Chapter 44: Crossworld Ultimates, Assemble!

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In a ruined town, there was only 4 people, a man that is a tall, muscular purple humanoid male masked by a black costume with various red X markings and a notable cybernetic arm. Only his right eye is visible underneath his X mask. He aimed and fire at two other people.

???(Strike): "Come out, come out wherever you are. I summoned you two heroes here to destroy you. And just like all the others, I will annihilate you!"

He continues to fire at the other heroes.

???(Strike): "Fine, I'll just summon some other hero to obliterate. Let's see..."

He scrolls through the various heroes, until he sees you.


Name: (Y/N) (L/N)

World: Canterlot City

Age: 19

Power: Ultimatrix, Fighting Skill Mimicry, Potential Inhuman power, Skurd

Persona: Truth, Justice, and the American Way.


???(Strike): "Ah, this one looks like he's got some fight in him. Let's play!"

Then a portal appeared.

Pen: "Now summoning hero."

You fell out of it.

Pen: "Success."

(Y/N): "Something tells me I'm not in Canterlot anymore."

Then the villain landed behind you and you turn to him.

???(Strike): "I am Strike. Howdy, hero -- and toodle loo!"

He aim his pen at you, and you were prepared to fight.

(Y/N): "Now hold on a second, I have a Science test on Magnetism next week."

Strike: "Yeah, I don't care."

He then fire his weapon at you, but then a woman with a orange pair of glasses, a gemstone on each hand, black pants, and purple skin.

(Y/N): "Who are you?"

???(Garnet): "No time for introductions!"

???(Ben Tennyson): "Guys this way, c'mon!"

The girl carry you and follow the 2 kids, one of them has a green and black shirt with a 10 on it, a downgraded Omnitrix, black shoes and brown hair. The other has a red headband, brown hair, blue vest, red wrist bands, blue shorts, and brown hair.

Strike becomes angry and programs his pen to go after you.

Strike: "If these heroes don't want to stay and play, I'll just have to pin them down."

Later, you and the others head to a hiding spot.

(Y/N): "You seem like heroes, but I don't see any of you in my database in my watch."

???(Garnet): "I'm a Crystal Gem. I fight off threats from outer space and protect my planet from anything that would harm it. The name's Garnet."

You then turn to the kids.

(Y/N): "What's your name kids?"

???(Ben Tennyson): "Uh, I'm Ten."

(Y/N): "My apologies."

???(Ben Tennyson): "No, I'm Ben Ten... ...nyson. I travel around the country with my grandpa and cousin Gwen in an RV."

(Y/N): "I know a Ben from where I'm from, and he doesn't have your watch."

Ben 10: "What?!"

???(K.O.): "My name's K.O., I'm a hero in training from a place called Lakewood Plaza Turbo."

(Y/N): "Alright then, my name's (Y/N) (L/N), Allstar hero of Canterlot City, 13 year veteran, and Leader of the Ultimates."

Garnet: "Impressive."

Ben: "Well anyways, Strike is back, and he has new tricks on his sleeves."

Then the pen appeared and is about to attack you.

Pen: "Destroy heroes."

Everyone: "WHOAH!"

Ben 10: "Let's go Four Arms! It's Hero Time!"

Ben 10 transforms into Four Arms.

Ben 10 as Four Arms: "Oh, yeah!"

He then grab a rock and throw it at the pen.

Ben 10 as Four Arms: "Did I fail to mention my Omnitrix, which lets me turn into 10 different super-cool aliens?"

The Pen then shot the Omnitrix on Ben 10's Omnitrix and it disappeared.

Ben 10 as Four Arms: "Not again, I'm stuck like this without it!"

(Y/N): "Let a pro handle this."

You then transform into Upgrade and jump onto it, you copy it's technology so you can use it for the benefit of others. You then jump off the pen and transform back to human form as you land back on the ground, and ran with the others.

Ben 10 as Four Arms: "Yeah, pros."

(Y/N): "You got 10, I got 1000912."

Ben 10's eyes widen from what you said.

Then the pen shoot a lasers, as you dodge it, since you have memorize the attack patterns. Garnet then bounce off the walls and summon her gauntlets and punch the pen, then it starts to spin.

Pen: "Spin attack."

The laser fire cut off building tops and it falls onto Four Arms and K.O.

Ben 10 as Four Arms: "That don't look good."

