Chapter 67: The Diamond Mother

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You and the team are in a wormhole and the Humane 7, Enid, and Carol are out of the dome, you then notice they've gotten used to traveling through a wormhole.

(Y/N) as Gravattack: "Hey girls, you really warming up to this falling through a wormhole thing."

Spider-Man: "There's less screaming in terror the time."

Sunset: "Yeah, at first, we were all,'Ah, we're in a worm hole, we're freaking out!'"

Rainbow: "Then after awhile you're all like"*Yawn*"This is a long wormhole."

(Y/N) as Gravattack: "Hey, I wonder what the Flutterbat is up to now."

Meanwhile, in Earth-TRN577, Flutterbat is with the daywalker versions of the Humane 7, The Dazzlings, and Trixie. They're hanging from the ceiling of a dark cave.

(A/N): "Instead of Twilight Sparkling, I'll name her Twiwing Sparkling."

Flutterbat: "Nosfu-Rarity, RainbowBite, Drinkie Pie, Appledrac, Twiwing Sparkling, BloodSun Shimmer, Tricky Lulamoon, Blooddagio Dazzle, HemoAria Blaze, NightSonata Dusk, I'm here to tell you I know a boy that isn't from here."

BloodSun: "Really, tell us!"

Flutterbat: "His name is (Y/N) (L/N), he's from Cantorlot City and he helped us out with defeating the Lizard King."

RainbowBite: "What about his neck, what do you think about his neck?"

Flutterbat blushed from that question.

Flutterbat: "It's nice and delicious, and I want my first drop of blood to be from (Y/N)."

Nosfu-Rarity: "This (Y/N) sounds like a heroic fellow darling."

Blooddagio: "We've seen him in action."

Flutterbat: "I didn't see you anywhere in the city."

HemoAria: "You didn't see us cause I was hiding, anyway, we've seen his neck and it looks delicious."

Tricky: "The Great and Dark Tricky, must taste his blood, his tasty, exotic blood."

NightSonata: "I want a gallon of his blood."

Twiwing: "Wait everyone, he might pass out from blood loss if we drink too much of his blood."

Drinkie: "How about we take turns?"

Flutterbat: "That's a great idea Drinkie."

They all made plans of what they'll do when they go on a date with you.

Later, back to you, Spider-Man is explaining to the reader of what is happening.

Spider-Man: "So, what are we doing here, it all started when the mystical gem called the Siege Perilous was shattered scattering all the pieces across various dimensions, now those pieces are coming back together and drawing the different universes with them on a collision course, and that's bad, like end of all reality bad, so we're racing through different alternate dimensions to gather the shards and save the universes, and to make things worst: there's some creep named Wolf Spider out there trying to gather the fragments too, I don't know why, but I'm not looking to find out."

Pinkie: "And we made new friends along the way, like Enid and Carol."

Both Pinkie and Spider-Man stop breaking the fourth wall as you and the team head into the next universe, the noir universe. You, the Humane 7, Carol and Enid, and the Spider-Gang make a landing on a rooftop.

Spider-Man: "Hey, we've been here before."

You then revert back to human form.

(Y/N): "Earth-90214, home of Spider-Man Noir and Rarity's cup of tea."

Rarity then put on her detective outfit on again.

Carol: "This place is so amazing!"

Enid: "What's the deal with the colors?"

Sp//dr: "Think of it as an old movie, the Spider-Man and (Y/N) here are friends."

Carol: "I hope so."

Enid: "Yeah, this places seems kinda dangerous, like for example."

You see a car chase going on and they're firing guns that are ahead of they're time. The car then crass into a lamp post and the other car stop and came out a guy with an extremely flat head and a mob boss outfit

???(Hammerhead): "Light-'em up boys!"

Random Goon: "You got it Hammerhead!"

The gun men start shooting at the other car, then you and the team knockdown the gun men and turn to Hammerhead.

Spider-Man: "Let me guess, you didn't signal?"

(Y/N): "I heard about road rage, but this is out of hand!"

Hammerhead: "Spider, that you, with sidekicks?"

