Chapter 47: Pet Photo Ops

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Everyone is at the animal shelter getting their pets ready for the charity photo shoot. You brought your pet, which is a glowing spider named Max.

When you entered the shelter, you everyone else's pets.

(Y/N): "Hey everyone!"

Humane 8: "Hi (Y/N)!"

Fluttershy then notice Max on your shoulder.

Fluttershy: "Awww, you have a pet spider, he's cute."

(Y/N): "His name Max, don't worry, pretty tamed."

Fluttershy: "Aww, well, I'm going give Winona a nice scrub now."

(Y/N): "You do that."

Fluttershy then take Winona to the pet bath. It took 5 mins of bath time.

Fluttershy: "Who's a good girl? Almost done, Winona!"

Fluttershy then wash the soap off of her and dry her with a hair dryer. As Fluttershy put her on the ground and run up to her owner Applejack.

Applejack: "Wow! Winona looks cleaner than a whistle!"

(Y/N): "That fur is so clean you eat off of it."

Fluttershy: "Now she's all ready for the photo shoot."

Sunset: "Uh, photo shoot?"

Fluttershy: "For the charity calendar. We're making it to raise money for the local animal shelter. It's gonna feature all of our pets."

Sunset: "Wow, that's great! I wish I could contribute, but-"

Sunset then turn to Applejack and Winona.

Sunset: "I don't have a pet."

Fluttershy: "Oh! Do you want one?"

Your thoughts: "Man, that is adorable."

Sunset: "No, no. I wouldn't even know what to get."

Later, everyone is at the center and everyone is admiring their pets, Spike is being fancy by wearing a black bowtie, while everyone else is taking care of their while Sunset was admiring them.

Sunset: "Awwwww..."

Fluttershy: "Okay, everypet, get ready for your big close-up."

Sunset: "Awwww... Wait! Got room for one more?"

Pinkie giggled.

Pinkie: "You're not a pet, silly!"

Sunset: "No, I mean, I've changed my mind! Fluttershy, will you help me... choose a pet?"

Fluttershy gasp.

Fluttershy: "I thought you'd never ask!"

Fluttershy then take Sunset's hand take to the other animals with immense speed.

Sunset: "Whoa, there!"

(Y/N): "I'll go with you two, Max, better behave."

As you follow Fluttershy and Sunset, Max then crawl on Tank's shell and rest there. Angel was about to bother Max, but he back away as Max hissed at him.

Later, with you, Sunset, and Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: "Welcome to the animal shelter! Oh, I just know there's gonna be the perfect little pet for you somewhere in here!"

(Y/N): "Let's start with something from the middle and work our way to others."

You all turn to the Guinea Pig pen, one of them has brown and black fur, Fluttershy then pick it up and pet it.

(Y/N): "Why not a guinea pig?"

Fluttershy: "They're just so cuddly. Don't you think, Sunset Shimmer?"

The Guinea Pig squeak as Sunset was interested in the critter.

Sunset: "Eh, not for me. Maybe something a little less... furry?"

You and the girls head to the fish tank and see a beta fish with the same colors as Sunset's.

Fluttershy: "How about a betta fish? No fur at all. And this one's got beautiful fins."

(Y/N): "But, he looks bored."

The beta let out some bubbles as Sunset was not interested in the fish.

Sunset: "Uh, I don't know. It would be cool to be able to hold my pet."

Fluttershy nodded in agreement.

Fluttershy: "Mm-hmm. Ooh, I know just the thing!"

(Y/N): "let me guess, reptiles?"

Fluttershy nodded yes, then you and the girls look into the reptile house see a small lizard with yellow scales and black spots. Sunset sees the little lizard.

Sunset: "Hey there, little guy."

The small reptile then turn to Sunset as she look at with the most adorable face ever.

Sunset: "Well, aren't you just a little ray of sunshine!"

Sunset then turn to Fluttershy.

Sunset: "I'll take him."

You and Fluttershy had tears of joy.

(Y/N): "What are gonna name the reptile?"

Sunset: "Ray."

Later, all the pets are at the photo shoot, but the small lizard was nervous. Everyone giggled from the adorableness of the pets. Ray then turn to the girls.

Fluttershy: "Oh, don't worry. You can scoot in a little, sweetie. They won't bite."

Then Sunset's appear next to Ray as he climb up it. Sunset then bring him to her face.

Sunset: "It's okay, Ray. I'll take care of you, okay. Promise."

Sunset then put her finger down to the floor and Ray enter the shot. Fluttershy then take the photo.

(A/N): "Max is a small spider, so he wandered off somewhere."

You then notice that Max was gone.

(Y/N): "Has anyone seen Max?"

Later, Gloriosa was sitting on a bench eating lunch as Max was climbing up her leg. he then makes for her hand and then bite her.

Gloriosa: "OW!"

Max then jumps off of Gloriosa and crawl back into the shelter and back to you.

Next: Chapter 48: Scientific Bad Monday

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