Four Arms caught the building and it's about to fire on Ben 10 and K.O., Garnet saves them by throwing her visor into the crossfire. The reflected beam hit the pen and knock it out, the visor disappears. You and your new friends ran off.

Garnet: "We need to take shelter, before it recovers and steals anymore of our powers!"

(Y/N): "Your glasses were your power?"

Garnet: "Not quite -- they just gave me the clarity and focus I need to use my future vision -- also, they're prescription."

(Y/N): "And the additional points of cuteness."

Garnet blushes and smiles, Ben 10 then sees an abandoned building and heads to it.

Ben 10 as Four Arms: "In there! New, new, new, new!"

Four Arms then smash through the wall and enter the building.

Ben 10 as Four Arms: "All clear, guys!"

Four Arms turns around and scream as he sees a frightening statue.

K.O.: "Four Arms!"

Ben 10 as Four Arms: "It's hideous!"

You look at the statues of heroes with X's on them

(Y/N): "Who are these people?"

Garnet: "They must be heroes that couldn't escape Strike's...strike. Let's keep moving."

You and the others move along you see more statues.

(Y/N): "If he's able to takedown these heroes, he must be more powerful than I thought, so what's the plan?"

???(Raven): "Do what he isn't expecting, and go to his lair."

(Y/N): "Good plan Garnet."

Garnet: "I didn't say anything, (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "K.O.?"

K.O.: "Nope."

(Y/N): "Ben 10?"

Ben 10 as Four Arms: "Dude, did that honestly sound like my voice to you?"

???(Raven): "I said it!"

You then turn to a girl with a cloak, black and red hair, bejeweled belt, and a black cloak.

(Y/N): "You're X'ed too and yet you still have the power of speech?"

???(Raven): "I got protection spell off just before he X'ed me."

Then Garnet push the wall to break the girl free.

???(Raven): "Thanks Garnet, and you are?"

(Y/N): "(Y/N), and who are you and what is this place?"

???(Raven): "I'm part of a group of superheroes called the Teen Titans. My name's Raven. Uh, excuse me? That's better. Before I got X'ed out, I learned this used to be a great city of heroes, but Strike appeared and stole everyone's powers. He was still hungry, so he started summoning heroes from other dimensions to destroy. If we don't stop him, there'll be no heroes left...anywhere."

(Y/N): "Then we must act fast, will you fight with us?"

Raven: "Well sure but..."

K.O. then hugs Raven.

(Y/N): "Alright, direct us to Strike's lair."

Raven then points to Strike's lair.

Raven: "Over there -- the giant fortress just past the impassable chasm."

(Y/N): "Then we know our objective."

K.O.: "The old team is back together, O.K. Ben! Let's Go! Universe!"

Ben 10 and Raven gave him zeroes, but Garnet gave him a 10 for the score. You and the others laugh as K.O. was about to fall, but Ben 10 saved him from falling.

Ben 10 as Four Arms: "K.O., watch out!"

You look to see the traps in the chasm.

(Y/N): "What powers can you use?"

Raven: "Uh, all of it? Normally I wold wield my dimensional magic to get us home, but Strike stole my powers."

Raven then levitate in the air.

Raven: "I can still levitate but -- Azarath Metrion Zinthos!"

She tried to cast her magic, but to no avail.

Raven: "Nothing."

(Y/N): "Any ideas?"

Raven: "You guys all have flight powers, right?"

You then transform into Gravattack and carry Ben 10, Garnet, and K.O. with your Gravity manipulation as Raven levitate next to you and the others.

Ben 10 as Four Arms: "You know, one of my other forms can fly, actually."

Raven: "Really?! That's so cool! And would be really useful in this situation."

Ben 10 as Four Arms: "It's not my fault I don't have my Omnitrix, okay?"

Garnet: "You both stop bickering and pay attention."

You see the red piranhas coming to you as you flew at immense speeds, as you use gravitational force to crush them.

Raven: "We're almost there! Hold on tight!"

Then a wall of fish is formed and it was blocking your way.

Raven: "Never mind. We're gonna die."

Garnet: "Leave it to me."

Garnet then jump up and increase the size of her gauntlets and punch the wall as you and the others land, and you revert back to human form.

(Y/N): "Nice work Garnet."

Ben 10 as Four Arms: "Yeah, thanks, Garnet."

Raven: "This is it -- Strike's lair. Got to admit, he's got taste."