Gloriosa: "Excuse me?"

Sp//dr: "Sidekick!"

Then Hammerhead fire his weapon at you and the team and you all dodge the bullets.

Sp//dr: "I'll give you a sidekick!"

Sp//dr then knock Hammerhead on top of his goons, you then turn to the people they were attacking. They look like Red Hulk and A-bomb minus the gamma effects of the Hulk.

Spider-Man: "Hey, you two look kinda familiar, but totally different."

???(Thunderbolt): "We look different says the guy in the tights."

The people then open the back hood of their car.

???(Thunderbolt): "Allow us to introduce ourselves, names Thunderbolt kids, and this here is Jonesy."

???(A-Bombardier): "How many times am do I gonna tell ya, call me the A-BOMBARDIER, hahaha!"

Thunderbolt: "Shut up!"

They got out weapons and they're gonna fight you and Hammerhead's goons

(Y/N): "Now hold on a second we came here to stop this fight."

Gloriosa: "Put those weapons away."

Then someone smashed through a wall and knock over their car. He looks like the Hulk, but with gangster attire.

???(Mr. Fixit): "Nobody tells Mr. Fixit's gang what to do!"

Rainbow: "Hulk too?!"

Spider-Man: "What is this, the Gangsters of S.M.A.S.H.?!"

You then turn to Carol and Enid.

(Y/N): "For the record, we never seen a Hulk here, and he's never been a gangster before."

Spider-Man: "So, we might be in trouble."

Rarity(narrating): "We have an assortment of troubles: reality about to go into pieces, a Wolf Spider on the loose, and a gang war between Hammerhead and this world's version of the Hulk, things aren't looking good."

Hammerhead: "You and your gang are through freak, this territory belongs to Hammerhead now!"

Mr. Fixit: "Yeah, your goons are no match for us flathead, beat it or you all will get plugged for good!"

Hammerhead: "Nots to that, let him taste your heaters boys!"

The gun men start shooting as you and the team take cover. Mr. Fixit then charges in as Hammerhead did the same, Hammerhead block Mr. Fixit's punch with his flathead, which caused a shockwave.

Mr. Fixit: "Hammerhead, time for you to take a nap, a dirt nap."

Hammerhead then move Fixit's hand and head butted him, which launched him back to his gang. You then hear another car coming in and stop in between the fight. The car doors open and revealed two familiar people, one of them looks like Rarity and the other has Sci-Twi in a detective's outfit.

???(Mystery Sparkle): "Enough, this neighborhood is filled with innocent people."

The Rarity lookalike then turn you and put on a flirtatious look.

???(Shadow Spade): "Including that handsome hunk."

You then turn to Rarity.

(Y/N): "Man, Noir Rarity is more of a flirt than you."

Then they start firing at each other again.

(Y/N): "And no one cares."

Then web cables appeared and pull you, the team, and the two girls. You all ended up on a rooftop and then Spider-Man Noir appeared, along with your Noir counterpart.

Spider-Man Noir: "You're welcome."

Spider-Man Noir turn to you and your team.

Spider-Man Noir: "You, we know."

He then turn to Carol and Enid.

Spider-Man Noir: "You, not so much."

(Y/N): "That's because you haven't met them."

Carol: "Allow us to introduce ourselves, my name is Carol Ferris AKA Star Sapphire of the Violet Lantern Corps."

Enid: "And I'm Enid, mystical ninja of Turbo Lake Plaza."

(Y/N) Noir: "Well, nice to meet ya all."

Then Rarity's noir counterpart walk to you and start flirting with you.

???(Shadow Spade): "Hello handsome, my name is Shadow Spade."

You and the group look over the rooftop and see the fight.

Mystery: "We have someone that looks like your spider friends, his name is Miles."

(Y/N): "Where?"

Shadow: "In the trunk of our car darling."

Spider-Man then turn to Spider-Man Noir.

Spider-Man: "Thanks for the help Spider, now let's stop that battle and save Miles."

Spider-Man Noir then put a arm in front of Spider-Man.

