort to save it from becoming a spa, due to financial crisis."

(Y/N): "Yep, those were the days."

Pinkie: "Wow! We are a really forgiving group!"

Later at the school

Starlight: "I'm so sad to leave. I haven't really had the chance to get to know all of you."

Sunset: "Maybe you don't have to leave yet. Dear Sunset, some lessons are better learned in action, and you girls are great teachers. Starlight should stay for a few more days. Enjoy the premiere!

Starlight: "Huh. Think you can focus on the positive?"

Sunset: "Whatever happens is gonna happen. I've just gotta live in the moment, right?"

Starlight: "Right!"

Starlight then playfully punches Sunset and everyone giggles. Juniper then walks up to you with a blushed expression.

Juniper: "Umm, may I kiss you?"

You didn't answer and just pull her in and kiss her on the lips. You then break the kiss.

(Y/N): "You don't have to ask Juni."

Then Chestnut walk up to Juniper.

Chestnut: "Well, I can forgive you after everything you done."

Juniper: "I'm sorry Chestnut, and OW!"

Chestnut pull on one of Juniper's ponytails.

Chestnut: "Now we're even."

(Y/N): "And welcome to the harem."

Next: Chapter 44: Crossworld Ultimates, Assemble!

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