(Y/N): "Speak of devil."

You then turn to see the pen and it attack.

Pen: "Destroy Heroes."

(Y/N): "Invasive manuvers!"

The pen then cornered you all in one spot.

Ben 10 as Four Arms: "What is it waiting for?"

You and the group heard laughter and Strike appeared.

Strike: "Me."

Ben 10 as Four Arms: "What?!"

Strike: "I programmed ole blasty here to corner you -- not to destroy you."

Ben 10 as Four Arms: "Oh. Phew!"

Strike giggles for a moment.

Strike: "I'm gonna do that myself."

(Y/N): "That's doesn't sound bad at all."

Strike: "And now to start my incredibly long, un-interruptible power-up sequence."

He then begin to power up in a red aura while you and the others were concerned.

(Y/N): "What is he doing?"

Garnet: "He's channeling dark magics for a single, fatal blow."

K.O.: "We got to do something!"

Raven: "Without our powers? Face it, he's got us pinned."

(Y/N): "We maybe down, but not out!"

You then the grab the pen and transform into Upgrade.

(Y/N) as Upgrade: "Well, I noticed all those piranha traps back there were red. So I figured this thing can create as well as destroy. Besides, it does look kind of like a big ole pen."

Raven: "That's an astonishing logical leap (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Now to set this from destroy to create."

You then point the pen at the others and fire it.

Ben 10 as Four Arms: "I'm too young to di--"

The pen fired at ben's chest as the Omnitrix appeared on his chest.

Ben 10 as Four Arms: "My Omnitrix!"

Ben 10 turn back into his human form.

Ben 10: "Ah -- feels good to be a kid again!"

(Y/N) as Upgrade: "The watch of the obsolete."

Ben 10: "Hey!"

(Y/N) as Upgrade: "Fist beams for the kid."

You then give back powers to K.O.

K.O.: "Yay!"

(Y/N) as Upgrade: "Some magic and a pair of shades, for the ladies."

You then gave Raven back her magic and Garnet her visor.

Raven: "Ah, satisfying."

Garnet: "Well, that's our powers restored, but what about yours (Y/N)?"

(Y/N) as Upgrade: "Oh, well, I never actually lost my powers. The only thing I've been missing is my team. But I just realized -- I have a team and brothers and sisters in arms! I've met beautiful girls like you two!"

Raven and Garnet blushed at the compliment and while K.O. and Ben smiled for being called brothers in arms.

(Y/N) As Upgrade: "And as long as we're together, nothing can stop us!"

Ben 10: "ood pep talk, bro!"

Garnet: "Okay then, may the magic of friendship protect us."

Then Strike is at full strength.

Strike: "There -- fully powered and ready to face heroes who are powerless. Now..."

He turn to see you and the others that are gone.

Strike: "Where they go?"

Ben 10: "Hey, jerk!"

Strike: "What?!"

You and the team: "O.K. Ben! Let's Go Universe!"

Strike: "Oh, there you are. Ha! Goody. Now, perish!"

He sent x strikes at you as Garnet use her Future Vision as she punched them away. One of the punches hit Strike. Then Raven use her magic on Strike.

Raven: "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!"

Ben 10: "Got to find the right alien for the job!"

Ben 10 was about to transform, but you stop him.

(Y/N): "Let me try something."

You sync up Ben 10's Omnitrix with your Ultimatrix, and then you both transform into Alien X.

Ben 10 as Alien X: "This is amazing, I've never have this guy before!"

(Y/N) as Alien X: "That's because you didn't unlock him yet, this is Alien X, he controls all of reality, I synced up our watches so we can transform into the same alien either of us choose."

Ben 10 as Alien X: "So uh, how do I use this guy?"

(Y/N) as Alien X: "Well, Alien X has other personalities making decisions that will take until the end of time, but since you're borrowing the same Alien X as mine, you'll be fine, now watch and learn."

You then fly up to Strike, and flick him and it made him launch into a great distance. This surprises Ben 10.

Ben 10 as Alien X: "Whoah, I can do that?"

(Y/N) as Alien X: "Alien X's powers is omnipotence, there are no limitations to this power."

You then make a circle and reverse time flow and make Strike comeback to you. Ben 10 was shocked from seeing time go backwards.

(Y/N) as Alien X: "Now you try."

Ben 10 as Alien X: "Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy!"