Spider-Man Noir: "Stop it, you flip your wig, they're doing us a favor."

Spider-Man: "Say what?"

(Y/N) Noir: "Fixit, Hammerhead, and their gang are just crooks bleeding this town dry, if they finish each other off, they'll do our jobs for us."

Spider-Man: "Okay Mr. Negatives, that's pretty bleak."

(Y/N): "And that's not what heroes do."

Carol: "He's gotta point (Y/N), we're here for the shard."

You then turn to Carol.

(Y/N): "You're suppose to be on my side."

Spider-Man Noir: "The kid's smart, the war between these two been raging for weeks, throwing this whole town into chaos, I'd say we let them end each other once and for all."

(Y/N): "I won't stand around while they try to destroy the city."

You then transform into Jet ray and fly down, but Spider-Man Noir stop you by pulling you with his web cables.

Spider-Man Noir: "You're not going anywhere pal!"

(Y/N) as Jet Ray: "Don't do this!"

Spider-Man Noir then push Carol aside.

Spider-Man Noir: "Step aside."

Rainbow: "Uhh, bad guys are down there!"

Back to Fixit and Hammerhead. Mr. Fixit and Hammerhead are brawling against each other, until Mr. Fixit launched Hammerhead to a wall. Then a Noir version of Martin Lee appeared and hand Hammerhead a new weapon.

Martin: "I made the modifications boss."

Martin then open the case as Hammerhead grab it.

Martin: "But I think that gem we found could be useful than this."

Hammerhead: "Give me that, I pay you to make weapons Marty, leave the thinking to me."

Meanwhile you where fighting off Spider-Man Noir as your team watch.

Shadow: "Such a great fighter."

Enid: "We're on the same side!"

Then Gloriosa then feels that she unlocked a new power, it works like the Spider-Sense, but it can detect Spider-People and find them even if they're hiding.

Gloriosa then follow her new senses and found Mile in a hood of car all tied up.

Miles: "About time someone gets me out!"

Gloriosa: "Let's go Miles!"

Then Sp//dr's shard glows.

Sp//dr: "The other shard, it's close by!"

Back to Fixit and Hammerhead. Hammerhead points his new weapon at Mr. Fixit.

Hammerhead: "Check out my new convention."

Hammerhead then fire weapon at Mr. Fixit as Gloriosa and Miles clear area before the car exploded.

Martin: "What a pathetic waste of great power."

Miles then turn to Gloriosa.

Miles: "How were you able to find me?"

Gloriosa: "I think I unlocked a new power, whenever theres a Spider-Man nearby, my Spider-Sense allows me to track them, like a bloodhound."

Miles: "Huh, what are you gonna call this power?"

Gloriosa: "How about Scarlet Sense?"

Miles: "Sounds awesome!"

Back to you and the others.

Sp//dr: "Guys, the shard that we're looking for is in Hammerhead's gun!"

You and the group turn to Hammerhead as he continues to use the weapon on Mr. Fixit.

Spider-Man Noir: "There's more at stake now than just a gang war!"

(Y/N) Noir: "That weapon is formidable!"

Spider-Man: "You have no idea, that shard powering that thing is whats crashing all of our universes together."

Spider-Man Noir: "I don't know about your parallel universe mumbo jumbo, but I know that my city is in danger!"

(Y/N) Noir: "And that makes us a team now!"

(Y/N) As Jet Ray: "Jeez, finally we agree on something."

You then spot Gloriosa and Miles down below.

(Y/N) As Jet Ray: "Then what are we waiting for, let's give them a helping hand?"

You and the team head down to the streets as the Spider-Gang web up both gangs.

(Y/N) As Jet Ray: "Hello."

Mr. Fixit: "5 bugmen and bunch of kids, the Spider has a gang now too, this town has gone bunkers."

Then Hammerhead got up and fire his weapon at Mr. Fixit and at you, but you and the team dodged it.

Spider-Man: "Hey chrome dome, over here!"

Then Miles shot a web cable at the weapon then smash it to bits, then the shard landed somewhere near Martin Lee.

