Chapter 46: Story of the Fall Formal

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You're at the lounge with the harem and you're tell them about what happened at the Fall Formal before Sunset went demon.

(Y/N): "This is what happened at the Fall Formal, before the demon attack."

Rarity: "Let me tell them the beginning, well, the Formal was amazing, but when get ready for the Formal itself, something bugged me."

Flashback Sequence.

Rarity is putting make up and getting ready for the Fall Formal.

Rarity: "Ooh. Hello, (Y/N)."

Rarity giggles and make a smoochy face in the mirror's reflection and then wink.

Rarity: "Perfect! Now my visage matches my fabulous Fall Formal attire."

Rarity then turn to everyone and giggles.

Rarity: "Okay. Who's next?"

She looks at everyone and see everyone is looking great. Pinkie is chasing what shoes to wear. Fluttershy is admiring a dress. Twilight is checking out her dress. Rainbow Dash is putting on a boot. And Applejack is about to eat an apple.

Rarity: "Aha! Applejack, darling! Come sit here. I shall now transform your drab makeup look into something dance-worthy."

Applejack: "N-no, no! I'm already gussied up just enough, thank you."

Rarity: "Oh, pff. Kch. Ts! It's not called the "Fall Informal" and besides, what would (Y/N)?!"

Applejack groans.

Pinkie: "Yeah! Jazz it up!"

Fluttershy: "Um, some light blush could be nice."

Rainbow: "Come on! Go for it!"

Twilight: "Eh, why not?"

Everyone's thoughts except Applejack: "Just leave (Y/N) to me."

Applejack: "Oh, all right. But nothin' too fancy, ya hear?"

Rarity put powder on Applejack first, then some blush, then some eye liner, she then brush her hair, then put on some lipstick on the apple farmer, then use perfume and hairspray on her. She then get a tea break and then get back to work. When she's finished, Applejack was a different woman.

Rarity: "My goodness! I have simply outdone myself!"

Applejack has fear in her eyes.

Applejack's thoughts: "OH NO, THIS IS A NIGHTMARE!"

Rarity: "Soooo?"

Applejack: "Uh, looks... great. Heh. Uh, maybe just a tad less blush."

Rarity then remove some blush.

Applejack: "And, uh, lipstick."

Rarity then remove some lipstick.

Applejack: "What the hay? A bit of the eyeshadow too while you're at it."

Rarity then remove some eyeshadow.

Applejack: "A little more."

Rarity groan and remove more make up, then Applejack look into the mirror along with Rarity.

Applejack's thoughts: "Now that's a face that (Y/N) would like."

Applejack: "Wow! Ha-ha! You were right, Rarity! You really are great at this! Heh. Thanks."

Rarity: "It was nothing..."

After the flashback.

Rarity: "It was the most traumatic experience in my whole life."

(Y/N): "It's Applejack, what do you expect?"

Rarity then hug you for comforting her PTSD from that day.

Sugarcoat: "I'm not surprised."

Gwen: "Yeah, even I think it's a bit far in make up."

Gali: "It doesn't matter how you look, it's what the inside that counts."

(Y/N): "And I'm guessing you have a blackhole for a stomach Gali."

Gali blushed and twirl her hair.

Chestnut: "Do tell us more."

Photo then raise her hand.

Photo: "Hold it, let me tell you what happened int the formal itself, from my point of view."

Flashback sequence.

Everyone was having a good time at the Fall Formal, and the CMCs are getting their pictures taken, by Photo Finish. When she see the picture, she was not happy with it.

Photo: "Dah! Zere is no style! Just go!"

Photo then throw the picture to the CMCs and then they walk away with sad faces. Then you, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Applejack, Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash are in the line of the camera. Photo blushed from when she sees you, but no see it due to lighting of the party.

Photo's thoughts: "I must make this picture perfect, for him!"

Photo: "Okay, everybody! Say, 'za cheese!'"

Humane 6: "Za cheese!"

(Y/N): "Gouder!"

Photo then take the picture and everyone giggled.

Twilight: "Why did you say that?"

(Y/N): "That's how you say it minus the Boston accent."

Pinkie: "(Y/N), you're so funny, haha!"

Photo Finish was examining the picture and sees it wasn't perfect.

Photo: "No, no, nein!"

The girls gasp.

(Y/N): "What's the problem?"

Photo: "Ze fashion is there, but ze style, it's not!"

Then Rarity got irritated.

Rarity: "I beg your pardon?!"

(Y/N): "Don't blow a gasket Rarity, I'm pretty sure she has a reason."

Photo: "Vee need more silliness!"

(Y/N): "And that must be the reason."

Photo then snaps her fingers and Pixel Pizzaz has assorted costume parts and attires. You and the girls grab them. Pinkie and Twilight had on a crime solving getup, Twilight has a mustache and a bowler's hat while Pinkie has a detective's hat and magnifying glass.

(Y/N): "Can you solve the mystery of the dad Mondays?"

Photo: "Hold it!"

Photo Finish then takes the picture as Rarity comes in with a royal getup, complete with a queen cloak and crown. Pinkie and Twilight bow down.

(Y/N): "Now that's a queen."

Rarity blushed and pose.

Photo: "Zat's it!"

Photo then take the picture.