Ben 10 then made a hand sized portal as you teleport next to him. When Ben 10 stick his hand in it, a giant portal appeared and grab Strike as Ben 10 pull him out of the hand sized portal. Ben 10 was surprised from that.

Ben 10 as Alien X: "Did I just do that?!"

(Y/N): "Indeed, now let's end this."

You and Ben 10 teleport, you then appeared next to Strike and you pick him up by the foot.

(Y/N) as Alien X: "Enjoy your flight."

You then throw Strike into the clouds as Ben 10 appeared under him and fired a laser at Strike and laugh him into space. Ben 10 then landed on the ground next to you. You both revert back to human form and you deactivate the syncretization.

K.O.: "Wow, Ben 10 and (Y/N)! You were incredible!

(Y/N): "We were incredible."

You then see the pen came to you.

(Y/N): "What about that?"

Raven: "Must be lost without its master's commands."

Garnet: "Then let's give it some of our own. This should reprogram it to make the world as good as new."

K.O.: "Let's make it better than new!"

Garnet reprograms the pen to repair the damage dealt from Strike.

Garnet: "Done."

The pen then heads to the city and rebuild it.

Pen: "Rebuilding."

The pen began to fix the town, restoring it to it's former glory. The fallen heroes then came back to life once more.

Festro: "Whoa, bros, we're back."

Robot Jones: "What happened to me?"

I M Weasel: "I am Weasel!"

Ilana: "Oh, hi!"

You see the town back to the way it was before.

Garnet: "Hmm. That's that settled."

(Y/N): "Now to get home."

Raven: "Leave that to me. Azarath Metrion Zinthos!"

Raven use her magic to create 5 portals, each of them lead to their respected homes.

(Y/N): "Before we go, I like you guys to have these communicators, to stay in touch, earlier as Upgrade I grab the pen and copy it's tech and made some improvements to these coms, now we can talk to each other in other dimensions."

Everyone grab a communicator.

Ben 10: "Well, time to get going. Bye, guys! Gwen's gonna flip again when she hears about this."

(Y/N): "Same thing with the Gwen from my world."

Raven: "See ya, guys. Finally, this chapter crossover is over."

As Raven move closer to her portal, she then notices that it says Teen Titans Go!.

Raven: "Wait a minute! Zinthos!"

Raven then change it to DC Super Hero Girls.

Raven: "Phew. Close call."

Raven then head into the portal.

Garnet: "It's time for us to go home, as well."

K.O. then hug you.

K.O.: "Mmm... (Y/N), am I ever gonna see you again?"

(Y/N): "I don't know, but whatever happens, I'm not gonna forget you, any of you."

You then whistle and use the pen to make a Pow Card.

(Y/N): "Here."

You then hand the card to K.O. looks at the card and it has you on it, and you're a level 1000912. K.O. then burst into tears and hug you again.

K.O.: "(Y/N)!"

You then hug back, K. O. then break the hug and leave and wave goodbye as he heads back to his world. You then turn to Garnet, she blow you a kiss as she head into her portal. You then grab the pen and head into the portal that leads to your world.

Later, on the moon, Strike was getting up and he was injured.

Strike: "Ugh, they'll pay for this!"

???(Thanos): "You must be Strike."

???(Jedah Dohma): "What a little failure you are, such waste of power."

???(Ultron): "All of that power, and yet you haven't achieved your goal."

Strike then turns two three people there was Ultron and a man with blue skin, gold and blue armor, and red eyes.

The second is a man with purple wings, yellow horns, and a purple outfit.

Strike: "Who are you?"

???(Thanos): "I am Thanos, you're new leader."

Strike: "I don't need a leader!"

Strike fire an X strike, but Thanos back hand with no effort. This frighten Strike.

Thanos: "All that power and you cannot defeat 4 children and weak pebbles, you are no god, you're a fool, you had the most powerful weapon with you, and you wear it like it's a trinket and use it like a child."

Strike then turn to Ultron and the other guy.

Strike: "And who's mister manicure and the tin man next to you."

???(Jedah Dohma): "You dare speak such language to Jedah Dohma, the Dark Missiah?!"

Ultron: "And I am no tin man, I am Ultron, ruler of all things technology."

Strike: "I'll join you, but I need my pen."

Thanos: "Hmph, they can keep that worthless puddle of ink, I have something even more powerful than that writing tool."

Strike: "I'm listening."

Next: Chapter 45: Cheer up!

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