Hammerhead: "You rotten spiders, I'll pulverize ya!"

Then Mr. Fixit then grab Hammerhead. from behind.

Mr. Fixit: "Time for Fixit to fix you for good."

Gloriosa then shot a web cable at Hammerhead and pull him away from Mr. Fixit

Gloriosa: "Sorry Mr. Fixit, we're not doing that!"

(Y/N) As Jet Ray: "Sp//dr, where's the shard?"

Martin: "Now I'll show you all of it's power!"

Martin Lee then slam his hand onto the shard and transform into Mr. Negative. Hammerhead then turn to Mr. Negative.

Hammerhead: "Good job, now give me that gem Marty."

Mr. Negative then grab Hammerhead by his head.

???(Mr. Negative Noir): "Martin Lee is no more Hammerhead!"

Martin Lee us his new power to turn Hammerhead into stone.

???(Mr. Negative Noir): "Theres a new boss in town!"

You all regroup and turn to Mr. Negative Noir.

Enid: "Did thing get this crazy since the last time you were here?"

(Y/N): "Nope."

Spider-Man: "Definitely not!"

Rainbow: "Now have a Mr. Negative Noir now!"

???(Mr. Negative Noir): "Mr. Negative, I like it."

Mr. Fixit then pull the webs off of his gang.

Mr. Fixit: "You'll be Mr. Nothing when we're done with ya, get him boys!"

Thunderbolt and A-Bombardier then walk up to Mr. Negative Noir as he fire a Darkforce beam at them ad turn them into stone.

Mr. Fixit: "No!"

The Spider-Gang then shoot web cables at Mr. Negative as Mr. Fixit run to his gang.

Mr. Fixit: "Boys, talk to me!"

Mr. Negative then pull the webs away and shoot a dark beam at you and your team, but you all dodged. Miles then shoot a web cable at Mr. Negative's hand.

Miles: "Missed me!"

Mr. Negative then swing Miles into Mr. Fixit.

Miles: "That made up for it."

Gloriosa then wrap up Mr. Negative in spider webs as you and the rest of the team head somewhere safe.

(Y/N) Noir: "Gentlemen, time to take a powder!"

Mr. Fixit: "No way you dumb mug, I gotta save my guys!"

Sunset: "I know Fixit, but we don't know what we're up against."

(Y/N): "You won't be able to save your gang if your a pigeon magnet yourself."

Mr. Fixit: "Fine, but this ain't over, we're coming back for them as soon as we can, Fixit doesn't abandon his own."

Back to Mr. Negative.

Mr. Negative: "Do any of you have a problem with me being the new boss."

The gang nodded in no.

Later, at the River's Edge Motel in Spider-Man Noir's apartment.

(Y/N): "Like what you done with place."

Spider-Man Noir: "I haven't done anything with the place."

(Y/N): "Exactly."

You then sit on the couch as Shadow Spade sits next to you and place her head on your chest, along with Mystery.

Gloriosa: "Last time we met, I thought you were heading somewhere brighter."

Spider-Man Noir: "Things change."

Then Mr. Fixit breaks the doorway by accident on his way into the apartment.

Mr. Fixit: "Too bad about your door, but the bugs right, this place is a dump."

Spider-Man Noir: "You're lucky that (Y/N) saved you Fixit, if were up to me, I let Mr. Negative turn you into a statue, one less monster in this town."

Carol: "Yeah (Y/N), why you working with him, like he says this gangster is nothing much more than a monster."

Miles:"Yeah, what she said."

Mr. Fixit: "Who you two calling a monster?"

(Y/N): "Hey, play nice, I saved your grey rear, besides, I know you're not a monster."

Shadow's thoughts: "Oh my, he does see the good in people."

Spider-Man then grab a picture of MJ Noir from the wall.

Spider-Man: "Hey, ask Mary Jane, she'll agree."

Sp//dr: "Yeah, she sees the best in people."

Spider-Man Noir: "Not anymore, she's gone."

(Y/N): "What do you mean?"

Spider-Man Noir: "Ask you friend, he did it!"