Photo: "I like it!"

You then step in with a superhero get up, with a cape and mask. The girls blush from your superhero pose.

Photo: "Perfect!"

Photo then takes the picture. Then Applejack and Rainbow were whispering to each other. Rainbow then ran pass Rarity and take her queen cloak while Applejack use her lasso to take Rarity's crown. Photo then takes a picture of what happened. Pinkie and Twilight investigates of what happened to the cloak and crown. Then Photo took a picture and got exhausted for a moment, then Pixel gave Photo some water and throws the bottle.

Photo: "Hydrate!"

Photo then takes a picture a picture of Pinkie and Twilight catching the "purps", while Fluttershy gave Rarity a pair of butterfly wings.

Rarity then put them on, and Photo took a picture of you and girls. Photo Finish was taking pictures of you and the girls without stopping. Rarity turns on a large light and stand inferno of it to let it shine through the wings and you and the girls were admiring it.

(Y/N): "Those wings are pretty on her."

You then notice the wings are getting burned.

(Y/N): "Oh no!"

You then ran in and save Rarity from getting scorched by her wings as Photo Finish takes the pictures. You're all together in the final picture and Photo has gotten exhausted.

Photo: "Enough! Dat... vas... everyt'ink! I cannot top zis vork! I go!"

Photo then throw her camera over her shoulder as Pixel catch it. Then everyone laughed, except for Rarity.

Rarity: "Does this mean I can keep the wings?"

(Y/N): "I think so."

After the flashback.

Gali: "Wow, you really went all out on the pictures Photo."

Photo: "It is what I live for."

Pixel: "We let Rarity kept the wings."

(Y/N): "Hey, why not we talk about the more younger people's story, Applejack, Rainbow?"

Rainbow: "Oh yeah."

Applejack: "Well shoot, how can we forget the our sisters' dancing and their winning trophy."

Crystal: "Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle, are they the ones you call the Cutie Mark Crusaders?"

Applejack: "Eeyup, I remember those dance moves like it was yesterday."

Flashback sequence.

Everyone is dancing and having fun, then the music stop and everyone clapped, until Applejack hears a familiar western tone.

Applejack: "Hey! This is the song I requested!"

Applejack then starts dancing, hoedown style, until she bumped into her little sister Apple Bloom and turn to her.

Applejack: "Care to cut a rug with your big sis, sugarcube?"

Apple Bloom nods and starts dancing with her sister.

Applejack: "Yee-haw!"

Twilight: "Yee-haw! All right, ha!"

(Y/N): "Nice moves Apples!"

Apple Bloom: "Thanks (Y/N), I learned them from my family."

(Y/N): "I can see that."

Then Applejack spot Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo as they applaud.

Rainbow: "Challenge accepted!"

(Y/N): "It's not a competition Rainbow."

Rainbow: "Oh yeah."

Rainbow then turn to Scootaloo and elbow her.

Rainbow: "C'mon, kid! Let's show 'em what we've got!"

The music changed as both Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash start dancing, Hip-hop style, then the music change back to western music, as Applejack and Apple Bloom put in extra steam. This shocked rainbow and makes her more competitive, to a point where she is flying solo, Scootaloo then stands back out of her way.

Rainbow: "Top that, Apples!"

(Y/N): "Rainbow!"

Applejack: "Oh, we'll top it, all right."

Applejack then gotten competitive enough to push her sister aside. Both Western and Hip-hop got mixed together as Rainbow and Applejack continue to dance. The rest of the Humane 6 was watching with disbelief, except for Pinkie who is enjoying the dance fight. Apple Bloom then comes up with an idea and whisper it to Scootaloo. The two then walk up to you and tug on your tuxedo, you then turn to them.

(Y/N): "Yes girls?"

Apple Bloom: "Can you dance with us?"

(Y/N): "I don't see why not."

As Rainbow and Applejack were dancing, Vinyl then change the music from a hybrid between western music and hip-hop, to funky music. The spotlight then shies over you, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. You three start dancing in sync with each other, you three did a spin and then hold hands at the end. everyone cheer for you three and then Pinkie hand a trophy to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo as you get the two on your shoulders and they hold the trophy proudly.

Apple Bloom: "Yeah!"

You and Scootaloo giggled as Twilight turn to Pinkie.

Twilight: "Where'd you get that?"

Pinkie: "Emergency trophy in the event of an epic dance-off."

(Y/N): "Pinkie, you have to be the 8th wonder of the world."

Pinkie blushed and squee. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom giggled and then gasp as they turn to their siblings. Rainbow and Applejack gave them angry glares, until they got impressed.

Rainbow: "I guess that was pretty awesome."

Applejack: "Color me impressed!"

Rainbow: "You two (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Thanks girls."

Rainbow: "But, uh, any chance you guys wanna rematch?"

Applejack then groans and cover her face with her hat.

After the flashback.

Red She Hulk: "That was so adorable!"

She Hulk: "It was the cutest thing ever!"

Ms. Marvel: "I think you would make a great dad (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Well, I prefer big brother Kamala."

Then the red alert sound off.

(Y/N): "Well, duty calls, Ultimates, ASSEMBLE!"

You and the team head out and fight some crime.

Next: Chapter 47: Pet Photo Ops

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