Fixit then grab the picture.

Mr. Fixit: "I don't know what you talking about, hey I remember her, that Bugle reporter, that wasn't on me pal!"

Spider-Man Noir then take the picture and put it in his pocket.

Spider-Man Noir: "Can it!"

Mr. Fixit: "You wouldn't believe me anyways, you just think I'm a monster, and that ain't gonna change."

(Y/N): "No way, things can change for the better."

Gloriosa: "What we need right now is some positivity."

Mystery: "She's right."

Later, Mr. Negative is on top of a skyscraper with a search light.

Mr. Negative: "You had your chance New York, now you belong to Mr. Negative!"

Him and his gang hear the cops.

Demon: "Mr. N, the coppers, what do we do?"

Mr. Negative then point the light at the cops and place the Siege Perilous shard on it.

Mr. Negative: "Time to light up this town!"

He then fires a beam that turn the cops into stone. Then Wolf Spider appeared.

Wolf Spider: "A powerful weapon."

Mr Negative then turn to Wolf Spider.

Mr. Negative: "There used to be one spider, then today two more showed up, now you, this is getting too crowded!"

Wolf Spider: "I'm not with them and if you join me, I'll grant you unimaginable power, just give me the shard."

Mr. Negative: "This little sparkly gives me all the power I need, but I really want is less spiders!"

Mr. Negative then shoots a darkforce beam at Wolf Spider, but then Wolf Spider dodged it and fall from the skyscraper.

Wolf Spider: "Short sided fool, there are other shards to find!"

Then a portal appeared and Wolf Spider fall into it.

back to you.

Mr. Fixit: "I don't get it, Martin Lee is always chump change, how did that cut ice turn him into a somebody."

Sp//dr: "That cut ice isn't form this world, it's part of a crystal called the Siege Perilous, like this one."

Sp//dr then show Mr. Fixit the shard of the Siege Perilous that she has.

(Y/N): "I'm guessing the shard is acting like a quantum photonic lens, absorbing light and color."

Sci-Twi and Mystery: "And turning it into Dark energy that feeds Negative."

Then Sci-Twi and Mystery turn to each other.

Sci-Twi and Mystery: "Jinx!"

Mr. Fixit: "Yeah, that cleared it all up eggheads."

Rainbow: "Hah, eggheads!"

(Y/N): "He means Martin is using that shard in his hand like an energy sponge."

Mr. Fixit: "Told ya you let me smash it when we had the chance."

Spider-Man Noir: "For once, I agree with you, and if destroyed you in the process, we be rid of two monsters, him and you."

Mr. Fixit then starts fighting Spider-Man Noir and smash the whole apartment. You all stand clear front he smashing.

Mr. Fixit: "I told you not to call me that!"

(Y/N): "Well, there goes the security deposit!"

Mr. Fixit then grab the couch and tries to hit the Spider-Gang with it. Everyone except Sp//dr got onto the pull down bed as Mr. Fixit puts it up the bed on the Spiders. Spider-Man then talk in a muffled voice.

Spider-Man: "Huh, this bed is sort of convenient, save a lot of space, comfortable."

(Y/N): "Get me out of this, I'm getting claustrophobic."

Pinkie: "What does that mean?"

Miles: "Maybe he's afraid of Santa Claus?"

Pinkie: "Ho ho!"

Miles: "Pinkie, you're scaring him stop it!"

Pinkie: "Ho ho!"

(Y/N): "It's not working."

Pinkie: "Dang it."

Mr. Fixit then punches the bed.

(Y/N): "Or not."

Spider-Man Noir then break out of the bed and throw Mr. Fixit to into the bathroom.

(Y/N): "Stop, you're all smuggling the wrong guy!"

Mr. Fixit then grab Spider-Man Noir and push him into a wall.

Mr. Fixit: "This is a long time coming."

Mr. Fixit then throw Spider-Man Noir into the shower as he turn on the water.

Mr. Fixit: "You're all wet, bugman, you're going down the drain."

Spider-Man Noir then knock Mr. Fixit onto a toilet and make him fall down 40 floors.

Spider-Man Noir: "That's just aces."

(Y/N): "The insurance company is gonna love this."

Mr. Fixit then pull Spider-Man Noir down with him.

Carol: "I sure hope Noir put an end to Fixit."

(Y/N): "That'll get us nowhere, we should be working with Fixit."

Enid: "Why, he's a goon!?"

(Y/N): "He's more than that!

Sunset: "Hammerhead didn't care about what happens to his people."

(Y/N): "But Fixit refuse to leave his friends unless we go back with them."

Rainbow: "That kind of loyalty, that sounds like our world's Hulk."

(Y/N): "I know theres good in him, so why are good guys fighting good guys?"

Miles: "Just seems how things are done in this world."

Spider-Man: "That's the problem."

Mr. Fixit then launch Spider-Man Noir onto the rooftop as he jump his way to the rooftop. Then one of the demons see the fight from the skyscraper and turn to Mr. Negative.

Demon: "Boss over here!"

Mr Negative then turn to the spot where the demon sees the spot. Spider-Man Noir and Mr. Fixit are about to fight again until Spider-Man stands in between them. You and the team got up on the rooftop.

Spider-Man: "Standing in the middle of you two is getting real old."

Mr. Fixit: "Then stay out of the way!"

(Y/N): "Carol, show them why you're a violet lantern."

Carol makes safes for both Spider-Man Noir and Mr. Fixit.

Miles: "(Y/N) is right, I'll put this in a way that you two can understand."

Miles then clears his throat and talk in a noir accent.

Miles: "Heres the story see, what are weather crumbs are vibrant are not, you're on the same side of the bread see, only way was aces Mr. Negative is Gove ourselves together see."

Everyone is just confused from what Miles said.

Rarity(narrating): "I don't know what's worst, Mr.Negative or Miles' poorly done Noir accent."

Shadow(narrating): "I think it's both."

Miles: "See (Y/N), we just gotta talk like them and they'll listen."

Then a beam fire as Mr. Fixit reacted to it.

Mr. Fixit: "Get clear!"

The beam hit Miles and Sp//dr.

Sp//dr and Miles: "No!"

They then turn into stone.

(Y/N): "Miles, Peni, No!"

Mr. Negative spot the shard falling out of Sp//dr.

Mr. Negative: "You can't hide from me!"

Mr. Negative then starts firing the beam at your team as you all maneuver away from it, you are about to turn into statues, but Mr. Fixit save you all.

Mr. Fixit: "Scram you kids!"

(Y/N): "Thanks Fixit!"

You then grab the shard and head somewhere safe.

Demon: "Two down, and 3 spiders to go, eh boss."

Mr. Negative: "Demons, go find them!"

Later, back to you.

Spider-Man: "You couldn't stop fighting!"

(Y/N): "Now we lost Miles and Peni!"

Mr. Fixit: "Maybe now you know how I felt, losing Thunderbolt and A-Bombardier."

Spider-Man Noir: "There he goes, pretending to care about anyone but himself, why should I trust him?"

(Y/N): "In my universe, Fixit is a hero called the Hulk."

Gloriosa: "He's like him but greener."

(Y/N) Noir: "What's green?"

(Y/N): "The point is the Hulk is bravest heroes we've ever known."

Spider-Man: "People treat him like a monster, but he sacrificed time again to help others."

Mr. Fixit: "That's not me."

(Y/N): "It could be."

Gloriosa: "Either way, the only way to beat Mr. Negative is together."

Spider-Man Noir: "I told you, I'll never forget for what happened to MJ."

Sci-Twi: "He said that wasn't his fault."

Spider-Man: "I'm suppose to believe that."

(Y/N) Noir: "Even I don't don't believe it."

Rainbow: "He saved us."

Mr. Fixit: "The truth is, I tried to save her too. Hammerhead set the building to fall on top of me, I tried to warn everyone to get out, but that Watson girl, she was more than a reporter, she ran in to get people to safety, saved a lot of lives that day, I held the place long as I could, but in the end, I tried my best, but it wasn't good enough, what your lady friend did, the bravest thing I've ever seen."

(Y/N): "She's more than a reporter, she's a hero."

Spider-Man Noir: "I never knew, I'm, I'm sorry."

Mr. Fixit: "For what?"

Spider-Man Noir: "If I been a better guy, I wouldn't been so quick to misjudge you, get (Y/N)'s pals hurt in the process."

Spider-Man: "Together, for MJ."

Mr. Fixit: "What's the plan?"

(Y/N): "Can't take the fight to him."

Sunset: "Guess we have him come to us."

Later, back to Mr. Negative.

Spider-Man: "Hey, Martin Lee, Marty!"

Mr. Negative then turn the searchlight to the Bugle blimp.

Mr. Negative: "Who dares?!"

Spider-Man: "Marty, oh Marty, Spider-Man where is that searchlight, no thanks."

Mr. Negative then fire the beam and turn the blimp into stone, but the blimp then destroy the searchlight.

Mr. Negative: "Fine, we can do this up close and personal, show yourself cowards!"

Then all the lights in the city went out and then 3 searchlight turn on. Mr Negative then grab a pair of binoculars and look into them and see Gloriosa waving hi.

Back to you.

Mr. Fixit: "I still don't get this plan."

(Y/N): "It's simple."

Sunset: "The only way to stop Mr. Negative is to get the shard of the Siege Perilous back from him."

Sci-Twi: "To get him to do that."

Sci-Twi and Mystery: "Is to get him to use up all of his power he absorb, JINX!"

Spider-Man Noir: "What if he gets his hands on your shard and absorbs us in the process?"

Pinkie: "Why do you have to be so negative, how about great idea guys."

Mr. Fixit: "Probably cause it ain't a great idea."

Spider-Man Noir and your Noir counterpart laughed.

(Y/N): "Seriously, that's what makes you laugh?"

Gloriosa then spot Mr. Negative's gang. They then make they're way into the theater.

Mr. Negative: "Punch my ticket boys, now little spiders, lets start the show!"

The lights make a shadow of Spider-Man hold thing the shard of the Siege Perilous.

Spider-Man: "Great, don't forget the coming attractions!"

Mr. Negative then shoot Spider-Man, but he instead hit the shadow.

Spider-Man Noir: "Whoah Negative, you're jumping shadows."

Mr. Negative then spot Spider-Man Noir swinging by and shoot him, but he missed.

(Y/N): "Third times the charm sunshine!"

Mr. Negative: "Smoke and mirrors, face me like men!"

Mr.Negative then shoot you but instead, it was a shadow. The demons went behind the curtains and see nothing. You and Pinkie are on the ceiling.

(Y/N): "Pinkie, you're on!"

Pinkie: "Okie doki loki!"

Pinkie then attack the demon down below and knock him out.


Pinkie then disappear as the curtains pull away.

Gloriosa: "It's curtains for that guy!"

The other demon fire his weapon, but then a trap door open and an enraged Fluttershy grab the other demon and beat him up. The trapdoor closes and Mr. Negative tries firing his beams, but to no avail. Then a spotlight turn on with Sunset's shadow.

Sunset: "Running out of gas, Mr. Negative?"

Then another spotlight turn on and Mr. Negatiev hears Sci-Twi's voice.

Sci-Twi: "Overhere Negastein!"

Mr. Negative thought it was Sci-Twi but it was a demon, the demon then turn to stone.

Rainbow: "Boy, hope the Henchmen Union doesn't hear about that!"

Mr. Negative: "Come out and fight me you cowards!"

Mr. Fixit: "My thought exactly!"

Mr. Negative then see Mr. Fixit holding a mirror in front of himself. Mr. Negative then fires at the mirror. Mr. Negative then destroys the mirror and knockdown Mr. Fixit.

Mr. Negative: "And now, I fix you!"

Mr. Negative fires a beam at Mr. Fixit, but instead he hit Spider-Man Noir. Mr. Fixit yes that Spider-Man Noir sacrificed himself to save him.

Mr. Fixit: "Can't believe it!"

Gloriosa: "Let's make his sacrifice worth it!"

Gloriosa then jump down fight Mr. Negative. She then try to grab the shard, but Mr. Negative then grab Gloriosa's arm instead.

Mr. Negative: "And now, to restore my power!"

Mr. Negative was about to turn Gloriosa into stone, but Mr. Fixit grab the hand where the shard should be, before it was too late.

Mr. Fixit: "Not so fast!"

Mr. Negative: "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"

Mr. Fixit: "Yep!"

Mr. Fixit then grab the shard and punch the ground, which creates a shockwave that brought back everyone from their stone prison and brought color to their world. Then Miles and Peni head to you as you were talking to the team.

Spider-Man: "Guess we turn this negative into a positive, yep said it!"

Everyone groan from the joke.

(Y/N): "Worst joke ever!"

Then everyone in the Noir verse is now seeing color for the first time.

Spider-Man Noir: "Whoah!"

(Y/N) Noir: "Everything's change!"

Mr. Fixit: "Hey, what gives?"

(Y/N): "You're not monster anymore."

Gloriosa: "You're a hero."

Mr. Fixit then push the spiders aside and pickup the shard.

Mr. Fixit: "this kind of power doesn't suit this city, not yet anyway, it's better you take it, I owe one pal."

Mr. Fixit then give the shard to you.

Spider-Man Noir: "I have a feeling that won't be the last time, partners?"

Mr. Fixit: "Bugman, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

Mr. Fixit and Spider-Man Noir shake hands as you here a car coming in and the doors open to reveal Sp//dr and Miles.

Miles: "We're here, we're here!"

Sp//dr: "So looks like we missed a lot."

Then you see noir versions of the rest of the Humane 7 as well as Celestia and Luna. They're all in gangster outfits

Spider-Man Noir: "Well look who's here."

Spider-Man: "Who are they?"

Mr. Fixit: "The most powerful gangsters in town: Sunstreet Shimmer, Fluttersnake, Rainprism Dash, Applebolt, and Surprise."

Spider-Man Noir: "With their bosses: Sunbeam and Satellite, the Eclipsisters."

Spider-Man: "Oooooh, Eclipsisters, I get it."

Sunbeam: "So you're the ones that caused this splash of color, I'd say I'm impressed boys."

Satellite: "Especially you."

Satellite was pointing at you.

(Y/N): "All in the days work."

Sp//dr: "Can someone explain to us what happened here?"

(Y/N): "So are they like you Fixit?"

Mr. Fixit: "Yep."

Spider-Man: "Okay then."

(Y/N): "Miles, Sp//dr, you can read all about it in the funny pages."

Sp//dr: "Which means?"

Spider-Man: "We got another piece of the Siege Perilous, one that Wolf Spider won't be getting."

The two shards merge together and create a portal. You Then transform into Gravattack and Skurd create a dome for the Humane 7 and Enid.

(Y/N) as Gravattack: "Fade to black!"

You and the team went into the portal and it closes.

Later, the Eclipsisters and the Gangsters of S.M.A.S.H. are talking about you at their hideout.

Satellite: "That boy is a fine young gentleman."

Mr. Fixit: "He's a great guy, I'd say he's an honorary member of my gang."

Sunstreet: "Guess so."

Sunbeam: "To (Y/N) and his gang!"

Everyone: "To (Y/N) and his gang!"

They all clink glasses as the butler that look like Filthy Rich come in.

Sunbeam: "Ah, Billy Rich, can you get us the desert please?"

Billy: "Yes ma'am."

Billy Rich follows the command as Thunderbolt ask a question.

Thunderbolt: "That butler of yours suppose to be the richest guy in the city, what happened to him?"

Sunbeam: "He couldn't pay a debt, so we hired him to be our butler."

Thunderbolt: "Sounds reasonable."

Later, after everyone is in bed, Sunbeam and Satellite are dreaming about you. Which is having you as their husband and the Godfather of their New York.

Next: Chapter 68: War of the Worlds

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